MIRA Safety CM-6M Gas Mask / Best CBRN Gas Mask?

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how's it going guys welcome back to the pilot Patriot Channel all right hold on one second all right now as you can see today we're going to be reviewing a gas mask this is the mirror safety CM 6 M gas mask and this is far from one of those old surplus gas masks that you see at the flea market this thing is going to give you full CBRN protection that's chemical radiological biological and nuclear this is probably one of the best gas masks on the market that you can get and there are a lot of reasons why I chose this one to review but before we get into talking about the gas masks itself if you haven't subscribed to the channel make sure you hit that subscribe button down below please give us a thumbs up we'd really appreciate that now let's get right into it now I know there's a stigma around people that on gas masks you picture the guys from Doomsday Preppers and things like that but if you ask me it really is a must-have item if you're into preparedness I like to try to be prepared for almost anything and having a good gas mask is definitely going to be part of that list so first let's talk about the design of this thing now as you can see there's a big difference between this and those old Israeli gas masks that you always see one thing I love about it is that it's fairly low profile as far as gas masks go so it's not going to interfere with your movement and things like that especially when you're shooting and we will do some shooting in this mask a little bit later and one of the main things I love about it is the large field of view as you can see this face shield pretty much is as wide as your whole face it's going to give you a 180 degree field of view it's also made from an impact resistant polycarbonate material that's really going to resist breaking and scratching and things like that so you don't have to worry about compromising the integrity of the mask another really nice feature that you only see on the high-end gas masks is the drinking tube so it does have an integrated drinking system and then you can see it has this little tab here on the bottom so what that's going to do on the inside there it's going to rotate that drinking tube in front of your mouth so you can drink from whatever you need to drink from because one thing you definitely don't want to do you're in a situation where you have to wear a gas mask you don't want to have to take it off to take a drink or anything like that so that drinking tube really comes in handy something else there's usually an add-on item but it actually comes with this mask is the canteen that works along with this drinking system it's also compatible with Camelback and other water bladders so that's really nice really convenient and you can see on the back here that it has this really nice five-point head harness with tons of adjustment so you make sure it's nice and secure to your head now going to show you how to put this on there's several different ways to do this but I'll show you how I do it and how to make sure you have a nice secure fit so what I like to do is just kind of get both hands in here and put that mask over like that to make sure then you're getting a really nice tight seal you also are going to want to go ahead and take a hold of those straps and pull them back to make sure you have a nice secure tight fit to your face and now what you should be able to do is to cover up these ports right here and breathe in and it should just suck to your face there shouldn't be any air escaping so if you just cover those up you can see that it really just sucks to the face that lets you know that it's got a nice tight seal is that no unwanted air is getting in from the edges here other thing I want to note while I'm thinking about it is that mirror safety does have gas mask options for children and infants as well if that's something you're concerned with if you have small children in your family and something else that you might have noticed is how clearly you can hear me while I had the gas mask on obviously you're not hearing me as clear as you are right now but this mask has a built-in speech diaphragm that's going to make it a lot easier to hear you so you can communicate with other people while you're wearing the mask that's something that with a lot of other gas masks you don't get when as soon as you put that mask on nobody can understand anything you're saying so that built-in speech type friend is another really nice feature you know another thing about the construction of this mask is that it is made with a bromine butyl rubber this is going to be very resistant to all those chemical compounds that you're going to be concerned about when you're wearing a gas mask it's also what gives you that really nice tight seal one other concern that you may have with a gas mask is worrying about it fogging up that's not something you have to worry about with the mirror as you can see on the inside here it's got this full rubber piece here that's going to cover your nose and your mouth and make sure that all the air that you're inhaling and exhaling is coming down out of these ports and not going up and fogging that mask so you're gonna have a nice clear field of view no matter what now talking about the filter ports it does have two ports on both sides here so you have the option of running your filter on one side or the other or you could possibly run it with two filters if you wanted to that's going to allow you to keep the mask on longer without having to change filters and things like that if you are wearing two two would also allow you to breathe a little bit easier because you're pulling in air from two different areas if you are only going to be using one canister it does have this plastic cap hit that you're going to put on to seal whatever side you're not wearing your canister own something that you may want to be thinking about is if you're gonna be shooting you want to make sure that you put the canister on the opposite side so it's not going to interfere with your shoulder and your rifle now this will accept all standard NATO 40 millimeter canisters but something that mirror safety has done this just revolutionary is they've come out with their own filter here it is going to give you full CBRN NBC protection but what's different about this canister most of them that you find are gonna have a 5 to 7 year shelf life this canister buy mirror safety has a 20 year shelf life so just like all preparedness items you want to be able to set them and forget them until you need them and not have to worry about going in and changing them out so stock up on these mirror safety CBRN filters and these things are gonna last you pretty much a lifetime as long as you keep them sealed up and store them in a cool dry place now this gas mask is used by militaries and law enforcement all across the world so you know it's a good product you know something I do want to point out is that it doesn't have the certifications to be used by the United States military but that's not something I'm really concerned about and it does meet the en 1:36 1998 class three requirements and all that really means is that it is a good product it is going to do what it says it's going to do and you get all that for a very affordable price a gas mask of this quality with these kind of features is usually going to run you upwards of three hundred dollars or more this one you're going to be to get Forfar under that and I will link to as many of these things as I can in the description below now let's really test this thing out we're gonna set off some smoke grenades we're gonna get out here on the range and do a little rifle shooting with this mask on so you can see how that works so stick around alright guys and I hope you like this video I hope it helped you out if you're in the market for a good gas mask you cannot go wrong with the mirror safety and don't forget guys if you haven't subscribed yet make sure you hit that subscribe button down below and if you want to help support the channel you can do that by joining us over on patreon and Facebook you can also visit Pilate Patriot apparel calm thanks for watching guys like share and subscribe and stay prepared
Channel: PilotPatriot
Views: 57,600
Rating: 4.7975831 out of 5
Keywords: gas mask, isreali gas mask, CBRN, NBC, resp, respirator, SGE gas mask, MSA gas mask, North gas mask, Survivair gas mask, 3M gas mask, SHTF, prepping, prepper, preparedness, doomsday, wrol, end of the
Id: 9LuRGvcFF78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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