Minister Tré Stewart - God Cares

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if you love God give God a hand clap of praise right there while you're standing we want to call your attention to the book of first Peter chapter number 5 and verse number 7 first Peter chapter number five and verse number seven we give our glory on them praises to God but we know that it is in him that we live we move and we have our being and if you don't mind real quick could you help me celebrate God for I passed our Bishop in his absence come on y'all celebrate him yeah we thank God for Bishop who can be with us this morning but he sends his best regards amen promise I'm not gonna be before you very long I usually preach no less than 10 minutes and longer than about 18 to 20 so you can bear with me for about the next 14 minutes and I say 29 seconds I promise you I'm not gonna be before you very long without that talking I know you found first Peter chapter 5 and verse number 7 it is there that you will find these following words recorded casting all your care upon him for he cares for you that's enough you may be seated in the presence of our God and may he continue to smile upon the readers the hearers as well as the doers of his word and once again God will come before you in this moment we just say thank you pray ask now Holy Spirit that you would take control of that miss fear make it conducive for the word to go forth uninterrupted and unhindered by any demonic or satanic force now God make preaching easy and Jesus name we pray that every hearts a man I want to talk just for a few moments this morning about God cares look at your neighbor and say neighbor God cares look at your other neighbor and say neighbor God cares this what we want to talk about just for a few moments this morning God cares my brothers and my sisters ladies and gentlemen boys and girls people and children of all ages I want to start off by saying that life in some respects is like a roller coaster you understand that a roller coaster is filled with ups and downs twists and turns slow climbs and fast drops and gentlemen you understand one second you can be right side up the very next minute you can find yourself being turned upside down you understand my brothers in my sisters that you could be easing forward one second and then in the very next second you can feel yourself being snatched backwards not only that but I've come to realize that a roller coaster can be filled with emotions a roller coaster can make you laugh but it can also make you cry it can make you smile but it can also make you frown a roller coaster can make you scream but it can also keep you silent it can bring you joy but a roller coaster can also give you sorrow a roller coaster can fill you with satisfaction but it can also cause you to have regrets and brothers and sisters I've learned that a roller coaster can be fun but it can also be boring a roller coaster can be exciting but it can also be dull and just like the roller coaster so is this journey we call life because you do understand that life is filled with ups and downs because you could be living it up today like you're on top of the world and tomorrow your whole life could come plummeting down you do understand that just like a roller coaster life is filled with twists and turns because at one point in your life you knew the direction in which your life was heading in and now a few years later you don't know in which direction your life is going and that's because life has a way of twisting you and turning you until you find yourself asking the question what am I supposed to do now is there anybody in here this morning that can agree with me that you found yourself asking the question Lord what am I supposed to do now and somebody in here this morning can testify that as you journey through life just like the roller coaster you'll find yourself wrestling with different emotions because somebody in here knows that in life sometimes you'll be happy and sometimes you will be sad sometimes in life you'll smile but other times your frown sometimes you'll laugh and other times you're crying times you'll feel satisfied and other times you'll be gripped with regrets my brothers and my sisters I humbly submit to you this morning that life in some respects is just like a roller coaster so I want to encourage you to understand that no matter where you are and what you have experienced are experiencing or will ever experience I want you to know that God has God heals and God would always care for you and see what you have to understand is that God is riding with you as a matter of fact God is like the seatbelt that is keeping you locked in and strapped in and so even though you're being twisted and turned on every side he's right there holding you and keeping you from all hurt harm and danger whether you know it or not God is protecting you and he's covering you and he's doing it all because he cares for you such a neighbor and say neighbor God cares for you then they move and like they were stuck gonna find somebody else and smile at him say neighbor God cares for you so no matter what life throws at you no matter what comes your way God is going to be right there with you because he promised never to leave you nor forsake you and you have to understand that God is gonna ride with you no matter what because once you're in God's hands you have to understand that there is nothing that can pluck you out and even though life is filled with Swift transitions somewhere along the line you have to learn how to hold on to God's unchanging hands and I don't know about you but I'm glad that God won't let me go and I've decided not to let God go because we made an agreement that we're in this thing together and so if God be for you and if God is with you it really don't matter what may come up against you it really don't matter who may come up against you because God is gonna be right there to protect and cover you and he does this all because he cares look at somebody say neighbor God cares so Peter tells us and I text this morning that we should cast all of our cares upon the Lord and whether you know it or not God wants the good things about you but then God also wants the bad things about you God wants you to give him all of your problems all of your struggles all of your pains all of your hurts all of your addictions all of your sickness all of your mess all of your stress all of your drama and every bit of your confusion God wants you to give him all of it and not just that but God wants all of you he don't want just some of you not part of you not half of you not most of you but God wants all of you God doesn't want just the saved version of you that you present every Sunday morning that didn't better know that he won't God does not want you after you try to fix yourself up God doesn't want you after you try to stop drinking and smoking God doesn't want you after you try to stop sleeping with any and everybody God wants you just the way you are have I got a witness here look at your neighbor and say neighbor he wants all of you the bad the ugly and the nasty God wants every part of you because he cares for you you gotta remember the Bible teaches us to trust in the Lord it's all about heart to lean not to our own understanding but in all of our ways and you understand all of our ways that means our good ways our bad ways i Strait ways our crooked ways I clean ways our dirty ways even I low down and mean ways even I stuck up and sadiddy' way even I jacked up twisted up and messed up ways in every way God wants you to acknowledge him so he can direct yo Pam so you gotta learn how to stop trippin because God wants you to give him all of you and he wants you to cast all of your cares on him as a matter of fact the hem knowledge just put it like this the hem that says what a friend we have in Jesus all of our sins and griefs to bear him this is what a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer touch your neighbor and say neighbor give it all to God but watch this now we often forfeit of wedding needless pain we bear all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer and see ladies and gentlemen when you learned that God cares for you and that God is concerned about you and that God wants to communicate with you it helps you to understand why prayer is so important because when you pray you can tell God about your problems when you pray you can tell God about your struggles when you pray you can tell God about what's really going on in your life when you pray you can allow God to talk back to you and God will confirm to you that you will make it through and I don't know who this is for but God just wants me to let you know that you will make it through if you don't mind could you elbow the person next to you and say neighbor stop tripping because you will make it through and so I also believe that we should carry everything to God when we pray and see there comes a time in your life when you have to stop talking about it and start praying about it stop posting everything and just start praying about everything stop crying about it and stop worrying about it and stop stressing about it stop cussing and fussing about it and just learn how to simply pray about it because the Bible teaches us to pray without ceasing in other words that simply means whatever you do don't stop praying even if things are popping off in your life don't stop praying you facing hell on your job but don't stop praying you're dealing with confusing at home but don't stop praying you might be caught up in some foolishness at school but don't stop praying folks have been acting funny with you but don't stop praying yo kids may be caught up in some mess but don't stop praying your boos still tripping on you I know it hurts but don't stop praying you keep getting hit with bills every time you turn around a bill hit you upside the head but don't stop praying touch your neighbor and say neighbor whatever you do don't stop praying we must know that sometimes you feel like your prayers are not working I know that sometimes it's easier to just give up and quit but I wanna encourage you don't quit but just learn how to keep on praying yeah everybody say push come on say it like you mean it push pray until something happens - neighbors say maybe you got to learn how to push you've got to learn how to pray until something happened but consumer rather than later you will begin to see your prayers being answered you will begin to see God turning things around for you you will begin to see God working things out for your good you will begin to see God making things look better for you and it's all because you kept on praying the Bible says that God knows what you are in before you so in other words you cannot you can't treat God like you got it all together because God already knows that your life is a wreck so you might as well just keep it real with God because God already knows he knows and he understands that even though you've made some mistakes God does not look at you as a mistake God knows that even though you've done some bad things God knows that you are not a bad person he understands that even though you've messed up time and time again God does not count you as a mess of God looks and he sees the best in you when other people want to highlight the worst parts about you get your neighbor and say name but God sees the best in you so you might as well just keep it real with him because he knows you better than you know yourself look at your neighbor and say neighbor but just keep it real [Music] because prayer still works and prayer will change things I tell you real quickly what prepping dude 24 years of my life I've come to understand and realize that and I've learned that prayer can turn a pimp into a preacher I've learned that prayer can turn a drug dealer into a deacon a crackhead into a cardiologist a prostitute into a president a thug into a teacher a gang member into a gospel singer and they can turn the sinner into a saint but not only that but I found out that prayer can make the blind man see it can make the deaf man here it can make the line man walk it can make the dumb man talker and it can make the dead man little and the sick man wail ladies and gentlemen I want you to know that prayer can change things so I'm telling you it does not matter who you are does not matter where you are or where you are in your life right now prayer is so powerful that it can transform your life and turn your life all the way around I've got a witness here so could you do me one favor touch your neighbor and say neighbor prayer it still works come on that was the wrong neighbor find you one moan aber and say neighbor Preston Preston works so did my brothers and my sisters as I get ready to leave you now I just want to remind you that yes God cares for you and yes God cares about you and no matter what you're going through just remember that God cares for you I gotta get ready to close him now huh it's been fun but I gotta run the clock on the wall says that's all see you later alligator after a while crocodile I gotta go on to my seat now huh but I can remember as a little bitty boy singing a song that went like this I love you I love you I Love You Lord today because you cared for me it's such a special way and that's why I praise you huh I lift you up for her and I magnify your name that's why my heart is filled with praise can I tell you that I know he cares because when I was down he lifted me when I was empty he filled me when I didn't have any money he provided for me huh when I was in danger he protected me when I was sick he healed me when I was lonely he covered me huh when I wanted to quit her God would not let me have him and when I was weak he made me stronger and he did it because he cares for me and I know that if he did it for me he can do it to you just like he cares for me huh I know that God cares to you if you don't mind her if you don't mind her high-five your neighborhood and say neighbor God care sir God cares for you huh I gotta go on to my seat now huh but I know he cares because one Friday evening of her only he'll call Kaveri Behar game high and they stretched him wide and he dropped his head and for you and me she died she dad y'all know he died but thanks be to God Betty didn't stay dead because come on y'all y'all y'all nobody be one Sunday morning heavy she got up with all y'all know he got the power look at your neighbor and say neighbor God's got all power he's got all power well what kind of power does God have he's got your power honey he's got love power he's got peace power he can bring your life and transform your power he can take your life and turn it around look at your neighborhood and say neighborhood God has whatever you need kind of power if you believe it and you ain't the same let your neighbors know honey say neighbor ha ha I'm not ashamed to acknowledge the fact that God cares for me have I got one witness I'm done now huh but grab your neighborhood by the hand hold their hand squeeze that hand but don't hurt that hand look at him and say neighbor be not dismayed huh whatever batard is you God will God will God will huh what really do it take care [Applause] if you know he will let me hear you say yes sure here you say yes say yes say yes say yeah God will take care of you everyone standing God will take care of you my brothers and my sisters
Channel: Restoration Baptist Church MGM
Views: 714
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, Restoration, Restoration Baptist Church, Restoration Church, Minister Clarence E Stewart, Clarence Stewart, Tre Stewart, Bishop Stewart, Church, RBC_164
Id: 2WMCi4A0O8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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