MINING VISIBLE GOLD from the Vein in Australia!

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[Music] hey everyone and welcome back to another video today I'm near Bendigo Victoria Australia and I got a really good tip for a spot to find some awesome gold I hope you guys enjoy the video all right you guys see all this this oxidized iron stone all over in there there's even little arches and everything where the old timers have been digging in and everything well from what I understand thanks to mr. Tony famo make sure you go check him out a family 9 he gave me this information he told me where to go and this is this video is possible because of him basically I'm gonna use my Equinox 800 and just detect around see if I could find any little nuggets any little pieces of gold um if we can't find anything I'm gonna get it up into that oxidized iron stone I'm going to chisel some out we're gonna take it back and we're gonna classify it out there's no water around here there might be a little puddle or something if I can find some that would be great and then we can pan it out and get a couple buckets but let me show you guys the equipment that I brought so today I'm bringing the equinox 800 I'm gonna be using it in gold prospecting mode one or two I have the little 6-inch coil for it I also brought my pin pointer my last digging night I brought my Arbor fabricating classifier it's a quarter inch I don't know how much use its gonna get because we don't have any water I didn't know that there was no water up here I also got my Garrett super sluice signed by Chris from bogus prospecting and pioneer poly yesterday unfortunately I'm probably gonna have to go ahead and pan over that but that's okay I'm sure I'll meet those guys again and if you haven't checked those guys out link in the description to their show as well we had a lot of fun yesterday I'm meeting up with both of you guys three different countries all in one place playing around in a dredge poly almost cut his toe off anyway let's go ahead and start detecting around this oxidized iron stone and see if we could get any signals all right I got a signal over here hey check this out and the gold prospecting mode one right up here on the side where is it I do have a signal right up in here alright pretty deep I'm gonna have to dig for this one [Music] this stuff is actually pretty soft but there's something in here giving off a nice signal I'm gonna keep all that okay so I'm here right at the pretty much the vein right here look at this let's go ahead and dig this out everything that falls down we're going to try to keep it like this whole area is just screaming with signals can't detect anything with the pinpointer so we're just gonna set the bucket down here we're gonna scrape everything off and we'll take a look at it in a bucket okay so I'm still getting a really loud iron signal from in here see how it's like real soft and buttery see that I can see a lot of iron and stuff in there as well there may be gold so we're actually gonna go ahead and save that this is pretty much all of it there then it dug out but I'm still getting a signal here and then when I run the detector over this stuff I'm getting a signal the same signal as well so whatever's in here is also in there we're gonna continue going because there's so much here to look at I think I'm gonna take the detector over here to this darker red area and just check these walls and there's some real deep areas here as well we'll just check around with the metal detector because remember the old timers didn't have metal detectors like this and this is just the equinox 800 there's detectors that are way better specifically for finding gold but the equinox 800 it doesn't a gold prospecting mode and I have the small six-inch coil so it should be good enough to find bigger nuggets so let's keep looking alright so there's a spot that we were digging there's a signal there and then over here there's another signal I want to dig it's shown that it's not very deep either they're pretty much for that little hole is right there that's what we're gonna dig next no signals with the pinpointer it's probably iron but there may be gold nuggets mixed with it I'm just gonna beat this up with a pic for a while it's pretty much this whole area right here is just full of signals I just want to dig down in here until I don't get any more signals or at least when I have some signals on the ground where I've been dumping this stuff let's just keep chopping at it all right well we did a little bit of chiseling there how we dug out a lot of that we're still getting a signal however what I got in the bucket is also giving the same signal I think it's a lot of iron in there but you can see the different veins here right down there is a little cave it's actually pretty deep we're gonna go take a look at it I got my detector and my pickaxe so if we take a look inside you can see it's been heavily mined but I guarantee there's more gold in there let's take the detector in there and see if we can get any signals on the walls in there oh yeah look at that Wow well we've got a lot of spiders a couple flies in here but why I look at the wall look how mineralized that is they taste it all the way back into there it looks like they stopped right about there but all that stuff right there is ridiculous even if we don't get any signals with the detector I'm gonna take some of this stuff home in the bucket and we'll pan it out once we get back to the air B&B but hey the courts all up in there let's see how that courts that heavy heavily oxidized quartz and everything Wow yeah I'm gonna go ahead and swing the detector around a little bit see if we get any signals with it okay so we got a couple signals there's one pretty solid signal like right in there there's another signal like right about there and there's a couple more but I'm gonna go ahead and start digging some of these out with the pickaxe what am I still anyone some kind of big piece of metal down here yeah I'm gonna start digging at it with the pickaxe and we'll throw in the bucket and see how we do so it says right here we gotta dig in put it in a bucket I grab the pinpoint and see if he'll pick up anything nothing hit point it doesn't recognize anything there let's keep digging right here I want there to show you guys what I'm grabbin all this real heavily mineralized stuff I'm keeping that got a spiderweb hangin yeah we're gonna take all this stuff we'll pan this out as well that's probably really good I could be mistaken I think I can actually see little pieces of gold and everything right in the quartz little tiny pieces all right my flashlight just died so that sucks all right well I'm sweating a little bit got my workout for the day that's for sure this is what that stuff looks like in the light here just really heavily mineralized quartz iron and hopefully some gold in there I think we got to crush this stuff up before we try to pan it down though a lot of this stuff is just real soft so maybe on the way home we'll look for a little stream or something that way we can pan the stuff down while we're in nature but either way that was a lot of fun whether we find gold or not I don't care that was awesome so if you guys are wondering when you watch this video I've long been gone from Australia I'm probably either in Pennsylvania or Colorado when you're watching this the reason I'm saying is because I know a lot of people in the comments are gonna be like hey you're in Australia why don't you come over I'm already gone man at least it isn't really really hot out today today's the first overcast day we've had definitely nice to have a break from that heat it's super hot yesterday when I was with Chris and Paul yesterday it was like 44 Celsius which is like a hundred and ten degrees Fahrenheit it was just ridiculous crazy hot all right let's say goodbye to this place we'll grab the bag we'll get out of here all right check that up all right let's get out of here so I found a little stream here water is actually very hard to find it's so dry here in Victoria Australia I haven't been able to find very much water at all in order to pan this stuff out let's take a closer look at it before we start panning it you can see this stuff is awesome I'm not gonna be able to bust all this stuff up right now however I am gonna classify it down to quarter inch with my arbor fabricating classifier here and we're gonna hold on to these bigger crazy you're looking chunks you know pretty much all of them are like that but I'm gonna hold onto a couple of them probably take them back to Colorado with me and we'll smash them up when we get there and that'll be a separate video but at least this way we'll go ahead and classify this dump down they'll pan it out and we'll be able to see if there's any gold in it I'm pretty sure there's gonna be that's that is amazing material [Music] it's like red coffee or something it's all kinds of clay in here [Music] [Applause] I'm gonna hold on to this stuff [Applause] [Music] [Music] no way oh wow I'm not even down to the end yet and I'm getting full a call over the place whoa all right um I don't even have a sniper bottle with me I'm gonna go ahead and get all this stuff up to one corner dump the rest out and then just process all of it in one shot and I'll show you guys the pan when it's done holy cow whoa-ho yeah that's all huh sue that's awesome all right something starting to go down I'm gonna go ahead and process the rest of this stuff all right I'm down to the end here I'm not even get a look at it just gonna go ahead and process the rest of it the end of it [Applause] [Music] all right we're down at the end here I'm gonna go ahead and bring the camera over and spin it I gotta jump across the creek again and the horse flies are crazy out here alright let's go ahead and spin this around and we'll see what we got here together I am really excited because that first just in that first time I classified I saw a couple flakes and that was just a small amount getting around to the end here no way whoa no way look up here is that I hope that's in focus this is all gold up here I got to get my other lens all this is gold these are chunky pieces - look at this there are the rough little pieces of gold it makes a sound when I drop it these are little pickers dude that is an awesome spot that is the best spot I've ever prospected period and that's only one small bucket over there I cannot believe it that is I'm gonna go ahead and clean this up a little better I'm gonna take it back to the Airbnb we'll get the different lens and we'll look at the stuff up close cuz this is like these are little pieces of reef gold all wiry and rough little pieces chunky pieces and that's not even counting this stuff here like I'm gonna take some of these back with me look at this they're just these big disgusting chunky this is like the real deal gold ore right there okay it's all quartz lovely grab a handful of these and take them with me all right I guess that's good I got a handful I'll take those back to Colorado all right I'm gonna do the best I can with this other lens and the lack of lighting all right okay we're back at the Airbnb as you can see the light is just terrible as far as for filming so I brought the gold inside I got it a little bit cleaned up and I am just super surprised at the amount of gold that was in there I would say there's probably close to 0.1 grams in there out of one little bucket but now you got to remember guys that's coming directly out of like an untouched quartz oxidized quartz vein right in the middle of the Australian Goldfields here so I hope you guys enjoyed this video I had a lot of fun doing it this video was actually kind of a spur-of-the-moment thing and famou 59 came through and put me on the right spot so thanks a lot Tony I appreciate it make sure you go check out his youtube channel right here let him know I sent you if you guys enjoyed the video make sure you hit the thumbs up button if you haven't subscribed it you know what to do until I got for today thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: KleshGuitars
Views: 603,256
Rating: 4.7328606 out of 5
Keywords: klesh, guitars, kleshguitars, gold, prospecting, gold prospecting, gold mining, australia gold, quartz, gold vein, gold vein mining, visible gold in ore, gold specimen, klesh guitars, finding gold in australia, panning for gold in australia, golden triangle australia, bendigo australia, victoria gold fields, victoria gold, victoria australia gold, equinox 800 gold, minelab, metal detecting for gold, famo59, finding gold with metal detector, gold quartz vein, reef gold
Id: -K6kJ19_Ey8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2019
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