Mining The First Gold From Our New Gold Mine

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hey guys my name is Jason with Mount Baker Mining  and metals and this is some really rich gold ore   that I just went up and got from our new gold  mine and in a couple weeks the snow is going to   be melted out of the hills so I can get up and do  some mining I'm gonna go drilling blasting mucking   and I'm going to try and show you the whole  process from getting the rock out of the mountain   to getting a gold button at the end so stay tuned  for those videos but on today's video we're going   to crush this up we're going to pan it out smelt  it down and see how much gold is in this stuff   and for those of you who are interested stay  tuned to the very end of the video I'm gonna   have some stuff from this video for sale on eBay  so you can check out our eBay store and for those   of you who are new to the channel or may want to  review I'm going to put the video of where I got   this or right after this introduction for those  of you who have already seen it or want to skip   ahead I'll put a time stamp right up here in the  corner but here is the area I would like to work this is the section that's very rich and my plan is let me get set up here and  then I'll tell you what my plan is this section of the vein is really rich it  acid is between two and three ounces a ton   and if you notice when we're down below the vein  was dipping about 30 to 40 degrees up and the   rest of the stove if you could see anything up  in the stove it was dipping up 25 degrees this   section of the vein is flat so it's a flat lying  vein right in here and a lot of times what you'll   have let's see if I can do this with my hands is  you'll have the veins oriented like this with my   arm up and arm down and there's a flat spot and  it's a it's a a bend in the vein and as that   fault opens up or moves I'm going to exaggerate  this but it opens like this and you get a really   rich pocket in that Twist of the vein or where  the vein changes directions and all the goodies   from this vein system can work their way right  down into that pocket and solidify and I think   that's one of the reasons why this is such a rich  section of the vein so this is where I really want   to exploit this section and it just so happens  that about 25 feet farther this way which is   East behind me will intersect that rays that I  showed you down in the lower section of the the   haulage wave down you know that first razor was  making all that water so my plan is we're going   to punch through here about 25 feet we're going  to intersect the fault and I didn't mention that   before but that fault is that raise goes right up  that fault so we're going to intersect that fault   and then we're going to turn to the north I'm  going to follow that fault until it intersects   the Rays at that point it's it's less than 50 feet  of work so it's it's you know it's not that much   work right so once we intersect that raise then  we'll have access right down to the main haulage   way really easy and quick we won't have to go  all the way back the 300 feet to the transfer   way down across to the Rays down through the to  the main haulage way back out it's it's going to   be way way more simple and for the first 25 or 30  feet we're going to be an ore so we can be making   or while we're developing this it's called I've  always heard it called an eye drift when you do   just a little it's going to be about four feet  wide six feet tall you can see here the veins   about three and a half or four feet wide right  here and so we can just drift on that vein we   might split shoot it where you take a shot of  the vein first and then you take the the rest   that's waste and we'll stack the waste underground  here somewhere out of the way just like the old   timers did it but we're going to drift in here  intersect that raise and then once you've done   that then we've opened up a section of the vein  where we can start scoping up on it and we can   kind of take advantage of our high grade and the  the gravity working with us so we can take our eye   drift and on this North rib of the eye drift this  north wall of the eye drift we're going to start   stoping up leaving pillars and then we can slush  all that muck down to the side drift send it down   to the main Hodge way and out to the blacksmith  shop so that in a nutshell is what I hope to   accomplish this season I've got it's usually  about the first of August to somewhere in the   middle of October so we have somewhere between  80 and 100 days usually to work in this mine   we gotta wait for the snow to melt off and then  it starts snowing again mid-october the start of   the process is going to be a lot of rehab work  as you saw we got a lot of work to do a lot of   Timber work to do some bolting probably some  mocking just just getting the the workings in   a situation where we can actually do our work down  here and then once we get the water line here the   airline here then we can start drifting on this  vein and making some muck there's a section right   here that comes across the vein comes across  right over here and it looks like it makes a   straight line right across the vein that is the  good stuff that stuff is running huge amounts   of gold this is kind of where everything was  concentrated right in this band right along here   I'm going to try clipping my little microscope  on my camera so we can see right up close on   that vein I don't know if this is going to work  but this thing is really cool I've talked about   in a lot of my other videos I'll leave a link  in the description if you want to check it out   so here we're cruising right around that section  of the vein and there's the piece of gold there's another piece of gold it's right up  there's another piece of gold it's right in   that flat band there I'm not sure if if I can  get focused the vein is not a smooth surface   but I think there's a couple pieces of gold down  there oh yeah there's come on Focus there's some   more gold back up there so there's some nice gold  moving across that flat spot there's some gold   there's some gold even though I'd like to scoop  out just this this little section here's some more   look at that the whole vein has gold in it so  we're just going to take the whole thing but   this is I wanted to show  you the high grade section so pretty good stuff well this is that section  I was just showing you with the microscope   and there's so much gold and I'm gonna I brought  a hammer and chisel I got a I got a real Hammer   this time so I'm gonna try and get we're gonna  try and get some of this out but I want to show   you how hard this is this is not just knock  it off real casual this is hard hard stuff so   let me work in here a little bit and see if  I can get some of this this gold out of here oh check this out I got this piece this good piece look at that right through right  through the the honey hole there oh yeah that's a good piece there look at that  you can't see anything can you that's a good piece   I might have to take that home and cut that  one up I got a bunch of really good looking   stuff off that face I've got some more  of the fines over there on my sweatshirt   and uh yeah I'm I'm done for the day and I've got  to pack all the stuff out three miles up the road   as well so uh but one more thing I wanted  to show you here I don't know if you can   see that might be a little  bit better that's all ore   so there's there's a couple tons of oranges  sitting on the ground that we can Muck right away   before we even start Drilling and Blasting on the  vein this is going to be kind of the introduction   video to my mining season so stay tuned for a lot  more videos to come we're gonna I'm gonna film   everything hopefully get it all on YouTube so you  guys can see this and I'm really excited to start   this kind of new adventure for the channel and  have you all come along with me if you'd like to   support us we have a patreon page that will really  help you can find the link below so I just want to   say thanks again to everybody all the viewers  out there so here's a little up close look at   what we got the gold hangs out again with all  this stuff right in here this gray mineral the   sulfide mineral right along there sometimes I find  it right up against the hanging wall like on this   piece other times as you saw in the previous video  clip I'll find it right in that band right along   the center of the vein so the first step is to get  this in the crusher I've taken out a couple of our   really nice pieces here we're going to slab these  up in the saw here's our bucket with our ore in it   you got to take off two pounds for the bucket so  it's about 10 pounds or right about 5 kilograms   our first step is to run it through this little  jaw Crusher here we're going to crush the ore   down to about quarter inch minus and that'll  allow us to crush it finer through our next step here's what it looks like after the jaw Crusher  it's about quarter inch minus there's a few pieces   a little bigger in there but now we're going  to run it through the pulverizer in the past   I've kind of screened this out and looked through  for some high grade gold pieces but for today's   video I'm just going to run it all through the  crusher Grind All the Gold up we'll pan it out   and see what we we can recover is there a little  pulverizer Mill it's a disc Mill essentially   there's two discs there one spin one stays  stationary and you feed the material in the top   it goes down in the middle of the stationary disc  and grinds up until it comes out the bottom and   we'll catch it as a fine powder I wanted to show  you here real quick we've ground up our sample   but it's always important to open up  these discs because see right there   and actually back over here as well there's  there's gold let's see if I can get this up   and in focus for you a little piece of gold the  big gold gets stuck between the plates and if you   don't open them and brush them out you might be  losing some gold so that is a good sign we've got   big gold stuck between the plates here's the crush  after the little pulverizer disc Mill and it does   a really good job of getting it real fine so now  let's pan it down see how much gold we can get and   before we get to panning I've taken out half of  the sample I've got about five pounds in this bag   all the way up around just five pounds under there and so this is our first item going up for sale on  eBay so check it out in the listings so here's the   other half of the head ore I'm gonna just pan it  down now and this isn't all of it I'm gonna have   to do two pans worth but I'll get this all wetted  down panned and I'll show you the gold at the end here's a look at our finished product  here pretty nice Gold line up there all   the way from there all the way around  and that's from only five pounds of ore and there's some bigger pieces in there there's  like a nice little piece of wire right there   let me see if I can get it I'll pull it closer  so you can see better there's a nice up close   look for you lots of yellow lots of really  fine stuff there's that bigger piece of wire   so that is a really nice showing for  five pounds really really nice in the   past I've run 500 pounds and haven't  found that much now what I'm going to   do is I'm going to suck my gold  line up into the Snuffer bottle   and we're going to try and keep it pretty  clean we don't want a lot of sulfides in there and I'll do that a couple more times get it  cleaned up but once we get all the gold in   here then we can put it right in the furnace right  in the cupel and get the gold out without having   to smelt it all down take my straw out turn it  over Shake all the gold down to the cone there you can just dribble it down into a  little spot there in our blue shop rag it's a little dirtier than I would have  hoped but I think we can get all that   junk out of there with the Bismuth oh  boy so there's our little gold pile   now I'll put some bismuth in there I'll put  it in our furnace so I'm going to try and   ring some of the water out as best I can now all  that paper is going to burn off in the furnace then I'm going to add a little bit of bismuth  maybe 10 or 15 grams that's more than you   need so we're up to temperature I  always like to preheat my cupels   that's in there ready to go I put my  little gold packet up on top of the   furnace it dried it out quite a bit so it  should yeah not have nearly as much water   and then we're going to add our bismuth  kind of right on top of where the gold is and that bismuth is going to  alloy with all that gold in there   it's going to oxidize any base Metals the  oxides are going to be absorbed by the cupel   and then we'll have a precious metal button  when it's all done well just for fun I think   we should smelt this stuff down there's probably  a little bit of gold in there that I didn't get   it with the Snuffer bottle there might even be  some gold tied up in those sulfides here's our   flux recipe this is a 100 grams of soda ash  about 65 grams of anhydrous borax and about   35 grams of silica so we're going to mix the  stuff in the pan together with this and then   I've got a new little bismuth recipe I'm going to  try here's another little something I'm going to   try here see if this works I've always struggled  how to get that little bit of stuff out of there   and fairly dry it's really hard to get it out  so I'm going to try the same process as I did   with the gold I'm just going to wash it all  down into a rag and then I can ring the rag out   get it damp it won't be dry and then I can put  it in with our flux let's see how this works well   there might be some Merit to that method I've got  to get it's it's damp right but I've got to get   this fairly well mixed up in there now  so let me pour our damp stuff in there   and then what I'm going to do is just rip up  the rag into kind of small pieces and put it in   with the flux and then we'll shake it all up and  the carbon's all going to burn off of there and   that's gonna take some practice but I bet we can  make it work in the future a little bit better put   a lid on give it a good Shake here well there's  our stuff we'll see how that works and then I've   kind of powdered up crushed up some bismuth  down there and I've added I don't know if you   can see it down there I've added three little tiny  copper wires and what I found is adding in some   copper just a little bit like one or two percent  keeps the Bismuth not nearly as brittle and so   it separates from the slag a lot easier and you  don't lose any little broken pieces off the end   so I'll mix that in there give it another Shake  we'll pour it in our fire clay Crucible here   and that bismuth is going to  act as our collector metal   and it's going to come down through the the slag  and the the charge is kind of like a metal rain   and as it rains down through this molten slag  mixture it's going to collect all the gold and   all the silver and it's going to bring it right  down to the bottom into a molten alloy here and   then we can separate it from the slag later we're  down in our furnace there let's get it fired up oh let's have a look at our little bead here I might be able to get it blinking over yeah that's nice one so what I'm going to do is I'm  going to take it out of there   and put this cupel back in the furnace and we  can reuse it for our our smelted cone here's   our cone I've doused with water just to make  sure the metal Prill isn't molting anymore all right there's a little  bit of metal there let's see there you go we'll get it out of there see what  it looks like well here's my button it's still   a little bit brittle in the corner so that's  that's no good I might try and add a little   bit more copper or some other metal you guys got  any suggestions leave me a comment below but now   let's go put this in our cupel and we'll  see how much Gold's left in the sulfides   all right right in the furnace and our used  cupel we oftentimes don't want to reuse these   but I think there's still enough capacity in  there we can make it work while we're waiting   let's go get these things slabbed up see if we  can find any free golden quartz well now we're   going to move over to the diamond saw here this  is a slabbing saw again this was possible because   of my patrons so if you're interested becoming  a patron and supporting us that would be awesome   there's a link in the description below but  we're going to take our our piece of ore here   we're going to run it through the saw slab it up  into a couple three or four different sections   maybe more and see if we can find some free gold  okay we're clamped in here I'm just gonna slab   along this way and hopefully I can intersect  some of these bands of sulfides and see what   we get but our Diamond blade here is just going  to chew right through it it's a little bit of a   slow process but it makes really beautiful slabs  here's our first little slab off we'll take a look well there's not a whole bunch of nuggets  sticking off of there so I'm gonna crank it   over seven turns here there's seven turns ends  up being right about three eighths of an inch   we'll take our other slab well I'm three slabs  in I don't even have them cleaned off yet   and look at that piece of gold right there very nice so I can get it out of the glare for you we'll take a look at it on the microscope here in  a minute as well but so far every slab has gold   on it the first three so it's looking pretty  good we got our second one in here I'm gonna   do this one about five turns so it'll end up  being about a quarter inch thick and we'll   probably get again two three four slabs out of  it so let's see if we can find some more gold   all right let's have a look at this guy on that  first piece broke oh there's some promising   looking stuff in there and like I said I'm going  to cut this into quarter inch slabs the first one   I did three eighths what do you guys think what's  the best thickness for slabs is it quarter three   eight some guys do jewelry items some guys  do cabochons let me know leave me a comment   description below well here's our first rock guys  I sliced up I got four slabs out of it and two end   pieces the same piece is still pretty pretty good  size but I wanted to go through and show you some   of the gold on these here's probably the best  one big piece of gold at the top there and also   back over here there's a nice little piece this is  the book Matched one to that one I just showed you   a bunch of gold down here by my thumb as well  as over here it's really nice that milky white   quartz a little bit of sulfides and gold in them  it looks pretty cool here's our second rock rock   number two show you a couple of these this one's  got some gold down in here with those sulfides   there's some more back over here if you can see it  and on this one there's also a nice little piece   back over there so both of them have gold  number one has maybe a little bit bigger   pieces but number two has some really nice gold  as well and these are again those about quarter   inch pieces and make really nice cabochons we're  going to break out our microscope again take a   look at some of our cut slabs and again I've got  a link to this in the description if you want to   check it out here's a look at that big piece and  it's right there in the middle this is from Rock   number one but Watch What Happens they tilt it  away bam it flashes I can't get it in Focus but   there's a nice little piece of gold there and  then it looks like it goes into the quartz as   well and then we'll move over here and there's  that other piece real nice looking shiny piece   of gold that metal reflects back so well once  it's cut here's a cool little spot kind of that   buggy Rusty iron stuff but see all the gold in  there there's a big piece and there's a bunch   of little Speckles around there here's our gold  bead it has a really interesting texture on it   but I'm going to put this one up for sale  on eBay as well hopefully somebody can make   some really cool jewelry out of it but it's  very very yellow let's check on our bead here   oh it's it's done look at that little tiny  thing it's gonna be hard to make money with that   so our cupel is starting to  cool down here a little bit and   our bead is right here looks like garbage it's not  really gold colored I don't know what this is this   might be a chunk of iron I put some Nails in there  and I just kind of grabbed a little handful there   may have been a chunk of iron in there that ended  up down in our our bead button Prill and so that   you know won't keep hell away so that was stuck  on the side but what I want to show you it's still   real hot but what I want to show you is right here  here here there's little tiny gold beads there   and I think what happened  is when I reused this cupel   there when you're done with it you can see  the texture is pretty rough and so as the   button was shrinking there were little pockets  of of bismuth that ended up getting pulled into   the rough texture and Cup held away the little  left little tiny bits of gold they're actually   speckled all over through there so probably  not worth reusing cupels I I probably should   have known better but I wanted to see if it would  work and it didn't work very well especially when   you just end up with a little tiny bit of gold  so essentially we recovered very very little   not even two percent of the gold in our original  button another thing is a little side note I got   thinking about this cupel and I think I'm going  to put this up for sale on eBay for a buck and   see if anybody wants to try and crush this thing  up and smelt down and see if they can get the   gold that I lost and the person who wins this if  you can send me an email after you've crushed it   up let me know how much gold you recovered that  would be much appreciated it's the grand finale   here let's see how much our gold bead weighs  again this is from right about five pounds 0.63 grams let's do some math here so to  figure out ounces per ton or grams per ton   we're going to take our five pounds of head  ore convert it to tons that's .0025 tons and   our 0.630 grams divided by our tonnage  gives us 252 grams per ton or 8.1 troy   ounces per ton that is pretty amazing well  I think I've proved the point that I've got videos coming up be sure to check out the  eBay links I've got a bunch of cool stuff   here from this video that I think you guys  will be interested in so check out what I got   on there and be sure to subscribe so you don't  miss any new videos especially the stuff be up   there Mining and getting more gold so thanks  for watching and we'll see on the next video
Channel: mbmmllc
Views: 105,931
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Keywords: mbmm, mbmmllc
Id: YFWJ5cemDiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 23sec (1583 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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