Crushing hi grade gold ore to melt a gold bar

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this is going to be a three-part video I've got a golden quartz specimen here that I've had for quite some time now a couple years and I've had it at a few gold shows and it just seems that no one wants to buy these larger pieces of gold that are crystalline they're looking for crystallized so I think probably some of you will find it sacrilegious about with what I'm about to do this is a piece that have been asking $22,000 for and I'm going to break it apart and crush it up and I'm going to make some smaller specimens out of the actual gold part but all of this part here I'm going to crush it up and extract the gold and then I have this piece here that came off of a bigger chunk of it you can see that there's gold all through it this is all gold and I know that there are people that will send me pictures of what they think is rocks with gold in them and you can see distinctly that the material color here is actually gold it's gold color it's not silver color it's not greenish color it's not coppery color it's actually gold welcome to the neighbor cat here by the way she adopted us and here are some smaller pieces that I've already broken apart these were bigger pieces as well and you can see the actual yellow material if you were to compare it to a piece of jewelry it is the color of jewelry and most of the pictures that I get from a variety of people asking if they have gold the material is a silvery color or a grayish color it's certainly not gold color so these pieces in this pan are small enough now to go in my crusher I have an impact crusher that I'm going to put all this stuff in but first I have to start by dropping it into my little dolly pot here like I said some of you are going to consider this completely sacrilegious and then there's others of you like Matt Duncan and Matt Duncan and Tony Fraser you guys will probably be proud of me for doing this so there goes so I'm still still crunching on this thing [Music] [Music] [Music] so those will be small enough now to drop into my impact mill let's see the gold goes all through them but we're going to crush this up and then I'll pan it out and then there's this sucker here [Music] there we go then I still have this fairly large chunk of crystalline gold so I'll keep this one intact I won't melt this one down but these ones here so as you can see I'm ripping this piece apart and you'll see the film was interrupted simply because my phone rang but that'll be that will knock you pretty heavy when I go over and out in it and then I've got this one still a little bit too big to putting a crusher so into here it goes that's really you see there so I know that you guys think this is sacrilege but we're going to turn her into cash next step I'm going to shut the video off I'll get my chain crusher set up and we'll drop all the stuff in there and see what happens there all right I have the place you're going it's a little low here let's drop a piece in [Applause] it's working alright so in the previous video I dropped two stuff in but it was crush up and that there was a wash back in here though that will do it again [Music] I simply sped the video up in this place here because you don't want to see the crushing in real time and I'll slow it back down when there's something else to see you can still hear some fairly large chunks rattling around in there but at this point I think it's because there was quite coarse chunks of gold in there that are not going to break up so now I'll take the cover off and see what kind of chunks of gold we have left in the mill so you can see here that there was still a lot of noise happening and that's because all of that is the chunks of gold that came out of the rock so we have these little biddies those have been beat up by the crusher you can see they're stuck up here on the screen too so for those of you who think it's sacrilegious we just turned a beautiful specimen into what's going to turn out to be a really fun pan of gold the pan that will be next all right so I'm going to have given filming out doing this so here's the material that I just crushed and this should amount to be a pretty darn nice Panem it made a lot of sense to speed the video up here as well you don't want to see people panning their concentrates I know it's boring especially in real time and I do slow the video back down once we start to really see the gold in the pan so I hope you don't mind that I took a liberté here to speed this section up you I'd say there's probably all right so there's I'm going to guess seven ounces of gold yeah I'm going to say seven ounces so we'll plug in the furnace melter down and pour a barn we'll see we get alright so I have the little induction furnace here got a graphite mold it's going to melt it right there it's starting to turn black see the yellow fumes coming off that yelling whew that's sulfur yes I used some more witchcraft in this particular spot of the video I sped it up so you don't have to suffer through four and a half minutes of high temperature not much happening you the old camera is getting hot all right so the trying to melt the gold in the mold really didn't work out all that well you can see that some of it was melting down low but the surface was really not that good so I did find a crucible finally so we're going to go for it again but this time with a crucible that is made for this and it actually has the induction surrounding the crucible so it'll be a lot more effective we will see the crucible get red-hot and fairly quickly and I'm sure we'll see the gold that's sitting on the top also settled down pretty darn quickly as well you can see the crucible is already getting red-hot this will just give us a much nicer pour I'm going to try and pour the gold and hold the camera' at the same time when the time comes this is another area on the Fillmore just made sense to speed it up you don't want to watch three and a half minutes of really not much changing on the video so again forgive me for using the tools I have available videos going to show it at all but looking down inside I can see the gold beating up on top I'm going to grab a stir stick and give it a stir away break it up nothing will stick to the graphite okay I've added some borax this helps get the heat up and put it we'll put a flux on top of the pour and then this is the final time where I speed the video up it is just watching the borax melt and I stir it up a little bit to get it mixed up real well so to prevent you from suffering through three minutes of that I've shortened it down to about nine seconds you now you can tell when it's doing a good job because it's a lot thinner easy to stir and then you'll see on the rod there's nothing stuck to it no I think we're about ready to pour this sucker all right so I don't know what that's really going to look like the little thick stuff in there but the gold also came out fairly quickly nice looking bar and there we have it a little dark on the bottom from the graphite itself but going and way this sucker now I said seven ounces see what it is alright so at the same time as everyone else we will see what this thing weighs to thirty and seven times thirty one point one is to 10 to 17 to so boy oh boy I wish our close on that guess 230 grams probably 89% pure gold what a guest that was in the pan hi guys super cool there's the bar I'm going to take this video now edit it all together speed it up slow it down things like that I'll create a video that you guys can all watch and hopefully enjoy this that is from crushing rock to the gold bar nothing like it you you
Channel: Dave Varabioff
Views: 644,064
Rating: 4.5035462 out of 5
Keywords: colorado quartz gold mine, gold mine, gold mining, crystallized gold, gold blasting, melt gold, gold nuggets, hard rock mine
Id: G74hmf_7KpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2017
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