Miniminter Reacts To Deji's Opponent Alex Wassabi

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we've watched deji's video about the fight obviously he's fighting alex wassabi now alex sabi's done a video and now josh mcgee has gifted another five subs alex may has gifted another five subs i don't know if these show up do these show up in my mini minute eclipse videos if they do this is nine hours into a 12-hour uh live stream to hit uh to celebrate hitting 1.6 we've got a thousand on a sub train we've hit 9 000 which is my record ever the love on twitch recently is out outrageous i can't actually thank you a lot enough um minimum eclipse this is going on thank you for the support on that too and now it's now it's this now close to me after making fun of me for years and then you lose to me broken david three months three month anniversary seems like [ __ ] thank you so much this is so good we go to war wow okay what's up guys i am back it has been a very long time quite a while since i have made a talking video there's a reason for that but first things first it's official it's official i will be fighting [Music] by the name of deji in less than two months march oh hi thank you but not awesome to give you subs as well thank you so much something else you probably didn't know a few months ago i retired from youtube what that's right i didn't know that [ __ ] i know yo yeah yeah what's up with this what's up with this what's up with this you see this on his on his on his thing what's this what's this what's this it was xvi iii 2018 so that's probably when he just made his when he made his merch right i think mmx ix was mmx y m i mmxix works on two levels it's like cool mm xix i made it when does that make that what's mmxh 2019 no yeah 2019. so i made it on 2019 and also mm mini minter xx sidemen collab boom double double meaning i know i retired from youtube my brother pointed out i was sick because earlier last year i already made a goodbye video and i was all emotional this might be the last time i'm saying this and everybody's crying i was crying you were crying everybody's crying until next time [Music] i already made a goodbye video and i was all emotional this might be the last time i'm saying this and everybody's crying i was crying you were crying everybody's crying until next time [Music] and then i tried to come back you know what the thing is right but the passion was gone the motivation was gone i didn't have the fire within myself i thought to myself i've been making videos for 16 years 11. i thought he's actually wait wait what wait 10 million subscribers for 16 years wait did he start he started into what 16 years 2006 i'm really confused youtube started in 2005. mad that's fair fair enough i mean look the thing is right i get i i get the like emotional side of him leaving youtube because i'm like you have been like i haven't been doing it for 16 years i started 2012 so 10 years 10 years at the end of this year will be my first video which is like it'd be sad if i stopped but at the same time i don't get why youtubers just stop you know what i'm saying i never i never get why i would do a video saying unless something happened that literally meant i had to stop but if the only reason is you know i'm just not gonna make any more videos they lose passion yeah but i wouldn't make a video saying i'm gonna stop i'm done like i'm done with youtube forever i'd never do that video unless something happened that caused it if it was literally just a case of i've lost inspiration to make videos just stop making videos and then you might in two months want to make a video you might go oh cool like uh you know i just wanna so you know i might be like okay cool i don't wanna make any more videos i won't make any more videos and then in three months i'll be like oh yo i just had this sick idea that would be so jokes to film i'm gonna do this and then i'll just do it and post it for the views fair enough point something billion views get your bike games again with stepping away from youtube my whole motivation for doing youtube has always been to help my family growing up my whole childhood both my parents worked two jobs he was definitely always working and i wanted to fix that i wanted to make it so they didn't have to do that my lifelong dream ever since i was a kid was to get myself definitely on enough likes and i got them a big house off a nice little spot in l.a so i'm good right i was done like done done but the youtube gods had other plans for me science me thank you for the sub as well oh here we go so they sent a sweet beautiful man-child angel baby named edgy into my dms look at my hands these are boxers hands down at this point there was nothing that was gonna bring me back to youtube look at the knuckles i accomplished everything i wanted to accomplish except one thing look at that thing that everybody told me i couldn't do oxy the thing is right the thing is he is athletic that's like i don't want to get hit by that look at that look at that valley and that was an offer i couldn't refuse see this look at that one they're so deep you know you're not you're not really you lot are being very biased by saying it's it's it's cringy you know you're very one-sided like he's dead at boxing have you seen him boxing like a year since since the last time because you guys got to remember like okay he lost his last fight so did deji i'm not saying dead you'll lose but you guys all said you were doing the last one i'm just saying like try and think of it as a try and think of it as you know completely neutral you don't think it's cringe i don't think it's cringe i see it as like a i mean kept my attention ignited the fire within the motivation the determination that i was missing for so long and so i am back now before i explain to you why deji has no chance of beating me let me refresh your memory on twitch being neutral never i know i know but it started oh and then you slap this clown i mean so do i before but i bet if we both trained really hard i could beat you no uh no you can't and then deji was like yeah no you can't and then somehow okay that was a little bit cringe here we are that was a little bit crunchy 18 year old tick tocker vinny hacker about seven months ago big shots big shots wow i was sitting in the crowd and i thought to myself did you thought he was gonna walk through mr hacker but things didn't go his way so who and did you that's what i mean like you are talking about him being bad at boxing for me like years ago against when was it when did he fight fousey that was time ago right 2019 2019 so two years ago he lost a fousey like dead you lost this one you can't you can't say like oh he got you know he got dropped by fousey that was time ago like i'm hoping deji turns up and he is he if dead she's fit i do i believe deji will win if he's fit but i'm just saying like you can't you can't just underestimate someone because i remember i remember before we were all watching this on stream we watched the thing between these two and everyone went oh deji's got the easiest fight of the night i believed it too look at that turned out possible win for him which youtuber does he think he can beat without a doubt i know alex wasabi ever since he lost on that fateful day i have been training just waiting for the moment that he asks me these those videos don't mean anything what your wish so deji if you think dan why does this guy sound 12 boxing these last times why do we need to know his life story no one cares my friend this is the his channel in it will not defeat me in our upcoming battle it is because his whole opinion of my boxing skills is based on my first sparring match ever and up to that point i had zero fight training that's what i mean and that was over two years ago look i'm not making excuses i did get knocked out i lost that safari match i had no business being in a ring with somebody 30 pounds heavier than me that was my mistake my bad but what did i know but a lot can change for someone in two years it's a villain origin story i know completely different fighter even with zero training i feel like i wasn't that bad just for fun let's compare my second spar ever with zero fight training and zero training heads to deji's second fight ever after completing two entire training camps big shots big shots all right let's see some actual like okay okay in all honesty deji seems like a good guy but there is something that has always bothered me ever since his first fight he disrespects the sport of boxing deji has had two fights and he did not train and he admitted that he did not train he just didn't do the work i don't know why by not going all in on these fights he is insulting fighters all around the world who would give their life savings just yeah my mic i think that but i'm gonna give it my all i am gonna train as hard as possible to do the best job i can hello everyone disrespect boxers everywhere there is no way this guy is gonna beat me there's just no way i have the reach i have the height we're gonna be the same weight unless he doesn't make weight which is very highly likely possible i want to know what that way is he's gonna need all the help he can get he's probably just gonna take the penalty and not make weight but i guess we'll see but i gotta give it to you deji i gotta give it to you i don't know i don't know enough about like boxing and stuff right if he doesn't make the weight what what happens he said he'll just take the penalty what does that mean fight is off so what do you mean he'll take the penalty then points off he gets fined what like a percentage goes to you get a free shot on the face imagine all right you weigh more so you're you didn't make weight so you're just gonna have to stand there for one hit like this you're just gonna like that he gets one hit and then and then we carry on okay thirty percent goes to the other fighter type deal okay i mean it makes sense like you've made an agreement that does make sense 0-3 zero wins three losses at least you'll hold that record and i don't think that's a record that's gonna be beat bro you cannot lose to me you cannot lose to me don't do it i feel bad and you if you lose to me after making fun of me for years and then you lose to me it will be so bad okay you lost to jake you lost a vinny you cannot lose to me jack thanks for the prize at least he will hold the record for something because i guarantee you no other youtube boxer will come back to boxing after losing two times back to back let alone three last thing i want to say deji i know you're watching this and uh i just want you to know i think you're a stand-up guy i think you have a long future in youtube maybe even more than 16 years but uh i just wanted to apologize for what i'm going to have to do to you come march 5th in your hometown all your fans xoxo alex wassabi that's all i got for you guys today make sure to come back for the next video i already coming planned and you're not going to want to miss it bruh i believe in destiny i believe in him i believe in him there's something else [Music] okay well i think that's good for our first video bag it's been so long bruh i believe in deji the thing is i just need to see that deji has been training i need to see like i need to see that he is fit now you know what i'm saying i fully believe in him i just need to see it because i like as much as some of you are going to say have you seen dej's instagram post it's a picture where he stood like this and i'm i don't want to be peak i think it's edited right and i've seen i've seen i was talking to elem about this if you get a lighting right you can do you do this you push out your arms you get lighting on your arms they look mad like you can you like i can make myself not look like a skinny nick you know what i'm saying i could look like just a just an average person i'm not saying i could look hench by the way i'm saying i could just look like an average person
Channel: MiniminterClips
Views: 573,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniminter, mm7games, miniminterclips, simon, sidemen, mm7
Id: S00re0PJOeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 17 2022
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