Why I stopped using Windows 10 | 8 Major Reasons

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Could not locate ur script revered to in ur talk for removing bloat from windows 10. Was curious what that did.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2019 🗫︎ replies
in this video i go over why i stopped using windows and 8 things that just make me rage when i'm using a windows system so in this video i'm doing things a little bit differently than many other youtubers have those out there that are big in the linux community typically hate on windows just because it is the big dog it's easy target and those people that have done eight reasons or five reasons or whatever it is that they don't like about windows a lot of times it comes from just a very shallow and they don't do a deep dive into some of the really poor design decisions microsoft has made over the past couple years myself i've been a user of windows since 3.11 on a 486 upgrading to 95 and so forth and so on i have used every iteration of windows and um i even got you know i'm wearing this shirt a little bit tonight mainly just to say hey my start was in microsoft windows in the early 2000s the very first certification i got professionally was an mcp for microsoft windows xp so that was my very first professional certification i've gotten probably about a 10 10 to a dozen or so since then but it's how i got my start so i know a lot about microsoft windows and today i'm going to kind of walk you through eight things that just completely drive me crazy about microsoft windows 10. so number one on this list is windows updates not a shocker for you guys out there but i want to tell you a story that happened to me this week that just sticks with me and it made me just want to blow up every single microsoft windows installation i've had at the office um i had it and loaded on a conference room pc uh presentation was coming around to noon the prior week we had some power outages so this machine usually stays on 24 7. however about a 30 minutes tell a presentation from starting i was getting everything ready looked at that pc and it was off turn it on and the first thing it goes to is installing updates it literally hung on the updates rebooted the pc and then it had to roll back the updates um for whatever reason they didn't take and this whole process took all the way up until the actual basically the conference was starting and uh that is unacceptable that you should not force updates on people or users and before anybody comes in here and goes well if you set the gpo no group all my group policy objects were set and my inactive times were definitely set i say hey business hours between eight and six never do an update in here so i've said it twice in two different places hey from a gpo standpoint i said hey you should only install updates on sunday at 3 a.m or saturday at 3 a.m that gives me time so when they screw up an update which happens a lot i can actually roll it back before business hours start on monday morning to have updates just randomly go out on workstations without authorization when they expressly group policy objects in place uh it shouldn't happen just shouldn't microsoft hmm change it that's just so that's my number one moving on to number two windows store it is horrible it is horrible in windows 8. it was horrible now all you do is have bloatware on there most of the store is inundated by just complete crap apps with no vetting and you're basically forcing a lot of developers or trying to force developers to take a piece of their pie much like steam does for windows gaming you want to do that for other developers no just no it's horrible it's a bad implementation it bloats up systems um i obviously run custom enterprise windows um and when i'm not i go ahead and run a d bloat script if you still have windows store on there and you have all that junk on your computer check up on the description i'll go ahead and link a d bloat powershell script that i use almost on a daily basis to just completely remove all the crap all those apps from just a standard windows 10 installation and uh windows store just ah no why just why just get rid of it you've heard feedback from user for the past five years probably about this thing and nobody likes it and it's horribly implemented just rip it out delete it that's it number three notification bar it is there it doesn't serve any purpose it occasionally annoys people but for the most time it just sits there and there's a little number in the bottom right hand corner and occasionally you click on it and go ah yeah there's a bunch of tiles and crap i don't use and then there's a bunch of notifications that i'm never going to click off of because it just fills back up anyways horrible that's all i gotta say about that security centers next at number four and uh it started in windows seven windows security system center it's had windows defender for a little bit now it it moved to you know windows microsoft essentials then back to defender it bounces around and then it forces you the windows firewall on you and some other things um it's a horrible horrible thing i get why it's there but it's just not a welcome thing as far as the user experience goes you can make a lot of those things seamless and in the background but if i want to disable a firewall it shouldn't scream at my users hey you disable the firewall now mind you i barely ever do this anymore especially since windows programs especially microsoft office don't like it when you disable the firewall i highly recommend you know doing a full exception for whatever program you're doing just like you would do in linux for you know using ufw but um overall security center is just atrocious they also have some implementation with windows 10 using microsoft edge as like the browser save browsing experience or something they're trying to do something with it but um they should just give up on it and also sunset it slim down windows 10 get rid of this junk i mean security center all it does is annoy users occasionally i guess it might pop up and say hey your antivirus got disabled from a virus or something like that but by that time it's too late anyways the machine's infected so security center kind of one of those pointless things i don't like it i think it's silly uh if you're gonna do antivirus make it a low-key anti-virus in the background and if you're gonna do firewall like they do and then pretty much force it on you you have to do this i mean i just these things don't need to be pushed in users faces but they are on windows 10. so that's that's it for number four number five and this is one of the things that kind of surprised me i watched a couple uh videos of what people have complained about that hate about windows 10 and this is one i haven't seen on many videos and it is a huge one from a technician in me fa safe mode has always been there from pretty much you know xp on i think uh maybe even before then i can't remember um but why'd you take it out you can't boot into safe mode on the boot up on windows 10 anymore at least not a lot of systems actually have that capability unless you expressly do some hacks to make it there but by default it literally boots into windows 10 and if it has problems and like let's say a blue screen or a crash you have to pretty much just keep having it fail boot until it finally gives you the option to boot into safe mode where before you just hit f8 and went into safe mode or if you're on the desktop and you want to boot into safe mode you have to hold shift right click and hit restart computer while holding shift and then select advanced options and then say boot options and then say safe mode and then reboot the computer into safe mode why ah it's it's horrible it's just good it got awful it you should always have safe mode i don't understand the design decision to remove safe mode or at least easy access to it i beyond me baffles me next up is just general security in windows man what a joke i mean you literally had a whole bunch of nsa tools that got leaked on the internet last year and made me ruin a couple weekends of my time patching systems and upgrading because pretty much it gave hackers complete free reign not even hackers script kitties could go grab these tools and start hacking into systems this is horrible i mean how do you let that happen [Music] and you know you can get into some of the sharing which i will probably touch that on my last reason here but uh yeah some of these hacks are just monumentally like i've never even heard of any other operating system have some of these just atrocious hacks that have happened to windows the security is just laughable at best and you know uac came out with vista and came through for user account control because xp it was just everybody got infected where at least with uac it kind of mitigated some of the damage uh albeit annoy the hell out of the users right out of the gate which they've done a little bit better job at you know making it not as annoying but overall security in windows is always been just kind of a joke and really from a system admin point of view if a hacker gets to the end user's computer they're gonna they're just gonna wreak havoc and my job is pretty much just to close off all the systems and make sure they never reach that point and that's why windows security is just a complete joke one more thing about security too you really shouldn't be able to download an iso tool and then reset all the passwords it's just what how does that happen um just just a final thought there as far as that goes like my father-in-law had someone come into his business and change out some of his passwords so nobody could log into the systems i came by plugged in my usb drive went ahead edited the sam file to basically clear out all the passwords the users needed and then boom you're in you shouldn't have that security holes in windows and it has continued over the years it's not like anything new if you're a windows user or you have used windows for any extended period of time you probably know hey you can just go ahead and reset pretty much any password you want with a tool that's kind of silly just saying number seven buy annual system updates why just why okay you're pretty much forcing people to do full system updates that's like if ubuntu came out and said you can't use 16.04 anymore you have to move to 18.04 oh and by the way i'm just going to go ahead and automatically install that for you probably at a bad time when you need to do work so on the next reboot we're just going to go ahead and hog up 30 minutes to an hour of your work day installing this update just because yeah really brilliant design move ugh and just to kind of expand on that i know you can do the enterprise one where it does defer the update for like a year or two but it still forces it on you eventually that's not cool just not cool microsoft so my eighth and final reason why windows pretty much just sucks or things that just make me rage about it file sharing oh god i just despise windows file sharing it is just a nightmare to administer when you get into bigger corporations i literally when i was an i.t director was literally hiring a guy and his sole responsibility was pretty much just managing file shares day in and day out oh hey the accounting needs to access to this specific folder of these files but make sure nobody else does for this and that and this guy was just in and out constantly in the files it's just not well maintained where i think linux's file sharing system is just so much more intuitive and easier to administer on a global level i just hate windows file sharing and don't even get me started about dollar sign c so if you open up a system a little bit you can literally see every single file by just going into that machine and hitting dollar sign c and seeing the entire drive ah man there's so many things wrong just at the root of how windows shares files and a system administrator point of view that i just hated but it's what everyone uses for now um obviously a lot of places i've moved you know my main business now that i work at i've pretty much moved a lot of the file sharings to more of a linux based system one for reliability and speed because it's better than just ntfs and two uh the sharing is just far better and far more stable and secure but that is it for the eight reasons why i pretty much stopped using windows i obviously still use it on a daily basis i have vms everywhere on that and obviously my main business i am constantly in and out of windows uh however if there's something you guys want or think i should have missed or added to this please let me know or if you disagree with anything i said let me know as well because i'm always up for a healthy discussion and i love hearing your guys's comments but this is just kind of just it's more of a rant than anything else i guess i was going to originally make and eight reasons why but this is just more of a just off the cuff hey i'm just super pissed off because of some of the stuff that i've been going through in this past year just in my job where microsoft i think has really fallen down on the job and just stopped putting in the time and effort in listening to the feedback from their users their number one they dominate the market but they just don't care that much about the user experience from what i'm seeing today their design team is failing their devops really need to get a better hole they need to start listening to some system administrators out there and talking to the people in the field because a lot of these design decisions in windows 10 is just pure greed and all they're doing is following their market their marketing department it's horrible and it needs to stop so i'm going to leave a video up here for you guys to watch um it's basically a steve jobs interview he did about why big companies fail the too long didn't watch version of this is they fail because sales and marketing take over and this is pretty much what's happened to microsoft i think they're not paying attention to the product they have and they're just completely mismanaging it um and it's just a shame because i do like windows honestly i wouldn't have a career without windows i hold you know about eight different windows certifications so i really hope microsoft just starts to pay attention to what's going on in the space and fixes a lot of these issues is what i just laid out these are major issues that really should never have happened in the beginning or to start with because a lot of them were just self-inflicted wounds but that's it for today's video
Channel: Chris Titus Tech
Views: 662,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chris Titus Tech, Why I stopped using Windows, Why I stopped using windows 10, switching to linux, switching to linux from windows, switching to linux from windows 10, Reasons why windows is better than linux, linux is better than windows, linux is better than windows 10, windows 10, windows, windows vs linux, windows sucks, reasons why windows sucks, why windows is horrible, things I hate about windows, problems with windows, problems with windows 10
Id: QSykL1I-WIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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