Mini Buffalo Chicken Egg Rolls - Food Wishes

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[Music] hello this is chef john from food wishes comm with mini buffalo chicken egg rolls that's right finally a recipe for people that can't decide whether to make a Kroll's or buffalo style chicken wings because with this new easy to make appetizer breakthrough we can kind of have both at the same time and since we are right in the middle of peak snack season the timing to share this I think is perfect so with that let's go ahead and get started first up we need to cut up some cooked chicken and what I have here is some leftover poached chicken breasts I did to make a chicken salad and what we want to do here is cut this up somewhere between a dice in a cube and that size doesn't really have a name but sometimes I'll refer to it as dice cubes but anyway we'll go ahead and slice that across one way and then turn it and slice it across the other and I'm not gonna show it all but I went ahead and did that to about 8 ounces of chicken total which is roughly about a cup and a half and we'll go ahead and add that to a mixing bowl along with all of our favorite buffalo chicken wing ingredients including some diced celery as well as a couple ounces of blue cheese and please buy yourself a little wedge of the real stuff alright we don't want to be using that dry pre crumbled stuff in the plastic container and then we'll also want to toss in a chunk of cream cheese which is not really involved in the classic buffalo chicken wing but we need a little bit here to kind of bind our filling and then we're also gonna add a nice generous splash of Louisiana Hot Sauce or the hot sauce from some other state whatever you're into and then we'll finish this by seasoning it up with some kosher salt as well as some freshly ground black pepper and because it's in season a little shake of cayenne and that is it we'll simply take a spoon and give this a mix and we will keep mixing it until we're sure everything's been incorporated evenly and we're most concerned about the blue cheese okay we really do want that evenly distributed so give yourself a couple minutes until we smeared everything together and it looks a little something like this and once that said we are ready to move on to start filling our egg rolls and to do that of course you're going to need some square egg roll wrappers which are also sometimes sold as wonton wrappers the same thing and one tip here as we're working with those we want to keep a damp towel over the top are either paper or cloth and then the only other thing we're gonna need is a little bit of an egg wash which is simply an egg beaten with a tablespoon of water and what we need to do before we start filling is go ahead and brush some of that egg wash around all the edges and you can get some in the middle like you're seeing me do here but we definitely want to make sure at least we get the edges and then once that's happened we'll go ahead and spoon out about one ounce of our filling which is basically two tablespoons also known as a heaping tablespoon and we'll go ahead and transfer that on and kind of spread it out with our fingers and then we'll go ahead and roll that bottom up over but then we're gonna stop and crimp in both edges and sort of even it out a little bit before we give it one more roll and not only are we gonna make sure both ends are pressed down and sealed but we also want to fold over about a quarter of an inch of that dough on either side and trust me when I tell you it's way easier than I'm making it look here all right I kept looking in the viewfinder afraid I was blocking the shot which I really wasn't but I blame that anxiety for the lack of smooth graceful movements but anyway one way or another we're gonna seal those ends and fold over a little bit of dough and once that's been accomplished we'll apply a little more egg wash because that little bit of dough we just fold it over from the bottom does not have any so we will apply a little bit more and then we'll simply finish this up by rolling it all the way to the edge and because we built up a little bit of extra dough along those two edges not only is none of our filling gonna leak out those ends but we're not gonna get a bunch of oil soaking in and once done we should have a nice neat package it looks a little something like this and what we'll want to do is we finish these is transfer them onto a plastic lined tray or pan and if I portion my filling on all of them exactly the same as I did on the first one I would have gotten exactly 16 which is why I got exactly 14 so apparently I used a little more for the rest of them but that's fine let's just say the recipe makes between 14 and 16 but anyway once those are done we can go ahead and wrap those up until we're ready to fry or if we want we could freeze those for a future date or of course we could just go ahead and start frying right away which is what I'm going to do right now and some hot oil set over medium heat and while of course these are much easier to do in a deep fryer they still really work out quite well pan fried like this all right as long as our oil comes up at least halfway we should be good and what we'll do is give those a couple minutes on each side although it looks like this side can used a little more time except that one's good must be a hot spot and to counter that we can always just reposition these and basically because our filling is already cooked all we're doing here is getting the outside is brown and crispy as possible before the stuff inside tries to escape which eventually it will if you keep them in here too long but basically I like to let these fry as long as I can before they get too dark or they start exploding and right about here I decided they had gone long enough and I transfer those onto a plate with a paper towel underneath so they could drain just a little bit and sure they look gorgeous and appeared crispy but of course as tradition dictates I grabbed a fork to make sure oh yeah and after hearing that sound I knew they were officially ready to plate up which I'm doing next to a little bit of pure Louisiana Hot Sauce and I finished up with a little bit of celery leaf since what the heck else are we gonna do with that stuff and that's it my mini buffalo chicken egg rolls were done and while that plane Louisiana Hot Sauce might seem like kind of a boring accompaniment it really was absolutely perfect okay classic buffalo style chicken wing sauce is nothing more than hot sauce with melted butter or margarine but because of the creamy buttery goodness provided by the cream cheese and the bleu cheese I didn't think I needed any in the dip and I was right but of course having said that you go ahead and serve these any way you want I mean you are after all the flippin boss of your dippin sauce but for me the plain how sauce worked absolutely perfectly and I'm not picky I'll pretty much eat any feeling stuffed in a crispy egg roll but the combination of that tender chicken and creamy cheese's which was perfectly balanced by that little bit of texture and bitterness from the celery I thought made for just a magnificent filling so basically to summarize this is everything you love about Buffalo style chicken wings without the bones and without having to eat the celery and blue cheese separately plus it all comes packaged in a beautiful crispy to blood delivery system and who among us does not love things delivered in tubes so I really did thoroughly enjoy these and I proved it by eating like nine of them and I'm imagining you will also probably do the same thing but there's only one way to find out for sure which is why I really do hope you give these a try soon so head over to food wishes comm for all the ingredient amounts of more info as usual and as always enjoy [Music] you you
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 409,103
Rating: 4.94946 out of 5
Keywords: Buffalo, Chicken, Egg, Rolls, crispy, fried, appetizer, party, food, chef, john, wishes, cooking, recipe, snack, football, super, bowl
Id: owAmNCI64MI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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