Fresh Salmon Cakes Recipe - Salmon Patties with Fresh Wild Salmon

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hello this is chef john from food with fresh salmon cakes that's right we've done these before but we've used canned salmon which is how i normally do it but every once in a while i do like to splurge and use fresh fish for this and if you happen to be wondering what the difference is between salmon cakes and salmon patties there isn't any totally the same thing in fact sometimes i'll just call them both salmon patty cakes which i really think your younger guests will enjoy but anyway let's go ahead and get started and the first thing we're going to want to do is saute our vegetables because he's got to cool before they go in the mix so in a pan over medium heat with a little bit of olive oil we're going to saute some finely minced onions some red peppers and some celery you're also going to want to throw a nice big pinch of salt in there so this would be your proverbial as they say in louisiana holy trinity and we're just going to cook this until the onions kind of turn translucent and soften up a little bit which is going to take maybe five minutes and this is what mine look like and in fact it looks a lot more golden brown than it really is that's actually the red pepper kind of bleeding into the onions so that explains it's unusually beautiful color and at this point what we want to do is toss in our capers and i do want to give those a couple minutes saute to kind of dry them out a little bit i think that kind of intensifies the flavor turns up the brininess factor a little bit so we'll stir in those capers those were obviously well drained and we'll cook those for a couple minutes and at that point all you have to do is turn off the heat and let this mixture cool to room temperature while we prep our salmon which is the next step so like i said we're going to use fresh fish this time so i have just under a pound and a half of fresh wild pacific salmon and yes frozen wild salmon is perfect and all those little pin bones have been pulled out but we do need to take the skin off which is super easy especially in this case since we don't care what it looks like we're going to chop this up so i'm going to do is cut down with my knife like this till i hit the skin which is very leather like it's very tough so as soon as i feel that knife hit the skin i'm gonna turn it flatten that blade out and just cut right across like that and if you have a little tear you don't do it perfectly or you leave a little too much meat on the skin so what you can always trim it up very easy to do okay you can just go back and get anything you missed if you want and then once we've removed the skin we're going to chop this up but what i like to do before i start chopping is kind of make some large cubes so i'm just going to slice it across and then turn it this way cut it in some big chunks and then we're going to switch to the old cleaver and use that to do the final chopping until we have something that looks like this so basically something about the same size you'd use if you were making sausage and you were doing a coarse ground pork okay so that looks good let's go ahead and transfer that into a bowl and we will start adding the rest of the ingredients so we'll go ahead and toss in our vegetables which should be cool by now i'm also going to toss in some finely minced garlic i intentionally did not cook that with the vegetables i want that raw in here and then we're going to add a big spoon of mayonnaise real mayonnaise don't use fake mayonnaise we'll also add a nice shake of cayenne a big pinch of freshly ground black pepper we're also going to need some salt of course and then for our binder just a little bit of panko breadcrumb any fine breadcrumb or cracker crumb wool work here i'm also going to throw in a nice big pinch of old bay and i said old bay not really old bay so if there's more dust on the can than spice in the can go get a new one and last but not least a little touch of dijon mustard and at that point we can mix this thoroughly and as i mix this up let me state the very obvious fact that something like this just begs for adaptation i mean you go asian style spanish style italian style just lots of different ways you could flavor this you guys are the william blakes of your fresh salmon cakes so use that poetic license to make this your own but anyway we're gonna mix that up and once that's done let's go ahead and cover that tightly with plastic wrap and let this chill for at least an hour or two before we try to form the cakes okay we want to give those flavors time to meld and for that bread crumb to hydrate a little bit so if you just can't wait you just have a wicked severe case of the munchies that's fine you can shape them now but you'll see if you pull this mixture out after an hour or two it will have firmed up nicely and it will just be a lot easier to work with so i'm gonna take a spoon and kind of divide this into four sections i'm gonna do four large cakes you could do eight small ones and what i like to do before the final shaping is just kind of portion it into four lumps four roughly shaped balls and that way i can make sure my mixture is divided evenly if not i can pull some off one and add it to another and by the way as you can see i dusted that plate lightly with panko and then once those are set i'm going to give them a little padding down and we'll dust the tops with a little panko and like i said any breadcrumb is going to work and at that point we'll grab each one and give it the final shaping and i want something about an inch thick three quarters to an inch thick and just like doing meatballs if your fingers are a little wet this is easier to shape and then once you cake those into patties or pattied those into cakes you have two choices you can chill them until you're ready to use or you can fry them now which is what i'm gonna do so i'm gonna cook those over medium heat and a little bit of olive oil for about i don't know i'm gonna totally guess and say about three minutes aside and i know most you're gonna cook em through but don't be afraid to leave them a little medium inside just like a salmon fillet and another quick tip here you can kind of see it cooking up the side like a hamburger and when it looks like it's cooked up about a third of the way i'll flip it over and i'll finish the other side and really that's it i guess you could check with the thermometer but i can't be bothered so right about here i thought i was looking pretty good so i'm gonna flip that back over to whatever i think is the best looking surface and at that point we're ready to eat no you don't have to let it rest i know one of those rare times so i'm gonna plate that up serve it with a beautiful tomato salad cherry tomatoes and green zebra oh those aren't unripe those are ripe they're supposed to be that color and we'll serve that with a nice wedge of fresh lemon and a big old spoon of our famous remoulade sauce which i can't believe i've never shown you but don't worry that's going to be the next video and i'll finish by garnishing with a little crisscross of chive you know in case any food bloggers show up and that fresh salmon cake is done i'm just gonna dig in after drizzling over a little fresh lemon juice and eating it with our classic remoulade sauce which is just fancy culinary for tartar sauce in fact there's no joke the difference between tartar sauce and remoulade sauce a tablecloth and don't worry if you didn't get that one very few people did but old restaurant jokes aside this really is a magnificent salmon cake just a nicer texture a richer taste a moister experience like i said earlier i hope you really try to find the wild salmon all right you want to stay away from that cheap farm salmon i mean come on if you're buying your salmon at a store that also sells tires and socks that's really not the stuff you want so go find some really nice wild salmon either fresh or frozen and give these delicious salmon cakes a try so head over to for all the ingredient amounts and more info as usual and as always enjoy you
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 1,504,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Salmon (Ingredient), Recipe (Website Category), salmon cakes, cakes, patty, patties, Food (TV Genre), fish, seafood, Cooking, chef, john, foodwishes, entree, Hors D'oeuvre (Type Of Dish), appetizer, Kitchen, Cake (Type Of Dish), Restaurant, Recipes
Id: WGd3vVF_RQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 18 2014
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