LIVE: Chef John of Food Wishes Answers Your Questions! |

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my dad used to take us out for dinner every Friday night and I always got the New York Strip sounds awesome big potato even though mash those are my favorite so I've eaten my last meal starch yeah but I would go with that yeah that's a great that's a great meal I can't complain it with that how about my guilty pleasure food is you know I got to go with instant mashed potatoes in cement I know is there in the pan I don't know I just that was sort of a thing in high school would I get homework early from you know school and just want to whip up something that we always had a little emergency stash in the pantry and I don't know you just I feel guilty you know because I could just make regular potatoes yeah but every once in a while like you never go to like a cafeteria and and you know you're you're stuck somewhere and you have to go through the the snack bar you're like wow I think instant mashed potatoes yeah and people are always bummed I'm like I'm secretly not bad no I was like oh no instant mashed potatoes but then I'm like Lisa do you when you make do you make them at home here do you actually is it like what not and do you do like that like do you actually measure it out are you sure like here's the powder water I just kind of get in many of my fans no I actually did a video for how to make the perfect and that's the only secret you actually have to measure this stuff okay all right so this little tip but anyway that's my guilty pleasure nice so I apparently there's a little bit of audio glitch going on so hopefully you guys can hear us if not we will circling back a little bit yeah um the last time I had a kitchen disaster was kitchen disaster I can't really think of a recent one I many years ago and the one that always pops in my mind I went to a friend's house she had me over to help her cook dinner this was someone I was dating at the time and awhile ago a long time ago in actual anyway she said we're having pasta could I help her boil it and I said that sounds easy okay and she was out in the dining room talking to her guests and little Dino she but says vegan pasta they didn't have a serf lot worth anything that actually would keep pasta together there yeah and I'm cooking in like it's spaghetti anyway while she's out talking to her guests telling him how awesome of a chef I am and I helped her with his dinner party the pasta just fell apart in the water it looked like oatmeal and I sprained it and I was and and then so I had to bring that to the table after she how amazing I wasn't they're like oh I thought we'd have a pasta okay so that was my most memorable disaster of just like that's what a nightmare so I think that sort of erased the memory of any other ones sins thing ever I haven't had one that's been like that bad okay we're gonna actually since there was too much sorry to bring bad memories we are gonna let's do a quick injection again people who are just tuning in and also because we had a little bit of an audio glitch my name is Irvin Lynn I write the blog eat the love and they also wrote a cookbook called marbles rolled and layered and it is available anywhere you buy books including online so that does that and I'm here to interview chef Jon hello I'm chef Jon from food wishes calm yeah welcome to my kitchen we're doing a Facebook live here yeah actually we've been doing one but yes but there's been some audio glitches so if you're just tuning in let's do we're going to talk about so the very first thing we did before when we just started this was the two truths and a lie thing that we did so we're gonna do that again okay sorry about that so the brown was the deal so there are two truths and a lie and John is gonna tell us two truths a lie and you people who are tuning in leave a comment below and tell us which one you think is the lie and we will reveal that at the very end of our Facebook you know what's so funny about this generally two-thirds of my stories are true I believe that so that is a truth that's like yeah anyway yeah so let's see I was captain of the football team in high school you can see fence a lot of details there well I made a turn throw mom yeah I should probably bad that make details I was once sued for four million dollars actually four point one for stealing someone's limo at the airport Atlantic City I'm going with the details now yeah and I once in college one and open-mike Comedy Competition detail postman's college nice okay alright Adirondack Mountains of New York a very hotbed for comedy it sounds in there really okay so you guys pick one of those leave a comment and tell us which one you think is the lie and we'll reveal that lie very end of this Facebook live event and no prizes but no price re do it anyway yeah so we're gonna go and so the next thing that we're doing is finishing a sentence and we've already done a couple sentences already yes but we're gonna continue on and the finished the sentence the first food I ever cooked was french toast french toast I remember just like the first thing I remember like my mom showing me how to the egg and of course I think was probably Wonder Bread yeah and I just remember you couldn't leave it in too long otherwise it would just drip off the fork breaks do the quick flip I remember trying to cook french toast as a young yeah the most overrated ingredient is by far truffle oil yeah people stopped using truffle Oh sports bars enough of the Trump boy on the fries I just I mean I like truffle if I can get it but something about truffle oil is just sort of a sin synthesized flavonoids there's only a couple of them so it doesn't really I don't know there's something about it just bugs it's so overwhelming and not even the takes just the smell is like yeah it just kills a whole dining room I guess it's like the it's like the musical equivalent of the Gypsy Kings in a restaurant why do people play that sorry Gypsy Kings alright well we just lost a couple fans right that's okay we gave a few more and then trail trail um my favorite kitchen tool is excuse me I'm walking out of the shop cheap restaurant tongs do not buy anything that doesn't look like this people like the thing with the grabbers and the claws and yeah she go to a restaurant supply store these are the most useful thing in the kitchen I think yeah I believe Maureen but true yeah the most embarrassing food I'd like to eat embarrassing food well I already used instant mashed potato for your guilty pleasure for you with you know in certain areas of the country when I travel I've been known to put on a disguise and do a drive-thru muffin that person would eat and for breakfast yes I believe it's Scottish heritage so yeah that would probably be my like I don't know why should be embarrassed I do feel like Heywood you should be making that yourself the own sugar faced those so people know what you look like so it's yeah and the best meal I've ever eaten the best meal I've ever eaten well I'm gonna do best slash most memorable shirt was Commander's Palace New Orleans I don't know how many years ago is that three five years maybe we actually it was a food writer trip to to the city and they taking ourselves all the hot spots and we got to Commander's Palace and I got tapped on the shoulder and they said you can't go in the dining room with your partners and I said what happened then they said you are shorts I said nobody told me anyway long story short because I had shorts on they didn't let me sit in the dining room they made Michelle and I sit in the kitchen at the chef's table that's so we're like so the chef personally is serving us the food we're watching them cook it like for a couple of old chefs that's like our dream come true yeah yeah the first thing is that of course the the you know the PR contact and the other my other peers were coming down the feels so bad yeah I'm like yeah it's you know I don't feel too bad we're fine down there and by the end of the meal they're like you know what so anyway that's probably my best most memorable it was like maybe nine courses that's awesome and then we got been easy we got to dessert and they said we were like so can we split a dessert and the waitress said or the server said we don't do that here you have to do a whole one right okay and then she brought a platter to the table that had all seven of their desserts because it was a that kind of a meal yeah yeah so we had to taste each one so just a tip when you're go down in New Orleans don't tell me only want a little bit of something they just give you extra despite you I think that's awesome that was very memorable amazing meal good but if top I've had so many just lucky enough to have so many incredible meals yeah oh I'm sure that totally so I think we have a question from the audience or from people who are watching so let's what's the question okay so the question is if you didn't hear it or do you prefer charcoal or capping fire you mean like an actual roaring campfire yeah I guess or like a grill like a gas grill like I preferred charcoal over gas grill very much so yes nope no contest although cooking on an actual campfire is really cool I might actually pick that because once you let it burn down that's the same difference sure which reminds me great tip when you travel always get a room with a fireplace and then you cook food great in the fireplace that's a pretty good tip actually I'm gonna do a blog about that we're gonna do fireplace cooking that way I can I think I can write off a bed and breakfast do it do it so that's a good deal yeah my brothers are like yeah bite me final sentencing so hard because I've heard through the grapevine most of them won't meet me but that's right there don't to be shocked I'm gonna go Jamie Oliver awesome huge influence Nigella Lawson Jamie Oliver you know of course Rachel amber were the first people I was like wow that doesn't look like Julia Child that doesn't look like Jacko panic it was someone just sort of talking to you it was like you're cooking with your buddy yeah so I kind of picked up a lot of that you know that it relaxed by just well there was there a chef that you have recently have you actually met that you were super excited to meet late I'm assuming that you've met a number of chefs I've met a lot of them but it always at these events you go to and it's like you know how many seconds do you get like three seconds so you know I can't really say because I don't for me me like deficit like I said at the Aspen food wine I got to sit next to Jacqueline on a bus ended at dinner after salsa so just sort of you know having a few words and just overhearing what he was talking about and anyway actually someone came in that knew the shows like hey chef John and he was so confused cuz I hi I'm Jonathan writer for nice anyway and that that's probably the most memorable job I think we have one more questions okay so if you didn't hear that duck fat in your cooking from Diane what do you think about that I love duck fat and you kind of rendered meat fat you can't go wrong yeah duck fat lard cow I mean it's it's I'm so glad people did the studies and figured out fats not poison that is that was like I grew up in that year I was like you shouldn't mean value C sugar covered started that's good for you and then they switched now we can eat butter in fat so no I love duck fat duck fat fries duck fat blank fill in the blank I'm gone with that awesome if you're just tuning in this is a Facebook live event with Chef John my name's Irvin Lynn I read a blog called eight the love and I wrote a cookbook called marble swirled and layered and John of course is I'm chef Jon from food wishes calm yeah so we're gonna work on the internet you work on the internet as we all do yeah so we're gonna go ahead and go move to the next set of questions and game that we have here so we're gonna do food pairings oh boy so um so food pairings delicious or disgusting so we got some props here so since this is Facebook live we have thumbs up and thumbs down on our pairings okay here we go okay so make sure the first first pairing right is wrong right is wrong it okay guys alright so first pairing pairs and blue cheese definitely yes sweet juicy salty I had an awesome pair of blue cheese ice cream up in Portland yeah it was really good alright yeah yeah yeah okay it was importantly good one Portland yeah okay well more than that make sense a yeah thank you goodbye anyway alright that chocolate and potato chips not personally wait hold on I shouldn't be talking can I do this I think it's a great combo okay salty crunchy chocolate sweet beautiful I don't like it you don't like it what is there a reason why it's because I love potato chips so much I'm like why who put chocolate you miss can I get can I have the chocolate-covered potato chips all the joy if it's like a chocolate like garnished over like a chocolate I reckon hey chip garnish over a chuckle dessert yes as an ingredient after you crumble it yes because soggy potato chips are crime against nature fair enough I think everyone agrees I have a in my cookbook I have a chocolate tart with like a potato chip like thing and you do it like the very end so that's why yeah oh you mean this in that way yes exactly I'm practicing for when I have my talk show when I retired I'm doing lots of plugs eggs and ketchup that's another tough one I think it goes because acidic with the protein but I don't generally eat it because I like to keep the ketchup on my hash browns if it mixes fine yeah yeah and one work we have another question she can fight steak and tacos well first of all what kind of crazy person doesn't like tacos yeah so I'm for that one I love tacos everyone should and chicken fried steak is amazing yes I mean I grew up on chicken fights like over-salted steak would then over salt as seasoned flour on the steak fried and hopefully lard yeah or something in some other at enemies maybe let's make gravy out of sausage fat yeah and put that on top so what's not to like about that yeah but what about chicken-fried steak I didn't do tacos why not that work sure look forward to a video for that my sister's taking notes good okay so next combo peanut butter and bacon why I mean peanut butter and bacon gets a thumbs down just because I don't you don't subscribe to whole like bacon makes everything better no okay good peanut butter for example so no I don't I don't know peanut butter bacon just doesn't do anything it's like did they run out of things to eat bacon with that's what I when I when I hear that when I think of that like okay so when I Twitter was like what can I put my bacon has been peanut butter better there yeah bourbon and pickle juice I'll have to try that and get back to you it sounds terrible it sounds pretty awful I'm not using the props yeah sounds terrible but I bet if I drink it I would like it because I can see salty briny with sweet I guess it depends on the proportion do you know because you know that bourbon can kind of taste like burning and then the saltiness my I don't know it seems like it worked pretty awful but I really like to do is poke holes into a in pickles and stick them in a bourbon bottle for six months and then have a party do it invite me over we'll try it we'll do the thumbs up with your follow-up box after the show yeah all right sounds good french fries and mayonnaise can I be a Olie I'm gonna sing all right so what's the difference between a Olie amens well I only is a mayonnaise made by crushing garlic and an emulsifying olive oil oh we have the purest form okay nowadays people put eggs in it that's sure but anyway so yes I'm big fan of yeah french fries it's very like french dutch belgiam they do it in fact when I had was the one time I went to Europe I got some fries and they had mayonnaise at the table but they knew we're Americans and the server said would you like some American sauce and I was like what's that he's like you know that kept up and I was like I will take some ketchup Americans oh I like that so anyway you get your get your mayonnaise with fries we go to Europe so yes it's a year in Holland for a year and that's where I I learned to like mayonnaise with french fries but salmon and Greek yogurt I'm going up yeah I like salmon with like creme fraiche sour cream basis it's not that far off although yogurt does have that sort of drier mouthfeel little chocolaty Greek yogurts yeah it has a little bit of chalking this so something in salmon also has a little bit of chalking this if you gets a little too overcooked yeah all right so yeah yeah all right best side dish with cedar plank salmon well anytime you're doing smoky I think something cold and acidic so like a chilled green bean salad or the smashed cucumbers we just did as I shamelessly plug in my own videos yeah Abby would be probably the perfect side dish for a playing salmon nice that sounds great that would be a thumbs-up Oh chicken and waffle Philly chicken waffles I'm gonna shock the world what do thumbs down now I've ordered them many times I am Shawn usually late at night and I don't know I like waffles I like fried chicken I don't understand the starch on starch with the codeine it's that's a tough one for me that's like I don't know then why do you keep on going back to it and ordering it I'd rather not say it's like you're there it's late and you sounds good I don't know what you're doing all right how about an egg on a burger oh hey you got anything pretty much hang on everything all right all right chocolate and avocado I thought that was a made-up one is that a thing I think I'm gonna have to go just just by the sound of it I you know I've heard people use like an avocado and like brownies and stuff for like you know like I but for me I straight up chocolate an avocado if you're using avocado like as a fat yeah your cakes or whatever yeah I'm down cuz that just makes sense culinarily yeah but dipping a piece of avocado and chocolate yeah it doesn't I'm I'm wondering about you yeah fair enough yeah not good judge I just would wonder what you're doing what are you doing that watermelon feta cheese that is a definite no-brainer in fact if you have not had watermelon and feta cheese - that is one of the great summer souls of all time it's awesome cube watermelon feta cheese rice vinegar salt pepper shipping out of mint yeah summer summer right there in a dish all of them blue cheese I'm gonna say yes yeah now that one's a little risky because depends on the olive you get a super salty olive like one of those dry so dry cured one was a little black like that yeah you would have to be careful that I say in general all right and then one more yeah another question yes all right so the gateway drug to get in coyote I don't I don't think there was a gateway drug to using cayenne I think a long time ago when the internet first started and we started to read about what's good for you what's not I read a few articles about how great Cayenne is just for your system and also on the palate it tends to open up receptors for other flavors so I just you know could've been totally made up and I don't even wanna know if it's not true cuz I'm done by you but I think it's if it's on the internet it must be true and it sometimes I usually like as a micro seasoning like not enough to be hot okay but enough that I that if it wasn't there it wouldn't be as good okay so I just started sprinkling in anything after I learned it is very very good for you and I do like spice just in general sure so instead of using the hot sauce I used to use or whatever I've just started shaker you've seen it and I don't know maybe like eighteen hundred videos so yeah I just shake it on it's no it's no there's no big like yeah wild story of how I got into it it just was I liked cayenne I liked heat and it's super good for you know Hume jokes aside yeah one more question summer paninis somebody didn't mean Brian went to some rapini don't leave brain you know we were gonna freestyle sandwiches let's go with summer panini how about cheddar peach and ham sounds good oh no let's not do that let's do cheddar peach and whatever leftover meat you got from the barbecue like some will do that I think a peach and a sharp cheese and a grilled sandwiches really nice oh yeah that sounds awesome yeah good do a video for that I will are you guys writing these down Emily 17 video suggestions dice and more questions more questions from preference to a hurt or soft taco shell my official answer being in San Francisco for this many years I got to go soft because they they will ask you to leave town it you know I grew up so I grew up in the Midwest and her taco shells are like the thing right yeah like you buy him at the grocery store and like I never had soft tacos in fact I was just about to mention where I'm from though they don't know yeah they're like oh what's that a little lump in face burrito yeah they don't know that that is a taco so I grew up on the hard shell yeah and of course in the high school cafeteria taco day with the hard shells that was a religious experience so no I go both ways on the topic okay okay all right so final food pairing let's do asparagus and grapefruit asparagus and great food is surprisingly amazing and what will oh yeah perhaps it actually when you combine asparagus and grapefruit if you close your eyes and someone fed you spooning that you think you're eating a super juicy vine-ripened tomato it kind of has that flavor profile part of the expression but anyway yeah thumbs up asparagus and grapefruit try to eat people okay more questions okay so stamps on octopus I love octopus I and every time I have it in restaurant I'm always trying to ask the chef how they did it because it seems to be way more tender than I get mine I've only cooked it to be honest with you maybe three or four times in my life okay so that's something that's on the list for posting a video for see one thing people don't realize when I post the videos my favorite ones are ones I don't know that well then I get the comments like that's not how you boil octopus you jerk this way and then I learn in the next time I do better okay so yeah activist I need to get into but I'm a huge fan delicious in fact we'll go to Spanish restaurants just to eat the octopus dish yeah this is great yeah if it's done properly milk and steak you mean drinking milk with steak or milk steak ever heard of it sounds weird I don't know now drinking milk with steak that's this - sorry who is that was her name sorry several people is that there must be a thing I seriously I need to get on the internet more I don't know any of these yeah okay all right so we're going to move on to our next game the game is who said this we have three oh that's what these are yeah so those are four so we have Martha Stewart love hey Martha and what is she watching I heard she was watching like people feature my book Martha people are saying she was watching today okay Martha we've got Martha we have Julia Child she's definitely not watching but yeah she's watching from up one of my obvious mentors Julia's never met and amazing and I know Anna Gardner very very talented big fan yes all three so we're gonna I'm gonna read off some quotes to you and you could tell me you two hold up whoever it is and tell me who said what all right here we go all right I enjoy cooking with wine sometimes I even put it in the food that's gotta be yes really all right food is not about impressing people it's about making them feel comfortable I know yes that is I know let's try the way I was not giving these answers ahead of time so that does vary unban fry Nina very hungry her and I should take a lesson from a party without a cake is really just a meeting and it was actually Julia Child sorry Julia something something something Martha would say it doesn't but I can also see Julia saying it I think they're trying trick and trick me with these it's fine I tried to greet my friends with a drink in my hand a warm smile on my face and great music in the background because that's what gets a party that's what gets a dinner party off to a fun start well I'm gonna go with Martha again it was ina I know we're actually that again that's fine you get the same price as the people who guess all right which one that was lie which is nothing cooking well does that mean cooking fancy no I'm scared to pick Martha normally come to go with it though it's Julia are there any Martha's in it I don't know who's gonna be more fried by the end of this show yeah actually it was there you go there you go Martha yeah I think truffle oil is one of the few ingredients that does not belong in anyone's kitchen it is ruinous of Moses recipes are stealing my material and there's a steel number two okay go old-school French no it was more than a few America really it was Martha I say you should've stuck with your you know Martha was truffle oil even around with Julia I feel like I said I think it might have been yeah I wasn't the fifty was like the eighteen fifties fair enough so the pie isn't perfect cut into a wet cut into wedges stay in control and never panic yep oh no it was Martha Bertha that I get credit okay sorry no Martha Martha isn't that yeah right crazy probably shouldn't show the tape on back anyway breaks the spell you can teach people about cheese but you can't teach them to be happy well first of all you can do it twice a week on YouTube let's see yes yes I treated she actually said that to me did you know how bad can that be it's kind of well at one time or another all for you yeah I feel like I feel like that's all ring I feel like it yeah they've all but but that one was attributed to I know okay but I bet you at some point although guarantee yeah yeah I love dessert you have a quick weight oh alright alright I love dessert I can't be guilty about it because I have to taste everything I gotta go Martha yeah it was it was totally Martha alright so we have a question yes who inspired you to cook I don't think there's one person who inspired me to cook I just grew up watching Martha you know I know Martha well later but Julia the galloping gourmet yeah then you know the first wave so I just it was more like a gradual process there was a huge like food culture and I am both sides of my family and it just was they were really into it so it was just through Serato Susan and then as I got in high school I was like what's a job you don't have to really work it's like fun and I was already sort of cooking at home yeah I was like wow they have a college for cook is like the best thing I've ever heard so that it was kind of that it was like sorta interested really young and then a little more and a little more and then by high school and her like hey you gotta figure out what you gonna do with your life that's sort of when I came into the cooking in the kitchen is tough I mean restaurant back at house is like that's labor that's blue that's that's like hardly a collar show business really really hard it's a performance every night yeah for no money you're in the weeds it's like yeah it's crazy so that's why I cook on YouTube now nice yeah good choice one last quote here you can be miserable before you have a cookie and you can be miserable after you eat a cookie but you can't be miserable while you're eating a cookie that's that sounds like Martha's all right we have another question yeah what's the trick here's what you want to do okay do not try to make them crispy it's impossible there yeah this is one of my pet peeves that and crispy Brussels sprouts there's no such thing you can deep-fry Brussels sprouts I've had crispy Brussels roasted like with the entire thing no just the chips yeah but we in a restaurant they give you the bowl of fried and it's like try a Christian brother okay and I was asked a server are they really gonna be crispy and they're like and then they come I'm like there's like six leaves that are crispy and the rest of this is a bowl of Brussels sprouts yeah sweet potato oh that's right can you make them same thing just like Brussels sprouts you really you really can't it's really hard if you put a coating on them like like a right season rice flour and you pre cook them and then chill them because you know when it starts with gelatin Isis Thank You Alton Brown and then you've refri them or reheat them in a hot environment the surface will get will crisp up a little bit yeah but not for that long and so it's just a different animal just yeah enjoy yourself way too many potatoes it's it's really in fact the best ones are the frozen ones I have to hate to say it yeah B I love my first long as you get the ones you just say sweet potato and salt and oil on the ingredient packet those are fine but those because they're frozen you have a little bit of a shot but homemade true potato fries is super hard to do yeah all right more questions so what surplus hated buzzword hated buzzword give me the example of a buzzword what's the example of a buzzword labor profile a buzzword buzz phrase yeah yeah give me a like flavor profile mouthfeel toothsome yeah I'd like all those yeah I like the voice no muy stai really like moist I say moist a lot actually like the working voice I say really one come from yeah I'm gonna have to pass on that I don't have I don't think I have you don't have you don't have a thing that you hate a phrase holy wooden spatula I really think it originally was for measuring pasta that's what I've heard and just obviously just resistance you know stuff goes through when you're stirring sir the what why that's a question is because every time I use this in a video I start to tell the story and then stop and it's been like a running gag like I don't have time to tell the story this time and people just go crazy so anyway apparently if you put dry spaghetti that much that is one perfect portion of pasta or you just put the whole box in that mix for so I don't know what this does it's more of a conversation piece I think but I believe that was like a long story though you not to do that it and not to be cynical but I think they do to save would just regular utensil store you probably can get it like yeah you probably find it all my equipment and utensils are sent to me hoping I plug I never named the brand son but my guess is you probably could find it at like yes any store yes in fact if you're in a big city always finding the restaurant supply houses half price of any of your little boutique shops and generally better stuff and you know maybe nicer people who knows but anyway yes any more questions Oh both amazing the Italian classics you know the the spaghetti and the meat sauce of course polenta we do big Trish and he dumped the plant on this big plywood board and with the you know how it's Lilith eyes is it yeah and then the kid we'd cut shapes of states and you try to eat it into a shape it was a really fun game my mom did even though she was Italian my father was Polish and Ukrainian and she kind of picked up some of those food traditions used to make pierogi which were amazing so that was like one of her signature dishes even though wasn't Italian but those are yeah cabbage rolls were we're definitely one of her specialties as I've picked up so yes yo note an Angela time to the cabbage rolls any more questions tell Ben what to make like oh how long has he been going out without knowing the young lady it's impossible to answer because we could kill her with an allergy thing good answer how about this not steamed broccoli never make steamed broccoli for the first day when someone's going over for dinner can you say it never makes themed broccoli out or does like roasted or whatever you know yeah there's not yeah there's not really one we make it all alright yeah don't I don't have I don't really have those I'm not a big favorites guy like I don't like what's your favorite why me just but you have preferences though I'm sure I like most everything but yeah I have a prep and like if you give me it like I'm looking at the two choices yeah I'll tell you what do another favor but when people like you know what's your favorite this you favor that I always those questions I don't know why do you have I know you obviously hate truffle oil but do you have what do you have is there specific other things that use like I don't care for this or that for the longest time I couldn't anything that was like a yellow curry sauce no did the tumeric really help don't like the almost like that the Chinese takeout yeah fast food-type it's just fluorescent yellow yeah yeah that's one of the thing just that's smelling that taste memory I don't know why it just really throws me off that's probably one unfortunate because it's probably super good for you and good but anyway there are plenty of other super good things true the Cayenne that you're so you're good all right so two years a long time yeah how many do you need thank you did you have here's why because what I don't like to do on the channel is just make something for the sake of it so if I run out of chicken wing recipes I just stop so I think I've done what maybe eight okay I'm guessing a seven eight and it's the same basic procedure either you know we're giving the baking powder ones that get the crispy edge or or the wet style but once you cook the wing with one of those two or three methods you put what you want on it so it's it's I don't know I'll do it for Super Bowl this year yeah we'll do something crazy maybe I'll do a stuff wing I've never done a stuff yeah well these do that you've heard of red-eye gravy yeah of course so if you haven't heard a red-eye gravy you do glaze a pan with some splash of old coffee yeah especially if you fry a piece of ham I guess the nutritional way to go love coffee you can use it in a dry rub and by the way I was gonna plug this later but Michelle and I do a barbecue sauce called sfq this is totally random didn't plan this the charges happen to be here this has a little bit of coffee in it so in savory sauces like a barbecue sauce or marinades it can work but you got to be careful it's bitter yeah although that's a good thing people are generally scared of bitter yeah and they don't realize that really brings out the sweet and the other save yeah I actually like to use Gogarty in chocolate stuff so when I'm baking like for instance this cake right here has a little bit of coffee in it so but ya know I tend to add a little bit coffee and it really does boost a child flavor in baked goods so that's a good tip more cauliflower ace you know I've only made I don't make cauliflower rice although I do make it to make our cauliflower pizza crust oh okay which is that actually comes out surprisingly good you ever had that one I have so you make a cup of rice you squeeze out the water and you make the crust with it yeah but I don't think I've ever just done the cauliflower rice yeah actual thing sorry more questions [Music] it's generally all off the top of my head I don't I've never written anything down but sometimes as I see my system is I film it one day and edit it and then the next day I do the voice-over and all the final editing so as I'm editing it and shooting if sometimes I'll think of all I'd like to say make that point here or do that stupid joke there or do that you know so that's you know I'll put the pun right there so I don't write it down but I'm thinking to myself when I add the flour that's where you want to make that point and you know but then sometimes you can't because like you don't know when you pour the honey and it's gonna make the shape of you know Eisenhauer so you don't know you're gonna do that how's our joke fair enough you kids you Google eyes hours before your time good question top three puns you're the well one of my I think my favorite is your the disco Stu of your Stu's Hugh that was one of my favorites I don't really I'm not gonna critiquing my own yeah suspect content no just yeah the disco Stu of your Stu's Hugh I haven't done the steamed bun yeah but I already have that one you're the bow-wow of making your bow-wow so I can't pick the other two I can't remember that's one that's not bad that's in the middle shoot a video well like start to finish it's probably like two days to two and a half days like from the planning in the shop and the cook in the you know the rough cut and then once I get the 20 minutes of footage into like a 10 minute package then you got to do the voice-over and then the fine-tuning so yeah but roughly two and a half days I'd say average sometimes are you know quick day and a half and you're good so I have a question yes and I know people ask why do you never show your face on your videos well the way this has improved why so far and they still need more explanation actually the answer is when I started I had no equipment I wish I still had it I had an old spice rack and all this was new since I started but I had a spice rack that had one little Logitech web eyes oh yeah yeah I had that literally taped or rubber band or something attached to the spice rack on the cutting board and that was my set so I literally couldn't show myself okay not only that I didn't have a microphone okay like a wireless oh okay so I all I could do is make show the rest make the recipe and then put in the laptop and then you know back then you know microphone operating the laptop and that's how I started the format and I didn't do it on purpose I did it out of necessity you bought it I started getting all his feedback on YouTube like how there's something weird about these videos it's different we can't like people come put their finger on it it was it all the other food videos on YouTube at the time 90% of them had a person in it yeah behind the counter like hey how you doing check out my personality and I never I didn't even attempt to do that so it was kind of dumb luck like I stumbled into a format that was different yeah at the time and having said that in hindsight it it worked out so well because you're forced to be in the video with me because yeah I'm not you're not looking at me cook yeah you're hearing me so hopefully I'm sort of bringing you in and we're sort of making it together that's why I always try to use we and us and never saying I'm gonna put this I always try to say we're gonna add this sure so anyway that's sort of how that happened nice all right more questions yeah well directly before I was an instructor at the California Culinary Academy and I've had you know like most people in this industry I if you name a position in a restaurant or a hotel or some kind of hospitality I've done it for some period of time both front house a little bit of front yeah and in fact in college they forced us to do like three months at the hotel the college rang I'm so yeah you get all that stuff but I had a very unremarkable career like I loved as far as positions go it like this is the best thing I've done in the culinary academy before then it was just you know good cook jobs few chef jobs sous chefs but not no famous places no not really under a supervision a very quick dessert to make god yeah I love especially I'm looking at my grill out the back window grill some bread even if it's inside in the broiler or toast the bread and then you drizzle it with olive oil shave some dark chocolate over it little sea salts that is an amazing amazing dessert and it takes like two minutes to make well that's very yeah I feel like that's very like savory chef to do something yes yeah that's not a pastry chef would not say that no yeah more questions nice oh okay so we are going to do yeah so our next section let's do that before we get buried and other questions from other people yeah so um food trends love it or lose this we're gonna ask these questions more thumbs up these props okay so let's talk about food trends here so do you love it or you should we lose it hybrid baked goods like cronuts and cruffin love any anything that's hybridized yeah looting hybrids alright alright good to know good have pokeballs if you get them made the morning or the day they get the fish delivered well I mean it's to any Rob yeah that's the only thing yeah like how long is that salmon isn't around yeah poke a been there before it goes in the bowl yeah so that's the only thing that's a little sketchy okay cauliflower everything that's gonna be a thumbs down only because you said everything and if cauliflower was everything it was the point so but no I am a big proponent of using cauliflower in as many ways as you can as I am using all foods in every way you can because that's how you've discovered new foods so they're enough I'm done with cauliflower fried chicken sandwiches I'm not gonna dignify that with a response right I I had to before we started the show yeah yeah I it's true fried chicken sandwich one of my all-time favorite things in fact that could be the last meal really option yeah well if fried chicken was one of your options except don't put it on a brioche bun why do people use brioche buns I'm not a fan of the beer spoon well that's like right super rich over it yeah yeah you don't need that it's like why Gilda look like a cheeseburger I'm gonna lean but yeah fast food but not a rich fair enough sorry French people I love the brioche alone but yeah yeah anyway unicorn everything all I know Unicorn is that what was it the unicorn achene oh yeah it was like anyway we probably should name the brand but anyway you know I don't I I don't know how to answer that because if you're in dough unicorns and they make you happy more power to you get down with your unicorn self yeah but but no I don't want to order something because it's called a unicorn like a unicorn dog like you know you should make that that could be a viral video unicorn dog trademark that yeah all right savory ice-cream like Cal metal all over goat cheese or olive oil that's a tough one I'm gonna go with thumbs up because I've had some amazing savory ice creams olive oil ice cream you could go all right you can go wrong too if it's done well yeah my friend Chris Cosentino has a did a prosciutto he gives prosciutto to Humphry Slocombe they don't eat ice cream yeah that's really good have you had a hurry ice cream you have their foie gras ice cream I didn't have it there we've had foie gras ice cream or a foie gras sorbet finishing another dessert one time that was amazing I can't remember where we had that but yeah I'm done with that I had a fragra macaron once yeah I did not really care for but it was like too much all right all right um cloud eggs cloud eggs I actually have never made I've seen it looks super cool but I don't understand it because texturally it seems like it would be not a great idea yeah but I will reserve judgment until I make them okay fair enough look for video possibly um tumeric lattes uh I'm gonna say no okay since I don't like tumeric based curry sauces I doubt your latte is gonna swing me over to the yellow sayin all right so no it doesn't sound good all right what about matcha like green tea matcha I like green tea I I did one reasonably okay mochi video that used the matcha in the dough apparently is really good for you is that correct sure yeah this green tea so I'm gonna go yes I'm all right how about sushi burritos no but it's kind of a hybrid thing it is a hybrid thing but a sushi burrito reminds me of a wrap and I don't understand why anyone would ruin a great sandwich by rolling it in a cold flour tortilla it's just it makes no sense to me all right I'll take a piece of white bread any day over a flour tortilla what about coconut oil sure yeah I use it I like it in fact if you want to check out a video for we don't do a lot of vegan recipes that are like tight vegan recipes but we have a vegan fudge this coconut oil take three greens coconut oil maple syrup and a really good high-quality Dutch process cocoa and you mix those together and it if you keep in the freezer it has the mouthfeel and the pretty much the flavor of a really nice cold piece of dark chocolate charcoal lattes and ice cream I to be honest I've never heard of this trend yeah so I'm gonna have to do it if I even heard it it can't be a great trend it's all over the place now do people do it on purpose or yeah it's activated charcoal which is the stuff that you actually use for if you're being waters yeah and water filters it basically pulls out everything actually so if I poison in the future yeah so it's a it's basically an anti poison but it also makes everything like super rich black and gray and it's a very neutral flavor so you can put it in you know and make bass like goth soft-serve ice cream that's what's people from doing but of course big in the Gulf goth scene you are yeah yeah that's true how about Suvi so these are tough one for me because I appreciate the technique it's brilliant I mean it's it's like how to cook a perfect piece of meat and then make it impossible to screw up yeah because it's gonna be 130 degrees if that's what you're going for the internal time there's just something about it that people my age just can't officially embrace it as like because I know now when I go to a restaurant almost everything I get in the higher-end places I know that chicken breast was sunni first and then they use the Sears all on the top yeah so now and it tastes great and it's juicy so I don't know why I would have a problem with it I just having embraced it myself I have two or three videos that we posted where you just use a Dutch oven and a squeeze the air out of a ziplock and you you most people on their low low burner with a Dutch oven the water is gonna be about our thirty degrees and you can sort of dial it in but your hot tap water comes out to 130 you can feel a big neat cooler with that yeah and you can actually cook a roast in there but you don't actually have them you'll have a I do not have a circulator I don't because nobody is there I mean I feel like they're becoming more popular because they are way less expensive and the a/v immersion I said many offers to receive them and test them on the channel maybe I'll take these folks up on that one day no I it's brilliant it's like I don't you know I don't know why you don't use it I should sure but beer tails beer based cocktails unless we're talking a straight like awesome mission Mitch alotta I'm not big on the beer tails okay like the beer like the tails beer tails fair enough and how about smoothie bowls now is this for people that don't have straws explain the smoothie Bowl to me it's like a deconstructed smoothie so you have a bowl but with all the ingredients and they're not even blended well no what a ripoff I think so yeah i-i've never actually okay I see ables but thumbs up on this on the smoothie Bowl because it's so ridiculous people making money doing this those are my kind of people I feel like it's like you know the bowl of fruit salad all right question what is the maximal take a giant milkshake no shake it has like a giant milkshake and it has like a slice of cake on it with like Oreos no stop stop doing too much no monster no monster or anything no don't put stuff that doesn't belong on other stuff on top of stuff I don't know I mean it's good for like kids birthday parties I guess adults eating this stuff yeah I think it's a huge thing not one exception the Bloody Mary with the like a million hat or the produce section okay does it feel that's healthy yeah no no you can't do smoke cocktail smoke hock really in fact I want to have a smoke cocktail and they also smoke the ice and I was like a lot and I was like thank God you told me because how would I taste the smoked ice in your smoke cocktail with your smoke mixer so anyway I don't I'm not a big smoke flavor person what about like miscall like what about smokey I can do I can do mezcal I like barbecue yeah but appropriately appropriate amount smoked cheese I don't like it oh really don't like smoke like I'm so bummed when there's a great burger sounding out and then it gets to the cheese it's like with smoked gouda yeah more well that's a good question what classic dishes do you think need to come back I like I think just in general the tableside service see when people started suing each other when they got splattered with a little sauce that ruined it for everyone thanks laticious people but you know they roll the card up like I work at the carnelian room Francisco you order the steak Diane yeah so yes so those dishes some should come back like those classic you know like New York City Steakhouse tableside toss salads and pan sauces that would be a great thing to bring back definitely because it's not original thought on my part but a broiler is literally just an upside down grill yeah I mean the flames on the top and you put the food there instead of yeah backyard it's like this same exact difference broil it boiling is great yeah like there's a approve Ian rotisserie chicken place yeah Ron Valencia that's very nice so I do and I like that there's like Asian influences yeah with the South American influences and the Latin influences so I'm a big fan of Peruvian food I wish I could eat it more and I'm pretty ignorant on the ingredients I know there's a couple chili peppers that I can't remember the name now I mean I have a Peruvian recipe on my program chicken recipe based off of that actually on my blog what's great about the Peruvian chicken for me it's always the green sauce that comes I love the green sauce yeah so we should definitely do some prove Ian videos I don't think I'm very familiar with it I love Middle Eastern food in general so I'm gonna say that I love Lebanese food Lebanese food is great tell him to send me some requests for Lebanese I guess I think we call them food wishes send me some food wishes in my channel send the food wish for Lebanese food Oh school cafeteria meals the question well I'm gonna say yes no I'm gonna say it and it's not gonna be what people think it is it was goulash but not actual real goulash like they make in Hungary this was goulash upstate western New York goulash which is elbow macaroni with that's baked with cheese and a ground beef sauce like I'm tomato meat sauce okay it's like mac and cheese only with a tomato-based meat sauce oh okay that's that's what they called goulash in shorts Ville New York where I grew up so that was always I don't know why that was my favorite like cafeteria comfort food type of insulation trend okay okay yeah lumpia yeah I got to do videos send a food wish for those two yeah yeah I think I did one a dobo but I think I reduced it too much it was like kind of salty mmm but I like that flavor I like it salty and sour see I need to redo it an adobo video I need to do lumpia and but I'm not eating below yeah yeah no thanks chickens old someone Google that that would be a no right now I think we're generally shocked by my food knowledge in general I have no idea he doesn't mean galoshes I know it's not on a close beer man I don't know what either so who is that Jerry Jerry nice going Jared daun you never hear that one wow do I have one oh I do I don't know I don't I guess because most people don't have a convection setting and then they'd be like how long do I cook in my normal oven so I figure if I cook it without the convection anyone that has convection could cook it regular yeah but the people that don't have convection just cook it normal yeah that sounds like a reasonable answer yeah oh that's a fancy name for a pig in a blanket I was gonna say yeah that's soo there should be two more words that's different than a pig in a pea can I'd rather have my brother have the sausage to be honest but I'm gonna research that myself with our trust this internet research yeah but in real time you so know if it's good I will find out what do ya need and do it and then generate ad revenue by posting it yeah dark darker the better really do you like I mean what about like 99% like pure unsweetened chocolate how dark do you go I can easily go 85 oh that's pretty I'm not even make a face yeah yeah I like I like dark dark dark chocolate I don't like in general sweet desserts yeah so you know a milk chocolate just as generally to season my palate yeah but you know someone has to be peace chocolate eat it but if I have my choice the better there's no such thing because it depends on what you're doing with it so canola oil it could be perfect for one thing and be terrible for another in general if I'm doing super high heat serine smoking like searing a steak you want to use the neutral very high heat oils you know the the seed the seed oils or the canola and if you're doing lower temperature then you can get away with the extra virgin olive oil and butters and stuff like that or whole butter if you clarified butter which I really should do a video for I've done it in videos but melting butter and skimming the top and yeah removing the milk solids or the milk from the bottom that is an amazing cooking oil yeah and it's actually pretty high heat and but it depends on what exactly she's gonna be cooking yeah I always use avocado oil when I'm doing like the high heat stuff yes because it's a very neutral one yeah it's avocado dream dinner party well first of all I'll tell her to say hi to stuff congratulations about last night I assume that see I used to carry okay bad guess anyway god that's almost impossible obviously me well of course urban for yeah let's go DaVinci Escoffier and you wouldn't be like intimated to cook jay-z no no joke good mix that's a good dinner program yeah yeah plus one for jay-z what would you what would you make I heard jay-z is a big chicken wing guy I would okay all right yeah I might do their old clipped in Springs chicken wings okay which is a ginger sticky ginger glaze nice generally if I'm in a hurry it's just fried fried in butter a tea some toast really easy medium hard Sunnyside up but you put the lid on yeah my second and you drip a couple drops of water and you get that little steam burst yeah I don't even know if I've done that video idea and then we did we did the French omelette not too long ago we did a video for that so that's always a classic it's nice and then just cheesy scrambled eggs yeah classics I hate so few foods that's a tough one yeah you don't like dessert stuff I mean you don't like super sweet desserts I don't like super sweet desserts I really really just like smoked cheeses as I said yeah I don't understand the craze about fiddlehead ferns oh okay some people just go crazy and I'm like they're pretty they're really they're really pretty yes thank you soft-shell crab I have a huge problem with the texture oh it tastes like deep-fried plastic wadded up saran wrap sometimes when it's okay that's a shot yeah I don't quite as tender it just makes me want actual crab crab yeah like just Waimea initial I don't I could have waited the thing to grow up that is from Annette this lace is with aioli from my lunch earlier today this is from Napa Valley st. aleena on Main Street there's an olive oil company store and they have these there it's beautiful I would have plugged them but I think they made me pay for this so I don't actually don't remember the name but so I don't know what how timing is for us okay yes well I actually am good in now Michelle yeah now I don't I don't even show myself in the videos so you guys can't give me a hard time for not showing my wife squeeze in between us this is Michelle hello love my life and views of the show I'm the mouth of the show she's the heart of the show so anyway that's a really popular question who's this Michelle you talk about in the videos and in the comments and I'm always blaming Michelle if I have to it like I like it like this but Michelle wanted it like that so anyway we finally got to see Michelle well this is a very selfish answer I always love and it's rarely asked as people guess just figure I was born here maybe but how I actually got to San Francisco and only because it's like such a strange story that I act made a squash bird in a hotel in Montana I mean how did you yellow crookneck squash oh you remember that cuz you actually made that at the AL recipe did headquarters for some buffet for for garma J and anyway long story short I did it cuz I didn't know actual garbage a I didn't know how to make all the ice carving stuff so he made these birds a squash which really made the other cooks bitter who are doing that like actual grammar saying anyway to add insult to injury a few weeks later as we were breaking down for the summer I was gonna head back to New York they're chefs today I've recommended you my friend works to the San Francisco Opera House and they need someone to do the all the Carmel J on the buffet the grand buffet in the in the basement intermission of the opera I'm like that's great one problem I don't know how to do any of that stuff I ought to make birds out of a squash so that's I love when people ask me how I got to San Francisco because I get to tell the strange of a true tale of making a squash bird in Glacier National Park at the Glacier National Hotel and in that chef saw that and thought I knew what I was doing and recommended me to do the buffet in San Francisco and I got here and they're like do you would do anything L do then because I literally just did squash Birds on the buffet and tomato roses and some Cal back then we didn't eat Cal we used it to garnish buffets yeah the soil is for the first 25 years of my career Cal that's where it was always a case in the walk-in yeah and it never ever went on a place that's understand what you without ladders put it under the candied apple no floating you probably saw I am I already plugged it earlier San Francisco style um my favorite barbecue region how do I have to pick one they're all good that's like what's your favorite region for wining France I just I like give me a nice bottle bottle wine I drink it I like to North Carolina because I like the more acidic than the sweet so so the whole hog with that really sharp vinegary mustard pepper sauce yeah any more questions nice okay all right so let's alright so here's the question that we talked about earlier what the desert island question what are the three foods that you would bring to a desert island well okay so I'm stuck on the island for life so this stuff's gonna run out that I'm bringing well alright so let's do this way let's say you are a trap an island for ten days okay shipwrecked but you know there's another trick that's gonna pick you up so you got ten days you gotta like live on your own alright what three items would you let's go hunk of cheese big wheel of cheddar bottle of bourbon could be cold tonight and maybe some potatoes because if the ship doesn't come I'm gonna cut those suckers up and you know like I'm Martian yeah fertilizing differently but anyway he cut him up and that's what I would probably bring okay and what are the three cooking tools that you would take you for trapped on that's easy you got to have your tongs you got to have a nice frying pan and a ship in a chef's knife yeah classic you could do everything you got those three things you can pretty much make anything okay I am because Sara told me earlier we could make salt from the ocean is it's an Ireland and that is so professor from Gilligan's Island I know I know well my partner is a chemistry professor so so yes so yes try to get stranded with one of those type of you mean this a little bit of the sea as I tried to explain earlier I wish I have to make up a better story like of all my embellished actives why don't I have one for cayenne it just was a gradual thing I heard about how good it was for you it to me accentuates other flavors it sort of liven awake its up the palate a little bit and I like a little heat so it works for me on every level and it just eventually became a meme on the channel because I do use it and everything even if it's a little you know a little pinch like it said the phrase I like micro seasoning where you're just putting a little drop of vanilla in a vinaigrette yeah not enough to taste but something-something it underneath yeah same with the Cayenne just a couple shakes and pretty much anything okay anyway this I don't know who who invented this thing but apparently this is simply just a hole to measure exactly one portion spaghetti it also lowers resistance yeah although you learned something when like I wish it was less resistance so only there was a hole in this I can give it a little so that I don't think it's true and then I joked that they do it to save wood but I don't think that's true yes I think they have to cut the whole life it's so but legend has it this was actually carved from a slightly larger wooden spoon yeah most of my material I steal from Simpsons and Seinfeld yeah I have no clue really absolutely no idea because I did a few videos on this other blog that a friend of mine and then and then we did food wishes and so what's the first one that you remember like the earliest video that you remember that I did a recipe for a mango salsa and I remember because the name was so stupid I called it salmon mango mango because it was spicy and I remember saying I want to call this something super stupid so people like share it like this even before social media and I didn't yeah yeah that would be a huge on Twitter but anyway I'd be back you should bring it back yes I really should so that's the one that was one that made me first or second or third it's actually posted now okay but I have to go back and actually look on the on the blog I don't remember yes done answer it there yeah I refused to expand yes yes pizza dough yes yes yeah gloss yes so sorry because I promised videos to stuff to do with it I probably never did that because I do yeah but anyway what you do is when demi-glaze is chilled as you know it turns into something that looks like brown rubber and you cut it into little ice cube sized pieces and you keep in a ziploc bag or ice cube tray and you when you're making a pan sauce like any literally any one of the pan sauces on our site you throw one of those cubes in instead of the two cups of chicken broth that we're gonna reduce anyway and that is just such sticky goodness yeah although that reminds me there's a there's a hack that she used just unflavored gelatin and a massage when you get the same kind of bag mouth yeah from the bones so I'm gonna have to try that and show that one because people can't buy 50 pound of veal bones it's hard and yeah possibly socially unconscious or something they're not well I have to say from both video and and written word my chicken parm casserole I think was one of the first viral written recipes on Pinterest I believe that someone okay that so chicken parm casserole is one hour how do you eat a chicken wing video I think might have those really yeah that has like a ridiculous like 10 like I don't even know what it has now our inside out grilled cheese sandwich which is really inside and out just put cheese in it how'd it flip into perón got a lot of use because they use Cheez balls it was a team like I mean cheese balls people will watch it I know yeah oh the garlic the Martha Stewart that I stole her technique anyway yes I that was I did a video where you put a bunch of cloves of garlic in a pan yeah you shake it up to get anyway so done Martha one time I loved it and I gave her credit I ripped it off from here anyway I'm traveling New York when timing someone says oh my god you're you you're on the New York Times something something about your garlic technique yeah and this is like years ears after I posted so I was so excited oh great Martha's probably here I go back watch a video and I'm there's totally a prison joke in the video it was terrible so anyway I was like oh my god because maybe isn't the best thing this is when I got posted but anyway that yes that was a popular video also nice for various reasons anymore should we wrap up all right so let's wrap it up okay yeah I think I got him didn't everything I wanted to show the song someone introduce Michelle so let's talk about it let's do the big reveal for the two truths though right yeah which one of those yeah so telltale what it was again although three stage so three things where I was sued for four million dollars for stealing a limo to an airport a la Georgian Jerry on Seinfeld I used to be captain of the football team on defense and I once won a stand-up comedy open mic competition in college two of those are true follow now do we have a tally what people thought was the okay okay so first I'll do the two true okay I was definitely captain to the football team on defense I believe although very not much from my skill level I as the coach used to joke was one a few people on a team that can remember the play calls so by default I was captain to the defense and yes believe it or not I was sued it's been documented I can google it I was sued for four million dollars in Atlantic City for her I got invited to a Food Show and they sent a limo to pick me up take me to the hotel and dude had the wrong name on the placard but it was the only limo driver left and that was the last person off the plane and I'm like hey are you here for Harrah's in there yeah we are I said I'm your guy that you know said and in calling yes that name was a guy from York coming the next day anyway so I so because I'm a smartass I take my camera and I pretend I'm stealing this person's limo and I'm glad I got here I'll take this guy's anyway I get home a month later and I get served with papers Wow so the first page says you owe is 380 something dollars for the limo ride I'm soon for the limo I was like that was my limo and I'm like pissed I'm getting it's a 3:30 I'm not paying 300 anyway I turn the next page like 1 million dollars tortious interference with the contract trademark infringement yeah I mean there was like 4 1 million dollar counts oh and I was like man I'm glad I have no money because they can't get anything so anyway how as a result eventually I see luckily in Jersey you can fight a civil case of yeah now so i just got mailing responses and eventually they gave up actually eventually they settled and i was supposed to put an ad on my blog and write a good review but then I'm like but I'm gonna write 10 anonymous bad reviews don't they understand how this works and then also maybe I shouldn't be talking about this right now it's fine ok ok and and then also the other favorite thing I said I put the ad in the blog but I put in fine print is the blog master I have control over a pixel death which I knew they wouldn't know what it meant but what it means is I could make it like for like tiny and because the resolution and yeah size down so you couldn't see the end do not sous-chef gentlemen okay so that means a lot the lie is you never want to say oh you know understand have you ever done I've never done it only on YouTube in the video form so yes I'm a frustrated stand-up comic stuck in a chef's body yeah hey it works stuck in a YouTube video that person's body well I just want to thank everyone for tuning in again my name is Evan Lin I wrote the cookbook marbled sport layered I'm actually doing group stuff get this book thank you and doing some stuff actually for all recipes there our magazine is coming out in December I'll be having some cookie recipes that go into that and I think I'm in there too and then there's someone with grilling tips yeah anyway so thank you so much for joining
Channel: Allrecipes
Views: 860,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: allrecipes, recipe, how-to, cooking, easy, how, to, perfect, basic, fast, quick, dinner, lunch, breakfast, slow, cooker, favorite, cookies, soup, salad, make-ahead, chef john, food wishes, foodwishes, interview, bts, behind the scenes, q and a, funny
Id: DkaCmgmeYLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 43sec (4663 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2018
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