Minelab X-Terra Pro - Good or Bad at the BEACH?

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so I've got the Xterra Pro here from Minelab and I want to see can this machine handle the beach I'm not interested right now in park fields and all of that I'm sure that handles are just great but for this video I'm only interested to see can it handle the beach [Music] okay I'm Chris from Treasure Hunters welcome to the channel and today we're going to test out the new mind lab Xterra Pro and see is it any good at the beach we know that the simultaneous multi-frequencies do well at the beach you get good depth good stability this is not a simultaneous multi-frequency machine it is a single frequency you can change the frequency but on beach mode you cannot it's eight kilohertz let's go to the beach Let's test it out let's see cannot find something at decent depth in the wet sand is it going to be stable in the wet sand or in the salt water these are my questions this is what I want to test out let's go check it out and get some answers all right made it down to the beach and the wind is absolutely pumping here so I don't know if the sound's gonna come out at all but we can try so let's get it started we're just going to switch the machine on just do a quick noise cancel over here because I've got a lot of recording equipment so as to see finds a good Channel Zero six right and let's pump up the sensitivity to well let's just see how stable this machine is run it at about 20 Beyond Beach mode one we're in the dry sand so let's just give it a spin I'm just as excited to do this as you to here if it's stable or not because I've never used this machine before I think coming here it's actually just picking up my scoop there's like on my camera on the scoop let's try that so when I just get the volume up a little just get the volume as high as we can because we are in this wind and we need to hear exactly what's cracking so foreign so I can only use eight kilohertz on the beach eight kilohertz we can't change it if you try and change that it's going to moan at you so we've only got eight kilohertz so it's interesting to see all right let's go it's obviously on the dry sand I expect it to be quite stable which it is we'll do some actual tests with targets a little bit later right now I just want to see stability stability on the dry obviously not expecting it to be anything else but stable but when we get down to the wet sand it's going to be a little bit more interesting so let's see okay hitting the wet sand now and I haven't done any sort of ground balance or anything like that so it's pretty stable we're into the witch no chirps [Music] a little trip there but there could even be a signal because there's nothing here okay so running pretty stable considering but uh we are also running it on beach mode one which does say you can use it in the dryer and the wet but I know on the equinox certainly if you're on the wet sand beach mode 2 is a little bit more stable but then you just start losing a little bit of sensitivity two Targets okay um I'm just gonna run it down a little it's 18. I had a few chips here and there it's pretty stable yeah I mean this is no less stable than something like an equinox would be and that's a multi-frequency machine a few chirps here and there which could even be a very deep signal so what I'm going to do is change the mode and let's go to a beach mode sorry not that one a beach mode two and that should be even more stable now oh yeah definitely so I'm not even getting those little odd chirps here and there Beach mode 2 is running very stable I can even put up the sensitivity a little bit okay so machine running very very stable on the wedge sand that's very cool very nice to know if it's going to run it even higher let's just see okay it's starting to pick up a bit of I wish let's go back to 21. yeah okay 20 was where we were running it yeah it's giving a little bit of chirpiness here okay 18 on the sensitivity there's nothing no chirps no nothing those machines running super stable okay so no issues whatsoever in terms of stability all you have to do is perhaps go to beach mode 2 and reduce sensitivity just slightly but can still run it pretty high and the Machine runs nice and stable okay that's very cool as soon as you can even go down to um perhaps Ground tracking and let's run Ground tracking which should even help even more with the stability but not that we needed it because it is super quiet here on the wet sand and it's just going to the light shallow surf sure the water is looking disgusting today brown brown brown wind is pumping windy day in Cape Town but this machine is running Rock Solid here on the switch and not even a chirp not a chirp at all okay that's great I was wondering how well it's going to work being a single frequency but Minelab have done something right it's in terms of stability there's no issue all right what we're going to do is go into let's see I'm going to go into Beach mode one again because I'm now going to actually run some depth tests so let me get a Target out here and just see I'm gonna start with a coin they get the coin out if I can find it here there it is don't want to lose it oh okay all right so we're gonna go on to beach mode Beach mode one now for the dry sand to do some depth test just gonna use a little tiny little one Rand coin here and just see what kind of what kind of uh depth we can get we're going to run the frequency uh the we'll run it up at about 22 25 is the max I think 22 should be pretty good on the on the dry sand so I'm just going to do one scoop if you look at the scoop you'll see is actually a very big scoop so one scoop down is actually quite a decent dip okay so we we one scooped down here I'm gonna just throw the coin in and cover it up obviously I expect this to be no hassle at all to be picked up but let's see [Music] easy no problems which is to be expected goes out let's just find it now [Music] oh look at that it's a double Target Okay so here's my coin where's my coin uh it's not a double Target awesome all right let's go a bit deeper all right so we're gonna go two scoops down so I can't give you an exact uh dip don't even go a bit deeper than this that's very deep okay so that's actually very deep if you look down here but I I don't have a ruler or anything like that these are just for real world tests so that is a deep a deep hole normally I detector a lot that would be very deep I mean I'd be surprised just to see if it's a clean signal that is so very jumpy signal between 70s and 66 to 80 something there that is picking it up it's like put up the if I put up the sensitivity even better no problem and it's pretty stable at Max sensitivity but I don't like using it at Max it's always going to be some sort of interference so [Music] just want to change the angle here all right just to show you it's not picking up oh actually it is picking up some other stuff here so let's drop the sensitivity down to 20. I'm still pretty convinced that it could actually be something here [Music] let's go back to our Hall okay so I dropped the sensitivity down it's actually picking it up installed pretty easily I mean you're definitely gonna dig that yeah so that's picking up the the signal the target the coin at quite a depth and as you can see it's not that it's picking up anything else it's not falsing it's definitely picking up that Target all right let's dig that out it's all in there [Music] there it is bam all right so as we suspected there's not going to be any issue with it's not going to be an issue with picking up stuff in the dry sand we'll just taste it quickly with a silver ring so as you can see a little silver ring let's just dump this into the same hole but if it'll pick up that coin it's definitely gonna pick up that ring this ring is more it's got more metal on it than that little one round coin [Music] so it's interesting Stephanie picking it up but it's not picking it up as ah there we go these are getting me a nice solid tone now might just be the way that I dropped that ring in it's a little bit more iffy this side [Music] that is definitely picking it up not that solid solid tone that you would expect see it's also my scoop that's interfering a little bit yeah so numbers also jumping I mean they're high numbers which is to be expected for silver but it is jumping around a little [Music] let's just try the pinpoint [Music] okay so pinpoint's picking it up let's get it out [Music] and I mean that was very deep so now that it's shallower [Music] the machine is picking it up a lot better obviously [Music] so numbers like 80 81 for the silver [Music] this is yeah so I didn't pick it up as nice as I would have hoped but it was very deep I mean look at that hole that's deep deep so definitely picked it up but um let's try it about this depth this is probably a more realistic depth for these kind of machines surrounded a bit higher yeah I hope you can hear that but yeah that's definitely a lot better you can see that it's showing quite deep it's on maximum depth [Music] it's a more jumpy signal than I would have expected it to be to be honest with you I thought that would give a quite a nice solid tone a time like this this is what you would expect to hear nice solid tone not jumping around too much so obviously this is very shallow [Music] but nonetheless it'll pick it up you're gonna get that tone you're gonna investigate you'll pick it up it still picks it up at a decent depth you're just gonna be a bit more numbers jumping around a little bit more and um yeah you'll have to investigate what it is all right let's try the wet sand in fact in fact let's not try the wet sand just yet I've got one more test to do uh frequency runs at eight kilohertz which is generally good for silver and high conductive Metals but how well will it do with here's a piece of um or a coin actually it's a pure gold coin but it's one gram so it's next to nothing one gram of gold so normally you would use a very high frequency machine to pick up a very fine gold they will pick up gold much better but let's see let's see how well this machine picks up gold at eight kilohertz so this is quite shallow again this is pretty much a little bit more shallow with that silver uh ring was but let's see let's see how well it picks it up yeah so it's picking it up and you're getting numbers all over the show again anywhere from 4 6 18 50 65 this is where a high frequency machine would really kick in a lot better because it would be picking it up more solidly but as picking it up you're definitely investigate that and see what it is at this angle I'm getting a nice mid-tone which is what you'd expect for gold definitely would expect that for gold but bear in mind it is only one gram [Music] see now it's picking it up obviously a lot better and yeah that's what you would expect for gold obviously but on this machine 40s 35s to 40s a nice mid-tone so I did pick it up even at eight kilohertz which is not great for gold I shouldn't say it's not great for gold it's it's okay for gold it's just that if it's a very very fine gold like maybe a very fine gold chain or maybe just a stud of a back of an earring there's very tiny stuff eight kilohertz certainly is not going to give you that strong signal on it if it's a nice big gold ring you're going to have no issues whatsoever with this machine on eight kilohertz um but yeah okay so I picked it up that's all I wanted to test let's go to the wet sand see if it picks up the coin oh it's getting cold out here wind pumping coal all right let's reduce this we said 18 worked well on the wet sand I'm gonna change the mode to beach two that was where we're getting nice stability so that's where I would have used this machine in today's conditions so let me just dig a hole here all right all right let's get that coin out again bear with me there you go all right we'll use the coin for these tests so I don't use my silver or gold all right okay so we're in the wet sand here and let's see how well it picks up the coin in the wet sand yeah no problem at that depth in the way it sounds giving me a nice solid numbers no problem whatsoever nice and stable anywhere else in the weird sand come over and pick up the coin okay awesome all right let's try a little bit deeper oh and that's that's actually kind of the depth I would expect this machine I wouldn't really expect to be picking it up oh much deeper but okay let's do a Depot so here we are deep deep hole all right this is going to be more of a challenge for the machine but let's have a look yeah it's a little bit too much for the machinos I mean it's got an inkling of a of a scratchy signal there but nothing that I would stop to dig for if I bump up the sensitivity it's picking it up quite nicely on 20 sensitivity and if you're swinging nice low and slow like you should that definitely will pick it up let's run it a little bit higher 22. okay 22 picks it up very well actually just to see how stable we're getting at 22 okay so 22 is a little bit unstable here I've got ground tracking on 22 is a little bit high and one beach hitting two so I wouldn't run it at 22. it is picking it up we've got some water in here now add dip so I'd have been running it probably at about 20 and I'm not picking that up I'm not picking that up it was just a little bit too much of an ask and to be fair to be fair I did run that at um the way the coin landed was on its Edge as well so very difficult conditions for the machine to pick it up at that depth on its Edge see if we can actually get more coin back yeah we've gone nice and deep in you need to really try and get my coin out good thing it wasn't the gold coin okay I think we got it oh I think we got it yeah we got him now there he is okay so I'd say that was a little bit too deep into its end for the machine it's uh cover this hole up that's a little bit more sand and we can try again I actually like to try a threshold this one was um oh a little bit too done all right let me cover that up a bit more and we try another hole all right we're gonna try again let's just see here and let's not get the coin on the edge this time let's try and get it maybe not as deep that's a deep Fish Hole but not as deep as the other time when I put the coin a little bit more flat in that's better yeah it's falling onto its Edge sinking onto its Edge but it's okay it'll give us a good indication all right let's see again now no problem so that's actually a decent dip I wouldn't expect much more of a depth in that for this machine but if I'm picking up a coin at that depth I'd be happy yep no problem all right let's get that out it's still in there yeah we got him out [Music] there he is so that was a decent decent depth actually here in this hole in the way it turned for this coin so you are going to get decent depth out of this machine um it's actually dry okay let's try the gold coin again why not why not I got more faith in this machine now remember this is the first time I'm using this machine so I'm just as excited to test out all these settings just like you are all right again that's decent dips in goes the gold coin let's see that is quite cheap for a little one gram gold but let's see it's picking up a signal numbers are very low that is definitely picking up a Target so you may be interested to dig that one there it is there's also tried maybe not as deep somewhere around yeah yeah it's not buried right now okay we're gonna do just one scoop down gold coin in cover it up hopefully this will be no problem for the machine it's only one scoop down yep now you're getting a nice solid tone on the gold coin no problem with that one scoop down on a very fine one gram gold coin so on my scoop [Music] which is a very big scoop Two Scoops down is a little bit iffy but one scoop down is absolutely no problem whatsoever all right that's good news I'm loving the stability of the machine loving how quiet it is when I'm swinging it around here in the wet sand or in the shallow surf no problem we know now one scoop down is going to be no problem for any any of the targets Two Scoops down and still picks it up just becomes a bit of an iffy signal and the numbers are going to jump around a lot okay so thanks for sticking with me we're back from the beach now the video has been a lot longer than I anticipated so if you're still with me thanks for hanging in there but now that you've seen the footage only you can decide whether you think that this machine is right for you personally would I think this machine is full I think definitely someone who's just starting out in the metal detecting world who wants to grab a machine it's easy to use turn on and go don't have to worry about too many settings this is going to be a nice easy machine to use for you at the beach we saw it was nice and stable and even someone who is already got a mid-level to Top End Beach machine that's looking for maybe just a backup detector I think this one will also fit those needs as well um I was impressed with the machine for an entry-level machine um as I said you can see the footage again and decide whether you think it's good for you if you do want to purchase this machine you can purchase through us we do sell it at www.treasurehunters.co.za only available to those in South Africa of course if you're internationally you're going to have to find a local mind lab dealer if you think this machine is not for you however you can still have a look at our website we do sell a wide variety of different machines and different brands I'll put the link in the description below so you can have a direct link on where to purchase this detector and we'll also put a little discount code whether you want to buy this one or a different machine on our site the discount code will work for you so we appreciate your support thank you for watching if you did like and enjoy this video press the Subscribe button and even the notification Bell you and press that one and you'll be notified of new videos in the future also in the comments let me know what kind of videos you do enjoy if you enjoyed this one or if you didn't and what kind of content you would like to see and then hopefully I can produce that kind of content for you and let's grow this Channel and enjoy it together thanks for watching and see you next time foreign
Channel: Treasure Hunters
Views: 3,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: V8sGtPqQv6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 44sec (1904 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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