Beach Metal Detecting IDD 302 18k Beach Gold and Silver With Minelab Manticore

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Brittany Smyrna Beach today I haven't been here in a while mainly because I hadn't updated my parking permit so it's low tide see what we can find out here got good crowds let's get going very faint signal here looks fairly deep 16 to 20 21 I don't know we're gonna dig it could be something good 16. that one I don't hear it let's take one more scoop because it's filling in with water in case it just fell in there but I want to check that other pile yeah this is the pile we last heard it in I don't know it could be something small I don't hear it they say we take another skid yeah I don't like missing them like that but they just disappear it's got to be somewhere it's probably just small it's in this one just a faint signal still here it's in this little bit here somewhere this better be good I don't see anything that was my scoop it's little whatever it is that's a little teeny tiny looks like turquoise I don't know that's a tiny little tiny little piece of jewelry right there let me uh I hope I was in framing you could see that little thing crazy man Decor is very capable machine oh something right here let's mark that let me fill my hole in and we'll go dig that other Target Clips to get too long all right we just dug that little tiny piece of jewelry right over there sounds like a dime 77. hit it I see it right there Copper Penny I think that's why I rang up that high I don't know it isn't either it's a dime a little brown on it Roosevelt we'll take it that was it get a quick look around here what we got going on search beautiful I haven't even gotten my feet wet yet I'm still working my way down good crowds look that way anyway get back after it here 40 41 right on the non non-ferrous line it doesn't look too baby in there it's not him what do you want about that one it's in there it's in the scoot let's even give it a quick wash back in the hole hopefully it's not small the ring pull I'm getting a lot of them lately they're old all right let's fill this in keep on going oh there you go oh okay professional sand castle Carvers but I don't this is my second one ever made in 15 years all right that's pretty cool you don't see a lot of it you know you don't see a lot of it sometimes in the summer I'll see some out here but that's pretty nice from what I've seen thank you very much all right you want to give your you gotta web page or something no I don't not yet I just did an LLC two years ago and um sand castle carpet tools if they look you up that way they can find you Sandcastle apartment tools or I don't have nothing set up yet oh okay that's my problem was is uh uh I've been doing it for 15 years but just top 10 Sandcastle covers the United States buy me out and so I don't even really need to go and uh do that but I'm I wrote about an RV and I'm going to travel so I'm writing it off and call myself uh there you go sand castle tools well it looks like it works well man that was my second one I never what uh site do you got I dig Daytona oh okay on YouTube okay yeah and so I just looked up Daytona uh just go to YouTube and do I dig Daytona I think Daytona yeah thank you all right so I'll see that on uh yeah on one of my videos coming up oh okay thank you number 302 probably oh and your name was Brian Brian Gary Cecil how you doing thank you all right well you'll have to watch maybe there'll be people in the comments might want to get some tools I don't know oh yeah and uh I can I can set you up on that all right yeah send me some information of whether it's a PO box or something that way if anybody's wanting it I can give it to him yeah that's right I've got a PO Box in Diamondhead Mississippi okay and as I'm saying I I just finished off of doing a tool to start medical government okay hand making them for what's up [Music] for 500 sets a year there you go and there's six to a set all right yeah I'll send you all the all the info all right yeah yeah and like say if anybody's interested they can they'll all I'm sure I'll hear from them so oh Dynamite I can pass it on what I'll do is I can stick the tools in the in the sand oh that but you could do that yeah if you want yeah um there's a sand castle Carver from New Smyrna Rich Verano and uh he started in the 80s okay what's that there you go that should show all of them I think we're getting it on no we're good yeah so there's the tools and there's the castle he made with them and like I say he'll he'll shoot me some uh mailing address in case anybody's interested in the carbon tools all right let's get back to swinging probably a quarter 88. I just I didn't notice how deep it was and that take a big one this time and hope we get it let's see it there sticking sideways get out of you maybe I don't know we'll check them all later all right we're not done apparently there's one in the scoop let's use the water to wash it out back in the hole there it is that other one looked like it'd been out there longer than this one got a little stuff on it like that it's we'll take it all right I'm gonna do a little spiral in here here we go there's another one that's like another quarter it looks deep as well let's get some of this out of the way go through the Deep one I don't hear it so I think we got it in the scoop I hear it there's another one doesn't look like it's been out there long another state's quarter all right well I'm gonna spiral a time or two around here just in case there's more all right let's keep going right here 73 78 I don't know it looks deep again semi-serious scoop yeah we'll take a big one and hope we get down to it I don't hear it I think we got it wash it back in the hole but is it a leaf an old dime it's a clad dime all right it's been out there for a long time in the bag let's keep going all right we got a signal here oh there's two I think there's two Targets this one's a 64. this other one's a piece of iron you can see it on the on the screen there swing wide you can see them both we're gonna go for this one noticeable because we'll do the old two scoop on it got it out I see something right there oh that looks nice it's a nice little ring off here well it's a little tweaked I don't know I may have bent it unless it's supposed to be like that but I don't think so I might have got it with the scoop pretty little ring I'd say it's silver just by the quality of the look I think there's writing in there I don't know nice stick it in the jar get some good pictures of it see what it is all right let's keep going still got something else oh that's that iron the iron that it was next to all right let's keep going got a signal here 63. I've seen some higher numbers 73 I am occasionally seeing the iron and I'm not seeing a good print on the Mac so I don't know and it's deep it's 10 or 12 inches so I don't know I'm gonna go ahead and go ahead and put a scoop or two on it just to see sometimes those signals that are kind of weird could be something good you never know get something with like that feather earring see now it's gone and it's there that earring of the feather with the funny Edge you could see that on the screen you know just making it look weird like that so the only way to know for sure is to dig it up kind of just I want to check it out because it was interesting there you go 66 67. what is it I see something I don't know that it's anything any good oh it's a fishing line I think gray matter We'll Wash this down in the water all right we'll come back to that water here and give it a quick rinse just because I want it it's going the other way it always seems to be the way it is here it comes that ought to do it Beauty five ounce looks brand new so there you go see the two dissimilar metals it's causing the crazy signal all right let's finish filling this in and keep going to put you in the shade to see the screen better maybe bouncing around 69 60 54. it's about eight inches down it's showing on Paris and that's the part that I care about see if we got it in there get it hopefully this one we got her that time divide this up a little bit there it is there Danny I suspect it's a zinc it's a memorial all right let's fill this hole back in surf's gonna do it anyway but we're helping along keep going 58 to 62. looks pretty deep it could just be another penny what about it got it expected it's just Penny but you never know I always dig them it's in there and if nothing else it's good practice all right Shield pennies in the bag let's fill it in and keep going eight nine four inches down I just crunched something that might have been shells there you go I don't know if that's what I crunched that looks good we'll take it it's an old looking bracelet we'll see how it does how it checks out in the wrap up let's keep going 59.60 probably a penny Penny signal doesn't mean that's what it is we got it in the scoop ah let's spread it out a little bit here we got it in there let's just knock this stuff back in get it wet right here I don't see nothing I still got uh still got sand in there it must be in there here we go that should have got it there it is Shield penny all right I'll bag it let's keep going 61.62 sounds like another like another penny Clump right there I just missed it now I see it I see it like it was right there there it is it's in the scoop it's right on the edge of the hole all right we'll take it keep going this is 64. six inches down we got it something right there see there you go I don't know if you can see that yet let's wait for the water it's a ring and that's why so you got to dig those Penny signals yeah may not be a real expensive ring it's a nice little ring though you gotta dig those Penny signals ring number two all right let's fill this back in keep going 58.59 60 . it's right on the non-paris line we might have it let's wash it in the hole I hear something yeah another another Penny we'll take it all right let's keep going okay all right I'm back to my stairs oh I'll see all the wrap up or let's see if we can do a quick wrap up didn't have too much trash uh one old beaver tail dream squasher and uh cans laws and a zipper pull a piece of a foil pouch one piece of stainless steel and it looks melted kind of burned off or something I don't know and two little bits of copper wire and a little piece uh an efficient weight five ounce and the Manticore is kind of neat when you got the similar metals or something with a jagged edge you can kind of see it on that screen so it's kind of interesting um six zinc pennies one nickel two dimes three quarters nothing very old and the jewelry this was a mind blower this little tiny piece I'll I'll get a I'll get some pictures of it so you can get a better look at it it's a little tiny piece of turquoise and it's got silver on the back and it's you'll see it's it's marked Sterling um I don't know there's nowhere that I can see where it ever attached to anything so I don't know what the story is there but very impressive at the Manticore could find that and it wasn't that shallow from what I've I've looked at the video a couple of times the clips while editing it and yeah it took me a couple of minutes to find it but yeah we did find it it turned out to be something worthwhile on the Rings we got two rings just the nicer of the two it's nine two five and it's kind of bent I don't know I don't know that I bent it or it was bent before they lost it they might have got it hooked on something and maybe it's made that way I don't know I'm gonna have my Jeweler friend look at it nice little ring though the second ring is a blinger it's got like a fake opal I guess in it um it's not silver as far as I can tell it's not marked but it's uh rang up just like a penny so you got to dig those Penny signals I always dig them um and the best find was the bracelet I'll get some pictures of it up for you too thank you it's marked uh 750 which is 18 karat gold and uh get my scale out here I don't know I don't think the camera likes to view the screen on my scale but it's 6.4 grams [Music] tell on the little screen 0.4 grams of 18 karat gold so yeah it's the second second gold find the the Manticore so yeah the water's warming up and people are swimming again and hopefully the fines continue to be pretty good throughout the summer anyways I'm gonna leave it there I hope you enjoyed the video if so hit the like button and subscribe and all that stuff and you won't miss the next one and I'll catch you on the next one thanks for watching
Channel: I Dig Daytona
Views: 6,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Metal, Detecting
Id: m-AhxWpo7cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 17sec (1997 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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