Minelab Gold Monster 1000 and Arizona Gold Nuggets

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good morning its 509 Arizona time and today I'm gonna be out doing a little plastering and I say plastering because I'm gonna be using this big old pic made by a friend of mine Jimmy doc Parsons and I'm gonna be working this little wash right here and I've got a couple nuggets out of it in the past some pretty nice ones and we're gonna walk up here and move a little dirt and get down to the bedrock and see if we can get a few smaller pieces or whatever that have been left behind we got a lot of the bigger stuff out of here awhile ago and I got some presentation I guess really beautiful this morning still got a piece of a moon up there yep quiet almost feels like you're breaking the rules by making a kind of noise oh the desert early in the morning it's just so quiet peaceful swallows are blooming that's why they all look like they had hair on top of them well they're not blooming I'm sorry they've bloomed and most of this is fruit there's still a few flowers up there but most of what you're seeing is fruit and I'll see if I could show some that to you if it's fallen off a couple of these cactuses I worked up this wash so I'm gonna get suited up and we're with the gold monster today and the reason for that is is because I'm breaking down to the bedrock and in some of these places and it's just not very deep and I get asked all the time how I haul my detector without beating it up on the Rhino and here's how these can be had at Walmart or just about anywhere and they work pretty good keeping the detector from getting beat up real bad it's alright O's but very good to me and this little washi has gold in it too we've pulled gold out of it as well so without further ado I'm gonna get suited up and go up this wash and I'll get back with you when I get my first target it's gonna be a beautiful morning gonna be hot today and the whole hobo already has beans on it nuts whatever you want to call them there's some what Anibal I know the Indians used to eat them and stuff but they're pretty high in cyanide and not good to eat too many of them so anyway here we go see you in a minute oh by the way my name is Bill southern and this is not your shooter journals and we're gonna go find some gold yeah well I've been raking along here so far enough behind oh crap they had a good signal here seize all to the right right on the bedrock I've raked right down to it I'm working my way up here hello across the rocks I'm cramped in here real bad and hardly move cactus behind me there's a shift bedrock still in there I don't want to back into this Choya behind me cuz that'll hurt just let's just embed that's a little bit here and there [Applause] ow that hurts [Music] still down in there definitely got something down in this crack it's gonna be a little difficult to get out of here I think No got it okay I'll rap loud there it is right there lucky there there we go gold hey there a nice little flat piece of gold yes sir caught down in that bedrock that's what I'm talking about very cool very cool nice little piece of gold very nice okay maybe see if I can find my bow and either goes and off we go we're gonna continue raking right along here a lot of cactus in front of me so what here we go cool one in the poke I'm simply just taking this big old pick and see if there's a gold in there all right we got another little target up about a foot from the first one cold monsters indicating nonferrous so we're gonna dig it up I'll move that one right away that's not good but we're down on bedrock so I'll keep my fingers crossed you've got it in the scoop already [Music] like it could be a baby nope I see it in my hand already look right here like right there right there nice rough think yep hey there nice rough little piece of gold really rough this stuff has a move real far yep another little piece of gold my friends that's too good science fiction to get up all the way goldmouth need to be brown mouse over a little area here I move real slow I check the dirt I pulled out back and forth barely a room in here we moved it didn't take long did it ten times his gold monsters didn't want to sit down [Music] rocks a little hot strange singing I think we got it boy whatever it is it's very small I dropped that dirt on a coil because I got something really small sometimes your hand can give enough with a signal to fake you out you mean this black rack yep okay that was a hot rock and maybe that's why that target was given such a funny signal maybe but they're my first scoop I threw away got it let's go in there definitely a target sure don't see anything pop sure don't see anything huh not really tiny here you know whatever it is is in my hand don't have enough Sun to see a little piece of gold look at that little tiny piece gold monster never seems to emit ceases to amaze me yeah wet definitely gold just an ugly little kind of a spear shaped pointed piece but it's gold that's three that is three whoo get pretty darn hot out here Big Red's made his appearance and three Nuggets into my morning it's getting hot I have a little break here and have something to drink and relax it's kind of hard work digging kind of hard work digging pull you back in a bit hopefully with more targets so what makes a feller work a watch like this well my friends I already know I'm in Gold Country I've done the research I know where I'm at look at here thank you right here we got some highly ionized stone iron stone a lot of people call it we got course okay we got some pigma tape materials in here more quartz more iron stone you got rye late mixed in here I mean everything that just makes me want to look for gold and this little wash isn't much of a wash it's about as white as it is right there you see my detector and my water bottle here and that's about the extent of it from my elbow to my fingertips and underneath you can see the schist poking through and it's all cracked and really good at catching little pieces of gold and so far I'm up to three and we're gonna move this material here after I take a little break here and see if we can't get some more gold it's been a fun morning so far except for all the Choya that's been poking me and the sun's out pretty good now and let's get warm fast I think it's supposed to be 101 or 102 today so look at this just look at all the material in there that's what we look for my friends that is what we look for these type of materials right here always tell me is a pretty good chance there might be some gold hey guess what and there is I'll be back in a little bit they're tearing it up under here oh yeah trimmed a little bit of this tree I carry a tear cutters were they just for doing that I don't trim too much but every now and then fellers just got to move a little bit but I got a good target here sounds oh my [Applause] this one maybe yup some of this stuff's incredibly hot piece of rye light the way I tell you up in here this rally it's really hot and have crushed enough of it to know there's no gold in it I thought that what sounded a little funny so much you got to kind of move around when you balance it you can tell when it's out of balance because they're quickly searched false in a little bit all right we're gonna move a little more dirt they got two targets in here that are barely at target i raked another foot or so up but darn branches in my way back behind me it's hard to swing over this let's get this flat you target right there something really there's another one right there first I thought it was the same target with the back of the coil but we're gonna see if we can get this first one could just be a little hot rock - still there we gonna put this string right here still saying something in there I'm gonna go from my Auto one to the hottest setting on this machine which is the ten quick start to get a ground bounce but it sure is hot right there maybe down in there I don't ever give up on them so I'm sure [Music] still something down in there by golly got it yep I got it okay let's see I'll be darned dump that on the coil just make sure there weren't a target in the spoon it says it's still playing here I forgot my brush this morning I know if I'm here in the Cameron our target there this one's supposably right there huh I'm sure I'm having a heck of a time finding it try it and discriminate it that's it you can hear that let's dig this other one I don't know what I did with that one loss it's all mouth what the heck's going on here these are really hard to find okay got one of them yes no it'll be a hot rock so I'm really tiny I'll put that dirt right over the other dirt okay I see it thank you it is gold boy now that is tiny in rough that my friends hasn't moved very far or it just came out of a specimen that decomposed look a piece came off it when I rubbed it so yeah little piece came off it that's a little piece of gold and it broke a little bitty piece of gold how about that I'll take it now a little piece broke off it I'm probably gonna have to come up here and do some sampling I'm thinking there might be a lot of fine gold in this little wash take home a sample that one I'm after what my finger to get it now I know there's another one in there I heard it and I want it so I might see if I can't locate it lost it like three times now [Applause] I'm sure it's not my throwaway pile here boy that sounds like something right there yep right there and it clear that fire okay did you hear that something hit the scoop okay I've got something in there but we can barely hear it it's not a hot rock well it still could be but still something in that scoop and I see it you see that right here there maybe yeah that's gold right there another rough little piece really rough Pierce they have hematite still on it very rough little piece I don't know I think that makes five today if you count they I want to broke up round up to six woot yeah I'm definitely gonna have to come up here sample I didn't bring anything to haul a sample home in but so far today we've got that nice little pile that bad cool off we go well I'm sitting here enjoying me some sardines and hot sauce Louisiana hurts us at that good stuff hey crackers five Nuggets and a piece of broke off the other one I can't legally say six tiny pieces I'm except for one they're all pretty tiny I'm probably gonna go back and test that wash short wash a little bitty wash shallow it might be difficult it makes it worth dry wash them I don't know or bring the dirt home and run through the recirculate er thud I'm definitely gonna sample it next time up here I might stop somewhere else on the way home I don't know it's getting hot Arizona's a pretty darn hot in the summer folks it's gonna be over 100 today and it's already pretty close to that I think five hours about this all this old boy can doing Heat I'm ready to quit for the day I guess if there's uh one or two things I could tell you folks whether using a gold monster or gold bug a garret it doesn't matter if you're out hunting gold nuggets you got to slow down I mean slow down I work very slowly and the only time you'll see me moving a coil a little quicker is when I'm right over a target because I'm trying to pinpoint that target other than that I move very slow my friends and I can't even count the number of people that I've taken out for training and they couldn't believe how slow I go so they slow down and they find gold yeah a couple of those little bitty pieces I don't think I hurt him if I'd have been whipping up that wash I caused nothing coins just doesn't work out and it's been a good day I'll take those little pieces over nothing any day I mean Jesus choices I get out early in the morning you hear it Sun up and where to sit at home and watch TV easy choice so I had a good day five little pieces of gold and beautiful out here in the morning in the summer that's one thing I will say most people don't get out here in a summer and the animals and the sounds and the smells out here pretty amazing it's just an amazing place to me I love the desert my boys can sure take your life if you're not careful stay hydrated that's the main thing stay hydrated and don't get stupid you fall down out here and you break your ankle or something and think about crawling five miles six miles out should be tough let me tell you that be tough so anyway scored some gold had a good time I kind of cruised around look a couple other areas on the way back here and I got a call out again tomorrow the next day I don't know it's getting pretty darn hot like I said I'm really enjoying these sardines and crackers right now so I'm gonna finish up and decide what to do so if you like these videos like subscribe and bring that Bell so you don't miss any and leave me a comment here there I'd sure like to hear from you I've had a lot of people tell me they've got their first nugget by watching some of these videos and simply learning their machine a little better ester makes me happy when I hear that I'll never get that feeling of that first nugget again so I get it vicariously through folks they try to help so anyway for all my friends good sardines and hot sauce and Nuggets sure out [Music] [Music]
Views: 35,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CyberLink, PowerDirector18, metal detecting, gold prospecting, gold monster 1000, nugget shooting, how to find gold, nugget hunting, gold nugget, bill southern, nugget shooterette, nugget shooter, nugget shooter journals, metal detecting for gold, gold bug 2, gold nuggets, minelab gold monster 1000, arizona desert, arizona gold prospecting, where to find gold
Id: kyVBTkLgLO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 15sec (2115 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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