Minecraft Xbox - Prison Escape - Stormwater - Part 1

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[Music] hello this is stumpy and welcome to aim minecraft let's play video today we're beginning a brand new adventure jump in the water ah and it's in a lovely setting as well i might say we're in skyrim squid the squid the water the water's stormy the water's stormy [Music] we need to fill in all of the water quick you need to throw dirt in and fill in the lake otherwise it's going to keep getting us in yeah i'm going to throw a sheep in absolutely throw the sheep throw the sheep yeah so this is um this is chapter two of the mythic tome series we're not doing chapter one because apparently it's rubbish and this is coming from the map builder so we're going straight in straight into chapter two he doesn't say that yeah i think well that's what he said this is older old hog skull the uh the map builders the person who built this map you see and he said go straight into chapter number two because chapter two is glorious and chapter one you shouldn't even put on the bottom of your shoe wow his words his words it belongs in a pile of manure [Music] that's what he said in the in the small print you know you get like books and then like small print that's what you said it in just a little tiny little little tiny bit of bomb just right okay little tiny bit okay okay okay brilliant i'm gonna quickly go and read through the uh the story okay i'm gonna do this as dramatic as i can screams cool out from the carriage beside you voices encaged in confined bars taken to another domain times have changed new powers have arisen those defenseless consumed by darkness changed to a life of pain the future of this world is uncertain while delivery is unchallenged evil will prosper clouded by their ignorance men of great strength sit concealed willing only to protect the borders of their own and as enemies grow stronger then allies salvation cannot come from this broken alliance but from the hands of an unspoken savior enter the carriage to your left go down the hole there we go so that told me absolutely nothing yeah i've got a clue what was going on to be honest right standard rules basically these are the different types of shops we can buy things no breaking blocks yadda yadda yadda i'm a shop weber shop shop food drink shop and shop magic and potion shop oh what does it say in here um do we have fire spread off boring spawning squid let's go i'm going down the hall i'm getting on the hole whoa hello encaged in bars not knowing where you are being taken you fall asleep and are immersed into a nightmare oh i think i'm going to stay up if it's okay with you can we punch the sheep again i'm not in the slightest bit sleepy i'm going to stay right here i don't know i feel like asleep i can't keep my eyes open [Music] oh this is our this is our nightmare fun nightmare oh it looks exactly the same oh look the sheep's turned into a pigment how funny look at this go ahead oh watch out quick you remembered what happened that night outsiders from another domain fell from the sky with their huge chain they burnt your village and enslaved your people you returned home to see this devastation when one of those monsters hit you on the head entering you into a state of confusion oh i'm confused where am i we need to speak to the captives in the carriage in front of you there's gonna be oh there's captives in here we need to speak come here come here come here look there's um there's little legs from the gas tickling a tree [Laughter] tickle the tree oh he's having a good time here she's having a great time uh a cactus you forgotten his name run away right we're gonna call captain's cactuses for now on okay we need to run we need to escape the village run away run away run away is there anything oh there's oh there's a chest down here into the soggy cauldron into the quick run away there's a super escape room in the cauldron this is a dream so if we like stand in fire maybe we can um we'll be walking up no i don't think i don't think this isn't i think we were just sleeping in the carriage and then we woke up and this is here our town destroyed i believe what's going on oh steve steve's okay i think we got i think we go this way there's a i found a tunnel i found a tunnel where it stops ready see the tunnel you see the tunnel do it do i see the tunnel see the tunnel turn on yourself okay okay my gamer tag is going down the tunnel okay thanks for telling me i'm still going down the top i found a cave at the end of the tunnel and there's a train station there's a train station at the end of the tunnel squid get is how convenient train station is actually okay we're going to do it the exact same time you're ready oh yeah you've gained mike you've given mine you give mine a nudge and then you get in the other one very selfish right three two one [Music] okay uh step after step the unrelating beat and pounding of chasing feet and then the shackles around your feet yield still confused what where why the voices the screams the tomato juice it ends visions pauses between the darkness a carriage a prison enter the what is going on here who's got what is what is happening what is happening another nice train ride when are we going to stop the tea is what i want to know when are we going to have a cup of tea where are we gonna have some chickens how long has it been a month two three i must get out of here escape the cell and break when did we get stuck in a cell i'm throwing rocks at you [Music] these are honestly look they're rocks look look at it pick it up squid it's a rock it's a rock is it actually oh wow i should probably not do this we probably need these to escape the cell don't we actually he's like wasting all the rocks just throwing them all at your face okay we need to escape oh if we throw rocks at the dog it will get off the pressure plate then we can get out i solved the puzzle oh the silverfish the silverfish regular fish oh no oh i'm gonna wear it with anything ah just pour in it just close them yeah there we go we killed some tiny fish oh sorry dog wasn't going years poor dog because you throw rocks you took his ears off with rocks oh oh anything in here another cell i got a um a weird potion i got a uh hoffer top mead i got that mead hufflepuff hufflepuff hufflepuff i think that's my name i think you've got from now on call me huffletop sir oh here we go here we go here we go through here we found some more signs what day is it what month time a slow decay of time the screams the tomato juice the change a chain what chain why am i here the unending darkness and something something is missing but what do i remember my eyes missed the light my ears missed the wind but what else what else am i missing escape ein fell prison push the button there they go to yourself and head down the truck door there's directions on the wall how to escape the prison oh look at here look in here look at it good stuff good stuff rat stew i got a rusty dust oh go nugget that that's that's monies that is that's the money money [Music] did you press the button have i pressed the button i pressed the boot on okay i pressed it again oh i can hear her there's something going on down here aha i found a trap door in our cell we can escape the prison which we're somehow in escape from iron prison we know we know right we've got to escape okay you go left i'll go right i'll go left as well i don't trust it i found another chest oh look there's some decaying meat in here uh you're all right mate okay i'm gonna go right yeah let's go right you actually gave me the goodwill oh man anything well if anyone comes close i'll throw rocks at them again so okay you'll do that i'll probably i've got a bow which has got like one shot left before it's going to get destroyed okay there's a man down there there's a zombie it's a zombie there's a good stuff through find the stair key and place it here okay so this is where we have to end up need to find a key okay remember there remember there oh i found it we always end up in sewers stamps oh no oh no oh no oh no i found it upstairs oh i'm upstairs as well the door is locked from the other side i found a door just locked from the other side which isn't particularly youthful wrigley wiggly fella stamps wriggly fellas wriggly fellas they're after me they're they're biting at my ankles the silver fish is it just they're the wrigley fellas that's what we're gonna call it from now on oh do we go through there oh everything's sub oh no i'm not doing that actually i could get locked in uh so we're looking for a key then aren't we yeah i found i found another door which is locked from the other side which isn't particularly useful is it really no i mean not not really it's not really helping our situation we should probably put torches everywhere as we go to stop the googlies from coming out yeah um oh oh oh oh it stops i found something what's up what's this say the door is locked from the side stops i was at the other side of the door really on the other side of that door you should have come forward hi stumps hello oh this is what i found for the wrigley fellas you see um there's another bear down here ah yeah i went up here okay and then you go up again and then there's a lot of there's a a locked door through there so that's where you might have been this is this is this is where i was is it oh have you been through here yet no oh okay let's go i can see a chest in there don't run in front of me in front of me okay right in front of me sure if you want an arrow to the back of your head go ahead no there's nothing nothing more than like into an arrow back what we got in here wooden axe arrows water bottles a hot path potion what's this oh i found the key i found the staircase i found the staircase huffle top okay i got i got the staircase i got the stair key it's going let's do it go this way we need to just get down here down here this way no this way this way down the water spout here we go and then this way yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and then yeah here we go and place it on there step back step back step back it's all gonna kick off whoa whoa oh creeper creeper creeper creeper uh i got yep check him out okay oh this bow's nearly gone look at the gunpowder yeah oh fantastic oh skeleton uh this door is all from the other side brilliant we'll notice in the pan oh is there a chest above us oh no it's not it okay right forget those skeletons i'm getting out of it we're going to do some pop black army look uh oh no okay you have to avoid the skeletons as you do it yeah like a mouse like a baby bounce like a baby book can you open the door for me please squid you open the door for me what are you looking for hey there we go good didn't have to both do it yeah that's what i like oh wait okay found the skeletons okay well i found a map a realm of stormwater map look at this um we got problems we got no weapons really yeah have we to be honest um and the skeletons coming in and i'm nearly dead i'm running away i'm running away i'll help you good please please okay there you go there we go have a half a doppler potion have a hit yourself all right okay so it's more good uh the lever seems to lower that uh suspended crate to the right oh wow it did and then we can jump across hook and you can do it all in one yeah ow ow ow get get oh no no no please don't kill me please don't kill me please don't kill me please don't kill me please don't kill me why would you die just die i've got one heart one heart one heart i've got a killer [Laughter] i tried to be cocky and double jump it i'm back oh did you fall down yeah i've teleported back to you now uh where are we like really epic i keep thinking they're like i don't know who's some goal right round two there we go now i got him oh i'd enchanted ball with me go figure all right i pulled a lever down i pulled a lever okay i think we've got to pull a certain amount of levers maybe okay go for it man sure okay well i pulled one i've pulled one it's through here oh lots of hidden chests oh what's this oh can we brew stuff in this average man um it says it says not to craft unless told to didn't mention anything about brewing though so maybe there seems to be a lot of them right okay there we go portion the great taste i haven't actually had one myself yet i just want a weapon the honor oh look at this is up and stops there we go there we go um difficulty easy use the fishing rod and get the hook to land onto the onto all the pressure plates ah okay i'm gonna i'm gonna lock the pick you ready do it here we go i did it i'm picking the lock this is just how real locks work as well did you know that yeah how i get into my house on the night get my fishing rod out oh there you go got some getting some clothes getting all nice and dressed up anything nice in the chat i think this is just like uh is this just like a bonus thing maybe you just pick the lock to get through here explosive use when stated oh okay so i've got some tnt we might need to blow something up then okay seem like i needed i needed some tnt so watch out for that um right well where does it look like things need to be blowed up down here before this place is a little bit all blending into one a little bit just a little bit potatoes potatoes right okay i'm ready let's go um okay i've gone oh i've got upset okay here we go here we go i found a new way i think okay there's two routes there's two ways we can go there's a little there was a fork in the road if you go like upstairs yeah do you wrap your place you can go there oh god i've got a gold nugget i got some some money very nice guy treat yourself get yourself a new some new kitty litter i'm gonna steal a bed in case i want it later i'm gonna knock on the road there's a lot of locked up people in this dungeon stance i'm scared about pulling this lever is this gonna be a good idea nope not a good idea an officer fighter a man in the middle he survived though i think we need to kill him do we is he on a pressure plate i know we don't need to kill him no we can let him be we can let him be i'm sorry sir don't pull that lever don't pull that lever pull a guy it's bad enough he's in a prison well i've been so fat okay there's mob stream it's maybe the place we have to go okay okay behind you like i can't do much yeah just pick them with a torch but yeah there we go there we go here we go an explosive could be used to destroy the gate the explosive stubs all right step back oh oh it's gonna go boom boom why have i got a finger oh there we go ellie will be done it went boom boom that's a nice car sale isn't it that's a view for pogba presents freedom and minecraft xbox wait no no need to do like trailer voice minecraft xbox adventure map mythic tome tap to chew chew stormwater empire i think it's supposed to be you look at the desolate tower in front of you and decide to go towards it it may hold a way down the mountain head towards the tower in the way in front of you and enter it whoa oh oh dear okay um what's your what's your stepping watch you're stepping easy easy now there's always in the bridge it's a bad time to start lagging good now yep not a good time to start lagging okay uh i keep jumping off the bridge and appearing back on the bridge okay mine well you're still on the bridge in my view so you should be safe you should i'm not in a good place matt no abandon i feel like ah i feel like someone's i don't know like flicking me i feel like god's flicking with some his giant things like that maybe he all i actually think coming back this way i think i might have found a secret area if you double back on the bridge it leads to oh a locked gate oh that's where we were earlier oh that's cool that's cool anyway and we're going to sort out squid's rubber banding issues and we're going to come back in very like a bunny rabbit let's see you just jumping up and down i'm not actually expecting anything though this is weird like you're like crouching if you teleport me it might get me out of it good call good call telecom [Music] i'm free [Music] anyway that is the uh the end of this first episode here if you enjoyed it make sure you come back uh soon where we have episode number two of stormy waters and we'll see you in the next episode [Music]
Channel: stampylonghead
Views: 5,276,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft (Award-Winning Work), Xbox 360 (Video Game Platform), Video Game (Industry), Lets Play, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Gameplay, Commenatry, Adventure Map, Online, Download, Part 1, Ballistic Squid, Guide, Tutorial, World
Id: SpsxRXofIJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 09 2014
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