Minecraft Xbox - In The Dark [535]

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hello this is dumpy and welcome to a minecraft let's play video and another video inside of stampy's a lovely world good morning William beaver good morning Polly reindeer and good morning a busy elephant we're here all joined today because we're playing what is probably the scariest minigame that I've ever built in my fun land and I am a very much so looking forward to it but I'm also looking forward to having my breakfast so let's go an app that first No No Deal is just part of me you can join me and before we go and a head off to the fun land I am of course going to be going to the love garden to announce who it is that I'm gonna be adding to it today and that person it's cooking Bobby's gonna go is gonna run out breath is homey and the reason wetting Harvey is because he's got his room decorated firstly so it's got minecraft bricks on the wall kind of like Minecraft bricks there's also my stumpy cat faces and minecraft torches and the only part I don't like is the evil hit the tiger on this one I don't know why who'd want hit the tiger on his wall baby what's it there I think it's at a cool-looking bedroom so thank you so much for sending me the picture Harvey and welcome do I love garden well then let's go to the dog house where we can go and get Duncan we are then going to go over to the a kitty cat condo to go and grab mittens because that's of course where mittens live and then we are going to go to the fun land to play the scary game if you haven't seen the last few episodes I am not lying I am NOT over exaggerating this is a game where you're basically plunged into almost almost pitch blackness you can just about see your hand and like if there's another play in your face upon that you can pretty much see nothing and then oh yeah we're gonna be playing that game where you need to kind of survive in the the maze and that's basically there the plan for today the only the only game is that I think give it any competition is probably temple trap and then Sharky sharp because they're not every time every time I turn you'll just perched up somewhere Polly I don't know how you're getting to all of these places yeah the only games I like it I guess temple trap and Sharky shot but they're more intense about trying to run away whereas I think this game is just gonna be outright scary just you know you're you're running away from someone hunting you down with a diamond sword and you can barely see anything so yeah I am looking forward to the game but also a little bit worried about it just to see how it's going to go so it's gonna be a pretty simple tournament we're just gonna see who can survive a longer each round there is a time limit for the person hunting them down over three minutes which is basically as long as the the nitrogen potions gonna last I very much doubt that anyone's gonna be able to last longer than three minutes but yeah who knows the unexpected can often happen in my lovely world so anyway let's go into the teleporter let's press the the button and let's go and head okay I think we should be just about at the fun land well I should be at least I'm sure that Duncan and mittens will be a teleporting behind us shortly as long yes so long with the rest of my helpers but anyway this is the game we haven't really changed it too much since the last episode we've added some tortures because the outside of the game can be that's that's fine the thing is is the inside needs to be dark and then the only other thing that I did is I added in like kind of like a failsafe mechanism so say if I was stuck inside of the game here and it's very dark there's basically a way for me to get out so I can basically pull this lever which would open up the doorway I can then turn that off because I switched the one up there and then if I press this button here and then that would basically make it so the water comes down so the only time this would be needed as if basically we're all stuck down there together and then there's no one else to to let them out so yeah I just added time in case you wanted to know if you are building the game yourself might be useful should save you are digging through the walls but I proven that I think we should be a red eater to go so we need to take a fire armor that's one of the things Bizzy has already taken off his armor and seems very happy about it I need to do they're the same I need to take off my zombie style boots there's a couple chests down here if you want to put this stuff inside of there I'm just gonna keep it in my pocket we do have keep inventory on so I don't need to worry too much about items going all over the place we're also playing on peaceful and plain hum peaceful is very very important because if you don't plan peaceful then this is gonna be a very different game because you're not only after to worry about people charging you down you're also gonna have to be worrying about a maze full of googlies and I'm trying to get I'm trying to get mittens to sit down next to Duncan but I don't think she's having any of it she just saying when I chest down here I don't know where she's gone she all show up her at some point everyone just be everyone be careful there she is his meters there sit it down here I just didn't want a black cat wandering around the dark maze while people are running around and swinging swords and and things so anyway alright then so fizzy you can go first you need a a diamond sword which is gonna be your weapon you also need your night vision potion so you'll be able to see us and the rest of us I need to go and head inside it there the game so right then now we press the button and then this will open for a second so we go and drop inside and now I basically need to try and run away to the middle is the only kind of proper section that I can see the rest is so so so unbelievably dark so a good strategy for making your way around the place is if you sprint into a wall and then your hands stop sprinting then you know you've hit a wall and then you can kind of turn the corner there's a very very faint trail you can kind of see on the floor we can also see a beaver hiding it around the place as well so that's kind of the no way you can make your way around but compared to the person with night vision it's very difficult to see anything and this is just terrifying this is just terrified baby way right at all oh I don't want to say it but I saw busy I saw busy and he looked busy with all of the the bubbles going off and right let's just try and run where he didn't go to unless to see if we can stay as far away from him as we can because it's not a very big maze it looks like quite a big maze but it all kind of leads back to bird the middle and then there's not actually that many routes because there's a lot of long corridors there's not loads and loads of turns there's a lot of kind of quite long corridors considering they're the size of it so yeah there's not many opportunities to hide so there's character options you can even move around and hope that you get lucky and move in the direction that the the hunter isn't heading in or you can kind of do with where you kind of stay looking both directions because the main way you're gonna see someone is if they're heading straight for you and so I don't know what's gonna be there the better strategy I guess we're going to find out soon to see who's able to survive the the longest I have no sense of time though I have no idea how long I've been down here's the way it's gonna work run away run away I'm sorry William beaver I'm running to you because I need a distraction we can run off in different directions and confuse busy baby have I escaped if I ran away I've no idea fizzy still follow me I saw the middle by the glimpse up there the middle there but let's just keep running I'm too scared to look behind me oh I think I'm okay I think I'm alright oh no no no I'm not no I'm no I thought I was okay I shouldn't have stopped running should have stopped running and never stopped running that is the strategy I've decided I like do not stop running especially when there's an elephant behind you and I am running into every wall because I can't see that there's a wall there until I bang into it and he's still going after me he's still chasing after me and I'm hitting every single wall on my way round I'm trying to just move in an unpredictable way maybe to try and confuse him and oh no okay I'll try to make him run past me that didn't work hahaha and I've been taken out who was I was I take it out first though or okay looks like Polly may have been taken out first and I think William still in there I think William is still in there the mail somewhere okay looks like the the strategy of I guess camping and trying to see if the other person approaches that seemed to work better than yeah but better than my strategy of just running around screaming so the way the game works is that if the three minutes is up the person heads to the the middle of the the maze and then they basically have to put down some torches to mark that the night vision is up but it looks like that was under three minutes because William beaver was taken out as well so fizzy was able to take them all out but William beaver was able to survive for longer than any of us so he gets a point the way we're gonna do the tournament is whoever survives the the longest each round they get a point but anyway we should probably let so pretty let fizzy out of the the maze now so I can just do this to open it up in hello fizzy congratulations good job on taking everyone out we going through the water so he can easily go and swim up and he can have his reward of some milk and it's also yet a good waiter to get rid of the night vision also so right then that's their the first round complete William beaver was the the winner that round fizzy did a very good job keeping track of me the entire time I was running around and boy you're holding her a diamond sort I know you don't use her swords too often normally in Minecraft but here's your your time to shine so yeah after about five seconds of us all being in there the maze you can go and charge down after us and oh yeah so we need to use their remember to use the the button to open up not the the lever X we need her to make sure that the the block stays shut after you so anyway let's go in so I cry shall I try Williams tactic I think I find it scarier I think I think I find it more scary not moving because I know at any point Polly reindeer could just turn around that corner and I I think I'd find it difficult to not screaming what do I be luckily she went around the corner and turned in the other direction that was I don't like that strategy I can't handle it I can handle that strategy I need a new strategy no I'm sure there's three Polly reined is inside of it everywhere I turn there's a reindeer no was a her again I think I saw William I think Williams being chased by Polly William is now experiencing a what the majority of my last time in the maze was of just being chased down the time let's let's see if I can maybe find my way back to the the middle would that be a good strategy okay I saw I saw William going blazing parts and there is Polly there is Paulie I thought she wouldn't see me I was trying to wait and sneak past but she has definitely seen me and she is on the hunt she's not to me and fizzy sorry fizzy coming through and bringing an angry reindeer on my tail we'd better run away it's a weird case because I'm not technically against the other people in the maze like not directly anyway it's not like I'm attacking them but if I can kind of lead Polly to one of the other players so she doesn't get me than that that could be a good thing is off Polly still following Polly still going off to physio no but he's going off to me and fizzy keep running and keep running because remember we're playing on peaceful mode here so diamond swords are really strong but and your hearts go up quite quickly when you're on peaceful mode so it's not actually as easy to take out the the other players as you might originally expect so I'm kind of just still running now is it's probably still following me okay I'm back to the I'm back to her the beaver strategy the the hide in a corner and look out strategy I think there's a good for now because I think Polly's still chasing her Eva Physiol William so if I can kind of just stay out the way of that and not run around and meet them then that could work out really well for me of course I'm no idea what if they've been taken out or not like I'm not gonna know until the three minutes are up and then there's torches down in the middle of course if you do build a game like this and play it yourself if you're all talking to each other you can shout it out I'll have deaf messages on and do it that way but I like to be literally in the dark no pun intended they're dropping the the name of bird the game and it's aces it's a high-risk high-reward this strategy because I can stay here and if Polly happens to not run past me then fine good no worries no worries but if she does find me then I'm not moving and she has a chance just to corner me straightaway luckily she didn't turn right around the corner and get me luckily she was kind of on the the end of the the corridor and that's really what you you want her to hope for in that situation have I lost her okay I think I was able to lose her there this might be a better place I think here might be a better place to be you can even do a little bit of this strategy a little bit peek around the corner in third-person strategy that might even work better because there's no real closed corners cause if she comes from down there I have a good amount of time to react and then if she come from that side I always have a good amount of time but now it's on to the chase and she has a big advantage because I can barely see anything and I keep running into walls and pollie it can kind of just chased me down straight away but she needs to go good three or four hits close together and to be able to take now because if she only hits me like once or something and then I can run away well then I have chanced her to get my hearts back up I of course have no idea how long she has left on that night vision potion so all I need to do is wait - so torches in the the middle to know that there the three minutes is up but I'm starting to think it's a little bit more possible than I first expected like I fought that no one would be able to be able to escape for three minutes but even though no one's done it yet it's seeming out a little bit more possible than when I first expected so I'm now in the weird case where I don't have Polly still chasing it I think I might have given her the the slip so I'm kind of back in the the classic William beaver position now I know there's Polly chasing me it does work it does why if you can react quickly and kind of get out of there straightaway then I think is straight - it's good to head straight to the middle because there's so many different directions you can run to in the the middle and escape from it's good to kind of give them the the slip and get away that way I think I might be the last person in here I think I may be the last person in here or the other people in here are very good at hiding because I've been run across anyone in a very long time so I think I may have won this round let's see if I can be a complete survivor and last the full three minutes though because that would be I mean I think I'd have to give myself a bonus point for that I think that's only fair I mean I didn't really make any rules properly for this game I just kind of wanted to have the fun of running around being chased her to be fair I didn't make up a proper scoring system but I think you should be able to get a bonus point if you're able to survive the full three minutes but it's just so hard to have a sense of time when you're in here no I heard the pressure plates I think I just heard Polly running across the the middle that's me that's the other thing you need to use a lot more when one of your senses is taken away so much like your your sight you need to really rely on your your sound and hear if someone else has been hit or if someone's stepping over the the pressure plate but so far so good at all I saw Polly for her for a second then she was running in the other direction and I don't think she saw me then so let's go back to this is my position William beaver has his play I think this might be a better place to hang out and until I see Polly again I'm going to I'm gonna maybe hang around here she still got the bubbles she still got deeper than like vision bubbles going around her so she's definitely still got there than like vision for for now but I have no idea how long she's going to have it left for and I guess it probably gets hard and now there's now there's only one person left I guess it's probably harder for her to be able to find me because it's less chance ed there we go the torches are down Polly I was right here I was standing right behind you and art do you know how nice it is just to see the the light like that it's so nice to be able to see that so that will be I'm giving myself a bonus point I don't care if that's not fair I'm giving myself two points for that because I survived the fall of three minutes that's awesome that was so much fun it was terrifying Polly but it was a lot of good funner as well so right then let's go in there and swim our way up here and I want to be the hunter next I I want to do I want to have my goat going to chase everyone down it will be your you'll go next though William Biba don't worry we will let everyone have it I go but I want to I only experience what it's like being the the person doing the chasing so let's go and grab my potion here and guys get in the maze don't wait around here go go go go don't wait fall for me once you've been in for a few seconds I'm gonna have the night vision potion and that is going to to mark the start of my three minutes so they're running yep everyone has dropped in here sorry Duncan immittance by the way this isn't her this isn't a very good observer minigame there's not a good waiter to spectate this game above from just seeing us pop out over there at the little box anyway that's enough talking let's go and have my night vision potion we can go and press the the button and I am so looking forward to this I have been the the person fleeing or for my life this entire time so the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go and look at all of the William Deva spots at all I found a reindeer I found Polly I can get immediate revenge and there we go Polly it was taken out straight away so that is the problem with if you're staying still like that if someone goes around the corner and can surprise you immediately you don't have time to react but if you're already sprinting then you kind of have time to move away and all I see an elephant I see that if it had a beaver I may be here to go and take them out strode away immediately Oh No I miss busy I miss busy it's funny because I know that there they can see what I could see last and they can see basically nothing or fizzy's doing a good job jumping around so it's easier in the the middle so you can make your way back but I was able to take out busy which means William is guaranteed at least one point this round which would be him drawing with me the big question though is is he gonna be able to survive the full three minutes and be able to get that bonus point to be able to go in the lead so he normally likes hanging around the outside but I think he knows that I've learned that strategy knees I think he's gone somewhere else maybe he's he's taking up the this stampy cat position so I want to be very careful of his not only looking straight ahead because there's been a bunch of times where someone's run right past me but not seen me and I want to make sure that doesn't happen but I've spotted the beaver the beaver is on the run and I am on the trace I'm trying to keep jumping to catch up because one piece was but we don't need to worry about hunger IVA so running and jumping doesn't really matter to but you know I got him trapped I'm gonna trapped at the corner he can't see he was definitely not able to survive the full three minutes but he was able to get himself a another bonus point though so that means currently either score is a me and William both drawing in first place with her with two points but it is now going to be a William beavers turn to be the the hunter which means he can't get any points this round you can't get any points unless you're the one running away so this is gonna be a chance for Eva meter to win outright or someone else to try and get on the scoreboard as well so all right then I do you want to make sure you've got your your night vision potion William beaver and we can all go and make our way into the game I know yeah that wouldn't be very fair would it if I didn't drink any milk good good cougar I wasn't trying to cheat this happened before in mini games I've just accidentally cheated and no one believes me that it was an accident but I promise it is I've dragged the milk I've drank the milk I get the point right then let's go and head into the maze then once again if you give us just a good five seconds or so just to get to our starting positions and then you can go under and hunt after us so I really want to get a point here I really want her to be able to get a point because and then that way I will be able to be the the outright winner so it's interesting to see how people's strategies changes like William beaver heard that I knew exact be what he was doing so yeah he kind of changed things up that round I'm gonna stick with Poli this time Oh at least with someone else cuz I think you know it's kind of like like you know 200 he's behind us he's behind his folly he's behind us older I was gonna say this safety in a pack you know you always seen like animals they always stay in a big group but all I'm running into a wall I was running in the wrong direction now okay I'm really weak I need to keep running I can't make any mistakes here staying in a group didn't work because I was the one that got picked up at all that she poly - run past me maybe that was a distraction am i okay I think I'm okay and the thing is though is if william beebe is smart and he is if William Weaver smart he's gonna target me because he knows if I win then I'm gonna win overall so it matters more for him to take me out then the the other players so that's something that I'm going to need to bear in mind I need her to make it so that he can't see me and then I might be able to escape at all I see him he's in the middle guys he's in the middle don't go to the middle I saw he was waiting in the middle setting up an ambush for one of us to go past but I I caught him out I saw what he was doing there right sorry fizzy I'm totally getting in your way here I'm gonna leave I'm gonna leave I'm sorry I was trying to steal your position but you were there right he's now left the middle everyone he's now left the middle portion saying I don't he said he said I shouldn't have said where I was I shouldn't have said that was in the middle right I need to have my my best maneuvering and turning oh that's the wall that's where everyone get stuck remember always talk to do that wala no that was me taken out which means I can't win like there's there's there's literally in no way that I'm gonna be able to win this round scene as I was taken out so FAR's but and the big question is who's gonna get any points at all oh I didn't realize Paulie was taken out so that means physi has got at least one point this round okay so that's a guaranteed point for fizzy fizzy could get another bonus point if he's able to stay in the maze for a full three minutes it wasn't to be is he gonna be able to survive and then pop up pop turn elephant fill reto - put your trousers back on by the way fizzy it's really weird scene seen you not wearing you hold your trousers all right then let's get William Beaver out of there that was a really good job by William beaver there he was very very fast and the final score is a William and me with er with two points busy with one point Paulie wasn't able to get any points this round but I'm sure if we play again she will be we'll be able to Paulie generally isn't someone who were who generally uses a sword very much to be fair but she is the other genius that helped me design and build all of the the Redstone so that is really where her talent shine so yeah that is the the end of this episode here I will no doubt be back to to pay this game at some point in the future I know I have a habit of building minigames but only playing them once but this game was so much fun we are definitely gonna be coming back and playing this that I can invert the future once I've calmed down a little bit and yeah I feel like my my nerves have have relaxed a little bit and I can handle running around in the darkness again but anyway in the next episode I am building a something big back in my Funland and it's properly the thing that people have requested for me to build more than anything else in my entire lovely world so yeah there'll be a link in the description to that video once it's online but for now and I thank you all very much for watching and I will see you all later [Music]
Channel: stampylonghead
Views: 1,756,045
Rating: 4.8914576 out of 5
Keywords: Stampy, Stampylongnose, Stampylonghead, Stampy Cat, Lets Play, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Gameplay, Commentary, No Swearing, Family Friendly, Funland, Lovely World, Console, Edition, Version, Xbox, Xbox: 360, Part 535, In The Dark, William Beaver, Fizzy Elephant, Polly Reindeer, Scary Game, Mini-game, Tournament
Id: iqo-c_EfLDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2017
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