SCP-3092 - Gorilla Warfare

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The switchblade’s knife glints in the dark, and  the bully holding it runs through the arcade,   glinting in terror. The Kid watches, shocked  by the insanity unfolding, as twenty tiny,   vicious gorillas chase the knife-wielding bully  as tears streak his face. This situation defies   all explanation, unless you know about  SCP-3092. Let’s go back to the beginning.  The Kid almost trips over his laces as his Chucks  hammer against the sidewalk. The headphones for   his Walkman bounce against his neck as the wind  rushes past. Heaving in as much air as he can, the   Kid runs through town looking desperately this way  and that for any grown-ups he recognizes. No one. Just strangers with thick mustaches and perms,  chatting outside Blockbuster and Waldenbooks,   totally oblivious to the fact that he’s  running for his life. The Kid cocks an ear,   and sure enough, he hears that all-too-familiar  rolling clattering sound coming after him. The   skateboards are catching up. A few insults  catch on the wind and float across to him. Four eyes. Earthworm. And a good few names  that he doesn’t want to repeat. Apparently,   their town used to have a good Native  American community, that’s why his parents   had moved here. But nowadays, it seems  to just be white faces all around him.   From what the bullies are shouting as they  chase him - and the total apathy of the   grown-ups on the sidewalks at the words -  it’s no wonder everyone else moved away. A rock hits the back of his head, almost knocking  his glasses off. The sound of the tiny wheels   roars louder and louder with every block. He needs  to find an escape. And fast. Home’s way too far   away. His parents aren’t expecting him home until  nightfall, he needs a spot to lay low. The arcade?   It’s closed today, but the owner told him where  the spare key is. He could go there, but he needs   to lose them first. His lungs are burning,  and his legs are starting to give up on him. Ice! The Kid sees it too late and steps straight  onto a patch of it. His Converse slides out   from under him and flings his limbs  this way and that trying desperately   to stay on his feet as he skids across  the ice. His momentum throws him forward,   and he sticks out another foot, catching  himself back on the sidewalk. Perfect. He turns just in time to see the four  bullies on their skateboards hitting   the patch and going flying.  They land in a heap together,   groaning and scuffling, trying  to get back up. Now’s his chance. The Kid shoots off down an alleyway, loops  back around the block, turns up a side street,   and arrives at the arcade without having  looked back once. He snatches the key   from under the gutter and looks around the  quiet street. Nobody there, thank goodness. He darts through the door and locks it behind  him with trembling fingers. Tears flood his eyes   as he lets his forehead rest against the door.  Every day. Every damn day it’s more of the same.   Why can’t he just have some peace?  Why can’t he just be normal? The Kid stands there crying for a long time.  He can’t tell his parents what’s going on,   they’ve got enough of their own problems.  He tried to tell his teachers, but at lunch,   he overheard them laughing and joking  about it all between themselves. It   just sometimes feels like no one’s on his side. The Kid takes a deep breath and rubs the  moisture out of his eyes. That’s enough.   If he keeps thinking about it all day, it’s only  gonna feel worse. He’s on his own now, he’s safe.   What he needs to do is just enjoy the little bit  of peace he has now, before it all starts again. And what better place to be laying low  than the arcade? He hits the lights. Pinball, claw machines, and arcade cabinets all  light up and start playing over one another. Air   hockey, basketball hoops, and Fussball all beep  at him invitingly. He can’t help but let a smile   spread across his face. He walks across the  carpet looking this way and that at Frogger,   Pac-Man, Galaga, Donkey Kong. So  many choices… so many choices… He hops on the counter and hits the  side of the cash register. It pops open,   revealing trays stacked full of quarters.  Mr. Burns, the guy who owns the place,   told him he’s allowed to let himself  in and use the money in the register   to play whenever he wants. On the house. As  the Kid scoops a handful out of the drawer,   he realizes he might not be totally  on his own in this town after all. Pac-Man beeps into life as soon as the  quarters fall into the slot. He grabs the   joystick and stares intently at the screen,  darting this way and that through the maze,   munching, munching, munching. Try as they  might, the four ghosts just can’t catch   him. The Kid grins. All that time running from  four bullies wasn’t quite for nothing, was it? But after a couple of levels he  gets bored. He always plays Pac-Man,   so much so that he’s memorized his route through  the first few levels. Kinda takes the fun out of   things a bit. He lets the ghosts surround him  and watches Pac-Man swirl away into nothing. Frogger isn’t much better. He never really  clicked with this one for some reason,   just felt too stop-start. He lets the  frog get run over and stands back,   letting out a sigh. Is there anything  in here he hasn’t touched yet? Wait, what’s that? In the corner  of the room, there’s a new machine,   still half covered in a sheet. It  hasn’t even been plugged into the   wall yet. The Kid skips over to it  and bends down to hook it up. There. He stands back, takes hold of the  sheet, and pulls as dramatically as   he can. It billows and unfurls  to reveal… a claw machine. Oh. It’s just another claw machine. Black-Tie Toys  is written on the side in classic 80s lettering,   just under 2 meters tall or so. Nothing to  make it stand out from the other cabinets   in here. But not only does it look boring,  it doesn’t have anything he wants inside.   Just a bunch of plushee gorillas. Not exactly  a brand-new cabinet, but worth a shot anyway.   The Kid slots a coin in and cracks  his knuckles. Here goes nothing. The claw swings into life at the slightest touch  of the joystick. These things are normally rigged,   so he’s not exactly expecting much from  it. May as well just drop the claw here,   all the toys in this one  are the same anyway. No way! It’s caught onto one of the gorilla’s feet,  lifting the toy up as it dangles upside   down. It swings precariously this way and  that as the claw guides it over to the hole.   It’s a defective toy with a bit of  stitching loose on its shoulder,   but he couldn’t care less. The thrill  of getting one first time, it’s… The toy drops into the chute  and thumps to the bottom,   just behind the little door. The Kid punches the  air and yells in triumph. He did it, first try! He bends down and reaches out to the little  flap, just as the flap opens by itself.   He freezes as the little toy gorilla opens the  door for himself and hops out onto the carpet.   The Kid yelps and jumps backwards, tripping  over his feet. Somewhere in that chute,   between falling in and popping out, this  little toy had… well, it had come alive! The little gorilla does the same as the Kid,  leaping backwards defensively. It raises   two soft fists with surprisingly dexterous  fingers and looks the Kid up and down warily. It orders the Kid, in a stern,  militaristic voice, to identify himself. The Kid’s jaw drops open. It can speak? The  little plushee gorilla’s voice is gruff but   high-pitched enough to match his size.  He barely comes up to the Kid’s knee. The Gorilla asks him if he’s friendly. The Kid nods quickly. The gorilla’s eye narrow. ‘What’s your favorite fruit?’ the Gorilla asks. ‘Bananas.’ ‘Phew,’ the gorilla says, dropping his  fists. ‘You never can be too careful.’ The Kid dusts himself off and climbs to his feet.  The gorilla deftly scales the side of the claw   machine and hangs off it, surveying the arcade.  The Kid asks his name, which seems to stump the   little toy. It picks at the loose stitching on his  shoulder. The Kid suggests calling him Stitches. The gorilla salutes at the sound of his new name. ‘Alright, kid, what’s the  operation? Give me the sitrep.’ Operation? Sit rep? The Kid stands  there nonplussed for a moment. Well,   they’re in an arcade. Stitches  nods sagely, taking the intel on   board. And they have to stay here until  nightfall. The little gorilla has already   swung himself up on top of the machine to  get a better view of strategic locations. ‘And where are the hostiles?’ The Kid hesitates. Stitches looks down at  him knowingly. An unspoken understanding   passes between them, they could be attacked  at any moment. The pair of them take a walk   around the room, the Kid explaining the  situation. Four bullies. Three entrances;   front door, alley door, and a window. No  back rooms or hallways, those are all locked. The gorilla takes a candy cane from behind  the counter and sticks it in the side of his   mouth like a cigar. He doesn’t seem to  be able to chew it or even suck on it,   he is just a toy, after all, but the  Kid feels like he can’t really point   that out. He has no idea how  fragile his comrade’s ego is. ‘Look. I can’t actually taste it okay? I can only  see, hear and touch. I’m insecure about it, leave   me alone. We haven’t got much time anyway,’ the  gorilla says. ‘We’ve got to prepare our defenses.’ The two of them go to work,   Stitches barking orders at the Kid as they  ready themselves for the bullies’ arrival. The Kid asks Stitches what exactly their aim is. The plushee looks at the Kid  like it’s a trick question. ‘Total domination. Absolute victory.  Annihilation. A butchering.’ The Kid straightens, suddenly feeling  very unsure about all of this. He tells   Stitches that he doesn’t want to  kill anyone, or anything like that. ‘Kill?!’ The little gorilla falls backwards  off the coin machine in surprise. ‘Kill? No, no, no, no! What’s wrong with  you? Of course not! We’re going to tickle,   bamboozle, inconvenience, and bonk. Where those   things fit within the confines of  the Geneva Convention, of course.’ BANG BANG BANG! The hammering fists on the door are  so loud that it shakes on its hinges.   They’ve barely had 10 minutes  to get ready, that’s not far.   The Kid can see the shadows of feet blocking the  street light. His knees go weak almost straight   away at the sound of their catcalling  through the cracks. They’ve found him. He could make a break for the alley  door? If he’s quiet enough, he could… But it’s too late. As he looks at the fire  escape, he can see another pair of legs   blocking his exit. No point jumping out of the  window, they’d see him straight away and have   him blocked off from both sides. He looks down at  his squishy little companion. They have no choice. It’s time for gorilla warfare. The front door crashes open, splinters of wood  flying everywhere, and three of the bullies storm   in. Front and center is their Ringleader, dressed  in all-black skater clothes with a constant sneer   on his face he must easily be a good foot taller  than the kid. But even he looks small standing in   between the Twins. Hulking egg-shaped boys with  no hair on their heads or glints in their eyes. The banging noise behind the Kid tells him that  the fourth bully is trying to kick his way through   the alley door. But they don’t have time to  deal with that now, the Twins are storming over   to him like a pair of freight trains. His legs  are really shaking now, he needs to move but… Stitches is gone! That loyal gorilla that  had been at his side just a moment ago.   But as soon as trouble arrived, he’d  disappeared. Just like they always do. The Twins are nearly upon him now.  The Kid doesn’t have a choice,   he takes a deep breath and closes  his eyes, ready for a beating. ‘HHHHYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!’ The primal scream fills the arcade. Out of the  rafters, a tiny toy gorilla swings down on a loose   cable, heading straight for the Twins’ faces.  Their round faces barely have time to go from   ‘angry’ to ‘confused’ before the cuddly toy is on  top of them, pummeling them with its soft fists. Turns out those fists aren’t worth much  in a fight. Twin 1 pulls the ape off   his face and holds it arm's length.  The two of them stare at Stitches,   who’s swinging his fists wildly through  thin air. Apparently lacking the brain   power to be stunned that an inanimate  cuddly toy has gained sentience,   Twin 1 tosses Stitches over the arcade cabinets,  and the pair of them continue their advance. Except the distraction worked just long  enough. The Kid grins and runs around   the cotton candy machine, which  by now is rumbling and banging,   letting out a thin plume of smoke. His smile  falters as they close in on him. Any second now… But the Twins are closing in on him,  thick arms outstretched to grab him when… BANG! The cotton candy machine explodes. Hot  sugary webbing bursts out in all directions,   wrapping around the bullies and missing the top  of the Kid’s ducking head by less than an inch. He can’t believe that actually worked.  Taking a step back to survey the damage,   he looks down at the enormous Twins, bound up  in cotton candy, and arguing with each other. The alley door crashes open, and the fourth  bully rushes in. He’s skinny with tattoos all   down both his arms. Looking at him now up close,  the Kid reckons he must be a good ten years older   than the other bullies. Why he’s still hanging  out with high school kids is anyone’s guess. The Kid gulps. He’s only got  one more trick up his sleeve,   but two bullies left to go. The  Ringleader’s disappeared somewhere.   He can’t worry about that now though,  he just has to focus on the Old One. The man is leering at him from the back  of the arcade. He reaches round to his   back pocket and pulls out something small  and shiny. Flicking open the knife blade,   he spins the blade around between  his fingers and winks at the Kid. He feels all the blood leave his face. This isn’t  a game anymore. He needs to get out of here. The Kid makes a break for it, running  towards the open front doors but in a flash,   the Old Bully is in front of him, playing with  the knife and smiling that same sinister smile.   He tries to run back the other way,  to the alley door but the Bully is   blocking him again before he can even  take a few steps. How is he that fast? Be calm, be calm. Think. The Kid reaches  into his pocket. Here goes nothing. He turns to run back to the front doors but,  this time, throws the pinballs all across the   carpet. For a second, it looks like it hasn’t  worked, the Old Bully steps in the gaps between   the pinballs. He looks down to see them all there  scattered around in front of him, but too late. His foot is already landing on about five  metal balls that all shoot out from under him.   He goes flying, crashing right into a Galaga  machine head first. His leg twitches a couple   times then he goes still. The knife flies  out of his hand, arcing through the air,   spinning round and round and round before  landing with a gentle thud on the soft carpet. A sneaker treads onto the handle. A sneaker  attached to a hairy leg sticking out of a   pair of cord pants. The Ringleader bends  over to pick up the blade, flicks it open,   and holds it against the neck of the little  gorilla clutched in his arms. It would almost   look funny, the bully threatening a cuddly  toy, if the toy wasn’t writhing around in fear. The Kid cries out in panic for the  knife-wielding bully to put his plush   gorilla friend down. He’s got nothing left.  No more tricks up his sleeve. It’s over. The Bully just grins maniacally  at him and pushes the knife harder   against the squishy neck. He’s got  Stitches by the shoulder of his arm,   just above where the stitching is coming  loose. The Bully’s back is to the cash   register. On the wall behind him, dozens  of giant cuddly prizes hang lifeless. The Bully hisses that the kid is gonna  pay for making them run all over town. The Kid nods his head. He will, he  promises. They can beat him up or   whatever they like. Just don’t hurt Stitches.  The Bully laughs at the gorilla’s name. ‘You gave him a name! You’re such  a loser. Couldn’t come up with   anything better than Stitches?  What does that name even mean?’ ‘Let me show you!’ the gorilla  yells. Twisting away from the   blade he reaches into the gap in  his shoulder, crying out in pain,   and pulls out handfuls of stuffing, throwing them  up into the Bully’s face. It doesn’t do much,   but it’s enough to distract him. The  Kid seizes his chance, dashing forward   and shoving the Bully square in the chest,  knocking him backwards and freeing Stitches. The little gorilla runs off  to safety straight away. The Kid can hardly believe what he’s seeing. The Bully is getting to his feet now, knife  still in hand, snarling. But almost immediately,   his snarling is drowned out by the sound  of a shrieking primate, then another one. Both Kid and Bully wheel round to see  Stitches swinging across the wall of   stuffed toys giving them high fives. As soon  as he touches each of them, they transform,   falling and turning, into crazed gorillas.  All of them rushing straight at the Bully. His eyes widen in terror, he turns on his  heel and runs out through the open doors,   pursued by a small army. He lashes out wildly  as he goes, striking one of the gorilla’s down. Stitches and the Kid chase him to the  doorway and watch as the little toy   gorillas chase the bully off into the night,  swinging on lamp posts and leaping over cars. ‘Good thing he ran,’ Stitches  climbs up onto the Kid’s shoulder,   popping his candy cane cigar back into  his mouth. ‘Our fists are about as hard   as Hello Kitty’s. Let’s see how long  it takes him to figure that one out.’ A whimper behind them sobers the moment.  Turning around, they see the body of the   gorilla toy that the bully punched as he  left. It lies slumped on a pinball machine,   stuffing bursting from its chest.  Plumes of cotton cover the glass. Stitches buries his head in the Kid’s neck,  sickened and devastated by the casualty. The dying gorilla looks at him with beady   little eyes. It raises a dramatic hand  towards him, breathing in shaky gasps. ‘Mr Stitches… I don’t peel so good…’ Like a community theater actor doing Shakespeare,  the little toy dies a dramatic death.   Throwing his head back he takes one  desperate gasping breath and falls still. The Kid stands there in shock. Except, the little  gorilla does seem to be breathing. Very lightly,   as if pretending he’s dead. The Kid  sidles up to the cabinet and pokes him. ‘Hello?’ He pokes the gorilla again. It opens  one eye and looks at him annoyed. ‘I’m out of the game, leave me alone.’ Stitches hits the Kid on the side of the head. ‘Let him be out of the game  in peace. Show some respect.’ ‘Sorry.’ The Kid clasps his hands together in  humility and stands by the pretend-dying   gorilla. Stitches salutes. Until they get  bored and go off to play a game of Galaga. Check out the Dr. Bob Patreon and become  a junior researcher today! Now go and   watch another entry from the files of Dr.  Bob, like SCP-705 - Militaristic Play-Doh.
Channel: Dr Bob
Views: 418,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the rubber, therubber, animation, animated, SCP, SCP Foundation, SCP Animation, DrBob, Dr Bob, anomaly, anomalies, SCPs, anom, anoms, scp wiki, scp animated, scp explained, scp-3092, scp 3092, scp3092, gorilla warfare
Id: laWg0fd7x7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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