I Survived 100 Days as a PILLAGER in Minecraft

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today i'm gonna be transforming into a pillager for the next 100 days in minecraft however in this minecraft world villagers have imprisoned all of the pillagers so as a pillager it is going to be my job to escape this prison and free all my fellow pillagers from captivity on day one i spawned in the prison okay so i am a pillager and already locked in a prison cell do i have to find a way to get out of this thing or am i gonna be let out i honestly have no idea but i guess this is what we start with a sink i think that's supposed to be a toilet yeah yeah come on you know get along yeah yeah and i'm guessing this is where the escape begins we're back all right there we go and stop taking horses oh we got ourselves a little a new prisoner here don't we hello prisoner pillager number 21 how you doing huh now listen here you're new here so i'm going to explain the rule all right you're allowed out of yourself for the most part not really at night because you got to stay in your cell at night and you're allowed to go anywhere in your prison confine here let me let you out just so you get a good look see that tube over there you're not allowed past that two border do you understand i find you past that two border you get met with consequences boy you understand all right there's your smelting in the crafting area there's your mind and tree shopping area and up top is the cafeteria in the doctor's office all right everything you ever need is right here no let me catch you on bad behavior well welcome to the prison okay so we obviously have to escape this place before we do that we need to make a base of operations in past hundred day prison escape videos i've made my secret base usually in my cell that would make it you know in my little confinery but i can't do that here so i'm gonna have to look around for some area to do it let's get an idea of what this prison's like so first off crafting furnaces i'm guessing cooking yes i saw your comments last video but having to use a blast furnace and smoker i get it i'll do it let's go this way no he said i can't go through the tube if i go through the tube i'm in trouble so oh what's this oh this would be perfect wait is there one that's not near the entrance i'd love to make a hidden base like over here oh yes oh this is perfect all we have to do is build a wall over on both sides and we can have a hidden base here i don't even think he's gonna come back here anyway so this is where we're gonna build a hidden base but obviously to do that we gotta get started getting wood and mining for different blocks but before we do that let me tell you a little bit about mana how many of you play video games all the time what if there was a way that you could earn rewards simply by playing games well now you can mana is the gaming rewards debit card where you can earn points by paying and playing this way you can get stuff you actually want like with a mana pro membership where you can get discord nitro plus or even an xbox game pass subscription with mana you can sync your favorite games and complete quests to earn rewards for both gaming and purchasing so what are you waiting for if you're in the us you need to get a mana debit card if you're as active of a gamer as i am mana rewards gamers like you and me so go ahead and click the link in the description down below or scan the qr code on screen right now to sign up for mana's wait list and best yet after you sign up you can refer some friends over to mana and you can get up to 109 dollars in mana point the more you refer and enter giveaways so once again scan the qr code on screen or click the link in the description down below to sign up for mana's wait list let's go upstairs to the cafeteria and check this place out okay it looks like a lot of tables there's definitely a camera up here which means there's definitely a security system in this place okay it looks like that's to the med bay over there and it looks like there's a bunch of chefs and a villager thing what do you trade me eight logs for four steaks so i have to cut wood to get food okay that makes sense let's go to the med bay okay this is the med bay and i guess this is where you go when you get sick i don't really know what the point of this would be though anyway it seems like that's all there is let's go back downstairs let's start getting some wood start working on the base and get some food because our hunger's not gonna last that much longer always replant your saplings people okay we got everything we could from over there let's go ahead and start building our base let's go get some stones so we can get a stone pickaxe okay nope there is just no breaking the prison walls they're invincible this is gonna be trickier than i thought to disguise this place but right now i'm not worried about it let's go ahead and see if cobblestone looks any good if i were to put cobblestone here if i could get five cobblestone and put it in each of these corners it actually doesn't look bad and then i could simply just mine through the cobblestone every time i want to come in hold up we need more cobblestone and now it just looks like it's part of the design however if i break through here we're obviously in the new secret base perfect okay let me just make a couple chests real quick perfect now we have a storage area where we can store our items okay i'm gonna keep the stone pickaxe on me for right now take my one piece of coal and go grab some iron okay the pickaxe broke and i'd say we got a good amount of stuff let's go ahead let's go back into the prison let's hop in bed let's go to sleep and wake up on day two let's go get some wood and then we're gonna make another pickaxe okay we got some wood let's head on back okay they should all be done go and make ourselves armor and the best part is the warden won't be able to see me wearing the iron armor because i'm a pillager and armor doesn't show up on pillager the only thing i have to worry about is what's in my hand cause you can definitely see that okay now that we got iron armor let's get ourselves a sword and a shield for protection now if i have these in my hands i'm definitely getting caught so they got to stay in my hot bar until i really need them okay so let's go this way replace this now we're going to go through the tube now here's the thing if i go through this i could definitely get myself caught here so i have to be extremely careful once i exit this tube gotta make sure unicorn's not around no one's looking okay let's go whoa okay whoa this place is insane look at that look at that what is that that's insane is there anything else i can see from here oh there is what is that well there's a lot of stuff here i can't even see yet oh my god this place is huge let's go here oh wow oh god i see unicorn i see his name plate this place is insane what am i even supposed to do here i don't even know what to do what is this is this gonna put me on the top floor i can't go down i can go up okay now i'm on the top floor that says tnt hold up i want to go there let me go down that could be a tnt volt in past escapes the warden who's also my friend makes all of these maps from scratch in the past he's used tnt volts as a pretty common method for me to escape that's where i'm gonna head right now and uh we're gonna see if we can actually escape now i doubt i can even get in yep it's locked up okay but here's the thing i can guarantee you this is where we gotta go this is definitely a tnt vault so it looks like i need a key card to get in the first part and then there's a door i was and it looks like maybe there's some sort of can't tell there's another code but i have to find a way in here let me sneak along the edge of this make sure i'm not seen by unicorn i don't see him be really careful doing this this is really risky make her on this side there we go can i get in on this side oh no but there's a hidden chest here a superstitious hat applies an extra level of looting to killed enemies oh i'm totally putting that on i basically have looting one on everything i have now the sun's starting to go down so we should probably get out of here now that we know where we have to get into we gotta get into that tnt vault and we gotta find ourselves a key card where is that key card it's somewhere in this massive prison but we're gonna find out starting tomorrow okay so we obviously gotta find this key card somewhere it could be in here but i doubt it so i'm gonna go ahead and exit the tube again and start looking for this thing we'll go up this big tube and stop okay there we go unicorns down there okay so usually in the past there's some sort of warden's office and i bet you that's where i can find it the question is where is it or if there even is one i should probably honestly get an idea of what the buildings look like okay let's go down i can't go down how do i go down how do i get down there where he is gotta be away down there oh wait are those elevators oh they are oh he's coming get down here have an idea we can hide right here for a sec i think he may saw me just wait here he may not even notice that huh yes okay we made it down here down here okay let's eat a carrot oh okay we gotta go we gotta go down there you didn't go prisoner okay we gotta go we gotta get out of here uh where would a key card be solitaire it seems like it's locked by a keycard security also looks like it's locked that's probably how i can get rid of the cameras though uh come here don't make me shoot my gun at you i really hope this lets me go up it did oh it is up here it's by the tnt vault we're gonna be very quick so he doesn't shoot us off i'm right behind you boy oh okay okay stopping because if i fall i'll probably die you don't you don't want to fall from there boy trust me i saw him many times from there you hurt come on okay do you speak pillager do you understand me come here boy listen i was hired by the villagers to keep you boys in line they paint me in this big sombrero i'm going to take it as you don't understand a word i'm saying you're not supposed to be down here i think i was very clear prisoner number 21 you're not supposed to be down number so now i'm taking you to one of my many pillager re-education programs all right if you could hop on boat number one for me stand up stand on the thing at the front oh i see here a little finicky oh where am i doc all right boy welcome to my ocean dropper oh my god it's huge all right boy so listen the goal is very simple you're going to drop down from the top and you have to land in this little slimy pool we got down here oh my oh i'm at the top hold up let's do this in f5 f5 is going to be our best friend here it looks like there's a spot in between if i if i jump past orange and then go past purple i can do it okay well here we go [Applause] oh i did it oh you think you're real fancy huh i think you're real good at that phone huh yeah well good thing there's level two come on this way oh god okay well all right come on here's the elevator get on up there okay this one actually doesn't look as bad oh yeah i can cheese it right i did it oh heck and heck i was really hoping for a big old splat unbelievable all right i guess you've earned your freedom for today yeah we survived the first pillager slaughterhouse i'm not happy about it but you better get back to yourself boy after surviving the first pillager slaughterhouse my new goal was to shut down the cameras i'm assuming that's how the warden saw me so fast however to do this i had to get into the prison security building and to get in there it looks like i require some sort of passcode however i can't find the code literally anywhere okay so it's day nine and it is time to keep looking for that stupid code cause it could literally be anywhere so we're gonna keep looking we're gonna go check out the prison again today i've tracked out this whole area it is definitely not here and there's still a few areas i haven't been to specifically on the top floor of the prison so we're gonna come out here again very careful i don't see unicorn's name played anywhere okay so let's go up there because i haven't been to this big white building nor these other smaller i think these are just guard towers the big white building i have not been to yet so let's head there now okay i don't see anyone okay that's good looks like we're okay in here for a minute oh god that scared me so much behind the painting what is with all this hidden stuff they're putting false leads in for me to fall for another painting boom all these hidden little secrets nothing ooh sand i guess i'll take some sand gary's seat reading spot get out what there's an upstairs let's go check out the upstairs book and quill maybe this is a hint no it's literally empty oh it's on a bookshelf i see i was thinking maybe this would lead to a parkour of some kind but no i'm not really finding anything in here so i'm just gonna kind of guess that there's nothing here and it's just meant to throw me off or i'm just not meant to be here yet okay let's go back to the bottom floor and let's go we still haven't seen whatever is in that corner and whatever's in this corner and let's go to this area over here to the left i hate being here in the center especially when the cameras are on because if unicorn's looking at his camera monitor i'm gonna be in trouble okay that looks like a parkour definitely looks like a parkour let me try this hold up wait wait this could be something hidden down there oh right here oh a panic necklace increases the wearer's movement speed after taking damage i like that let's put that on the only things that really get this higher this corner oh wait oh i think i figured it out over here oh this is gonna be tricky okay we made that one there we go boo yeah we're doing it we're jumping on a camera there we go finally got it corner perfect i'll walk through a cobweb i'm not afraid of you who what is that there is something here 1987. i'm grabbing that 1987 that's probably what we're looking for oh wait a minute i think i know where this might go this very well could be the code to security 1987 no way come on please yes we're into the security building we can shut down the cameras okay let's close the door because we can reopen it in a second borkhark and clock do not like pets i don't know what that means okay there's got what is that do not flick this is probably the big self-destruct button to shut off security i flicked it i'm assuming security shut off okay security is definitely down okay there we go and ooh we'll grab this security monitor as well just to make sure they can't use it anymore security is definitely destroyed so i don't have to worry about the cameras anymore seven and we're out and we'll close the door again so it doesn't look suspicious and now that it's nighttime well let's go to bed okay let's keep looking for this key card because it's got to be somewhere and i'm just not finding it but luckily the cameras are destroyed so me running around is not gonna attract any attention unless i'm seen by the warden himself so i can run around this place and not even have to worry about these cameras at all so let's keep looking for this key card now i feel like i've checked every building already so i'm a little confused the towers i've looked through i didn't find any i looked in this building which we did find the code not the key card for security everywhere else i've looked i can't find anything or i can't get into it right i can get into this but i can't get into solitary as an example i don't know how i can't get into it i think only unicorn has the ability it also has a key card but i'm not sure if i can get that key card usually i don't get access to those areas only guards can open so and that's another up elevator now this elevator is kind of weird because it doesn't have an up arrow maybe i can get over these fences maybe there's like hidden areas behind these like look at that there's like a gap back there just like there is in the cells is there a gap back here oh snap and there's a chest oh my god we got a crystal heart look we got 15 hearts now boo yeah and what is this head down don't let the guards oh we're fine we found something we definitely just found something where am i whoa what is this it's a whole underground black market leaving terry he'll sell me a knife for 10 diamonds oh my god terry i can get a flower of love for three diamonds cool what about you a sewer key okay i really think that's too helpful and lying lucas potion of unknowing knowledge okay wait i can i just take it you mean this one okay i won't steal it i guess that would be technically cheating okay well we've seen what they have to offer here it's not that good of stuff we'll look around to make sure there's nothing else in here doesn't appear so nope nothing else okay well this is really good to know about even if we didn't find the key today we found a cool little black market that i'm sure is gonna be useful later okay well it's night time i still haven't found this key so i'm giving up for the night but it is possible that i can't even access the key yet which means i need something else to actually get to the key let's go to bed and we'll figure that out on the next day okay day number eleven we're gonna find something today i promise and you wanna know how i'm gonna go back to that black market get the sewer key and find the sewer i haven't seen a sewer yet but i'm sure there's a sewer somewhere enter the sewer and maybe the key is in the sewer okay just over here to the right and we'll be there okay let's not get electrocuted ow it's so hard to get through that without getting murdered okay we're back down in the black market let's go okay we want to go i think it was this person that sold it you do and all i need is one diamond okay let me quickly go get you a diamond and then i will trade you for that sewer key first i apparently need a diamond so uh we're gonna need an iron pickaxe now let's go find ourselves a diamond diamonds let's go okay let's go down here get electrocuted like the price you gotta pay just to go shop okay now you trade me for that sewer key and i'll keep my five diamonds thank you that's way safer i'm just gonna start going that way anyway we now have the sewer key and now we have to actually look for a sewer anything hidden back here like a sewer nope ow got a little too close no no sewers back there okay let's go check the prison maybe there's a sewer in the prison i just didn't see okay we're looking for a sewer now this wait or one of these a sewer i actually don't know what that is what is this sewer oh this is okay now we take the key and we throw it in here and boom it's open okay cool okay let's go down here this is definitely gonna lead to something right what is this okay there's a lot of traps down here those fans yeah they are oh my god okay jump over the spikes what is this place what the heck this place is huge is that a crocodile oh my god there is a crocodile down here okay we gotta get the shield on you stay away buddy stay back oh he put me in his mouth you put me down you jerk let's put this stuff away let's keep going kick it out we gotta go against the fans and run there we go we made it oh that's evil jump over here to avoid that fan where is it this this better be worth it oh god whoa another alligator i'm just running past you ignore me yes hey we got by the alligator let's go down here go over here jump over the spikes ow we failed more spikes oh my goodness go up here watch out for the poison water there we go what is with the alligators okay there we go looks like we reached the end maybe can we climb these vines yeah we can look there's something up here oh no there's not oh there's something up the water though jump here what is up here okay what is this oh we definitely are going somewhere whoa where did this lead me i don't fit out of the shower what is this place ooh helmet some oh it's unicorn's house what are you doing in my bathroom oh nothing how did you even get in here what the heck were you taking a shower in my shower get out get up the stairs get on up the stairs did this leave any unicorns hell it did this is unicorn's house duck are you doing in here you dang dong dingus that's not the way out there it is come on it's a little confusing where even is this what i didn't even see this in the prison go on get out it's not in the prison all right you're taking a little trip me in the boat come here taking you walmart oh god where are we going you definitely don't want to swim in these waters they got we got sharks down here you don't see them right now they're they're on break what being outside of your cell is obviously very punishable offense but being outside yourself inside of my headquarters well that just simply won't do you have to follow me sir come on all right get your gold marker boots on okay you're gonna need them okay they're on you go in there and you traverse that factory and try not to get killed by the golem and when you're done i will be waiting for you on the other side for the second part of your punishment second part what is that supposed to mean oh god it's a parkour and if i fall these gollums are gonna kill me the villagers are using iron golems to punish pillagers yeah that's okay to do okay i think i'm gonna go this way to this conveyor belt jump off the conveyor belt to this to this this to here okay thank god parkour is one of my stronger minecraft abilities i say that as i just let me through let me do oh okay to this trap oh dear oh okay let's do this jump to this jump oh this jump yes okay we made it iron we made it to the checkpoint oh i'm guessing the guys from earlier died they must have suffocated well we did the checkpoint that's good okay let's go over i'm assuming i'm going over here oh maybe not who were low please tell me there's something hidden oh thank god yo we got an eternal steak that's actually really useful why am i doing this i could have taken the checkpoint i'm stupid okay how do i oh no i go here i see oh no i hate these there we go there we go we did it okay jump there yes okay we made it oh okay there we go made it what is this joe another checkpoint nice we found another one let's go this way then we go down this way going this way here we go oh there's a trap door there get up here another checkpoint okay f5 these bad boys and then flick yeah to here is this the finish oh no it is hey first you're 21 i thought maybe you got your yourself stopped no i'm alive surprisingly most don't go through star house too and make it out alive well i lived hey now for part two of your punishment follow me wait excuse me what no i'm not ready for part what is part two part two part two part two part two come on we're taking a big old trip down to solitary boy come on wait solitary all right get on in this is so nice this is solid solitary cell okay you're going to be in hell deep oh oh there's cell i see get on it oh all right 10 days solitaire no exceptions don't ever come to my house again well i guess i'm stuck in here for 10 days i spent 10 full days in solitary meaning it was now day 22 and i still had barely made a dent on escaping the only good news right now is i found a hidden piece of wool in solitary which i'm sure is going to come in handy for later all right number 21 you there hello i'm here oh there he is all right come on out i hope you learned your lesson all right come on follow me hurry up i'm going to take you back to the tube to go back to your cells i got to tighten up security around here so i won't i won't really be around do me a favor uh and you know be good okay if i catch you out it's double solitary back down the two get yeah don't come back get it now that we're out of solitary and away from the warden let's go ahead and let's just quickly jump to his house there's no way he gets to that house this fast so going straight to his house is gonna be really important if he boats back there immediately we'll obviously get caught but if we're quick enough that shouldn't be an issue and we're in again okay now we gotta search this place for a key card more apples oh my god right here key card and a whoopee cushion can i go upstairs i can okay i don't really see anything else useful up here so we're gonna get out of here we got the key card we can now open up the vault let's just dive back down the water okay let's go back up the tube we need to get to the tnt volt without being seen i don't see unicorn right now he said he was tightening up security so he's probably in the security building so we're gonna make our way over to the tnt vault let's go around back here okay and we're there let's try this key card out perfect we're in the first part of the vault is ours now we can finally see what's through the next door okay it's not oh oh okay it looks like we need to find a green wool a red wool a blue wool and a yellow wool and i'm guessing this is gonna open but i'm not positive but i can guarantee i need at least four different colored blocks and that's gonna get me through this challenge the question is now where do we find the colored wool okay so i realized that was really dumb this wool is likely for that puzzle i found it in solitary already so we're gonna go put this into solitary and go put it in its spot and then go look for more i can't believe i didn't realize this sooner okay let's put it in place oh wait that's definitely the wrong spot i put it right here and it's gonna continue that redstone signal i think blue block in place now let's keep looking for more colored wool i didn't find any more colored wool okay let's make our way back to the prison and keep looking for more colored wool i'm hoping we find one let's go up let's go back to the big white building there's so much hidden stuff in there and we didn't find anything and there has to be something in there with all the hidden paintings and hidden little crevices one of the wolves has to be in here oh what's that say major look oh my god i can't believe i fell for that where could this thing be back here no where am i supposed to go i really don't know oh there's these slime blocks here maybe i could do something like this anything behind the tv oh wait wait i have an idea oh yes i do have an idea these are elevators i can go up here jump on those slime blocks and bounce on the tv yes oh there's a chest up there okay hold up let me climb this oh careful we do not want to fall here there's something on the other side this might be it let's go we got the red wool oh we actually found it that was so hard to find let's go okay let's bring that over to the tnt bolt okay red wall in red place perfect okay let's get out of here and let's oh don't walk in there you've done nothing but trap yourself gravel did not work unbelievable follow me thank you number three boy all right i think you're so smart all right let's see how good that mental acuity of yours is i don't know what that means getting the great one get in the green one ah escape you if i oh it's an escape room escape you have five minutes okay this guy is looking for 600 ore that i can trade for a key okay i got an iron pickaxe okay that's easy where's the six oh right back here maybe yeah we found it it's right up here it was hiding and six okay thank goodness okay we got the key now what do i do with the key it says place key in here okay door unlocked oh over here okay we're in the next escape room we got shears he'll trade me what do you want to trade for white wool for the next key so we got to find the white wolf and there is an upstairs i found an elevator over here okay there's a white wall that's one how many did i even need oh just one that was the one white wool i needed nice we got the next key okay we're in the farm let's see what you trade for key for a sunflower okay this is definitely the trickiest one yet cause i don't see a sunflower unless i'm just blind oh in the water look at that night vision goggles okay now we've i think we have night vision permanently now i don't know if that's supposed to help us here i think i'm just blind am i okay there's nothing in this chest there's nothing in this water there's nothing in any of these crops right no oh wait there's another chest down there boom sunflower let's go you give me the key door unlocked oh right here now we go down here oh i'm done i live oh man i was really hoping to see some fireworks well unfortunate let's take you back okay well we survived another slaughterhouse but we still need to find two more wolves so let's hope we find them after surviving yet another pillager slaughterhouse i continued searching for the remaining colored wool i feel like i've searched everywhere but it turns out that to find the next one i had to look really really low okay let's pop out here and let's go find ourselves another wool i want to make my way back down to the guard area it seems like they were just something else so let's just quickly jump down here okay so we knew there was the parkour but there also seemed like there was more in here there wouldn't be like all this chaos or these hidden oh there is a level i didn't see this lever before was this how it was set up before i don't know but anyway i knew i literally knew there had to be something hit oh it did do something i lied that's either death or not death we're going to this okay oh oh wait i'm a pillager you guys don't want to fight me you like me oh this is great news nevermind we'll be friends i just think i need that that looks pretty useful no oh yeah i can't green wolf yes okay we're good escape route stand between the enrods should i be concerned here i should definitely be concerned here okay that was pretty cool but definitely terrifying the green's gonna go up here there's the line block we're good we have the first three blocks taken care of and there's only one to go which is yellow it would take another three days of searching just to find the yellow wool and you're not going to believe where i found it it is day 36 we got to now continue looking for that thing i got everything stored up we have so many items this point so let's go ahead and let's head to the top floor of the prison because i've triple checked that bottom floor i promise you that wall is not there we're gonna go over here to this one this goes up there we go and we want to go oh my god these iron golem guards thank god they don't want to murder me i don't think oh no they do they do okay noted okay now this place had a bunch of hidden stuff but i remember very vividly there was a lever in here go up here i was thinking this may actually open something and i probably should have flicked it before so let's find out guard tower complete i don't even know what that means what's the benefit here i just had a realization guard tower complete i bet you there's hidden levers in all the other guard towers well let me go to this guard tower next and let's see if we can find a hidden lever in here let's try it out let's go here i think i can climb these we gotta do a chain jump nice chain jump okay we got to the top oh yeah lever guard tower complete i'm 100 right that's definitely what this is two guard towers complete two to go oh i'm gonna need a bow aren't i okay well i don't have the ability to make a bow on me right now but i think i have some string back in my chest it should only take a sec to make a bow okay perfect now let's go see if there's arrows inside that we can use i don't see any way of getting arrows in this prison perfect right there 16 arrows i didn't even see that before i'm assuming it was there but let's test what this does oh i see whoop nice okay that's what that did it was for a launch and this is gonna be tricky here okay we did it we're on the ladders nice jump over here to here to here and we're good lever complete three guard towers down and one to go okay this tower doesn't have a big fat butt on the back there's likely no redstone involved here okay well we failed this one go here here here jump to here so i climb okay i get it i got a slime block here to this and then we're up nice and guard tower completed darker market unlocked what is the darker market darker market unlock question mark let's go back down for now and go check the prison area for this darker market okay well i couldn't find it in there which means it's definitely out here somewhere but let's go down to the bottom floor let's go check out the black market and see if maybe it's just hidden in there i feel like that'd be a little simple but it could be down we go oh this opened it's here this is the dark the darker market whoa hold up what do you guys trade me jumping jack he trades bouncy boots for three diamonds whoa who's this dude we got cryptic carl who sells a power crystal and yellow the yellow wool okay but to get it i need five diamonds perfect okay so let's go back up upstairs it's night time so we'll go to sleep tomorrow we'll mine the diamonds then we'll come get the yellow wool okay let's see how many diamonds we currently still have after spending some of them we currently have four diamonds so we literally just need one more okay let's go over this way let's go down to our mine we found a really good area for diamonds down here it's a water mine but luckily there's magma and lava so i can work with that i also have the turtle shell which is going to help as well let's see if there was any more aha oh we got lapis for enchanting later if we need it there we go now let's see if there are any diamonds more diamonds let's go three maybe no looks like we're just getting two okay i'm happy with that though i'm happy with two diamonds okay let's head back up and let's go get that yellow wool to the darker market now we talk to yellow and we get ourselves the yellow wool which is the last wool we need to open the next part of the vault so let's go put it in its place and then open the vault put the yellow wool in place and now we hit this lever and then we hit this lever over here that should have opened the next part of the hole yes look it's open we're in what is this bunch of barrels what's up here reset button oh bow keypad security system good thing i have a bow and arrows but i guess i need some sort of nine digit code to shoot in that's gonna be difficult to find but we have to look for that it looks like i don't know how much time i get left to look but we'll look for it i don't think i'll find it today but we're gonna look for this code because it has to be somewhere in this prison after finding the last puzzle piece i now needed to find some sort of bow button code thing but what makes finding that code so hard is i don't know what i'm actually looking for is it a sign is it a book i really don't know okay it's not there so let's go search around the top again there's still going to be hidden stuff in these towers outside of the levers i really don't know where else i could be looking so i'm just kind of double checking everything i don't think it would be in this one if it's gonna mean any of them it's probably in the big white one honestly because there were so much hidden stuff in that thing let's head back over there okay let's go in it looks like there's something back here maybe is there another lever down there maybe can i have five in there oh no there's i don't see anything in there i don't think there's anything in there uh hey partner hey how's it going what are you what are you looking for a stick well you must have been looking for slaughterhouse four don't worry i can help you right there wait what no i don't you know the rules you're not supposed to be out here draw one there we go all right if you go on to the number four boat for me that'd be amazing oh here we go we're at the slot what is this oh hey look there's another pillager here there he is it hit him oh yeah you're gonna want to watch out for the land mines this here is a race track a pillager race track it's a rotting race track in case you wanted to know it's very easy you come on over here and you gotta run all the way through okay you gotta go that way excuse me other pillager come here geez if you're that slow you're not gonna win this race all you gotta do is run all the way up around the laps two times okay on my gun shot in three two one going okay this is a pillager race okay we just dodged the land mines are these red things good no they're not good not good they get ah where's the other one okay the other one's going really slow perfect over these explosives we got a little parkour here oh i almost missed that because if you fall in the water you gotta swim that and that would stink oh they fell they're gonna have to swim it perfect and these are green so these must be good ow going bars keep going dodge okay oh he's right behind me are we caught up that's lamp number one keep going you don't want to end up with the bullet between your head do you okay jump around this over this oh i got a good lead again i got a good lead again ah here we can't fall on this jump yes we nailed it the shortcut is nailed oh yeah he's jumping he's doing the jumps now whoa there we go and we're going villager 19 you are not doing too good 21 what do you do the landmines don't hurt it seems like we have ourselves a winner pillager 19 come up here to receive your consolation prize you did real good out there okay but unfortunately you didn't do good enough all right now for you okay you're very lucky to have survived today i don't want to see no more sassafras from you understand oh i'm gonna take your weird grunting as a yes the bow code was turning out to be far harder to find than i'd anticipated i feel like i've checked everywhere i could go however i forgot that everything on this map serves a purpose and there was still some items i could buy in the darker market okay let's make our way back to the darker market and that way we can see exactly what we need to buy and what's for sale we've done a bunch of mining in the last few days to simply make sure we'd have enough stuff to buy all the stuff at the darker market but i still don't think i have enough so let's just go down and double check prices and then we'll see how much more we need to mine okay let's go over here and we're in the darker market now we just need to go ahead and talk to some of these villagers and see what trades they have you're trading a power crystal for guards trousers now i don't even know where i can get guards trousers so that's kind of off the limit then we got two other salesmen we got you right here who is trading bouncy boots for three diamonds now i have three diamonds back at the chest so that i can get and this requires another right ingot for a flower of hate i don't have another i didn't get so i can't get flurry so really the only thing i can get is the bouncy boots which luckily i already have enough diamonds back in the chest to do that so let's head back to my chest let's grab the diamonds we need and let's get those bouncy boots okay we're back in the chest we got ourselves our diamonds we have nine in total which is definitely enough now i don't know if the bouncy boots are actually gonna be helpful or not they may just be an item that helps me in combat but we're not gonna know unless we buy them and test them out so let's head back to the darker market and buy the bouncy boots we now have one pair of bouncy boots which should give me the ability to jump as high as i can smiley face oh god let's get out of here and test these in a place where there's not a ceiling oh my god look how high i can this isn't even fair this isn't even fair look at this i'm literally bouncing around so high we'll go back up here we'll head back to the prison these bouncy boots are so opaque okay so now we're just gonna look around this entire place and see if there's any secret areas we can jump into i don't put anything past the warden he's hidden stuff in some weird places before i might have to jump behind this sign and there's a chest here there's not but there could have been you see what i mean there could have been so the sun's going down and uh i haven't found anything yet so uh we'll continue tomorrow okay and we are on day 55. we gotta keep obviously looking around for any place to jump into yesterday i had a really good look around this prison area i don't think there's any secrets to jump into over here which makes me think it's either outside the prison at one of these slaughter houses that i haven't been able to get to yet or even better yet what if it's in unicorn's house what if there was an area i could get to in unicorn's house that i haven't been to yet when i was in unicorn's house it looked like it was just missing something like there was something hidden there that i hadn't seen yet but with jump i might be able to find that hidden thing so that's exactly what we're gonna look for here very careful we don't know where unicorn is oh i see his name is he right there he's literally outside where can we go i don't really know oh wait this is the door outside oh did he hear that he might have heard that oh let's run hey let's go right around this corner oh he may have heard that door okay cool we found it there's definitely something hidden here what is this x x get down from there in case he takes these i'm gonna put these back for a sec i don't want him to take them i saw you through my window i thought you should walk right past my window boy you walked right past this window i saw you all right listen here boy i've had just about enough for you now listen i i was having a little mariachi band party in my room before you got here that got me in a good mood all right so here's what's gonna happen okay i need a little target practice today wait what no no thank you so listen all right come here come on up here all you got to do is get to the top there and then get to the bottom of the tower all right that's all you got to do okay and you press the little button it'll tell you you did it all right now you got to do that all while i'm shooting these little crossbow bolts at you from up now and yonder you understand okay wait wanna get on up here and then i'm gonna say ready set go and we're gonna do this okay well i'm going don't hit me oh my god he's literally shooting at me at crossbow do i have to parkour maybe oh yeah this has quick charge three on it buddy watch out oh ow okay we got hit is this jump even possible it is cool where do i go from here strafe jump oh god what do i even do there oh wait there's somewhere i can go over here let's try this yes yeah oh no that's definitely it though that's where we gotta go yes okay we got the first part we can sit here for a second ah you wouldn't hide behind that tower now wouldn't you oh come on let me shoot at you okay it's spitting me out on this side oh i see where it wants me to go i don't know where to go from here oh wait yes i do i see where i can go yes i go to the second floor let's go okay i made it up where did i go from here down there got you okay i'm going down that's what i went by go down it looks like we got some hay bale falling stuff here we go oh okay cool we didn't set on fire we got to be really careful on this one let's go we dodged the lava to this one whoa whoa i tried to just spawn and trying to shoot me i see an elevator let's go oh we got a button oh that's right course complete all right so listen we're we're on good terms here all right that put me in a good mood getting a few shots in you all right and i'm not going to be sending you solitary for for catching you my quarters all right which is uh i i do believe i promise double solitary so it's like a double reward back to the prison oh it's night you know i'm gonna go to sleep i'll see you tomorrow okay it's day 56 let's go ahead and let's head back to unicorn's house and that way we can see what those things were there was a bunch of papers that all had the letter x on them which is just a little bit confusing because i don't know what that x is supposed to uh represent exactly okay there's no way he saw me i don't think what could this mean oh oh i figured it out look at the name of the chest the chest has the name bow code i didn't even notice that before all it's asking me to do is shoot them in an x formation i don't think the order actually matters as long as i'm shooting all the ones that are not up down left or right i should be fine so let's go give it a shot with a bow and see what happens it should be shooting in an x formation let's give it a shot we shoot this one this one that one and last but not least it looks like this just all disappeared look at this yeah we unlocked an elevator and if we go down we're on the last part of the vault all we need is apparently a power crystal whatever that is we saw that it's inside of the darker market so we just need to get that power crystal if we can get it we unlock the tnt which lets us blow up the front gate and then all we have to do is rescue all the pillagers with only one lock left in the prison vault escaping felt like it was gonna be easy from here however i couldn't have been more wrong okay perfect so we're back out in the prison let's head down and let's make our way back to the darker market let's check for unicorn's name once again i don't see it so we should be fine let's go over here let's jump on oh well well well if we don't have a little pillager boy if you can see my face right now my eyes are like they're not supposed to be we'll go to the slaughterhouse then we'll go to the darker market when we're done with it or tomorrow or whatever and then we'll go down there and look for the trousers that we need to get that power crystal anyway are you done talking to yourself boy now listen okay this uh this here is slaughterhouse uh it requires a few more pillagers so here's what i'm gonna ask you to do i need you to stand right there for me but right here all right wait what right what are you doing right there what are you doing and i don't want you to move from that spot until i go wrangle up a few others wait a minute i can't move contested how did you i literally can't move hey this ain't cool dude i can't move oh you're finally back all right now listen i want you all to get on inside here you are now in the the things that we drop on your head's chamber tnt basically i'm gonna drop some stuff on your heads and you gotta not die by it understood all right here we go here comes uh first we're gonna do this one center oh okay got nobody watch what he clicks that helps he did an outskirts run middle yes oh no you took a lot of damage there buddy i don't really like how you keep looking at what i do oh is that bad no he's coming until i can't see there we go no we could have this oh that gets me through that i was hoping i could just hide under your thing we needed outskirts oh holy heck did you see them blow up you just blew them both up a bunch of rice krispies treats out there snap crackle pop am i right oh my god all right i guess you live i gotta go uh open the door real quick kind of getting on my nerves get on back to the pipe okay ow hey okay this time let's go to the darker market and not get ourselves caught and sent to a slaughterhouse the reason i'm coming down here is because i know the trousers are down here i just can't remember what i need guards trousers that's what i need okay so i need to find guards trousers and apparently if i find them that's going to then get me the power crystal which will unlock the final part of the tnt volt and then we'll escape and then we'd have to free the pillager so that's actually pretty straightforward now i'm going to assume that it could be in one of the past slaughter houses so i should probably start by checking out those because i feel like i've checked everywhere except the slaughterhouse as well we may be able to find these trousers and actually get out soon i spent days 65 and 66 going over all the past slaughterhouses i adventured and i didn't find anything useful meaning if there were items in there it would have to either be in number seven or number eight okay we've confirmed there is no trousers in the slaughterhouse the only other place i can really think about where these trousers might be is probably the guards place right there guards trousers so they might be in the guards building and let's check out the guard's place so it's obviously not down here because we already opened that with this lever but they're guards trousers meaning somewhere in here there's gotta be a way to get like you know guards trousers i mean it makes sense okay after a little bit of looking around you're not gonna believe what i found there is something hidden in here there's an elevator right here if i go down i'm getting ready with some better boots oh god uh there's a golem go away ow oh he did eight hearts in one hit oh thank god for this shield okay run over here eat some food oh he's coming he's coming shield she'll just shield good we're good yes let's go dude we killed him and there we go we have guards trousers so they were in the guards but we dropped the rose too i'll take the road perfect okay we've killed the golem we got the guards trousers which actually means we have the last item we need to escape and it is only day 67. let's go actually trade in the guards trousers real quick get ourselves the energy crystal and then tomorrow we'll actually go up to the tnt volt and execute on like you know opening the vault and all that stuff so let's go over here there we go we got the power crystal and now we'll go back to the prison and tomorrow we're gonna plan for our escape okay so with the power crystal we obviously can escape now but we're not gonna be doing that just yet because there is actually one really hard part of this escape that i haven't really talked about too much i have to rescue every single pillager in every single cell in this prison or i also fail this challenge so overall there are 20 pillars that i need to rescue and it's gonna be really hard but it's okay because i have a plan it was finally time to escape the only thing left was to make sure i could rescue all 20 pillagers trapped inside of the prison and this was going to be a lot harder than you think the pillagers are all locked inside their cells on opposite sides of the entrance meaning i would have to lead them across the entire prison without unicorn noticing okay let's go take the power crystal and actually unlock the next part of the fault and grab the tnt because figuring out where we're gonna place that tnt and blow up the outer wall is gonna be actually really really important i'm not really worried about my escape at this point i feel like i'm gonna be able to escape no problem though i do worry about getting all 30 pillagers escaped and out of there okay cool here it is what's up yeah so you're the one you scared me that's literally scared me so much i've been noticing my barriers have been going down recently and uh decided to lay a little trap go right into it boy now i see you got yourself a little shield equipped in your hand there you ready to get into a little tussle is that what no you get a little tussle with that shield come on let's go out there i'll explain exactly what's happening in a moment up here is my little control panel you got two rules here all right the first rule is that you have to kill everything in here the other rule is that if i see you come up into my control panel you are getting blasted dang it man that's literally what i was thinking of doing no here we go start killing start getting them oh you're running oh you're fat what the heck you're fast okay you're dead oh beat em up give a little poison if you can they're not doing anything to me actually i kill them in one hit before they even attack come here you your moms are dumb he literally killed himself these guys are so pathetic okay let's climb up here and get the skeletons oh they're fighting each other oh my god he is a lava arrow oh no you want me dead oh god oh you also want me dead oh the skeletons do want me to die ow you're dead you're dead you're dead nice okay oh now there's zombies great oh they're fast oh they're fast okay let's climb this let's climb this there we go you're dead he's murdering you guys come on all right that's enough that's enough this just wasn't what i thought it was gonna be all right you get a free pass ah frida oh well get a free pass on this oh why'd you have to go kill spidey steve we already said we yield unbelievable okay welcome back to the prison bye okay i was coming to put the power crystal in the vault on today but it looks like unicorn's still guarding it so the warden is still did he see me no he's not no he didn't he didn't he didn't okay for saying i thought he saw me but he's just guarding it so i can't actually get to the vault to put the power crystal in right now he must be aware that i'm like on the final part and about to escape so he's trying to slow me down a little bit so i need something to actually distract him to get him away from that vault and luckily i have just the thing we're gonna go ahead and find a way to get to the nether that's right the nether and we're gonna try and find another fortress kill a bunch of wither skeletons and spawn a wither inside of this prison that would definitely be enough to distract him so i could get by him in the bolt if i could get by him in the vault then obviously we would be free so that's kind of what we need to do we need to get ourselves a wither now i came over here so i could just drop here so we couldn't see me do that and then we're good let's go back to the prison let's go find an area where we can get some obsidian whether it be in the mine or whatever let's get that obsidian get another portal made and let's head to the nether okay perfect we found a spot with some obsidian we need to mine a bunch now okay cool we got the obsidian now let's head up and build the nether portal and there we go another complete now it's night time so we're gonna go ahead and go to sleep we'll wake up tomorrow then we're gonna go to the nether and find ourselves a nether fortress okay day 78 let's go to the nether portal let's now open this door up close it back up because we are gonna be gone for a little while and let's go into the nether and find ourselves a nether fortress we're here we're in the nether perfect okay now we just need to find ourselves another fortress and then we can start killing some wither skeletons let's go find one i spent days looking for another fortress just to find wither skeletons to kill the first one i went to wasn't spawning any wither skeletons so i had to find a second one oh i see a fortress over there maybe this one will have skeletons unlike the last one where are the weather skeletons yes there's a weather skeleton they do spawn okay let's kill a bunch of these guys real quick and let's get the three skulls we need it would take me until day 86 to get the third and final wither skeleton skull i needed once i had that i grabbed some soul sand and made my way back to the prison okay we have the wither skeleton skulls and it is time to go distract unicorn man by spawning a wither inside this prison now let's go find unicorn man who should still be guarding the vault i'd assume and we're gonna bring the wither nearby and set this bad boy off okay i'm assuming unicorns in front of the bolt let's just double check speak around this corner oh i don't see him be inside the vault all right oh no he's there we're gonna spawn a wither nearby now this wither could damage the prison slightly but unicorn will be so distracted by it it's gonna be my chance to escape okay let's go ahead and let's build the wither right here where he's not gonna see us let's go one two three four then we put the three skulls in one two and three oh there it is okay run what's going on let's get up here let's get up here and hit f5 oh he saw that oh my god oh wait get back he's actually killing it the wither's not standing a chance hey who did he see me i saw your big old head what do you think you're doing boy uh move my elevator imagine if i had more skulls you think you're so funny i honestly do i do think i'm pretty funny trying to get in my vault huh well all right come on follow me like fighting boxing so much like some of them doing little boss things so much well i got i got a real treat for you don't i what is this this is kind of cool all right get old in there now you just wait right down there while i make the preparations are you ready down there because this guy hits like a truck oh my god what is that i need shield i need a shield right now he's very polite so you're gonna have to do the first hit he's disgusting oh we jumped over it oh i can jump over his move whoo you are a spicy man i'm out of arrows oh god oh god it's got a protective layer of grease that you gotta get through boy that's what makes it a mutant wow not me yeah get him i'll teach you whoa he's almost dead oh he's done oh i guess i'm just stuck here now because oh oh that was embarrassing i guess you can come back up then probably give me some ladder i didn't i didn't really get that far ahead you really shouldn't have survived that all right let's head on back i'm not very happy about this okay he may have destroyed my wither but i destroyed his mutant iron golem that trade was definitely worth it that plan didn't work at all and with only eight days remaining i had to find a way to free the pillagers inside the prison i was starting to think my only choice was to fight the warden but that's when it hit me a way better idea why fight him when i can trap him instead okay so it's the next day we officially have to make a game plan on how we can beat unicorn man and i think the best way to beat him is to trap him so here's the thing he always carries around guns and all sorts of other types of weapons but you want what he doesn't ever have a pickaxe so if we surround him in obsidian he won't be able to break out for an extremely long time and then we can free every single one of the pillagers trapped inside this prison while he is trapped in the obsidian i think that would be the perfect way to make this work so the first step of that is to start mining an absolute boatload of obsidian and i'm talking a lot so uh let's get to work and let's mine that obsidian [Music] okay we officially have three and a half stacks of obsidian actually a little more so now it's officially time to trap unicorn man once and for all with only a couple days remaining this has to work or uh i'm gonna escape and the pillagers won't and i technically fail even though i live it's not going to be fun so i really want to see if i can get both objectives done escaping and getting unicorn to move from the entrance to that vault but luckily for me i have just the plan you see we're going to build this trap below unicorn man so he's been guarding this entrance so if i go below that and i build a pit into obsidian and then i blow up the floor below him or just break it below him he's gonna fall into that pit and without a pickaxe there's no way he's getting out and we can see where he's been sitting this whole time he sits right there now we're right below him so we're going to build our obsidian trap below him so we want to build a radius here so let's go ahead and start digging up blocks and decide what radius we're going to build this hole we'll do five this way five this way okay we have the trap mostly set up here and we still have plenty of obsidian to go so from here we're gonna go ahead and thicken up the walls and the height of this thing and keep some on it so we can place a roof afterward and then help everyone escape that should be good enough so let's just double this up in thickness okay we've doubled the thickness of the entire thing now we need to put a roof on it with the obsidian we have remaining once he falls in and then we'll be good to go so the trap is pretty much ready all we need to do is actually drop him into this thing and we'll be good to go okay today is the day that we trap unicorn man inside the obsidian and then we come back and rescue all the pillagers and make our escape okay so now all we have to do is mine him down and he should fall into the pit and we have to put him sitting on him quick break this block there we go okay he's in he's in no cover i gotta cover one two three what are you doing [Music] i gotta reload can't build out quick enough can you and i got enough yes we got enough place fuel okay he's trapped inside now we can free the pillagers let's get back to the prison real quick and get them free while he's trapped inside the obsidian let's go i can't believe that worked oh unicorn is now trapped in the obsidian okay let's head down here we have to rescue every single one of these pillagers get them upstairs and then blow up the front gate to get them free once we're outside the prison we officially win the challenge so we are really close okay first things first we gotta go over here and grab our power crystal the reason we need this is this is how we're gonna get into the final part of the tnt volt which will allow us to escape this place okay let's enter the tnt volt and let's put the power crystal in place and open up the last part of the tnt volt and we are in okay let's grab a bunch of the tnt okay now let's go free the pillagers blow up the front gate and get them out of here i now know how to free the pillagers it turns out we have a mod on here that allows me to pick up mobs using buckets so if i craft a boat load of buckets there we go that gives me 23 total buckets so now if i go over to this pillager and open his cell i should be able to put him in the bucket oh he's a bucket of pillager this is how i can get all of the pillagers out of the prison okay let's go put them all in buckets real quick we officially have all of the pillagers inside of buckets and we are ready to get out of here and escape first things first let's go ahead and get something to light this tnt there we go this lever will work now we're going to go to the front gate and escape and then all we have to do is take a boat and we are out of here unicorn is still trapped inside the obsidian so getting out of this place is gonna be a syndrome here we're out of here goodbye friend in the box we're gonna go and blow up the front door now let's get out of here bye bye okay let's jump over this jump over all those command blocks let's go on this boat and we are gone we are out of here as the sun is rising on day 100 that is right the sun is rising on day 100 and that means we got out here just in the nick of time on day 100 so we not only rescued all the pillagers but we escaped meaning we successfully won this challenge thanks for watching and i'll see you all later
Channel: Ryguyrocky
Views: 2,074,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft roleplay, ryguyrocky, 100 day pillager, minecraft pillager, unicorn mann, 100 day challenge, pillager survival, ryguyrocky 100 days, bronzo, fozo, moose, aphmau, custom minecraft map, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, spotlight, playthrough, no cursing, no swearing, family friendly, kid friendly, kid, kids, school
Id: LshGcqw6EWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 22sec (3202 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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