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so today in tear down we're gonna be playing with a chaos mod on a plane we've got an endless Highway and stay tuned because we have to fight off an army of mutant wardens before they destroy my apartment building so be sure to hit that Thumbs Up Button let's jump in so folks we finally done it I have sold my ape nft and I was able to buy a mansion which is kind of weird considering those things are basically useless now but I got a skill here I mean it kind of looks like an evil lair also I think I need to drive my car up there it's a long walk and komodo's extremely lazy it looks like some shady stuff's going on next door it's fine you know what you never question your neighbors uh also broken down car on the side of the road now still fine oh boy uh all right here we are at the entrance I think uh where am I supposed to go I don't even know how to get my own house oh here we go found it man my mom would be so proud of me right now I mean look at this we have our own uh Cliffside Mansion uh we got fancy doors that are way too big uh wait what is this oh this is the living room got our nice little dining set up dude look at the view here I mean it leads off into the ocean if this thing were able to fall off into it that'd probably be a bit of an issue but other than that this is a fantastic house you name it we've got it in this house look at all the fancy bedrooms and uh you guys hear something I'm sure it's nothing maybe it's the neighbors that are doing the construction over there I'm gonna get lost in my own house I'm just still wondering uh why was it so cheap also this is where I uh I'm gonna do my YouTube videos now got a nice little view of uh wherever the neighbors are doing out there what is that sound and what are they doing across oh my goodness there is something what is that uh uh oh um okay Run for the bedrooms oh oh that thing does not look very happy okay go go go go go go go go uh hey that's my house is this why we got it so cheap oh it just fell on its face um okay I think we have a chance to escape real quick okay think how do we take care of the big mutant thing is it still breaking through the house uh that does not sound good oh wow it's breaking into the bedrooms oh oh it's frightening off the power that is okay you know what uh oh that is extremely ineffective wait did we kill it are you dead you gotta be kidding me we shot it with the shock wait why did they have issues with this look at my house look at the damage you've done to it I think it's dead isn't it or is it dead are you dead oh nope it's not dead is it uh oh no okay it's still angry okay run run run run you know a lot of people are probably saying why don't you fling it off the cliff with the physics guy no we gotta find something that permanently destroys this I don't want it showing back up later all right let's go down to floor number one uh get as far away from the uh the warden as possible okay huh wait is this where the secret stuff is oh this is really this is like the master bedroom oh great yeah we're stuck down here I was hoping for some sort of like bunker or we have like secret weapons or something uh wait no it still goes further down okay uh I've gone down as far as Pop there is nothing down here it's just built into the side of a cliff okay we need to call our buddies in the the military here we might have to do a a bit of a nuclear strike on the house uh it's fine I totally got really good insurance on this house what is the plane gonna fly into the side of the cliff here yep it just flew into the side of the cliff okay we need to get higher for this to be effective oh okay uh the thing seems very angry okay try not to let it stomp on her face uh okay uh I need the Nuclear Strike okay we got it in a good position here uh okay get the plane why is it so low you know it's fine fire at the house oh goodness oh oh oh no there it goes It's Gonna collapse into the ocean uh why am I acting surprised about wait did we take out the warden I think we killed it look at that uh wait we know what happens last time we uh we got this thing up it totally tried to kill us again so when we have it on its back I think it's time to finish it off should we hit it with a bunker Buster hey bro oh there it is Bunker Buster all right let's go ahead and call it in right there uh we might want to back up for this this should take care of it though and oh oh we just exploded it I think its head just felt is it falling off the cliff okay we have definitely defeated it um the only problem is is that they're there's not a lot of mansion left I mean there might be a couple bedrooms on the end that we can still use but uh this is fine I got insurance wait a minute didn't I only buy this for like a thousand dollars oh that might be bad okay so we have a new chaos mod here in tear down by Burnt pudding I'm gonna go ahead and enable this we're gonna go to a city first or actually go to the apartments and then I think I'm gonna try to survive inside the airplane uh during the chaos but I'm just curious what happens though like what does it spawn in why is it why is it so wait what oh I gotta oh my goodness there is a I have a face robot it is stuck to my okay uh yep we're getting shot at this was a terrible ugly colors are just okay I've already died toxic water is the neck I like that it tells you what it's gonna do to you is this really the way the mod is this color I don't know if I can handle this this looks extremely weird and trippy right now up misfire inverse what is inverse why have I slowed down I feel like I'm running in slo-mo now uh oh my okay I can't see anything now yep okay uh I wanted to oh my controls are yeah they're backwards now okay I wanted to see what this looked like let's just go let's go for it let's go for the plane here oh my goodness this is Yep this is the color scheme for this mod uh it is bright looking it actually looks like it's night right now it's also really laggy I'm not really sure okay so I'm getting the inverse uh so it's gonna reverse my controls uh okay does the plane look normal anywheres I don't think it does like can we go up here yeah it looks like it's totally at night right now okay well this is creepy I mean the reversing my controls is not bad I'm kind of curious what else it spawns in oh wait uh okay that did something different than I thought I was going to we haven't destroyed the plane yet but I see that face rocket is coming up next and uh oh this is I'm gonna get sick from this oh we're back okay oh my goodness I is that a rock that is a rocket that it just fired by my face wait face rocket oh that's not the robot that means a rocket shoots at where it was where it was aiming oh that is bad I think we just blew the plane up in half like oh okay all right we gotta wait for it to come back here um yep I just got ejected out the side of the plane I could see that all right we should respawn here I've got another face rocket I gotta quickly aim this outside of the plane if not I think I might completely blow it up okay aim the face are we going oh we are going down also the plane oh hun can we hit the other plane oh if I hit that that's like expert mode there I think I'm a little above it dang it I was hoping we could at least hit that and here we go plane is crashing it is so dark um yep no that's fine all right you can stop moving uh the next effect is really probably gonna mess us up here oh okay I'm nope not gonna be able to do this right so we're gonna try out a thing called endless highway and it's a infinite Highway that takes you places we've got some cars that we can spawn in here but yeah the highway doesn't what the uh it's got music doesn't matter we've got a Dodge Demon uh this is gonna be perfect for the endless Highway uh hot oh oh wait what is wrong with the okay it's moving gravity's really weird on this all right so here we go though it should keep generating ahead of us and we've just got to try to keep up with it uh I'm not really sure oh okay that's why there's custom oh no okay kind of take your time with this and yeah infinitely generated roads oh that corner is really okay this thing is just going oh we almost just died there yeah this might be things that make me sick and tear down uh okay the road going up like this but the whole fact that the custom gravity's on so we're actually sticking to the road oh what the heck what is okay yep Komodo and infinite highways don't get along unless it's the long drive I can do that it's a little too wavy okay so I have a bit of a challenge here so this is my apartment and you know what I've got to defend my apartment here today with the lava gun against more of those mutant wardens yeah we're totally gonna spawn in as many as possible out here and they're gonna charge towards it I feel like they might actually take down uh the apartment oh yeah this is fine have a bunch of giant wardens heading this way uh oh keep spawning the man up okay they are now officially trying to get to me all right let's get here at the top of the house or the apartment and do they see me oh they are it's crazy how much the floor is actually shaking uh yes they see wait are they just sitting there guys you're supposed to I don't think I'm high enough here hold on let's get a little lower am I out of your vision cone uh you guys not upset anymore uh all right here we go oh that is so cool again wait why did I jump down okay you know what I think we could do this from the ground also that is one of the most frightening things I've ever seen in tear down aim for the heads uh I don't know if this is the way actually it seems like the middle might be the way to kill the wardens oh dude they are just they're tripping over each other to get to me uh uh oh okay it's effective but it isn't like the most effective thing on AIM for the head okay aim for the body melt through the core of the warden uh oh my goodness those are all still moving okay just melt them all with lava here dude they did Rip into the apartment quite a bit uh hold on there's another one okay make sure we hit its off button real quick how alive are you okay they're still pretty alive over here oh they are destroying the apartment all right oh we must take them out just melt them all I think we did it I mean the apartments halfway destroyed here uh okay we gotta take them all out for good here I'm gonna call it a nuclear strike in the middle of them and just see what happens oh no an awkward moment when the plane hit the building beside us and it's now collapsing plane what was your camera looking at really you took out the neighbor's house okay I really just want to see this happen you know they're much faster when it's just like one of them uh that's kind of cool all right um let's hop The Nuclear Strike will not hit a building this time all right oh we gotta get in position all right where's the plane at uh oh it was almost clear all right we gotta wait for it to get around the building here all right it's fine we'll just leave it around in a circle okay are we clear we're almost clear oh my goodness all right I might be able to lead you out a little further this way there's the plane okay we got a good vantage point now here we go oh stand back okay not gonna lie that was actually really satisfying and we have splattered the warden everywhere it just went through the fence over there that was cool
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 135,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft warden, warden, teardown minecraft, teardown warden, teardown mutant warden, teardown plane crash, teardown bloop, teardown bloop mod, titanic game, teardown, teardown gameplay, camodo gaming, teardown gamemods, teardown mods, teardown game, teardown destruction, teardown vehicles, tear down, teardown funny, sandbox games, teardown sandbox, physics game, teardown release date, camodo gaming teardown, teardown nuke, teardown plane, teardown chaos
Id: 9EfEnBzheZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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