I Tried to Survive a NUKE in a NEW PLANE MOD! (Teardown Mods)

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oh i think i just released it oh no three two one and oh hello youtube moto gaming here for you guys another episode of tear down and folks we are in probably my favorite map in teardown ever so we actually checked out this map a couple months ago it wasn't done uh it's a i think it's a 787 uh it didn't have like a full interior it was just kind of suspended in air the engines weren't working uh you could tear it in half and it would fall down but folks the full version is released and this thing is absolutely incredible but first let's go out to the menu and we're gonna look at the options for this map so here we go it's the boeing 737 full version you can see the creators here i'm gonna zoom in on them this is really cool so when we go to play it's actually going to bring up an options menu so you see it's a sandbox level i don't know if maybe they're going to expand it maybe make a story or there's like a little briefing here that looks like a story it says you are finally awake you have no clue where you are or how you got there what will you do next so the things that you can customize here you can go to uh time and weather you can do night uh sunrise sunset sunny and then you have the different weather uh including like a thunderstorm which we're gonna do with thunderstorm one a little bit later just to see if it changes the effects of the map so you can go to map options and this is where it gets really cool they actually have an occupied cabin so you have all the ragdolls and the little emergency oxygen mask but if you need a little bit i guess less lag you can do normal cabs are there's two fps versions of it i'm assuming it's frame friendly versions but we're going full blown occupied cabin uh with all the mask so you're probably wondering what else makes this special well the plane is actually from what i could tell basically working like last time we were able to pop open an emergency exit and just fly out uh this time if you pop it open stuff likes to fly out including a bunch of rag dolls so there's a lot of experiments i want to do with this here today including later in the video we're going to put a nuke on here and see what happens i'm pretty sure it's not going to be pretty so first thing i want to do while in flight we're gonna open up the emergency uh hatch with the uh incinerator torch this is gonna be a bad idea if you guys have any more bad ideas comment down below and if you guys are enjoying teardown on the channel you know do hit that thumbs up button and here we go no okay on release the door oh oh there it goes oh wait where did everybody go they didn't go towards this end what the oh oh dude everybody exploded uh that's bad wait was there another hole formed okay so it's fine uh everybody stay calm uh what if i blow a hole in the front one hun oh you can hear the beeping dude the atmosphere of this map is amazing okay here we go number two is released all right stand back actually i don't know if that's gonna work again i think it's done um the cabin is currently on fire we need to go talk to the pilots real quick come on guys are we okay uh oh i think this is on fire too all right kick that down uh on move that there we go oh okay so i'm just exploding in the front of the plane you know let's fly out and see what this looks like and oh dude that's so cool you have a working uh motors here what if we were to have an engine failure actually i think this thing's gonna burn itself apart so huh let's uh cut another hole in the side there we go this is fine uh this actually isn't fine but uh it's fine we're running experiments uh is this going uh oh something just busted on the end oh what just blew out the bottom and oh you can see the ground oh i think we're going down folks we're gonna have a full-blown plane crash here in a second why did the floor just release and oh okay there's people falling out the bottom uh was there something explosive in the floor uh could i grab these people can i save you uh oh i don't think that's saving somebody uh it's fine okay stops flying out dude this is so cool oh man the uh the cockpit's completely destroyed are we going down uh is the ground getting closer this is fine okay let's just explode one of the engines real quick let's go oh that's cool looking and oh uh okay the thermite cannon worked pretty good han let's do the incinerator through it and oh it just blew out the back uh oh okay so what happens when we cut out a or maybe cut off a wing mid flight uh is this going to throw it off here we go oh oh something else just exploded hold on hold on okay the back end all right it's almost cut off oh dude there goes uh is the plane still stable oh this is fine okay we lost a wing all right you know what we got to do we got to cut the cabin in half there we go uh oh no this is about to get laggy i wonder if we can get on it as it goes down okay let's get the other end of the cabin uh fbi this is for pure like experiments uh i'm just doing this just for funsies here all right come on cut in half uh there's something on the bottom still connected on something is still connected here just keep cutting through it this looks incredible by the way i like how everything flies off now so all the loose debris actually goes back and then it hits the ground so i'm assuming at some point the plane's gonna do the same thing all right cut the inside oh i think it's about to disconnect here this looks like the final piece it's gotta be this wing on cut up this way probably should have cut it somewhere else to try to cut it in half there we go and then we have the final back piece uh oh uh oh uh oh is it gonna go something's going wait what is the wing somehow still holding on doesn't look very stable oh i think i just released it oh no there goes the front of the plane i want to go with it all right i'm going to get into it here all right so this thing is now falling to the ground uh oh that's eerie uh it's bad when you look up you can see the plane disappearing oh oh it's trying to suck us out the back okay can we get a seat uh look dude look at all the wires and stuff hanging down uh oh no the ground's getting a little closer uh oh here we go we're about to hit the ground i don't know if this impact's gonna be bad or not uh oh uh that this is not good and okay that's still pretty bad oh ouch so komodo did not survive the plane crash um okay so where is it where does it let me back it am i dead uh i think i'm dead oh that was so cool like the detail on this what else could we do to this i mean obviously a nuke's the thing uh what other tools do we have you know we got a tool it's not really anything new uh we're gonna try it oh breaching charge that's kind of a fun one too yeah i've got something called the uh the doorbell now you're probably asking yourself well what's a doorbell a doorbell is a a gun that essentially creates a nice even hole so come on let's see we're gonna do this we have the tunnel we have just the door i think the door shot might be good so say we want to get through let's do it to the back of the plane here so we want to do this to the back of the plane we just go let's get close and go yoink look at this it cuts out a hole so this is going to be a little less laggy when it comes to cutting holes in the plane let's do the tunnel is this dangerous to do a tunnel like this here we go oh no i think we just accidentally made a hole in the wrong spot dude everything's getting sucked out holy man oh the tunnel's still oh there's no front of the plane anymore um oops that was my bad i'm sorry everybody on let's go look at the front dude the tunnel is incredible i like this and oh no oh we basically blew the front out okay so will the tunnel work on the engine let's just clean an engine out real quick let's go oh that's so cool on tunnel there oh oh let's go through the back of it we need a clean shot no we just hauled out an engine um what happens if we hollow out the other engine oh i hear bells going off that's probably a bad sign and oh there goes the other engine okay so is it actually going down right now i don't think it's going down i think you pretty much have to uh cut something off for it to go down hello i need to get back into the plane oh there we go this is fine all right we just cut through this oh i went through the other side um now this is good this is fine you know i wonder if there's something you can do as far as the cockpit interaction i mean the cockpit's kind of gone right now because i i made a boo-boo but i wonder if we can get in there and do something is there like a button we can click uh so we totally are gonna do this in the in a thunderstorm maybe even at night the atmosphere in there would be awesome okay so we need to keep stuff that has projectiles and blows holes inside of the stuff we need to put that away for now uh what happens if we just go in let's use a sledgehammer let's see if we can get in actually can i just open the door oh okay i could have just totally opened the door here hello captains uh i'm just coming in to uh visit and see how to work the plane uh you guys look like the passengers is there anything we could press in here uh i got any buttons komodo likes clicking buttons even though i probably shouldn't click buttons what's this thing uh no that's not a button uh that's a fire extinguisher what if i hit this panel oops uh uh oh no no no no no no no i didn't mean to do that yet uh on get to the extinguisher all right this is fine uh we are avoiding an emergency right now there we go see we're fine everything's good okay i'm just gonna oh it's still on fire no no put the plane out what do you think the passengers are thinking they see me with the extinguisher it's like it's okay folks uh we're just experienced just a couple technical difficulties uh everything's gonna be a-okay okay stop it all right fire is out cool uh wait can we serve people here do these can we push these cards hey they do they glue these things down huh we can grab uh like a mug and be like hey lady you want some coffee there we go that that's your coffee right there uh wait your head just fall off um oh it doesn't look very attached wait is there a feature with the toilets if we flush them can we fling people out of the plane that would be cool all right we got to drop a mid-flight deuce but oh i guess it opens like this can i click the button oh no i don't think i can actually eject people and that would have been fun wait how do you open up an emergency hatch i grab this handle uh maybe it's a little lock it seems like maybe it's a lock maybe it's this thing press against it how do we get these things open uh-huh let's try this one okay so if i go does it eject them no oh it feels like it's kind of loose so i guess if it blows open here in a second we'll know all right so we're about to head outside to try some stuff i do have a breaching charge i feel like we could probably completely take out the plane that way so let's go boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom the destruction on this map is absolutely incredible we're gonna stick a breaching charge to her face there we go all right we're gonna stick these oh you know i think last time we played this mod you can only stick like five now it seems to be unlimited uh this is gonna be bad this is too many okay stick a couple on the floor and a couple on the roof okay so we're gonna see if we can survive like a mid-air explosion here so we're just going to go back this is like storm works plane crash survival except for it's a little bit more uh destructive all right here we go three two one and oh oh oh no oops okay everything's getting sucked out i must be a heavy boy because i ain't moving any worse fine um is the plane going down right now i know the people are flying out of it uh hold on let's take a look uh did it separate oh did it separate the no on let's go fly out is the plane going down is the ground getting closer dude we did some major damage there that's cool also oh there goes a person can we are we getting closer on can we actually grab this plane with the uh what do we grab with the physics done uh oh we can what happens if we release it now so we start going down with it uh oh oh okay you can fully simulate the plane crash now all right so we need to get outside of the plane and then just kind of drop it down and see if we can do a full-blown plane crash this is cool uh well i guess technically we're in a full-blown plane crash let's see if we can get inside of it okay so i wonder if being at the back of the plane is better than being at the front of the plane has anybody proven that theory there's not any seats back here to sit it's fine we'll just we'll get here we'll get a window seat uh we can just watch our impending doom oh boy that ground is getting close uh are we gonna be able to hold on here oh okay we're good just just wait um yeah this is this is great why is it getting so bright in here uh what does that mean oh uh oh something just exploded wait is the back end hit first uh that would be a bit of an issue but if the back end hits first we're uh we're in the back all right there here comes oh here comes the collision are we gonna survive this time uh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh no oh wait hold on i don't know what's happening here oh the plane is okay we're we're dying hold on let's see if we get up no we died oh okay that's two for two in depths when it comes to trying to be in it when it goes down oh it respawned this time oh can we go see the wreckage uh oh we are falling at a very fast pace okay we need to fly here wait which way did the wreckage go like it went backwards right uh it's like that's where it's pushing me towards uh see if we can find it i don't know if we're gonna be able to find it or not uh i don't know where it went i think it's gone okay so i told you guys here let's change it up a little bit we're gonna do a thunderstorm let's do it at night let's just make this full-blown creepy all right fully loaded cabin let's do this all right so we now have a night flight oh you can see hey somebody i want a window seat move out the way here there we go look at that dude all right you can see the rain is it like do we have lightning up here oh some sort of lightning gun would be good for this that'd be a kind of a cool experiment okay we need to get outside how do i get out of this thing without decompressurizing it like can i just like i don't know no clip through something okay let's see if we can hit one of these without oh okay can i slowly get this open okay there we go all right we're out okay uh that might have created a little bit of an issue oh it is definitely thunderstorming out here this is insane uh i don't like it decompress oh never mind i see holes appearing in the side of the plane okay it's trying to suck stuff out but i think for the most part the plane's in a decent shape so now uh we can do a couple things out here you know we do have like an orbital cannon would that be uh too much can i even target it with a uh a strike like that all right so we got two things we're gonna try we're gonna do a nuke and we are gonna do a ion cannon uh let's go ahead and do ion cannon first okay ion cannon is in place oh no ion cannon versus plane this is going to be bad all right here comes the blast uh-oh and i work the uh the weather's gonna change anything here oh oh no uh oh the game froze uh white oh there goes dude that is so cool looking wait it didn't break it in half that's actually surprising it's kind of hard to see we're not going to turn off the thunderstorm i mean it's nice for atmosphere and it's cool having those options but yeah look the cabin just blew up there's still quite a bit you know that's intact somewhat hey the cockpit made it all right folks let's open that up real quick okay so we are ready for the grand finale uh we're gonna test a nuke against the plane so here let's grab our nuke out okay nuke is ready let's go ahead and increase the shock wave radius real quick and i don't think i need to increase the strength like i think it's going to be plenty fine but i think we're going to disintegrate the whole plane here so we got it set to 75. all right here we go plane versus nuke three two one go uh oh oh no that's gonna be bad oh dude that is incredible looking okay i just need another frame because i'm excited to see what the next frame is going to look like up oh that's definitely going to be in half there's no way that's not in half dude look at it breaking it all okay so oh that is like the coolest thing i've ever seen in tear down i think it's gone the shock wave rippled through the front and just completely separated it uh oh the back's starting to break apart uh yeah nukes and planes uh they don't get along very well by the way look at the detail once you kind of dissect this model here let me clear up a little bit of the lag here look at all the stuff on the top side all the wires and stuff that it's just so detailed there's even like luggage up here wow that's impressive well anyways you guys should definitely go check out this map thank you guys for watching this episode of tear down and we will see you guys next time
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 2,219,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plane crash, airplane crash, plane in half, cutting in half, teardown, teardown gameplay, teardown mods, teardown fnaf mod, tornado, teardown download, camodo gaming, teardown game, teardown vehicles, tear down, sandbox games, physics game, teardown mod showcase, camodo gaming teardown, teardown workshop update, teardown plane, teardown train, teardown minigun, destruction, airplane, teardown plane crash, teardown plane crash dynamics, plane crash survival, roblox
Id: vCBsHszW7zA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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