Destroying SONIC MONSTER (VR Meeseeks)

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down here is the Sonic monster here take my knife what's that Knuckles ooh nice may we can destroy the monster like this 3 2 1 going in no way yo that actually worked hey and now it's Amy what do you have let's destroy the monster with a bomb a bomb but Amy this is just powder you know what maybe with my combined platform I can turn it into a bomb well that doesn't look like a bomb no you're right but what if I combine it with a bath bomb let's check it out ooh look at this oh dangerous exactly Amy let's see if we can completely destroy this Sonic monster and bring him up 3 2 1 dropping in and oh he threw it back quickly close it oh that was wow that was close hello I can hear the Sonic monster all right thank you Amy let's see what Tails say huh hey so I thought then we can poison him poison the Sonic monster oh let's scan it red poison that's not Hedgehog poison you know what we got to do guys we got to make this a little bit bigger so I use the growth hormone and it's not much bigger scan it poison vial maybe I got to make it out of glass or something does that work that does work I can see the poison inside oh this is great all right now we're going to comine it one more time ooh and look at that now that looks very toxic it is super poison wow that's going to be great for him I think so too Tails all right look at this health bar it's going down nicely so let's see if we can do some more huh three two 1 throw it in there and he does not like it and look how much damage it dealt woh Dr egman you want to destroy the Sonic monster of course I do I trust me I don't know if I trust you and why did you bring me a fish that it's not just a fish you dummy I am not a dummy all right all right let's scan it it's a chopper make it more powerful oh it will do so much damage more powerful well this thing kind of looks like he's made out of metal and I've got my wrench right over here so let's see if we can upgrade it huh ooh it's a different kind of fish what is it though a tinkered fish all right egg boy I'm going to throw you're silly fish I CH this new one hey what did you do calm down all right Dr Eggman I know what I'm doing let's put this on the platform and combine with that before it explodes to make a new kind of bomb what kind of bomb is it though a mecha bomb yes like my Omega robot he will help you out too but he is still stuck in the portal so hurry up all right oh there's an Omega robot coming oh that is so cool right now I just see Sonic Super Sonic and some weird looking Sonic all right in goes the bomb here we go and boom that was great hey wait a minute did he just gain Health what a dummy hey Dr Eggman oh no wo guys he totally tricked us but now we've got this Sonic oh and Jet all right let's see what we got it's a tech bits all right it looks fancy so let's use this Blaster huh Rick's trusty blaster wao what kind of blaster is this fire it doesn't shoot scan it shiny shooter but it doesn't shoot at the monster it's just clicking maybe I got to upgrade it let's see I'm going to use a battery because this Sonic kind of looks like a robot too you know all right let's see if that works W that looks nice get it laser Blaster well let's blast some lasers hello how does this w Wait I dropped it oh no he just gave it back garbage Sonic please you got got to help us destroy this monster oo and he's got a ring I don't have to scan it all I got to do is combine it with this tshirt oh yeah look at that shoe is it one of Sonic's shoes I don't think so now we got to make it faster let's use this thing the capsule device it's got a lot of energy inside wow and it's going to make some very fast shoes wow get it speed boots I bet these belong to Super Sonic huh well let's see if we can destroy the Sonic monster with it is this going to do any damage I'm going to Chuck him in and keep it closed oh man he's really screaming about it and did it work I think it did work W that dealt a lot of damage oh and look what Super Sonic brought us a Chaos Emerald this is awesome you know what they all got these gloves on huh I think I can make one with my very own hand that always feels so funny oh look at this hey and Shadow is also here oh I'm pretty sure he can help us out no problem now check it out we're going to combine this chaos emerald with my very own glove to make a punching glove of some kind what is that but I can't scan it well that is the super puncher super puncher no what wait a minute can we turn it into metal is that possible ooh it is possible wait but that's not what I'm looking for we got to make it more powerful you know holy moly what kind of glove is that skan it it's a boom glove oh I like the boom 3 2 1 chug it in there and close it up and W that was a weird explosion awesome and we're getting there let's see jet oh you got a hammer wait but I can't Hammer the monster from over here see I I I can't reach him oh that sounds scary no no no no no we got to combine this thing what if just like super Super Sonic we kind of super it you know W what kind of hammer is that look it's kind of similar to Super Sonic right perfect let's put it on the platform and let's use this thing the alien Crystal ooh silver all right jet you're green the crystal is green we're going to go and combine it to make wao some kind of super Hammer scan it thunderhammer oh all right this thing is awesome let's drop it down 3 2 1 fire away and Clos well that must have been shocking look at the damage guys we almost destroyed him all right wao and is that vector and how does Shadow have a Chaos Emerald wait what that's not good don't you doubt me I'm here to help you all right Shadow all right all right all right you know what I got something black and red I got it right over here no way go ooh what does that make a belt what do you use this for to hold up your pants dummy hey you're the second one to call me a dummy today well let's see I'm going to use this box over here I wonder what it's going to make and it is ooh a different belt where is it the Ring We scan it warp belt huh kind of like the portal over there H weird I'm going to throw this in see what happens and out no uh-oh oh it's stuck the monster is in there oh that was too scary okay never mind never reaching down in there get out of here Shadow hey rou how you doing well hello hi uh looks like you've got this cloak huh you know what you're kind of pink I got something over here for you it's also pink let's see if that works all right and that's not what we're looking for no you're right the cloak was very dirty dirty well if this thing is dirty uh we got to clean it and I got some soapies right over here no problem check it out oo now it's pink hey I got some Paint Bucket over here how about we make it even pinkier and ooh wait it's transparent that looks amazing but is that going to damage the monster I don't know guys well we're going to check it in down he goes well he ate it but I uh don't think that helped very much silver you got to help us out what in the world is that it's the psychic orb use it all right psychic orb I'm going to turn it to Middle see what happens oo look at that we got a lot of question marks well we're going to combine these two weird looking meatballs to make this thing what is that is it some kind of space bomb or something it's an orb box yo silver what do we do with this man had a pink Crystal use it this pink Crystal well it didn't work last time but maybe with this one ooh it does work oh what kind of contraption is this though look at that scan it it's a force field projector it can push down the monster deal a lot of damage push down the monster all right then you know what I'm going to flip this around o it works all right 3 2 1 get it in there and then close it up W nice that totally worked hey Vector holy macro the mega robot is here Dr Eggman was right and it looks like you brought this old looking CD put it on the platform now this is for music and this is for videos so if you combine the two maybe we can make like a movie kind of weapon now those are green speakers I bet the crocodile really likes music but I'm not here to Boogie I'm here to destroy that monster I'm coming for you never it's like the master NOS when I open the Hedge um this just looks like a speaker is it going to explode let's throw it in there huh it just sounds like weird bleeps it did actually work hey you there aren't you Espio a ninja star very sharp you know this thing is also sharp look just like the Omega robot let's go ahead and put this on the platform huh wow look at that that is spiky beautiful now this is something you do not want to play with that is dangerous but we need that against the Sonic monster you hear me wa look at this thing holy moly all right we're going to check this down but not softly I'm going to try it real hard okay 3 2 1 yeah get it in there wo yes wo um I saw a bunch of red stuff in there now that does some serious damage hey cream how you doing you got an arm over here scan it robot arm wait does it belong to an mega robot no but it belongs to a robot robot I found no found a robot you know what I've got a plan we're going to make this Mega Crystal into metal well that didn't work do I just turn this arm into metal o I can do that and then combine these two huh let's see what in the world is this then now I really need the scanner huh arm Cannon oh it's like a blaster a mega robot Blaster activated SP wait what no no cancel cancel shooting laser three two no no don't do it don't do it operation canel oh my goodness that aega robot is not going to help us out check it out I have the bath bomb which we used to make a nice little bomb with and this time we're going to combine it with a cannon to make yo that actually looks like a blaster but how do I how do I shoot it you know what I'm just going to check it down yoink heyy wow that was not bad at all thank you cream oh but what about the mega robot guys we are so close to destroying this monster wait but he brought an egg what Omega robots don't lay eggs kind of egg is it though cow egg wait a minute I know Chow I have stolen his egg you really should not be stealing eggs all right let's combine this with a cup I want to make a milkshake all right that's not a milkshake though but is it some kind of egg it's a wet egg not dry we've got to make it bigger and more toxic let's see what it makes ooh now this is a blaster I can actually kind of shoot a little bit W that's a lot of fire overing hey hey you calm down all right let's open this up oh yes and we're going to roast the mon wow I dropped it oh no he ate it well that went surprisingly good thank you Mr mega robot now for this dude over here You' got a fishing rod we can't go fishing in here can we I'm going to try and get something huh W I got something it's an orange no we got to turn this into something else something a little bit more you know boom or Kaboom or Super Boom Harpoon Gun wa that is cool come on now it's got to be a little bit better all right here we go is that better does look like it not sure what this is It's a whirl poool maker what even is that I have no idea is it for a swimming pool well I'm going to check it right down in there well he actually seemed to like that all right your little purple monstrosity get out of here maybe Blaze can help us ooh what is that it's the crystal of fire what no it's not this is the crystal of fire wo and Metal Sonic oh let's see I'm going to turn my crystal into metal see that looks amazing I'm going to combine it with her fake fire Crystal what that makes a pipe well let's combine it with a real crystal of fire and see what we can make up wow nice oh this going to be a lot of fun places always get the fire oh let's go ooh Bernie that was great look at the damage and look at charm me of course you brought some honey we can't give this to the m it's only going to help him but just like Shadow I've got something special for you check it out he was all red and black but of course you are yellow and black let's go we're going to make wao some kind of bee grenade all right can I scan it Buzzy bomb that's a way better we're going to throw that down the hole that's right but we're also going to grab the plumbus I just want to see what happens if we kind of weird it up in here you know wow well that is definitely weird let's see what it's called it says sticky bomb what how is this sticky because of the honey all right let's go ahead and start with the small one shun it in and here we go big explosion hello what he just ate it well that did not explode so let's use this one instead huh is that a little bit better better W holy moly that's a little better all right charm me great job thank you wait who are you again and what is that scan it it's a levitation Stone wait a minute it floats who wait wait it was almost out of here you know what else is kind of levitating Demon Souls so I'm going to put a box of him right on over here to make a shoe what am I going to do with a who whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait wait wait it's a floating shoe everyone yoink look at it go now this shoe I think we just got to make a little bit more Kaboom Nitro Dark Matter to your job all right does this one float it does not through the p no wait I missed it all right so this is some kind of power boot a gravity boot all right gravity let's Crush hard wa the Buzzy bomb I thought he ate that well anyway and down it goes o a lot of gravity o that sounds very weird guys look at the health of the Sonic monster all right come on Metal Sonic over here has got ooh a computer looking thing and he's kind of blue with black so I've got another one for that the last wire y this monster is really loud be quiet you all right a computer looking thing with this wire thing to make oo is that like barbed wire or something scan it tech wire I don't know what that's supposed to mean oh but Scully you got to help us out but only if you are you know kind of evil huh I'm going to put this on the platform throw away the noobs Cully bye-bye my friend and then make wa this wire what is that life wire all right let's see if this thing can shock the monster for the last bit of Health go get in W holy moly the monster is done for but uh are you coming out of there WAOW what in the world holy moly guys that's a Sonic monster it's Sonic.exe no way we did it now watch these videos on screen and I will see you there
Channel: ProjectJamesify
Views: 490,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: projectjamesify, jamesify, game, Rick and Morty Virtual Rick-Ality, Vr, Rick and Morty VR, virtual reality, gameplay, gaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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