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so today in tear down I get myself in a whole lot of trouble with a bucket of lava we melt a ship we crash a plane and folks we've got to escape from prison so stay tuned Until the End hit that thumbs up button and let's jump in all right so here we are oh my goodness the prisoners are escaping um you you might not want to jump down there well at least we have one honest prisoner here so I've got the objective here today uh to transport these prisoners via this massive carferry over to prison the only problem is there's bridge in our way yeah I don't think we quite plan the route out H I think we just maybe we can just drive through here and my goodness um well that might have been a mistake now my stupid boat is stuck hold on do we still have prisoners aboard did they all jump off oh buddy this is awkward I don't see anybody hold on let's go inside well there's still one and wait what is he do you've got to be kidding me no don't do it don't do it don't oh great now I'm probably going to just lose my job at the C directional facility okay so if only there was a way to maybe I don't know move the bridge like man we didn't plan this out at all did we okay I got an idea okay so the bridge really just needs to be lifted up right here and then we can drop our fairy through to the other side and make it to the prison so you're probably asking where did you get the uh big bucket of lava from I have not a clue but we're going to chunk it this way and oh there we go okay so that's just going to melt through wait a minute the boat's under the bridge isn't it oh what's that oh oh that's not good um I hope there wasn't any prisoners in here what's that sound oh the fair's on fire okay uh can we back it out maybe you know I would say to oh I can still drive the vehicle hold on let's let's try to back it up real quick there we go I mean minimal amount of damage to the ferry right now um yeah the bridge is still there though maybe if we melt the foundation here we can get the thing to go there we go so we'll just melt the supports uh that's looking pretty good there and and then we'll probably melt this other one uh does that flow all the way through I think it does oh yeah look at that that looks spectacular looks almost as good as you guys hit the thumbs up button for some more tear down okay so the bridge feels like it might be slightly wobbly um okay so that looks like it's about burned out we should be ready for another hit all right so we're going to go boom there we go okay might need to cut those C oh never mind we might not need to cut the cables oh dear okay something holding up the br oh this is very very unstable right now um well thankfully there wasn't people on this bridge oh jeez okay oh hold on hold on to it hold on we almost got it low enough oh my goodness Uh something's holding on hey there's one of the prisoners why did he escaped hold on I got to call in a buddy hey go pick up that prisoner please oh there we go and boom okay well we still have a bit of an issue we still have have a bridge in the way so I'm going to go ahead and call in um let's see let's go with the U maybe not a world Buster let's just go with the standard barrage here all right come clear out the center of this place oh I hear the plane uh waiting for it and uh any moment now uh oh there it goes holy man we did it okay that wasn't that bad right I think we could probably Drive the fairy through now hold let's just hop off over here wait you got to be kidding me the the seat's gone I don't even have the drive bycon anywhere in here really all of that effort the fery no longer works oh boy I I think we might get in a little bit of trouble for this one you know we probably should buy the nearest plane ticket out of here uh we need to take care of the evidence though first real quick do we think that the UFO can lift up the ship uh let's call our buddies back in real quick all come on you got this oh my goodness this is somewhat working they're starting to rip up the inside oh it's become quite laggy come on you got to pick the thing up the point is to move the ship it just seems like they're sucking stuff up out of it you don't think any prisoners were in that spot do you well this is proven to be pretty worthless oh there was one there was one down there oh there was another one oops okay it's uh it's pretty apparent this isn't working maybe we'll hit it with another lava bucket here there you go okay that might move the needle a little bit I feel like the the ship's too heavy and it doesn't want to move right now because because of its weight so I'm hoping that melting it down a little bit might actually make it be liftable oh my goodness after all of that effort this hasn't worked all right well I have something called the blast gun uh let's hope this thing does the wait oh hello beautiful all right dude we just cleared a hole through this okay I like this gun on there we go if we could break it in half I'm sure the UFO can lift it up then right oh there it is uh oh um well I guess that's one way to get rid of the evidence you know just for good measure um oh there it is yeah there we go that that's all we needed um we might want to maybe think about that plane ticket okay so here we are on our plane we're just you know escaping the world here uh nobody needs to know about the ferry accident okay so which one is our seat here oh that's my seat hey Karen can you get out of my seat come on Karen get out of my seat actually how the heck did I bring this aboard Karen Karen can you move Karen come on okay we're gonna do this the hard way aren't we Karen I have deatha sickle here oh that works oh you know what I need to do I need to take an inflite Deuce okay so where's the poop play said is it up here I thought it was back there um hello hey is anybody in there oh there we go okay okay we'll just close I mean that hole is just fine all right so if I were to have to wait what's that warm thing in my pocket Oh no I got the lava bucket okay I got to dispose of this I have no clue how I got through the freaking TSA with this okay we're just going to just toss it down there we go uh-oh uh-oh um no that's perfectly normal uh oh no hey I'm just going to I'm just going to return to my seed here um ignore can we close the curtains here is that a thing um uhoh I still have lav them my hands okay uh we're just going to make an emergency escape hatch uh all right Karens you have fun um thought this is totally working how come nobody's been sucked out the side of this thing uhoh uhoh okay it it's still oh jeez it's still going off okay just just back it up uh maybe we got first class tickets now oh okay the lava it won't stop spreading um maybe we should talk to the pilots uh Hey Pilots uh oh oh um no this is normal okay maybe we should just go to the back side of the plane um oh look there's still a carrot hey that's my seat there we go uhoh now this is perfectly acceptable um we should probably Skydive out of the oh there's yeah this is brutal looking um okay we're just going to back here let's go out to the side how about that I have no clue how this plane is still flying right now I might need some assistance real quick um ah there it goes hey uh wait where you going no up here um I need you to maybe take out this plane where where did it go oh there it is hey that's oh my goodness uh-oh um well I was hoping not to take oh we're about to hit the monster here with the wing and my goodness wait I think it saved us yeah it cushioned the fall now we've uh we just got to fall like a couple hundred feet to the ground no this is fine hey would you please take care of the rest of the plane for me I don't know how it's still floating um just whatever you got to do there just just just take it out take that thing out there you go oh it's looking be oh there we go that's beautiful um we should probably leave the area there's a good chance we might end up in the slammer well this just sucks yep we've just landed ourself in jail here I can see prisoners walking around hey how come nobody opened up my cell I mean I could see Freedom through the window like there's just a wall there if only we can get out of here hold oh that definitely doesn't work huh no hey hey do somebody want to let me out of here stupid piece of dooo garbage okay you know what we got to figure out another way oh this is like the prism movies wait oh this is metal too uh we don't have a hole back here right wait can I chip through the wall oh my goodness this thing is strong come on stupid okay wait on something back here wait I see light a crap I probably needed that wait what is that it sounds like a vehicle outside all right well I've got one option I got a blowtorch here now I got the lava bucket also but I don't think we want to use that in a confine space so um I don't see any guards I think we could probably cut out of these bars that kind of rhymed didn't it guards and bars oh oh okay let's try not to set the prison on fire we don't want to set any alarms off there we go and then oh through here and then up through here and oh anybody see that uh oh here come on just go in half oh there we go hey you didn't see anything matter of fact why is this in effective for people okay it's fine okay just look around uh okay how do we get out of this wait is there a guard down in the uh main tower there okay here we're just going to go down this way this is fine oh the uh guard post looks empty wait I wonder if I could open up all the cells Y is this guy just dead is he where are the guards at this man needs help yeah that's fine wait that one guy looks like he's trying to break out of here okay we might be able to create a bit of a distraction right how am I able to what does that mean you know what there we go hey don't stand Too Close uh we're doing stuff over here there we go okay lock down oh I don't think we want to lock him down right I mean that might be a distraction too oh oh everybody looks confused okay let's just go down this way okay there might be some guards coming in the Cell Block here is that open here you can you can leave you go first wait hey everybody uh the door's open wait are they actively going to the door wait what oh here hold on I'll open up the next one let's see there's the yard uh here we'll open up this uh don't ask me how I got the key uh open up that one I don't know where this leads us you know what we're opening that hey there's people in the yard hold I might be able to let them out too uh as many prisoners as I can let out as possible hey don't stand too close to this there you go oh look here they go oh my goodness we just started some sort of prison right yay me okay how do you get out of this place there's a shower in here actually I don't think you want to go into prison showers unless there's a way to get out in here hold can I cut through this wall no I can't this stuff's so strong hold look through here uh the people in the yard just look confused oh wait where does this go huh open up open up okay there we go just fry the electronics uh okay all I see are fences over there all right let's go this way SE block authorized personnel only hold on this might have something that will open up the prison wait did that come from downstairs uh hold on oh wait what's below us uh there's something down uhoh that might have created a bit of a mess oh you know what that's probably where like solitary confinement and all that is oh I hope nobody was down there okay yeah that was definitely a bad idea you know what maybe we should just go find the front gate that probably sounds better right authorized prisoner Personnel um it's okay the prison might be slightly on fire right now I the doors still work though look at that hey this is a opening okay let's go down to here oh my goodness there's like solitary confinement was below us oops okay this is fine okay I don't where are the guards at hold on this might be a big distraction okay just cut that down there okay we're going to cut this side here uh this might actually fall into the fence and potentially break it all which is what we're hoping for wait what's going on here oh I maybe have to cut above it oh oh jeez okay there it goes nope NOP come on keep going you got to go this way you know I've never cut down down a tree before I don't know if this is the way this works or not okay cut at the Joint here up up up up up up up up cut that oh there it goes wait what what did they get stuck on there we go wow this is the least heavy wait okay here we go here we this is so disappointing oh my goodness I'll just use the freaking door jeez okay yeah it's fine okay look that way really kind of curious as to where the guards are hello uh visitors meeting room authorized Personnel one of these is going to let me exit oh here we go I mean who needs a key card when you have a blowtorch okay uh is that bulletproof nope there we go and we're just going to walk out here I am seriously convinced that the guards in this prison are the most incompetent people ever you know I kind of do feel bad about all the other prisoners that are stuck in there maybe we should help them out oh we're just going to blast this fence down and oh there's a super do uh-oh okay oh that was okay that actually worked never mind okay uh if I'm not mistaken this might have been the wait there's was somebody walking over there I was think maybe a guard finally wanted to intervene all right you know what I think this is a Cell Block here we go um oh this is going to create a massive hole oh perfect okay now everybody can get out wait there's literally prisoner setting in here okay guys uh it's clear if you if you want to escape it's I guess it's optional if you don't want to yep everybody's just casually standing there they're probably more in shock but you know what the options there um also on might want to prevent any guards from spotting you guys even though they haven't really been oh my good there was finally a patrol vehicle coming holy man there's where the guards are oh oh uh oh he's probably mad you know what there we go and this perfect you know we probably should have pulled this out a long time ago we could have probably exited it right out the side of the facility it's okay the uh the patrol car is gone well I think it's time to walk out uh the prisoners have an option though if they want to escape
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 130,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teardown mods, teardown, plane crash, airplane crash, plane in half, cutting in half, teardown gameplay, teardown download, camodo gaming, teardown game, teardown vehicles, tear down, sandbox games, physics game, teardown mod showcase, camodo gaming teardown, teardown workshop update, teardown plane, destruction, airplane, teardown plane crash, teardown plane crash dynamics, plane crash survival, teardown snake, teardown lava, teardown lava gun, teardown lava mod
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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