Minecraft UHC but you can craft "Among Us" armor..

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have you ever wondered what it would be like to sabotage an entire game of minecraft well in this video we'll be finding out by crafting the sus armor this allows you to act as the imposter by turning off the oxygen to the entire world ejecting players and even more secret effects if you want the sus armor for yourself be sure to click that subscribe button and while you're down there be sure to click that like button because we're going for another world record on this channel we're going to aim for 60 000 likes in 24 hours so be sure to click it with me and break a record in three two one let's see how many records we can break enjoy the video [Music] okay guys here we go in the last video we played multi-armor and i saw a ton of comments saying yo that armor looks kind of sus so in this video as you saw by the intro we are making sus armor now this thing is insane we do need oh i should probably get wood yeah now this thing is insane we're going to start off with the basics as i said in the last video this is a uhc you don't regenerate health if you take damage unless you eat a golden apple or use a healing potion etc it is hardcore mode but really really difficult if you die you are dead it is done now if you notice some inventory right there i have a ton of dyes it will make sense later in the game so just stay tuned and you will see as it all reveals how op the sus armor really really is and of course i gotta say thank you this is the first video while we have two million subscribers that is completely insane guys you crushed the multi-armor video once again shout out to grazer for that one but that was absolutely insane i think when i posted that we had 30 000 subscribers to go to get 2 million and here we are yeah enough of that let's get on with the game let's just craft up some basic tools and get down into a cave but first we got to kill some horses because we need to get ourselves some leather and then you've got to be kidding there we go okay two pieces now we're gonna need just a little bit more than that okay i went a little bit overboard we have nine helmets i wait my math is bad i didn't even need to get nine but we're gonna make all of these into colored helmets and then we can finally head down into a cave and we'll just throw this one out and like i said this will all make sense later in the game so stay tuned for something completely crazy now next step avoid this creeper let's go down this way we're going to grab some iron and then we're going to go further into the cave and grab a bunch of diamonds okay please be a dead end please be a dead end go further he's coming he's coming oh no no no no no someone dying in sync with that just freaked me out that sound effect was not nice there we go and we got our first diamonds beautiful oh it was a trap it was a trap indeed now this is the same as the last video i saw a lot of people saying there's no way those caves were real we're using the 1.17 mod that means there are a ton of diamonds in these caves just like these ones over here we have a bunch more there we go let's grab these i actually don't know how many we're gonna need for the sus armor though it's quite a few i think we need five diamond blocks so that's gonna be 45 diamonds for the blocks alone but luckily with the 1.17 blessing we are going to be able to get that now of course if you want your caves to be like this just type in the comment section right now bless 1.17 let's grab a little bit of gold because we're going to want to make some golden apples later in the game just in case we die or i should say come close to dying but we got some more diamonds right here let's grab those one two three just two okay 12 diamonds so far that's not too bad at all actually oh we got some sneaky diamonds right there i see those oh and there goes another person burning today how are you guys all burning to death today what's the problem what is it what is going on there we go that's 21 diamonds now we got a few more right here now everyone else in the caves of course is going to be able to get infinite diamonds too so they'll be able to get some op armor so pvp when it enables should be quite interesting okay here we go this is the mother lode of diamonds right here 28 33 okay that's 35 we're so close we are so close right now i can feel it the sus armor i'm about to turn into the imposter okay almost fell into lava i'm gonna turn into the impostor soon and things are going to get really really fun this is super blessed all right here we go 46 that's enough to craft our blocks okay oh okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait has somebody already been here no okay come on please god i have full okay that's not a god apple there's some string and some nothing else okay but we got some more diamonds though this is good oh this was where i blocked the creeper off okay it all makes sense now okay we got 15 minutes left on the clock and we are almost ready to craft the armor oh not if that skeleton gets us of course there's always a skeleton every single game all right here we go that's it you're done you're done get in the lava there we go thank you for the free bow as well okay that was close that was too close we got to be real careful now come on please please be enough okay one two three that might be it let's see oh there was another one i saw one there it is oh we called it okay that was too close one two three four five it's happening we need legs we need boots and we need a chest plate there we go so now we go one two three four five and then we place a chest plate leggings and then diamond boots and here we go just like this you can select which color you want to be purple how about green or maybe orange what about blue that's kind of cool i like that a lot how about pink and finally my favorite color of all time red looks kind of sus and here we go we're gonna go this is it are you ready guys we're gonna transform in three two we're officially [Laughter] oh my god and there we go we officially have the dagger we have o2 electric reactor and it gets even crazier if we go like this i put the iron ingots like that turn it into nuggets we can craft vents and then this is the best bit of the entire thing if we place down a vent just like so crouch and then bang there we go we are right behind bruno gamer and he has no idea we just vented to a random player in the world now things can get crazy we can use this before pvp we have reactor we have electric let's just mix things up a little bit right now we're gonna take oxygen from the entire world by right-clicking o2 just like that everyone is suffocating oh there goes one oh there goes another oh my word this is insane everybody is suffocating oh and they're finding oxygen there they go now to find okay i keep forgetting that i look like this oh we got another one but yeah to get oxygen they have to do a random task that is given to them so all of the people that found oxygen you survived this time bruno said oh my god will you were so sus but that is only the start what if i turned the lights out on the entire world now everyone is in darkness and there goes another one someone walked straight into lava because i turned the lights out now this only lasts 30 cell a creeper god that this is insane they're dropping like flies there goes another one that person suffocated as well oh my word this is crazy this is completely crazy now the world on their end they get blindness you see the lice just came back on but they get blindness they get everything now reactor i'm gonna save this one for pvp and then the dagger also has a super special effect on it and if you guys keep watching you will find out what that is wow someone only just found oxygen that is crazy how were they staying at they must have had a lot of golden apples i'm just taking in how stupid this is so weird and i just noticed the quickest way to get into a cave right now let's bend into one did we get anyone wait yo wait you're enchanting hold on i'm super suss that's mine now see ya i get to be evil because i'm the imposter oh they said will come on all right all right all right all right all right i'm sorry i'm sorry sorry i was getting a little bit too into the impostor all right there i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm just kidding this is mine okay i'm sorry i'm sorry sorry i'm sorry sorry all right please i just need somebody to be in a cave hello why are you not in a cave what are you guys doing the boobs just said who is this hack no this is me hey don't make me suffocate i'll do it i'll use the reactor on you don't make me do it i've said x foobs is sus guys be careful they all know i would be a terrible imposter i would be such a bad imposter in among us just know that if i'm ever in your among us game i'm definitely losing your crewmates will always win but in minecraft i might be the best imposter there ever was here we go we have so much more iron king tongue was you an electrical yeah i was hold on let me just turn the light out once more there we go i'm by lava stop it seems everyone is surviving this time around there let's craft a few more vents and now the lights are back on we have 47 vents okay let's see we have pvp starting in four minutes i don't know what you're doing in the hole in the middle of the world but here see you soon see ya oh this puts why is everyone just in random holes what are you guys doing i'm gonna vent right in front of them everyone thinks i'm gonna kill them i'm not gonna kill you i'm just everyone is so scared of me okay another person that's just chilling in a hole what are you doing see ya another person another person in a hole oh wait this is the same person as before let me go through this vent i have vents all over the world this is so cool oh pvp's in 10 seconds you want to kill me it's not happening it's not happening i'm leaving three two see you i'm just gonna keep venting i had to get out of that okay now pvp is enabled this is where the fun truly begins and i think we've got our first target right here bruno gamer that's it electric light out there we go my targets are marked here we go light out bruno gamer doesn't have a clue what's happening he slowed and here we go you rejected my friend you've officially been ejected here goes bruno gamer in three two one there they go ejected officially everyone in the chat gets to see the message that they were rejected that is insane okay now i've got to be careful if i vent i could bump into this person up here and if we go up there we're dead we're going to fall to our death and we don't want to do that so i'll stay away from the vents for now let's just uh oh they jumped down oh that was not a good move that was possibly one of the worst moves that you've ever made so welcome to my reactor my friend welcome to my reactor land now anyone that is in the radioactive land gets radioactified but is that even a word am i making up words now yeah they turn radioactive remember look at the world around us it's just turning completely radioactive in this person you're getting ejected as well my friend i'm so sorry i am so sorry i was the impostor all along oh no that is insane let's just munch down some golden apples to keep our health up and you know what i think uh i think we'll shut off the oxygen next look at them they want to fight nope not anymore it's time to suffocate here goes everyone's health oh yeah that's it you better stop and craft king slot i'm sorry you've been ejected officially it's over say your goodbyes is going out into the atmosphere just like that ejected i'm gonna enable the reactor and then i'm gonna vent and whoever is here is in okay all right i'm venting to everyone i'm putting everyone in the reactor just like that you've been reacted officially welcome you've been reacted bayless i'm so sorry but you're getting reacted my friend it's happening it's the radioactive land and you just can't escape it if you touch me once more i will eject you i will eject it all right that's it you're being ejected you asked for it bayless you can't just touch the imposter like that i must suss as they come you've been ejected let's turn up the lights so nobody can see me coming i'm gonna vent and here we go we're gonna just start taking people out you're getting ejected oh my word these this person's fast oh oh i did eject them i didn't even realize that i touched them okay well i guess i'm a better imposter than i thought now this person is completely blind so they have no idea that i'm right here michael jordan ejected i'm gonna make the entire land radioactive they've been ejected gg though they just submitted they said gg they knew it was coming wait oh that was the last player in the game i won the imposter actually won who would have thought if you did enjoy this video and uh you want to see the imposter become even more sus in the next video leave a like on this subscribe and let me know which color would you have chosen and in case you guys were wondering it was me i was the imposter the entire time hold on let me put that back on before i die and yeah that's gonna be the end of this one click that subscribe button click that playlist on the right to check out some of my other videos and i once again thank you so much for 2 million and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Kiingtong
Views: 3,594,430
Rating: 4.9055758 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft uhc but you can craft among us armor, minecraft uhc but you can craft sus armor, minecraft but you can craft among us armor, minecraft among us, minecraft among us armor, minecraft uhc among us armor, minecraft uhc, minecraft uhc but, minecraft but, uhc, minecraft, among us, minecraft but you can craft among us, among us minecraft, among us armor minecraft, kiingtong, kiingtong uhc
Id: dbJFkRUnL0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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