Minecraft UHC but GRAVEL falls from the SKY.

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this is an enemy of a scenario because for today's UHC we made it so that gravel falls from the sky and it's not just one little teeny tiny block of gravel but it's a big old patch of five that is meant to suffocate you yeah we made it so that gravel spawns around you not just some random area from like 50 bucks away so if you're just doing your thing maybe crafting on the surface you might just be unfortunate enough for gravel to fall on your body and what's worse is that it's not just a suffocation problem but it's also a terrain problem eventually the gravel just stacks up more and more and more to the point where there's just kind of these walls that you're gonna have to be fighting along with but it overall makes running around the surface kind of gross so sit back relax get some snacks and water grab nether right Armour and watch this UHE unfold socials boom server socials boom daily twitch streams boom stop like bring the buff you want this pretty much an intro dawn alright welcome welcome welcome all right there's a Mesa burst stuff okay we got some cane all right all right that's cool that's cool our coordinates looking kind of gross honestly I mean it's kind of gross on one side but the other side's alright alright let's just go over here let's run for a bit now oh she's gonna be quite normal for the I guess for the grace period but up until PvP of course yes yes yes that's gonna be the thing that we're gonna have to be worrying about now obviously the border or the whole map is at its maximum peak right now it's not 1500 by 1500 blocks that's how big the map is apparently if as you know when the u h DS run later into this game it shrinks the border shrinks in and the map will be smaller which means that there's gonna be a higher chance for you to get graveled in so we're gonna have to be careful later in this game but right now I think good show obviously it's gonna gradually get worse and worse and worse hopefully we will live to see the end and to see what amount of gravel will be placed all over the map by the end of this game but we'll see we'll see we'll see okay I want to go over here I'm gonna give all shears there you go Bri shears happy birthday go over here let's go take some apples shall we all so you guys could say hi YouTube hi YouTube if you want we got a lot of apples this is nice boom boom boom boom want to make sure we get plenty of crafting tables of course umm and we go dude this is like the perfect natural staircase look at this okay we could probably maybe check out this area if there's something nice here maybe maybe not well there's some iron I'll take that for sure boom aren't pick buckets there you go all right let's get out here I kind of want to just wreck out now you know this is a nice cave and all but I think it kind of ended like after two seconds so I'm gonna run down my my ex chords you'll find a better cave when we're more in Horsa border rather than being out here let's go go go go go go go keep it going oink maybe by the time we go and find the cave hopefully we have some leather from a Cairo horse we'll see though I wouldn't be worrying too much about getting a cow or not I just kind of want to go and get some diamonds when we're down in the cave yes sir all right I like snowball time as a cow it is hi cow I you look very confused cow you want to understand your purpose today I will enlighten you what your purpose today is to give me leather so I could win the heat see I feel bad kind of all right actually this maybe might be some good luck I mean it's a Monday right now and usually Monday luck is kind of gross but I mean so far so good like usually I don't find a cow before I get to a cave I actually found some I got to two cows all right you know I think I'm gonna like I'm gonna advance my luck let's see if we could go and find some diamonds or maybe like a cave or something nice watch there be like a ravine oh here's some lava all right when I said it it was literally right here all along a ravine yes sir it's Monday look man it supposed to be bad so opposite today it's an opposite day oh we got some gold you got some redstone if you got the old oh we got everything oh my goodness okay all we need is diamonds though of course it's a good Monday so far we'll see if it stretches out for the rest of the game hopefully I get some nice skills and nice dubs or dub be exact there's a person over there oh it's listy listy are we sharing something today okay we should really get all the stuff that we can over here before they take it or whatever there's some gold right here let's take this boy come on is there any diamonds here by any chance please please pretty please oh don't make it like a 99% the way there but yes too far don't make it that story I feel like it will please give me diamonds ice cave but yet no blue work I mean there's that blue aura but I want those shiny blue or oh there's another ravine what and there's even more gold here to what watchers go behind your watch Gold okay no money Paul look how long it stretches out come far it goes they're going yes sir I ain't complaining about the gold though not gonna lie I'm okay with this I just wished really were a little bit lower in the Y level so then maybe we could have a higher chance of getting down oh and now the game will respond to me look at this now the cave is going lower come on diamonds fingers crossed boys I might have to just strip mine honestly I might have to just resort to that we have still 11 minutes until we get to do that but you just need five diamonds five diamonds okay I mine straight down there's gonna be done watch yeah okay never mind oh my goodness all right we'll do a little bit of strip mining so you forget sometimes this way you know I all make the thingy real quick hey let's do this I'll do I guess we'll do three will do four actually just in case then we're also gonna do this boom boom boom boom boom boom there you go we got that we'll go for this we'll go for the thingamabob and vil there you go all right we're in Diamond level there has to be some time this way there's some water here it's mine towards it there's some lava visible okay I I think I probably missed it I heard the water I'll go up we're gonna cave oh I don't know if this is the key this is not even a diamond level I should probably go back down oh okay this way let's go is this a mineshaft it is we got a bunch off now my goodness come on diamonds look I don't need snow balls anymore which is nice which is nice you know you could compact all of or all the snowball power all the projectile power into one rod oh come on this has to be it come on it's so close but so far so many opportunities but yet I am so unfortunate to not have any diamonds in this terrain what the heck yeah there's so many gold it's like counting us so many yellow stuff's on diamonds fajn diamonds Mon diamonds find you I broke my pickaxe I haven't done that too long I don't need this anymore okay what can we do it can do I'm gonna do the bone rod right now here's a bow there's a rod I'm gonna throw away all these snowballs because they're kind of like taking up a lot of my inventory oh my gosh it's so I bet it's so close come on seven minutes until PvP five diamonds oh this has to be it okay I'm gonna do the maneuver break this diamonds oh I knew it I called it even though I asked for diamonds like five billion times in the last five minutes you got it okay good how many one two this it's just - it's just - isn't it Oh oh it's just - okay that's better than zero that's at least better than zero through this love x-rays amazing boom strats anything not that I see I'll keep going it up yeah ooh there's no diamonds here come on I can't even make one for a pickaxe might just rip mine to them I got all these nice caves and everything and imagine I just stripped mine to diamonds like it's nothing oh we're back in the mine shaft I feel like someone's been here before they have to be was it me I don't know maybe it was somebody else I'm backtracking now I I think I gotta get out of here I'm gonna fall in love in my boot I'm okay so waiting for the diamonds come on four minutes until diamonds three diamonds come on diamonds no diamonds no this is the best area for diamonds I still somehow do not have any has to be diamonds what diamonds finally yes I believed I believed the hope was there how many diamonds let's see what's payday lookin like oh please oh brother oh brother okay all finally how many yes we can enchant oh my is up just barely enough it is isn't it oh my goodness okay we have the bare minimum we have the bare minimum okay that's fine though that's fine let's go get the stuff shall we yes thank goodness oh my lord let's go make this thing shall we boom boom boom and now we have enchantments thank goodness okay now we can go for sharp three and I have a good old day I'm glad that I you know it might seem like I have a lot of iron but yet I think it's you know a really good thing I think we could do something pretty well with this watch me get like five billion diamonds right after honestly would not be surprised to do to dudududududududu yeah I'm gonna go actually enchant my stuff right now let's see what yeah sharpness sharp sharp and sharp okay oh this one has knocked back throw away sharp there you go okay we can make things right here we go boom boom and we have Scoob all right sharp three easy-peasy now we got to get protection on our armor you need levels for that could probably just backtrack and mined all the Redstone that we need as well as the lapis of course while should be like 5 billion diamonds behind every single redstone and me just ignoring all of them it's just my mistake boop boop boo doo doo doo boo applause for okay let's do that there's a lot okay hon let's do okay let's get four first come on if he's enabling in 20 30 30 20 seconds the redstone is in obscure areas how dare you there you go Rocky's gonna be like right now there you go here we go people are gonna start killing each other time for a lot of lightning oh boy oh boy oh god a lot of scary noises a lot of scary noises it's get prop there come on at least problem okay there you go and I think we're good I think you should probably go up now I think it's time a lot of did a lot of it not a good I'm actually kind of interested to see if there's gonna be anybody that will die from the gravel falling on top of them you're gonna you might just see a little bit of an increase of people dying from suffocation in the chat all right here we go I'm gonna do power two because we're not and I think we're ready to go we should probably get a lot of buckets for lava as well watch me get gravel too right now ayyyy oh did you see that was that just me that's the gravel patches that I was talking about there it is it will fall in that configuration it just fall from the sky man now remember it's gonna be a little more spread out cuz you know it's it's a massive map right now it's 1,500 by 1,500 but yeah but once it closes in it's gonna be a lot more frequent first to see gravel just falling on the ground and maybe just maybe it might fall onto ourselves Oh plenty of death yes siree oh we got Darth Luke over here how you doing sir oh oh oh that hit doe you're running he's screaming I'm gonna go gap up here oh he's still interested I'm gonna keep running watch them have a trap Abbey cringe Oh what's going on behind y'all dude we're at like zero zero territory there's gonna be so many people around as you could see oh gosh oh goodness oh goodness he's just going for that guy what the heck oh God you just stole my kill completely I'm not gonna take this I'm not gonna take this someone died over here I'm gonna lose there's a torch boy that died unfortunately okay let's go make a G head right now right there boom free healing see if people get clean sometimes the loot just like stays there and I could just go you Inc it you know cuz they're occupied I don't want to make one more gap not gonna lie alright made one more gap oh there's Rahil right there he's he's 2/4 I can't do that Anna diamond sword no no no no there's oak right there oh that's right there what if I just joined get joy are you like this oh oh oh this is this is kind of kind of too chaotic okay we got to really find somebody to kill right now okay let's start off with the jihad and go go for anybody well not anybody of course but anybody that is you know a blue oh no sir no sir go fight that other full Dimond or whatever that is at this ghost thing man is there any Flint's nearby there's one Flint all right let's take this watch this move this is called I shoot you and you die move okay and what happens is I shoot them and they die oh they're going down hold on hello all they want to screen e hello you and kill you oh you're on 65 ho let's go that was not even a fight was it I'm so sorry there's someone running towards me so I had to just go for it I'm so sorry oh let's get out oh I want to skedaddle out of here oh boy okay he looks pretty good feeling is pretty good seven and two I just wished that we had more diamonds so then we could go and get more of them nice pieces for us to get a higher chance of killing other players who's being matched up with someone that has better than Armour than me is kind of riperoni like that for example David my goodness my man they're doing one every one right there you see I kind of want to just wait for them to fight so I could go oh oh there's let's see right there oh he's cleaning he's cleaning there's no clean sir got him got him good got him good got him good got him good there you go okay we got it we got the stuff yeah there's no clean on baby boy yeah I'm gonna take all the loot yes sir how much healing we have oh my God we're gonna be seventeen into four there you go seventeen gaps and Forgy heads amazing holy crust okay that's really good Wow while we will oh my gosh if I find another sharp three iron sword then I will most definitely definitely get a sharp four iron oh my gosh you could see the gravel just popping up one more maybe if I could look up I might catch it I might catch it spawn it's it's very infrequent right now but late in the game you will see more of it just pop up all over the place I honestly don't mind making the prot - boom I'll give it like 30 more seconds if I can't pop it up or I can't find it then I'm gonna keep running you see anything oh I think I just saw it I think I just saw one I think it won't fall there it is just imagine that but like five billion times more okay not literally five billion times a lot more later in this game yes sir that's what we're gonna have to be dealing with that's just you know a little sample a little sample of what this game is gonna be oh god scary boy so many scary boys keep her going shall we good we're top 85 all sudden now 30 minutes into the game a lot of people have died oh my gosh oh hello there's a other Sixers right there I'm gonna see if a gator Shaun them there you go he's on 59% they're up the hill I'm gonna try to rush okay they're going for it they're pursuing oh we're sure oh ow please no just one of you oh my gosh oh no it's being slapped foremothers no the Sharks are getting em no this is not this is not good I'm I'm gonna go I don't want to be here cuz if that guy kills then he could just kill me nope nope I don't want to just be around people all the time hello Sarah all you're getting chased oh hello okay that you want to screen II do you mean chap mints or something I could I can help you and then we could wonder you won so you could have enchantments or whatever yeah do something I'll wait for you we could one be 1 or something oh no no no no no okay I'm sorry I'm sorry you don't you dots at least you got the screen e okay that's good let's get ol buddy we go fall back we fall back oh my goodness oh gosh I I pissed them off I pissed them off DC Oh fool hello oh we just broke okay I'm XR that person's terrifying they're lethal and aggressive kind of like a chihuahua okay let's go over here I'm in predator territory I wish had more diamonds I always skip around barely any diamond luck like that was a monday like for today all that all come there's so many of them look at them all go look at em oh go ways that sharp three magic sharp Turku it was we fall back we fall back I have an idea we go get two more levels and then oh no are they going for me they're going from are they and then we get sharp four and then we can just draw people all right sharp fours like magical compared to short three for some reason but I mean I think since it's the metaphor a lot of people well people have already sharp or is gonna throw people off so let's get it I mean we're only two away I mean we have 10 levels that's a nice opportunity yeah you should get a find like a surface cave maybe and just mind some coal real quick Oh who's that David go away okay oh you she'll just grab a holo mount lad will mount oh we got a side quest going on here okay 52% uh I got to be careful theater if there trapper or something let's check it here I'm gonna shoot they're gonna probably become tree boy they fall muster at their on 11 percent I could probably shoot them right here oh that trees in the way where are they going oh of course of kaput they they die look around Oh oh my goodness what do they have okay I'm at 15 for now it's pretty cool six diamonds we could be 3/4 yo they didn't even make their two other diamond stuff with the heck well I mean we're gonna we're gonna make boots now yep boom oh we have 12 levels okay there you go and we got it sharp 4 we just need 2 levels though so you get protection on these boots let's do a quick mine went on 65 players left 3 kills before it's not bad however it is I think we're below average and loop healing pretty good the sword on par with these legs men we need to get 5 more diamonds I don't know should we've mined from 5 diamonds maybe we could maybe we could be really lucky and get it just a quick strip mine and watch just get like five diamonds out of nowhere possibly Oh mine for like just a bit and see if we can get it if not then we'll go back up and you know all is good and also we could mine for XP in the meantime because we have these books and we can get these books for prot 1 and then we could get prot two on all these pieces and that's gonna be quite nice it's all locked from here boys a little bit dish let's check it out see how much I got I have way too much iron this might take a while honestly not I think about it also we don't even have any I don't think we have any wood oh oh that's kind of big Oh meetups in like four minute five four minutes yeah come on magic time magic them it's a gamble it's a bit of a gamble here we go here we go proxy on the boots pretty good we go for hum as well Oh gold whoo could make it another g'head we're gonna be fifteen and five now nice nice with this amount of healing we could draw probably a full diamond if we do our cards right I mean we have a plenty of lava as well I think we could pull it off and then we have all the resources that we need and the prot two will definitely help one it's a little bit more come on now now Mons please be your I want to see the kill board who's a scary step it was mxr I'm not surprised and then it's David a I'm actually up there pretty cool I'm actually surprised that you know there's not a lot of people wait it takes three kills to be on the kill board right now what that's definite gonna change soon boat for right now I'm actually surprised I thought I usually see it be like maybe five or more looks like somebody's taking a lot of the kills oh my gosh we got to double digits already let's do this brought to you on the helmet very nice and we also have brought one on here okay got one on the chest please oh oh dude that's perfect okay let's get it let's get it crawl one helpful helpful helpful rocks to translate okay awesome awesomesauce give me the magic diamonds okay come on red stone and no oh no no diamonds please no ok I'm going up I'm going up no more no more nor call top 40 okay I like some advanced top 4 that's pretty cool you can see all these people look at that everyone's just finding out their everyone's health is just changing very rapidly because they're just trading hits right there oh my gosh that that's death so many of them oh I'm on the surface a little interesting area okay oh you could see more this gravel it's starting to pile up just little bit more yeah just a border close there's gonna be a lot more of this gravel oh boy Yee Oh Bowl Yee someone just died over here and I just see their lightening I'm gonna run this way maybe I could find the dilute what on well I mean it's kind of far away the borders still like at 500 500 maybe their own just the edge there's no way I could find it can I uh you know I'll just run back to 0-0 I guess yeah I don't think it's worth it okay we gotta run this way Oh what is this and what is that what is this contraption defib hey there's a lot of gravel here that's kind of cool and maybe not actually oh hello little fresh I you want a screen II okay imagine breathing okay it's time oh oh oh oh who shot who shot what was that where they come from Oh God another one where are these coming from where's arrows right there is there someone up there I see them okay we got a fight you know let's go oh oh that's a lot of fall damage for you and rip okay dude yet so many gold gold pieces the left and right woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah dude that's a lot holy crap dad oh my gosh and the other person is over there aren't they oh my god dude how many pieces another one oh my god oh I'm so sorry oh I'm just very I'm very scared very scared oh god you don't need to do that it's not skywars there's people gonna shoot you no I want to fight afterwards please no there's gonna be gravel hurry up come on there's just one motor over there I don't want you to die like this is unfortunate I don't like when people die like this come on now look at Ali's fight no yeah I'll give you I have a lot of gaps go eat that one everyone go okay let's go let's go let's go there you go oh no but they might I feel this is sad I'm they probably mined diamonds all game or the last like 50 minutes and they come here and just care package me like this my goodness thank you though I mean rip I'm full diamond now I'm up to speed with probably all the other lads let's get all this stuff for here oh gosh I could probably see some scary people let's go make all these G heads so many do this is like oh I hear one I hear one here we go oh no fall back I'm not ready I'm gonna fall back again yeah oh you better run oh wow I'm gonna get that quick prot though okay let's go how many Kapil's do I have oh I just killed somebody hello it's free real estate got the head more jihad for me oh my gosh how many will this just go I need to make sure that I get brought two on the legs for sure for sure um we got to do that oh you know what we're gonna do I'm gonna make this Diamond leggings an exercise okay I don't think they're around anymore so we could use this opportunity to combine for prot - there you go brought - we're full prot - now very nice yeah there's a bunch of crap on the floor that I might need uh where to start where to start what do I not need anymore hey there's so much crap on the floor okay I guess that's it oh hi hi alright we're doing one everyone now Oh blog there you go we're in I'm gonna fall back just a bit I think this guy has brought one it just seems like it like I'm sensing it I want to be surprised if they have knocked back - there you go come on out come on there you go he's screwed he's screwed all the water was so helpful you're lucky you're lucky that water was helpful he's on y'all were chasing now or chasing Go Go Go there you go 38 push him in the water push them in in the water no no I don't like this body of water it's a gross area Wow okay sound 35 do do you have any healing left oh hi man hello hey Oh gravel okay it's starting to close in a little bit more I was a very random screen II I guess they're just leaving I think they're leaving the Walmart all right oh oh how much is it it's probably like 20-something 17 levels can we even get that is even worth saving up to that level or we could use the other levels for like something else no yes maybe Royals had it Oh that's when you know this is a is a really freaky game oh oh oh God where are these coming from man oh goodness oh I'm bored in hello Oh oh hello okay dude everyone just wants scree nice today oh and I'm b-dawg oh not for long because that guy what's it make you Old Yeller you better not pull out the book you better not pull out the book you better not pull out the book all God no know what they're waiting for my invincibility to run out okay I we got to make the G heads now before it's too late oh I don't know if I should hold this sharp D I don't think I need it I don't need it I don't need it oh my God look at her what is this it's amazing okay eight kills what are we on the kill board smack dab in the middle cool feel like a lot of these were screen nice today you guys really wanted to screen these oh my god no more I have to kill you we're top ten there's gonna be a lot more gravel I'm pretty sure look at this look at the blue look at a warzone there's so much gravel looks like if Krampus just sneezed all over the floor look at that yeah oh my goodness what is happening right now I'm gonna look up there's gonna be more gravel is there hope there's one oh my gosh and also just keep in mind that it spawns around me this isn't just spawn around like you know over there or nobody's at it makes it so that it's meant to spawn around you so if I stand here where there's you know an old gravel around if I just stand here eventually there's gonna be more and more gravel just around the area hi huh praise oh hello 101 one okay Eric's gonna help a sign there you go all right cool cool cool is someone on a sky base still no way are they actually oh no oh my God look at them they're sharks are their stomachs look at these full diamonds man oh look at the Sharks see this is why they're so scary oh my god oh my goodness oh the board is gonna close even further it's gonna be a 50 by 50 even more gravel than before fun time fun time look out look at all these oh they're fighting already let's go up race let's do this oh okay okay I'm throwing this a little bit on can you pick it back up let me pick it back up not literally wrong way I'm gonna just do a little bit this okay oh there's two hours these two hours boys these two hours come on now two hours two hours seem charged sleep let's go all gravel god what I'm into me I'm in the way come on come on come on come on oh we're falling down jump down with me tough race oh oh no oh no oh no we made our live from mater live duty screwed you screwed there's no way there's no way no there's aa beach I dropped it oh no what oh my god I literally panic so hard that all my stuff just went everywhere in the inventory what was that what was that oh my god the panic at the end I was so Ikes that was so yikes that was literally everything that I could like knows everything I should have done I'd throw away the pickaxe I throw away the pickaxe I swapped my healing I was jumbling around I couldn't eat the G head I didn't get a healing so I just got dropped and stood there and I died oh my god do so I literally if you press Eve once and you try to do all the hotkeys that you do it just spreads all over around the inventory and then you just get a jumbled mess that was so unfortunate good game the good game I think expect for him to do a lot of thing but he did there's only four players left Oh God and also the gravel is just not okay right now oh my goodness I kind of want to just lower it know just a little bit just you know a little smidge you know I'm gonna do it freer at the gravel stake okay it looks gross right now I'm gonna world border and I'm gonna add negative 90 in 60 seconds I'm gonna make this really fast because I want to see what the gravel looks like at the very end here oh my goodness there we go we got up race versus an mxr right here oh no up race ready okay pop three now this bores closing fast though hosing real fast and all of this terrain is so gross dude it looks like a jumbled mess look at that oh my god David go back in oh gosh mxr versus James I want to see the kill board right now oh my goodness what is this guy yes 21 kills my goodness poor James dude he's going against a guy that killed 21 other players holy crap oh my god oh my god oh my goodness oh is he actually gonna get up he got up they reset the fight because there's so much more I'm gonna I'm gonna lower it I'll do 50 and in 60 okay oh god here we go James come on James oh no it was so close he's bored he's stuck to the board you skimmed the board oh no oh no come on get a gap that was good rod going up the hill of course nice oh my gosh mxr is already back out like almost under two percent basically James is kind of struggling here fight back get out of that corner that's a no-no corner I personally I'm rooting for James because he's underdog come on lane oh my god 2550 he broke the of it No get extra two each is in a place easier to replace the home it's unfortunate well then it's mxr versus david the two lads that have the top kills and also I mean look at this look at this kill poor this is insanity okay well stop the border here it's so girls there's so many like crevices that people just could get unlike one we ones like in here for example if someone was fighting here they fell in the hole that would be a huge disadvantage someone could just place lava here place a block right above and then just easy peasy Lobby trap there's so many patches that they oh my god as they fell in here that'd be such a huge disadvantage there's so many bad places to be in this is the terrain that they're gonna have to be fighting it okay here we go Oh God Oh God here you go the final fight that Sue's gonna win here in this awful awful terrain and it's still getting more awful as you can see oh no David's getting credit out here come on fall back fall back all the this fire is not helping enderpearl nice good tactical reset that fight here we go oh no he's running towards the corner of this border here okay I mean it's nice area you know it's clean not for long though if they stay around here much longer David's gonna have to fall back a little bit more I don't know how much healing these guys have but we'll see until the end oh my god I'm reading for David come on underdog come on underdog I feel like mxr just has overall better health better armor better sword David just saw soldiers would work around it the best thing that he could do is survive just enough where he could break the armor and mxr would have to be using their backup armor and then they would have to drop him I don't know if that's gonna happen I don't know if David has enough healing for this maybe maybe not or mxr just has to weigh better back a farmer who knows or maybe David might just get dropped I'm kind of concerned oh no oh no what is this pit this is a death pit Oh God get out of there lava lava Mountain up there oh it's gonna get pushed towards it isn't he yes he is Oh No you're still on fire sir go heal up come on eat ahead know the combo I was like a six is seven eight eight nine and oh my god I got like a ten hit combos unfortunate you got to eat one more gap sir no there you go good good reset oh so much damage for this poor poor man you probably switched his armor multiple times already mxr just smoothing this out oh gosh and the gravel is not helping it's basically just like a mini wall and if you're walled up if you're just hit against the corner then it's a higher chance for you to get combo no David David no the lava come on eat something No Oh get no more healing he did everything that he could look at that zero gaps I think 41 caps still and plenty of sets of like suit he has all the legs in the world look at this at prod three armors well half brought three sharp three diamond so I'm actually surprised that he has only his front feet now insert foot there you go well then there you go that's the uhé insane game anyways IP here Twitter here discord here go check those out if you want to see some wacky you a cheese in the future also if you have any uhd suggestions please come thumb number I'll be sure to look at them and maybe even do them who knows Bayless pretty much it by you
Channel: TapL
Views: 945,986
Rating: 4.916388 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Competitive Minecraft, Minecraft PvP, TapL, UHC, Ultra Hardcore, Crazy UHC, Insane Minecraft, Minecraft Minigames, Tapple, Tapple Events, Tapple Minecraft, Tapple Server, Tapple UHC, TapL UHC
Id: qNWfvSJhFm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 59sec (1799 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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