Minecraft "Super Netherite" vs "Super Diamond"..

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in this video i go head to head in a minecraft 1v1 to find out which is better super diamond or super netherright and to make things a little more interesting i've added a special effect to each weapon so if you do enjoy this video at any point be sure to click that subscribe button to make sure you're not a part of that 64 head down to the comment section right now and predict which is going to win super diamond or super netherright and while you're down there click that like button let's aim for 65 000 likes on this video and before i forget i just uploaded my first ever pokemon cards video over on my second channel so head over there and become one of the first ever people to subscribe that's gonna be a pretty cool claim in like five years when everyone's like dang i wish i found this channel earlier and you guys are like well how's that from day one all right enjoy the video grazer it is that time again it is another 1v1 we're pretty much tied up we know i think it's 1-1 between us but this one is way different than the other ones we've done before because we're gonna be you know we're about to click this button and in this little dispenser here is a diamond block and a netherright block and when we click it which i will allow you to do that once you click it you're gonna get a block and that's the armor you're gonna have and then we're gonna verse each other using these two super power weapons and armors and stuff okay all right we're gonna click this button three two one is better but in the super game well they're both very good so we're obviously just yeah we're gonna get our respective armors there's another right or in the world there's super diamond ore in the world remember it's super netherright and we're gonna come back 1v1 at the end and it's gonna be quite the fiasco are you ready i'm trying to pick up the sword to kill you with but i'm failing currently i'm ready let's go all right ignore this armor definitely do not take this armor this is for show only all right yes you're gonna go that way that's your side this is my side good luck all right i'll see you in 20 minutes prepare to lose here we go three two one go all right guys so supernova armor i have played with this before but i've tweaked the tools to be a little bit more op so if you wait until the end of this video you will see that the sword is now insane both the super netherright sword and the super diamond sword have a secret effect and it's it's only going to be crazy during pvp it's going to be ridiculous be sure to check out both perspectives if you want to see what both items do you'll get to see grazer lose on his perspective and you'll get to see me win on my perspective sir and it is worth noting this isn't actually a uhc so we don't have to stress too much this is just a regular old 1v1 so i'm going to grab my wooden pickaxe we're still against the clock there's only 20 minutes to collect our resources and i think i just found a cave ah this definitely was not what i was looking for okay but yeah let's do as we normally do we're gonna make a full set of stone tools and then we're gonna head straight down into a cave and hopefully we can find ourselves some super nether ior i'm gonna make myself a stone sword and i've got a feeling okay i had a feeling there was gonna be something nearby we have a village hopefully there's gonna be like a little bit of starter armor in there or maybe a book or two and then you know what i'm actually gonna mine down oh oh we got a cave right here let's check the village and then we'll go back to that cave all right i actually don't know how these new villages work is this the cartographer it is we don't need that guy we got another cave right there underneath us uh yeah no i really shouldn't be looking at any of this really should i uh let's just go straight down so we don't actually have cut clean in this mode i actually have to smell gear for once i'm not very good at smelting it takes too long i always forget what i'm doing but let's grab i guess i only need enough iron for a pickaxe i don't think i need to worry about armor that's gonna be famous last words i know that for a fact every single time i you've got to be kidding me you've got to be kidding me what are the chances that there's a skeleton just chilling right the second i said that let's just get this though we got one piece we got two pieces and we've got three pieces that is perfect let's make ourselves an iron pickaxe so we can actually mine the netherior and then i'm actually gonna go and check the village check that out as well i'm using an axe i used an axe on a crafting bench guys if that doesn't deserve a like i don't know what does i'm actually gonna check the village though for armor because that would save me a lot of time with smelting so let's just check it out really quick please have an armor smith i don't know if it's these ones that actually spawn the armor oh maybe it's not maybe it's not uh yeah it doesn't look like it all right we're gonna have to just go straight down then again so i'm gonna just do as we usually do we're going straight down and we're gonna hope that we fall into something interesting let's just hope that that interesting thing isn't a ravine though okay grazer's got the acquire hardware achievement i think that's what just getting iron tools so we're a little bit ahead of him right now maybe he's already found some diamonds though maybe that's why he's getting himself an iron pickaxe and we have found a cave okay we got a bit of gold do i really need a golden apple in this don't think i'm gonna need a golden apple i should probably stop mining this i'm wasting time let's keep going through this cave oh this has to be a dead end right let's do the dead end trick really quick no there was nothing through there but there is this right here what is this okay a little hidey hole that goes into another cave that works okay cool let's just check it round this way is that what i think it is is that what i think it is is this a spawner please i hear spiders it is okay yes it's a spider spawner oh okay it's not uhc so we actually don't need to worry too much about taking the damage so we can just farm that get a little bit of string and we have yet we have enough string for a bow please god apple no but we do get some free iron though that's always good that means i don't have to smell all right cool let's keep on going through this cave then and it okay it opens up right here we've got some lapis we don't need lapis yes we have a mine shaft this could be perfect for us right now if we're gonna find netherright or it's gonna be in the mine shaft okay this is gonna take a second to mine oh no i should get out of the water does this stuff really take this long to mine oh please tell me i can actually mine it with an iron pickaxe i did not know super netherright was going to take this long to mine please please give it to me please give it to me please give it to me okay we got one we actually got one super nether right that's good as soon as we get three we can make a super nether right pickaxe and then we won't have to worry about the long mining times and i think i see another one right here i do all right okay i hope there's a third piece behind here though please be a third piece okay please please please please please no okay we do have an extra bit of the cave system though and we have another one all right perfect are we at bedrock okay that's bedrock right there okay number three this is gonna be the last long mining session and then we'll be able to actually have a super nether right pickaxe we've got ten minutes left on the clock so we're actually making really good time right now believe it or not a lot of the delay is this mining right here but once we get the good pickaxe we will be fine there we go third piece let's put this down let's go okay that's not how you make a pickaxe there we go let's do this and then super near the right pickaxe look at that efficiency five fortune three i'm breaking three that is insane okay that is what we needed right there let's just check around this see if there's any more super netherite there is not but there's an extra bit of the cave system and there is more super netherite and look at that now we can actually mine it normally there we go and piece number five that's gonna give us okay i've got to do it oh should i do it no no no i can't i can't i can't there's super diamonds in the same cave system and that makes me really really want to just get a super diamond sword because i know that it has an opi effect on it both swords have a really opie effect actually as do the oh boy okay well that was a creeper i'm surprised that he didn't blow me up oh man i really want to pick those up look how good they look super diamonds just like that we've got to leave them though we can't take them let's just really quickly make our super nether right sword and there we go super netherright sword sharpness 4 right click to use fireball now i'm going to save that until pvp so obviously be sure to stick around until the end of this one and you will see just how op the super netherright sword actually is but i'm curious to know which is actually going to be stronger because the super diamond sword and the super diamond armor is still pretty close and it's pretty op as well it's kind of hard to tell let's just take out these mobs though you don't really have to worry about anything when you have this super netherite sword there we go we've got some more super nether right right here this is just a farm of super netherride this is insane i did not expect to be finding this much we're actually super lucky that we got the mine shaft in that case we found more supernetherite and we found super diamonds there's more supernova right right here i just found more this is crazy this is actually crazy it's not spawning much there's like two pieces at a time okay we got three pieces this time we got four pieces this time okay i was gonna say it's not spawning much but we have now enough for a chest plate we'll put that on and that's going to give us effect number one which is a taste for it's haste for oh my okay this is getting crazier and crazier here we go now we can just absolutely blast through the world and all we need to do is look for that little bit of extra super nether right okay some super diamonds right there i'm just gonna take them just so grazer can't have them there we go we've got some super nether right here as well this is crazy this is actually crazy oh and that's a creeper i've never seen a creeper walk while charging up i swear they usually just stand still okay this is actually illegal at this point the amount of super netherright that i found is not okay let's just go a little bit with the haste right now we've got more super nether right okay we're just gonna absolutely plow through the world we have seven minutes left so we are doing really good for time right now we made the op combination of haste four and the super nether right pickaxe and this is just non-stop there we go we've got more super nether right here and we've got more right here this is crazy we're actually getting so lucky oh my word the luck does not stop let's see what should we make next we can make the boots we can make the helmet sorry that's legs that is not boost we got leggings in helmet let's see what effects they give us we've got health boost three and we've got the water breathing and dolphins grace that means that we can move super fast in the water as soon as we get the boots because the boots are gonna have depth strider on them and we've got some more super diamonds right here obviously i can't use them but i'm just gonna hold on to them just so greasy can't have them okay we've got even more if i'm finding this many super diamonds then grazer is definitely gonna be full super diamond already we've got some more super nether right right here i think just like that we can craft up the boot as well and there we go depth strider three 4 and the final effect it's going to give us is speed 2. so now we are fully op we have the speed 2 we have the haste we have everything so i guess now while we wait for grazer to finish his set of armor we can just get the full set of tools we can get the axe we can get the shovel we can get the hoe because everyone needs a super nether right hoe right and here we go just like this we get the axe i love the full set of super nether right it just looks so good we'll get the shovel there we go just like that i guess we can now go and mine for gold and if we mine for gold then we might be able to get ourselves a golden apple so yeah i guess oh there's gold right here as i was saying that was there was gold just chilling right next to me okay someone needs to make super netherright or more rare because i'm finding way too much of it i don't need this much okay let's get back into the mine shaft let's take out this zombie really quickly we don't need to deal with him i'm gonna say to grazer i'm fully geared prepare to lose let's just put a little bit of pressure on him we've got some more gold right here i'm just gonna get a bunch of healing all that is op super nether right behind the gold oh there we go creeper relax all right that's it this is the first time that a skeleton is not gonna be able to touch me oh hold on lefty versa righty get in the comments right now who's gonna win left or right these skeletons are having a duel comment right now left or right this is left this is right i've got my money on right oh okay it's one okay one more hit one more hit for each who's gonna win okay zombie please i need to see who's winning lefty verse righty owen wright takes it did i vote on right i think i don't even remember the zombies distracted me but yeah if you chose right congratulations you're a winner and you've won absolutely nothing but still congratulations nonetheless all right let's use the depth strategy we're just gonna go for a swim really quickly okay and there goes the timer time time time i've told grazer let's go meet up with him have a chat and then we're gonna be ready to fight but of course be sure to comment down below right now which do you think is going to win a super diamond or super netherright i've got my money on super nether right but super diamonds pretty good dude you're looking kind of weak what's the deal what happened oh my goodness dude i had the worst caving experience ever but i do have almost enough super diamonds to make my entire set like my my outfit here but wait hold on how many do you have [Music] to even it out i'll give you three i have so many lick i'm just gonna dust them all into the fire right now wait where did wait i didn't get those are you kidding me i didn't get those dude do you have any more please tell me you have more i don't so that's it i have to fight you we'll make it even just take these boots right here just take those ones oh my goodness bro i was actually so scared all right but the other thing is is that because cut clean isn't on i have to smell all my gold all right i'll be kind i'll give you a second go get it done and then we'll fight hey all right well i'll see you at the end man oh good luck are you ready to lose chill all right that's it it's fight time in three two one go go go i'm gonna run this way just because i know he's got an op effect on that sword i do not want to be close to that oh and there we go there we go he's trying to strike me with lightning already you saw him strike himself with lightning right there i'm gonna try and get a purple bow shot i know that that armor is op oh we got a shot there we go we got one we got two and then let's do that we shoot the fireball oh my i'm in the water i'm in the water that's not good that's not good i'm stuck i'm stuck he's shooting me with oh shoot me with lightning i'm gonna golden apple up in that case let's shoot him let's get him away from us let's go my word i'm eating another golden apple these fireballs are stupidly op we get one every 10 seconds let's just use another one i'm just gonna absolutely demolish this land grazer's got the lightning strike sword we've got oh ow that hurts that hurts a lot let's shoot another fireball i'm just going to keep demolishing the land around him he's going to hit us with lightning any second and it's almost impossible to avoid it but we avoid that one here we go i'm going to try to get him with this there we go that's a direct hit we get a direct hit let's go i'm going to try and push him then let's try push him let's get close let's get in the business oh ow ow ow one second bang oh we got him good we got him good right there let's eat up a little bit make sure we get some regen going that's the last of my food ow ow oh we're absolutely wrecking him right now we're wrecking him oh ow ow ow that fire hurts that fire hurts i'm gonna just do this so he struggles to hit me a bit because he doesn't have the speedy armor like i do he's just gonna be stuck on the land you can swim after me all you want it's not gonna work let's eat this golden apple and then let's go he wasn't ready for it ow i hit myself with that one let's get in there let's get in there right now the super diamond is super strong oh my word oh my word that hurts a lot we need a direct hit we really need a direct hit oh we blew up the spawn let's make sure we can heal come on five four please heal me more than that please i can't get hit by the lightning if i get hit by the lightning i might die let's surprise him with one while he eats we got him head on oh i'm so close to dead the super diamond is so strong that lightning sword is 2 0p hidden with it oh he hit me back with it no that's going to be it that's going to be it get out of the hole and it is done wow he bats the fireball back at that was crazy i was definitely losing every time you would hit me with the bow every time you would shoot me with that thing i'd be like bro i have the worst aim ever here i look i missed you oh my god did i at least get you low anything yeah no you were getting me low especially at the beginning there when you were pegging me with that bow dude i was oh my word how were you low from the bow dude you got full protection for diamond bro i don't know but like you we were going back and forth you had me low a couple times that we went into those like fist fights together or like the sword fights but then it was really that bullet that thing is crazy i really don't know how you did that that was awesome you put me to one hut and i could not get out of the hole oh he's getting wrecked right now all right let's end this thing right here right now right here right now right here right now right here right now there we go all right well if you guys did enjoy that 1v1 and you want to see more be sure to subscribe to both of our channels check out both perspectives leave a like on this one and we'll see you guys in the next one i still think super nether is the best ow
Channel: Kiingtong
Views: 2,873,934
Rating: 4.9152007 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Super Netherite, vs, Super Diamond.., minecraft super netherite vs super diamond, minecraft uhc super netherite, minecraft uhc super diamond, minecraft super netherite, minecraft super diamond, minecraft netherite vs diamond, minecraft diamond vs netherite, minecraft diamond, minecraft, minecraft netherite, netherite, minecraft 1v1, minecraft super diamond super netherite, minecraft diamond netherite, noob vs pro
Id: u7YGUTS_d0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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