Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 - Episode 3 - Good Choices - Jesse is Friendly - Hippo Reddy

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previously on minecraft story mode the world can be a very scary place villains can be larger than life and almost impossible to defeat the stress of saving the world can turn even the best of friends against each other and not everyone will be on your side some will try to take advantage of your kindness but a true hero will know exactly what to do and will inspire others to do the same the scariest thing of all even for the bravest hero is discovering the villain is much closer than you think [Music] what the heck is this um where's my stuff the gauntlet I guess it's Jax now gotta get back the admin find my friends the guests will kindly follow the orange line in the floor to the check-in so the guests will kindly follow the orange line in the floor to the check-in zone the guests will Carlos Lords with chickens and objectives yeah I heard you [Music] oh look an orange line [Music] bedrock the admin said a place where I'd never see the light of day again place [Music] so Jessie how was your day oh it was great met a red glowy all-powerful crazy person who trapped me in a near indestructible cage [Music] and I'm sure this is leading me to a place full of sunshine and Cheer [Music] oh don't mind big Hank he's just here to make sure all guests behave themselves let's see let's see let's see oh yes Jesse welcome to the sunshine Institute it's a reformatory for people the admin has found difficult I'll be your warden so the admin created this not her - of course the admin is an endless source of building brilliance including this beautiful behavioral adjustment retreat center I'm sure we'll get along just famously there must be some sort of mistake I don't belong here but the admin sent you here yeah doesn't make mistakes so never accuse him of doing so never you know he's not here right now right you never know [Music] what about my friends I need to get back the admin put his gauntlet on one of them who knows what he's making them do he gave them the gauntlet then lucky them that means they're the admins favorite great would that be I bet your friend is living it up enjoying the high life right by the admin side they'll be making their journey to betterment right next to you I'm sure now hang on a tick I have a another guest on my manifest female hothead favorite weapon sword favorite toy sword favorite food so I gotta distract him Etra that's definitely Petra Jesse oh man I am so happy I found you this freaking place I know let's get out of here wait you can't it's too dangerous stop them a Soviets shouty schody punchy but kicky freaking admin he tricked us he tricked me oh just makes me want to scream again ah well I know one thing I'm glad you're here with me you're glad and I'm mad it's a combo I can work with and the admin has checked it never ends with that guy it looks like we're trapped not gonna lie to you Jesse not sure how we're gonna get out of this we'll never make it through like this and we run where wherever they are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we've got to figure out where we are [Music] [Music] great more weird monsters [Music] are those zombies [Music] [Music] is endless ha [Music] I wish I had that doesn't right about now [Music] yeah maybe not this way [Music] what are those things must be the admin creating his version of what a monster should look like of course I would there only be one there's never just one oh no no no [Music] [Music] this is getting bonkers [Music] [Music] [Music] minutes and already I pretended in an escape attempt that is just that is just rude take this one to the mushroom and bring that one to my office [Music] close the door would you [Music] do as you're told go on sure obedient good you and your band of misfits may have hope yet and of misfits oh let me show you radar no you see here at the sunshine Institute there are two types of guests people who make the admin extra angry such as yourself and your punch happy friend down there and there are people who the admin sends to make sure the first group will be well behaved your friend with the glasses is surprisingly feisty for such a skinny guy so long as you don't hurt my friends I'll be as well-behaved as you want oh good good you show me bring up Jessie's leverage would you skinny guy glasses funny story when I first got here I was actually part of the second group we were just a crazy couple of griefers simpler times Jesse oh that's a flag you're okay it was so I was so worried oh this place is terrible writer I am so so sorry this is all my fault what are you talking about meets the iron breathtaker iron bars to hold the victim in place below sticky piston above to shove an iron block down over their head now I said before that you could follow in my footsteps that could start now go on and show me how well-behaved you are join the good guys work for me as an associate and help bring order to these poor chaotic individuals what's it gonna be Hey I'll do it just stop oh that's so great to hear hi that was so dark huh easy easy their radar was it you just had quite the harrowing experience but don't worry our newest guard our associate will be walking you out Jesse no I don't know how much more of this I can take don't look at me like that I did this for you radar I'm trying to protect you what No well well well Jesse Jesse Jesse Stella what how well I appreciate you letting me out of that ice I can't let that disrupt the new professional relationship we have now okay I'm sure you understand 9yo a day of reckoning would come for my arrival ah you two know each other oh yes our bitter rivalry goes way back I'm just absolutely not surprised well I absolutely am surprised you haven't already ruined this place to keep an eye on this one warden where Jesse goes troubling usually follows now come on Jesse no one wants a sour rival be like me I'm a shining example of success I've barely arrived and I'm already bossing you around isn't it grand let's go Randall its radar uh that's what I said Stella's right commitment and loyalty to the admins cause or cornerstones around here the more friends stick together the harder they make it for each other so maybe readjust your concerns they were a bigger silver fish to fry and then friends if anyone here needs a friend it's you warden ever since the admin sent me here I hate what are you hiding warden not every prisoner here wears orange Jessie let's go rival that's right go along Jessie to the mushroom exactly what I was going to suggest I'll have your job before you know it Orden be careful what you wish for Stella [Music] [Music] new arrivals charm around would you Thanks excuse me who are you supposed to be we don't have a problem do we I need a moment to process maybe several moments you have to watch your back with her she's ruthless Tata Jessie I'll be at my post supervising a more impressive cellblock and don't be too jealous or do I wouldn't blame you you okay radar wish I was I need something to eat get my strength back here in the right place guests make mushroom stew here yes I just need some mushrooms then here's one mushroom [Music] I'm gonna starve waste away [Music] oh no more radar I'll find some food for you just rest resting thanks Jessie so fighting over a tiny handful of mushrooms is the only way they can eat cookie looks good dude yeah I know right wait did you eat all yours already what how do you get them okay look I thought you knew the guards have a delicate supply of ingredients none of which are approved by the war these cocoa beans I don't have any wheat for you but I can tell you who does that pile of gruesome can set you up with the wheat he's my source don't know why he collects so much wheat but nobody makes cookies around here without ox blood okay I should be able to reason with the guy oh no he's absolutely unreasonable I'm gonna have to remind him that you're an associate and he's a guest [Music] hey are you busting out of here what no of course not I never do that oh hey their guard friend you just caught me putting a happy little finishing touches on my happy little painting here what uh what you painting I'd so love to paint a happy little mushroom but no never stick around long enough for me to paint I know that you guards don't usually help little old me but could you build me a happy little mushroom to paint here's some wonderful dirt for you to use if it's not too much trouble after all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now that is just that is just lovely thank you ever ever so much please you must share your thoughts on my work so far don't you hold back now honesty's the best policy oh my gosh it's great the chiaroscuro is just impeccable huh truly so happy you like it and now I like you you'll be spared when the bad thoughts come [Music] Petra Nermin geez I am so glad to see you in one piece it that was um so oh boy it that was really good to see you too Petra that was scary right I could barely believe it it it all happened so fast [Music] watching Jack Lew's vas all over again just to get taken away it was horrible I am going to get us out of here Petra we will stop the admin yeah yeah I know you will you might want to get radar some food it doesn't look so good yeah I'm working on it thanks for looking out hang tight for now I'll be back Hey [Music] [Music] no wonder all those cells belong to I [Music] hope you're learning have to be a cooperative champion wait what is that the admin you are all here to be reminded of your potential it's a recording come on and I hope you'll see it in yourself as I do because if you don't well we'll cross that bridge when we come to LA in the meantime demonstrate your cooperative potential and you just may become the ultimate champion as the associate walked up to brick she noticed that the lowly prisoner was narrating all her actions yes hi I'm the associate didn't have to introduce herself brick knew all about the associate named Jessie Jessie was surprised to learn reputation of the wither slaves the leader the order of the stone and spreads Oh funny brick was curious for Jessie thought someone who narrated every action around himself brick waited for Jessie to say something what would it be he wondered Jessie approved of brick and his quirks Jessie winked with approval like this brick was happy for the approval but didn't appreciate Jessie's stealing his thing I mean come on it was first so what are you in here for brick remember that day the admin annoyed with bricks constant need to narrate sent him to the sunshine Institute to break break of the habit brick was promised release if he stopped but nothing will ever break brick spirit he will narrate forever I need to get some food any tips brick knows that the prisoners fight is the freshest mushroom noticing but Jessie is an associate there must be other ways to get food [Music] brick didn't want to tell the associate but brick remembered the punching that came from the others oh the punching so brick decided to tell all brick knew that the only way out was through the Burroughs a seemingly endless labyrinth filled with monsters who the heck knows what else brick also knew that only one person has ever tried to escape but brick never speaks her name but brick will never speak of prisoner X so Jessie thanks you're welcome brick told you okay buddy yeah I'll be fine just a little hungry that's all so here you might have some wheat I need two of them I don't know who you've been talking to but it ain't true wheat is considered contraband in this facility and I am nothing if not a stickler for the rules come on ox bud help me out my friend needs the food he's starving light everybody else isn't yeah you better remember this I want special treatment from now on yeah yeah hey come here wheat and cocoa beans all yours Jesse no way I've been down here for too long I can't stand another second whoa that's impersonal I'm just mega mega hungry just doh oh great hello what's going on in here Jesse I expect far better for my associates than this cookies not that big of it to you but cookies not that big of a deal and just who does this contraband belong to hmm you all know that weapons are strictly forbidden at the sunshine Institute so who does this belong to you might as well just come out and tell me it'll be so much easier for everyone large Henry won't have to pummel anyone no one will need to be pummeled okay okay I confess it's mine I snuck it in no liar I cracked you down with my own two hands stow all the wood might do I mean oops real smart dude you know that misbehavior means getting sent down a level and that means yes perhaps a little time harvesting rotten flesh we'll teach you something take him away well done associate you've successfully apprehended your first contraband keep up the good work at least now I can make a cookie for radar [Music] [Music] [Music] well it's not much hopefully it'll help radar get a strength back here eat this get your strength back thanks Jessie I really appreciate ya yeah sure thanks whatever interesting attitude there buddy I'm gonna have to really step it up I mean this is prison so from now on I'm prison radar I'm gonna get my own mushrooms make my own stew just regard my bed time break whatever rules I feel like hey that's the spirit radar you look awesome really Thanks now get out of here guard it's time for prison radar to show this world what he's made of that's right come at me dude what's going on your ex has escaped I repeat prisoner X has escaped all guests please report to the nearest lounge I think they mean sell yep you should get in one too you haven't had your protocol ex training yet this place just keeps getting weirder and weirder prisoner X yeah apparently she's this infamous prisoner who they have to keep locked up super tight always escaping they say she even knows her way through that maze apparently she's locked up way deep in the prison so deep that some people have never even seen the level that keep her on that sounds like the sort of person we should get on our side yeah no kidding we might be able to get out of here yet with someone like that but where is she exactly according to nerve sources prisoner X is locked up in the deepest darkest level of the sunshine Institute cellblock X detecting a theme with the names yeah they're big on that X thing we need to get to cellblock X way I heard it you can't just get in to cellblock X right it sounds like the zombie mines are right next door if we can go down in the mines maybe we can find this Zara person well you're doing this whole associate thing right maybe you can get the warden to like promote you might be worth a shot even if the warden is kind of a dork hmm the wooden does seem to like me we're kin the joy to our benefit prison radar approves okay it's a plan you stay here and rest up I'm gonna find a way to get us to cellblock X Roger that Jesse [Music] but how to get promoted [Music] hmm that oxblood guy sure looks suspicious if I can catch him doing something against the rules but maybe I can get promoted oh I know a secret door when I see one [Music] that painting feels out of place [Music] secret buttons nice now we're onto something now the question is what do they do [Music] let's see what I can do with this I think there's another room back there okay time to see what tall red and gruesome is hiding [Music] looks like the buttons move the blocks that moves that block this moves those blocks [Music] [Music] oops now if only someone had been around to see me being this impressive hmm [Music] Musha boom what the heck are you doing here sound to me like I could ask you the same question mind explaining what you're doing in my most private of spaces visitors ain't welcome and you are most definitely a visit or easy there big guy no need to get steamed my rule short step if you hadn't noticed you left a hole open get out of my cell before you regret get minute did I hear mooing come on excellent work new associate you see this is how you get promoted work your way up but first to maintain order this creature cannot be allowed to undo the balance of the mushroom you share today would you Jesse but then it'll be an ordinary cow yes you know bringing back the balance of the mushroom thought that was obvious [Music] what don't do it Jesse not liking your hesitation here Jesse whoa ain't happening warden deal with it I'm ordering you deal with it take it away I trusted you Jesse you are no longer an associate you've been demoted to guest and as a consequence for your actions dig it up what are you doing teaching you a lesson Jesse no more mycelium I'll starve you and your friends will be relocated to the lower levels the zombie mines well isn't this a treat my rambunctious arrival is now my poor prisoner get moving well we needed to go to the lower levels anyway let's hope they're survivable [Music] welcome to the zombie mines Jesse just when you think you've seen it all what exactly is this place every few minutes a million gross zombies spawn the equally gross prisoners to spatch them and collect the zombie flesh which is gross I get it but why no no don't care do your jobs zombies won't bite themselves so get to fighting I don't know Stella I think you do care nice try Jesse you're twisty little mind game Toy Story isn't gonna work you're nuts if you think I'm helping you you brought this on yourself Jesse I don't get it you could have just joined the admin and never had to suffer a second instead you chose to throw it all on the lava pit I think all of those people cheering for you 24/7 have made you delusional made you think that you can just change the world it's sad is what it is hey I'm doing the right thing here I'm the hero I'm afraid that hero doesn't mean much in the civilized world if you don't have the power to back it up Jesse I'll give you one piece of advice just one try not to cause any more trouble if you do you'll get sent to maximum with her who's in there you must have heard those alarms earlier that was prisoner X she tried to escape but they got her back and she she scares me you don't want to end up in there so play nice come along what was that about sounds like that vent is our way to prisoner X [Music] [Music] hey radar you okay that mushroom it was tense huh you kidding standing up to the warden though that's my Jesse through and through thanks Benny but those poor prisoners no food rough stuff and Stella here we can't catch a break but first things first let's find this prisoner X and get out of here hey what is this oh the big guy oxblood was down for a while and head-butted the wall not sure why but man he has a hard head we just haven't fixed it yet there's redstone behind the wall huh I wonder what it connects to hey guys Hey found anything not yet keeping an eye on those zombie spotters they could go off any minute we don't want to be caught unaware if they do hey keep your eyes open you know the name of the place has Sun and shine in it and this place doesn't have either zombie and despair might be more accurate words [Music] why are you being such a brat Luna come on Luna stop that I'm hitting my llama limit Luna knock it off she doesn't like it here obviously well yeah but she will learn right Luna darling stop bothering me don't you see I have important business to attend to right now [Music] [Music] [Music] oh hey you want some fresh flesh well you really like that stuff nah oh I love it high in protein pie and flavor maybe just a little bit poisonous sometimes but you only live once you sure you don't want some I need to go round yeah no I'm good your loss there's gotta be a way in but this door won't budge hey don't even bother trying to get in see those item frames only the admin and the warden have the right items and they could be anything besides why would you want into prisoner X's cell that's just bonkers stay away yeah what dummy would want that huh yeah prisoner X hates everyone even other guests like yourself don't even think about going in hmm so that redstone leads to this door if I can bypass the redstone circuit I can open the door hey guys over here [Music] what did you find we need to find something to bypass a redstone circuit and get this door open this will lead us to prisoner X she can help us get out of here for good hey Jessie stop loafing around you know we do know someone who came from the outside who might have all her inventory Stella [Music] you know Jessie guests and associates really shouldn't be mingling yeah about that I need your help I need to make a liver pronto why exactly enough that I you know really care it's probably stupid why do you care just help me out for a old time think if it's gonna risk my future as the admins partner I care quite a bit not helping you here no not risking angering the admin I hadn't really proved myself to get this gig as it is not giving it up for you he's just using you how can you not see that no it's a mutual we're you know using each other I think maybe make some good points but not enough of them I have a place here respect you know a power and yeah the works it's actually very prestigious many many people would love to have this position yeah but what about champion City you're gonna abandon them absolutely not they'll be fine they will be just oh yeah my kidding they've done so much for them in the passive and they can barely make bread without me supervising okay look maybe this isn't my dream destination this place is horrible and I am worried I will never get the smell out of my hair here's the cobblestone and stick [Music] but you need to get me out of here I know we've had our issues but I also know that you're a hero or whatever sure Stella we'd be happy to have you if you're happy I'm happy no matter how many worlds I see it always seems to come back to lovers [Music] okay let's do this zombie wave incoming prepare yourself come on tella you guys to gold bracelets will escape guys of course of course it's Jessie why am I not surprised it's not enough that you disregarded all the walls in my icy palace of doom try to upset the delicate order of the sunshine Institute now you're trying to disrupt the therapeutic benefits of my zombie mine what gives pretty sure your fellow inmates were just trying to peacefully live out the rest of their captivity 'he's hang on admin it's just a misunderstanding let's just talk this out as understandings oh we are way past misunderstandings why past [Music] [Music] edmond sir I'm very disappointed in you holdin my I'm I'm yeah I'm just a nervous eater I'm sorry no not that I'm disappointed that you can keep Jessie in line for one measly day I'm just trying to do my job and now I'm in trouble because of yo this job isn't easy to begin with when you have to go and make it harder yeah sorry about that woody but you kind of work for a terrible person he doesn't deserve an apology Jessie enough fooling you disappoint me for you thank you thank you especially suit [Music] you I've been looking for an opportunity for you to prove your loyalty and to prove your worth as my champion unless you want to be added to my bluetooth list I suggest you pull out your sword and attacked Jessie and as for you Jesse well don't think I don't believe in fair play [Music] I had such high hopes for you Jesse the highest of hopes you could have been my champion yeah gave it all away [Music] Jack what's going on I'm I'm sorry Jesse are you afraid Jesse get over it quick and not by you shut yourself we only have one chance here I'm going to head over to the island and we'll both attack him trust me [Music] [Applause] [Music] to see holy you're you're joking right that's your big idea swords can't hurt me all I asked you to do is find your friend to death and you can't even do I haven't want you to be my friend anymore I never want you to be my friend either this whole place can burn to the ground what about prisoner X what about all of us the Institute remains inescapable so what do I care I'm leaving I'm never thinking about any of you ever again so I'll just be my arms right now God all over setbacks I'll keep looking forward that's that's so sad Oh spare me the pity party I don't need it I'm gonna have loads of friends soon after all everyone Jessi [Music] no way you coming I got your back Jesse I take care of them before coming darling admin Stella it's just the beginning your other friends will follow mine to the so Olivia all of them don't worry I'll take good care of Beacon town he's gone Jesse we gotta stop him look I am sorry everyone I I can't I just I'm sorry shut up put the sorry as you do let's hope prisoner X is really our ticket out of here man am I glad you're okay jack hmm yeah got a little dicey there for a while then this after what happened with not fast and I was in the admins freaky place and not in control of what I was I was doing I was in pain I I was so scared that you all give up on me hey that's that sounds horrible Jack we would never give up on you yeah hey I appreciate that but if you'd see what I'd seen beacon town was already worried about you Jesse wondering where you were wondering if you were okay I'm sure the admin is heading there right now wearing Jesse's mug to boot it's freaking messed up yo it's true identity theft is no joy I don't care about who's wearing my face I just want to make sure beacon town is safe we made whoa oh that's so not good yeah talk about some intense security just stick close to Jessie all right oh they'll be fine don't worry yeah you guys go on get prisoner X if I wanted to imprison the dreaded prisoner X that's where I'd do it I think that's where we need to go okay now all we have to do is cross this conduit reach the platform jump down and not die rule come on I think we can make that jump you're up next nerve [Music] oh okay now Euler seriously how do you do that yeah last jump for you [Music] [Music] who are you I'm Jesse you must be prisoner ex bold of you to come here not knowing who you're dealing with I could shove you right into that lava and you deserve it for being so trusting so gullible just one little push sizzle sizzle sizzle I'm not your enemy you don't need to threaten me yes but it's so much fun to threaten you I don't get much fun these days look prisoner Xsara you're supposed to know how to get out of here right what where did you get that idea oh no one's ever escaped the sunshine Institute you try to escape all the time why would you do that if you didn't know the way out I get bored from time to time I like to stretch my legs beat up a few guards it doesn't mean a thing the admin stole my identity and he's running around with my face doing horrible things in my name I gotta get out of here now Romeo was here just now the admin was but who's Romeo that's his real name you didn't think admin was his given name did you he would want you to think that of course he would how do you know his real name oh we're very old friends I know his real name and much much more you must really be something if you made him so mad he almost never comes down here in person except to put the wardens feet to the fire from time to time well there is no more warden the admin fired him that's fantastic we won't have any trouble escaping with that little creep out of the picture so now you want to help any enemy of Romeo is a friend of mine I always say well never technically said that I think it sounds pretty good so glad you changed your mind you changed my mind Jessie you're obviously a formidable Ally but don't forget you do need me I'm the only one who knows the way out if you know the way then show me let's get out of here just one problem this whole room is rigged to explode if I step one foot out of it explode take a look around if someone doesn't stand on at least one of these pressure plates on the floor these sticky pistons will retract lava meets TNT and then the whole place blows up before you can say kaboom that's a stone pressure plate that means I can't just use a block oh it's fine one of your silly companions can stay behind the rest of us can go that's the situation that's the only way out we're all getting out of here no one's staying behind oh I'm afraid that's quite impossible Jessie one of them is going to have to stay I hate to be a wet slime about all this but we have to get moving I can't just leave them here then just leave one of them here as long as one pressure plate is stood upon the trap won't spring so either the villager or the llama must remain behind no you can't do that oh come on we seriously don't have time for this I'm leaving if you're interested in escaping the sunshine Institute alive I suggest you do the same [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no no we have to go and you need to come with me Jack wouldn't know what to do without you Luna stay right there okay I'll come back for you okay you understand how did you my straitjacket no that was the easy part if you're done with your tearful goodbyes we have a prison to escape from whoa ah prisoner X I presume yeah guys this is Zara Zara the guys hello what's the matter friend norm here says you wouldn't let him stay and left Luna at his place instead hmm erm you can't blame yourself pal yeah we'll come back for her nirn somehow hmm he says he'll take your word for it for what it's worth I'm glad you made him come with you Thank You Jessie can we get going or is the reunion still under way yeah we're going we're going come on [Music] Run For Your Lives the guests have escaped their lounges the warden's been fired is back on the menu would I find that warning I'm gonna make him pay for what he put me through Yipes wouldn't want to be the warden right now every prisoner in this place wants a term to pieces he better watch his back and his front and this side yeah lots are watching in his future I'm worried about the guy whatever happens won't be pretty well beauty is subjective but yeah I'm not gonna be nice let's see if they left us any weapons weapons sweet sweet weapons [Music] I could take the enchanted iron sword or the diamond sword with no enchantment the diamond sword will last longer but the iron sword is enchanted with sharpness not bad hmm okay definitely feeling better with a sword in my hand again Madrid what it's versatile [Music] actually not a bad look looking good gang now let's dance feels were happily [Music] Friends Reunited it's a prison miracle against Jessie does seal are good people oh geez you're holding us up move along now explosions I don't want no trouble I'm out of here come along Jeffrey that was frightening the effective well now that that's over where can we get moving now please [Music] the opening should be just around this corner we have a situation here all of you one more step and it's two phones Mel Jesse warden what's going on here hey you're one of us help us beat up the warden it'll be a good team building exercise plus we beat up the warden win-win when you dip my bristles look who it is it's my happy little friend who took a look at my happy little baby Jesse you freed prisoner ex-husband I thought you didn't ruin my life anymore what of the world were you thinking holy crap I think you've clearly lost your mind she is bad news actually no she is way worse than bad news I need her help Horton it's the only way to stop the admin did you know she was once an admin to the admin had to take her powers away she tried to destroy him I promise the admin I'd never let her free no matter what even if I need to blow us all up to do it lady Kate [Music] hey hey [Music] why are you all staring at me it's making me uncomfortable Zara how could you do this hello he was about to TNTs I didn't really think I'd have to point that out we want answers ara fine yes I was an admin ages ago Romeo took my admin powers away from me just before he banished me to this pitiful prison but I'm not the villain here Romeo and his little warden we're the ones who put you down here not me so glare in another direction I'm innocent you were just another victim of the admin just like the rest of us and there will be a lot more victims if he isn't stopped soon don't believe a word she says Jesse she'll say whatever she can to get in your good graces wait so what Cadman can be stripped of their powers it's not simple but yes so what we don't have time for this it won't be long before Romeo finds out what's happened down here yeah I guess we should keep moving follow me I don't know if I can go with her Jessie I don't touch her you haven't seen what the admin is capable of we need any help we can find really huh I don't exactly have another s added in my inventory Petra to be able to there must be a Tsar is not be happy if it goes bad we can handle her it's a big gamble yeah I don't know about that Romeo did always love [Music] what's with these monsters they're all glowing the scary-looking Jesse and let's see scarier how many of these things are there never just one [Music] skillful impressive less talking more Scottie [Music] Laura [Music] I guess [Music] [Music] dad radar give me a boost [Music] so amazing let's get out of here nice shortcut come on she is as crazy as a hopped-up Ocelot oh yeah [Music] it wasn't like this before we there's got to be away I knew we shouldn't have trusted her now we're lost I said just let me think sure it's just thinking come on she didn't get lost on purpose no I didn't thanks Jessie wait we can just build to the top of the wall and get to the other side that way yeah sounds good to me what do you know there it is hey wait where are you going she ditched us don't come up here oh okay got it [Music] three headed guests why would the admin create back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I think that's its weak point [Music] [Music] that was insane Jesse you're amazing that was unbelievable and you stuck the landing nice oh that it's just my perfect reflexes and photographic muscle memory well there it is guys our ticket out of here that is sparkly the sparkliest is that diamond that maniac is gonna get herself killed would that be such a bad thing we should lend her a hand shouldn't we maybe we should just go but she sounds like she's in serious trouble we're not abandoning her I told her I'd help her escape time to prove it we can't just leave her come on ma can't believe we're risking our lives for another admin [Music] come on you came back I said I'd get you out didn't I now show us the way I know you didn't have to do that I appreciate it I'm not a very trusting person Romeo betrayed me I have trouble getting along with others I'm not much of a people person anymore if I ever really was it's gone now you're welcome Zara I would do it again it was the right thing to do there's something else you should know there was a third admin named Fred where is he dead he and I fought Romeo for control of the world we lost where's the rest of it yeah how are we supposed to escape this doesn't even go off that far that's because we're not going up we're going down down there is no doubt we're standing on bedrock you can't go any lower you might think so but that's where we need to go below the bedrock everybody knows there's nothing under the bedrock except nothing and also certain death we're not at the bottom of the world it only appears that way I really do want to believe you then believe me I'd rather take my chances in the maze that listen to any more of her lies any of you are welcome to join me that's crazy talk all those monsters here she's an admin and admin killed boss then stole his identity and then remember I told you he took my admin powers away well down there lies the secret to taking Romeo's powers from him forever Fred the third admin discovered it Jesse help me dig through this tower [Music] see I told you these stairs lead to our salvation [Music] now there is a good reason to get a move-on [Music] you you [Music] [Music] [Music] I can't let anyone run around disguised as me or my friends the amount of chaos they could cause is well it's unthinkable that's why I summons me track them down make sure they're behaving themselves oh geez run run run Jessie as fast as you can
Channel: Hippo Reddy
Views: 1,904,358
Rating: 4.5177808 out of 5
Keywords: Hippo Reddy, Game, minecraft, minecraft story mode, good choices, minecraft good choices, jesse
Id: 67NK6NjX-Dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 9sec (5349 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2017
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