Minecraft Speedrunner VS Assassin (Again)

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all right you guys have been asking for it this video I try and speed run and beat minecraft while an assassin comes after me if the assassin hits me once I lose the game if I see the assassin the assassin is frozen meaning they can't hit me or move this was insanely scary can I beat the game before the assassin kills me we're about to find out also only a small percentage of people that watch my videos are subscribed so if you end up like in this video consider subscribing it's free you can always change your mind if you want to enjoy the video all right well I'm already looking at you George I just go no I'm already just going oh my god so we saw this village over here and we spawned that's where I call booth okay stop looking at me you're going away I don't know where you are I don't know who you are where am i dream what am i doing you can one hit me so I just don't know where you went I in the roof no reason you're trying to like jump on me or something so afraid I'm just taking my time in the village it's beautiful you're lying you said this last time and then you were nowhere near the village I'm coming over dream right yeah this way now you did a bit of a loop-de-loop didn't you dream why you said quiet I don't know I'm just worried what are you doing I'm just running hidden food really unique on lights major how are you moving let me go oh my god are you passed me you can't hit me and like if I'm freezing yeah oh no oh my god oh my god were you on frozen for a second I couldn't tell I don't know come to Papa yes one second you're dead if you love lychee spam clicking you look away even slightly No oh my god yes please please leave me be leave me be okay I gotta think how about I do this no what are you doing I'm not playing this game looks away for one thing you beat me last time this time I look away for one second time I am trying one just one second please [Music] I'll let you go when I'm done just like a head okay thank you well now I have a chess play it is shooting late a laser into my face well I want my furnace but I can't have it oh well oh my god I left my coal in there yep my co now well I couldn't have done anything you're there wait oh my god blocks Oh No George I see you we're not are you there's no way you actually win this game though all I have to do is hit you once but this Oh interesting [Music] what is it dream yeah with me me what very yeah bye oh yeah I'm off the mountain where are you I did keep asking where I am yeah out of my business you heard that didn't you or what I know you heard that [Music] there's no way you're down inside the mountain why not how would you get in there I'm literally tracking you and you're inside of the mountain is there like a cave somewhere that I didn't see your doubt you're right below me look up to him I know you can see me oh my god oh dear how are you down in here I don't know how I'm going to find you there's no cave entrances wait you're gone you were in a cave this whole time right here and now you're gone you're gone you've left you actually got away in like the in the night one minute I went to go look for the cave entrance you just black where are you you know it's the only gravel Mountain are you what the heck that skeleton just flew at me what you know in see me in see anything go dream are you and smell you I see you a couple I think you know you can hear me how'd you always get away from me like this like in a flea ground oh it's almost like there's a cave entrance [Music] oh my god you have me calling you oh are you going your way from you oh you're such a loser well the old tower strategy has never failed me yet well yeah because how am I meant to kill you up there where are you why did you leave me I'm kind of worried because there's nothing I can do with you right now you just you just up in the sky that was close for comfort I want stuffy he fell best friends forever what's that a dog yeah you just gonna log yeah I know I loud is that oh it is payment animal alright well I mean I have full iron I got everything I need I could possibly need I like this what is it I'm interested if a horse no horse how did he see me dream yeah I thought yet for lion why you in the ravine huh what are you doing oh you're looking for lava dream 3 yo hurry up wait how did you get down there do you mean how do you always do this I were you in there ravine it's like you mate no this would be actually a big brain move it's like he me this is what it feels like to me feels like you just make smooth stone and then dig down and just cover it up I can't see where you got down were you in the ravine now you're over here what's happening wait what are you doing like boys different directions what we do this compass is broken again you always say that every episode you like the compass it's broken its broken cuz you're like playing like an idiot you like going in there in directions it's just a mess with me oh my god that's right I just don't understand how you're like you're just like you all just like Houdini what do you mean you're just evading me what are you doing I'm looking for you then find me what are you doing oh my god what the hell look at this guy's what 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 1 oh my god that's crazy 11 what not telling you what are you doing George haven't seen I'm just I don't know them I'm like I tracked you and I thought let me just like I can track you but it doesn't matter when you're just being a little hamster and just like wriggling around the frame I can't find a mic on okay whatever I've been memed but you completely mean me I tracked you to it to that um that ravine with the abandoned mineshaft and I've just been running around left like 10 minutes trying to find you and you're not even there they're not even there there's no way you will grant in 2000 blocks why not alright will your called fun seven one eight nine one one whatever you want oh I know you're lying he said you said it was nine one one going positive you idiot you get three you didn't even get three did you what you up to no where would you have found obsidian I don't think that's the thing no you didn't ready anything that's the thing a journey you be doing dream no fooling with your shirts trim [Music] yeah I can smell you I should walk oh my god what a beast another years you're not in the nether are you all right I would have seen the achievement in a glitch no it didn't [Music] well I'm in a very nice location yeah I'm sure you would have liked to Avena I'm sure I would have I'm walking on sunshine a bright sunshine but but uh stop singing do you actually get both maybe they just don't put my part in gonna leave it any no one's ever gonna hear this I'm gonna leave it in I'm gonna leave in you singing and you're gonna get caught your eyes hurt and you know copyright strike no I'm gonna get anything from this I'm not gonna get a copyright strike ya know how did you do this are you even oh my god you actually are just a little hamster you just crawl away in like the tiniest spaces you let you just run away you've done this what is this a third time you've done this I gotta do what you gotta do to win my god oh my god wait where are you George [Music] where are you that wasn't genius oh I just realized what you Frank you got enough I'm saying to make another both within you what do you mean you must have done you Artie you did what it is now I know you did I know for a fact you did huh one is more obsidian or whether this is your initial portal you mind - a portal I can see it you mind it though eysan you get lucky and find the same fortress as you otherwise it's literally game over because wait what what no the race is on even if I can find a fortune Sam I know you because same one is yours I can spend forever looking around on it and now I get lost in the network I don't know I feel like I've messed this off yes oh wait I can write what your compass doesn't work in the nether I know what I dream I see a spawner there's no way you're here please you know how this could I don't even know if I'm in the same I don't even know if my terrains not loading yeah he's lagging okay I was like nope a fire damage I think it's cuz it was generating dreaming hurry yeah there's no way as he found the same please what are the odds of that why are you what do you mean what do you mean I just I came through the post like two seconds off you where are you I'm long gone I saw you when I was making the portal I said anything I thought the chances of that actually being you're the same spawner that you were out was like basically zero you found it right as I was leaving what yes very very strong oh I see an end up in know a fella and burn the PO what stuff you need lava for you I'm gonna freeze you walk up to you place lava on you God why not cuz I can't do anything about it well then I don't actually can I even do that if I if I look how you look down in place lava you can just hit me in probably risky this you don't get much out of it I just died okay seems to be the problem dream ooh heck I like this isn't there any blacksmiths our villages anymore Oh village huh yeah but there's no blacksmith and the blacksmith's have the Opie goodies so I guess I don't really care about this village oh I don't need that what you doing George I'm just cooking some food right now actually thanks for asking mmm I shouldn't have done that oh I'm stupid what happened I did something that I shouldn't have [Music] who [Music] Oh [Music] know what's happening sir [Music] what's happening I [Music] Oh oh my god [Music] what do I do [Laughter] [Applause] Jayde's listen stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop oh my god listen listen what I I was looking around for the ender eye yeah and then looks like because I threw it and they're just like I don't know maybe it broke I don't know but I couldn't find it and then you were just there dream just accept the fetus I was gonna block off the top to eat I don't know what are you doing oh girl through you or will it hit you it's gonna hit me no it's not gonna hit you it's gonna hit me no way how you gonna get it past me there's no way just scared you're him you're screwed it's over what [Music] [Music] oh my god he tried
Channel: Dream
Views: 12,896,498
Rating: 4.9606371 out of 5
Keywords: Dream Minecraft, dream Minecraft youtube, minecraft, dream, Speedrunner vs assassin, Speedrunner vs someone trying to stop them, Beating Minecraft but my friend tries to stop me, Minecraft but water rises every minute, minecraft but lava rises every minute, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft 1.14, beating minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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