Minecraft Speedrunner VS Hunter (SECOND EVER)

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👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/KingFlyntCoal 📅︎︎ Jan 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

Wrong subreddit for this, and are you sure your d enough for Reddit?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/wildpcpanda 📅︎︎ Jan 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ericw2002 📅︎︎ Jan 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
in this video I try and speed run and beat minecraft while my friend does everything in his power to kill me he gets a compass that points towards me so he can find me easily and he can respawn as many times as he wants but if I die once it's game over we're calling this minecraft manhunt also only a small percentage of people who watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you're not subscribed in the end up like in this video please subscribe it's free you can always unsubscribe if you'd like enjoy the video are you ready to go yes I'm ready no joking actually joy oh there's a village [ __ ] tweet I'm catching you up you can try okay this is why you slow down on the soil oh you boosted me away this is looking decently good so far so far it's all good until I just come behind you and you oh my god you got stuff quick why are you low eat food just watch out Jam that's what I'm saying it's never know what's gonna happen what food Oh what there's a desert well in the middle of this desert Oh has a cat the cat needs you at a village yeah it always gets pretty intense I'm just running through the field scream hears that you know oh so well dream dream you are going to die oh you must be down are you down here ah keeping I just found the war the well in the desert there's no way you just ran all the way here oh my god George so annoying I'm lost wasting precious time you'd have so much stuff by now oh my god what are you doing Jean why are you so quiet [Music] focus don't laugh like that what just died if we don't need to talk about it what happened I just almost died two mobs there's another village what what is this seed pretty good one oh now this is interesting what's interesting what is that over there it's at another village what does this seed like actually there's so many villages and where are you what do you mean okay I don't know I'm five years are you just did you just get up and like run the opposite direction cuz I was tracking unit went all the way over there and then I I track you again and it's backwards and you'll know what to be seen I've never gone I've only been heading the same direction away from spawn the whole time I don't believe you because like the compass is backwards now knots over here all right be nice if you told me you anyway it just happened now that's really weird you were just right below me and then now you're not oh I'm like I'm to the ground well like yeah I'm looking around underground I didn't see anything and then boom the compass is just like oh this way now and you know is that you're so far away run like I've been running since that happened and I mean according to the compass you were right below me it was saying you and white below me now you're no just trust me how the only way you can go away is a great invisible what what [Music] [Music] [Music] how are you hiding okay how are you invisible you have a golden apple that's for me it go that looks like a golden apple I say go nap Elizabeth and I even attacked in a boat I don't think I can [Music] bingo let's flip oh my god thank God that was that was great oh wait oh my god but then but then the compass went out into the ocean and I didn't see you at all and then you came out of nowhere I like wanted to ambush you so I built like a little thing underground that I could hide in and then when I saw you coming I just broke the block above me swam up and then killed you he didn't even compliment my hat I didn't see your hat what was it I didn't pick it up you know how that no Oh wasn't it it was a purple one this all right well let me oh yes let's go ahead and okay I see you of course you haven't made the post will have you know oh my god yes again this is godly right if I again we how is this happening I don't know I'm about to sweep this game easily like this the size of it like so far it's been decently hard but like I don't know this is gonna be much easier I'm like when it comes here but also like find a cave along the way oh that's not good about you traveled so far you've made this very annoying for me I have traveled pretty far I'm not gonna lie that don't lie okay great is this Oh oh my god my heart literally just dropped yes I'm actually gonna die oh my god he's quick oh my god I hate blazes I'm actually like I keep on was dying I'm just like lost what oh my god like I just ate a Golden Apple I'm just eating two Golden Apple to a blaze oh my god yes I did - multiple blazes but thank the Lords alright I am in an interesting place not gonna lie I might be wasting oh my god I'm by doing this but you ads he did get another poll so what is wrong with you what do you mean you actually did why did you trap my other portal did you trap my other portal no liar you tried to trap my other portal you actually got an extra portal Jay go after this buried treasure it seems kind of stupid I don't know how far you are but I want to get this treasure just get it come huh wait no you don't still the treasure concept I I've been digging around for forever I hate this I hate this so much yes yes yeah you were just talking about your coordinates I didn't say them what are you doing what do you mean like over over there's a mineshaft but it's on the surface you dare me no way I win I win why I just got a chest with stuff in it all right I'll tell you what I told my ex my ex is 7,000 oh my god that's a long way away I'm on a horse right now sir yes dude these are open these chests are always open here yeah yes you're joking yes how'd you keep finding all this kids stuff let's go boy which way are we going this way oh there's an ocean how am I gonna so I have like a lead I don't oh don't tell me Oh interesting oh no oh no oh my god how long do I have this for how do I tell how long I have a potion effect for I don't know I can't mine I can't mine oh my god you're right there how did you swim here you have no boat how did he spot me down there and I have mining fatigue [Music] oh my god you're earning how did you get here how do I have mining fatigue how do I get rid of this you might not want to engage at all your words know is that I need this this mining fatigue is screwing me I could be away by now I'm gonna kill you dolphin hey don't what is wrong with you joning wait why is my dolphin power gone cuz I have it oh my god Oh get away look what I have oh my god my fatigue oh is it oh my god it's right ahead where are you George oh yeah [Music] of course I meant I need to have had a bed this is this was important to have a bed oh no that's what happens oh my god I'm being trolled Oh George this is scary George but haven't smart to have a bed everybody would have been George stop [Music] what hmm I'll break your bed I just work your bed by the way that means your respawn location is scre George how did you find me come on George how did you find me I followed your name five new words you good I don't know where you went go freaking me out you guys are freaking me out I'm scared oh my god where'd you go George come on come out the play way to go you know I'd actually don't need you you can get your [Music] come on George I see the god Apple you had any pros oh my god how am I meant to get back I'm like a million smokes away yes my god I was being hunted it's like oh my god like you turned into a maniac I hate to God Apple yeah I don't know I just was team Ellen's and I just put supplies for if I died I wasn't expecting you to find my bed was it all because of my Optifine Todd no all I found the portal room I'm gonna have to get all my food get all my iron I think at this point yes I think at this point I'm pretty set but I just can't believe how far away you are and now your enchanting I might not even literally in the by the portal room please yes I might be enough I already have enough anyway let me see if I have enough - oh that's not enough I actually might be off here might be able to get back yes I think I think I've enough the thing is I need like more arrows but I don't really I mean yes there's two skeletons this is will be the longest that you've gone after making a portal without going in it the problem is if I know if I go if I don't go soon then you're gonna get here and then I'm gonna die or at least I like it'll be ten times more challenging you know what you know what what okay you actually went in with 16 hours oh my god I thought I had way more blocks than I have I just almost boosted me like today I'm gonna get this one this one's pretty low it's gonna be chilling thinking it's all nice and swell and then BOOM the end and the chat all right I can put my bed right next to the end Pole so because you know coming back come on and the dragon come down to play [Music] dream dream dream oh my god oh my god stop miss miss miss are you liking actually not lagging my key coping talk talk talk talk talk actually they're new dragons lagging oh my god [Music] yes well you know like I miss sitting there waiting for you because you're lagging yeah no yes oh my god it's not it is very it was not fair I could've shot you off I wasn't lagging oh my god I had like no blocks oh god oh my god oh my god pearls don't fall faster I just almost died have you hired what I don't know how I'm gonna kill the Ender Dragon Lily right here oh my god oh okay what happened the dragon almost just needed me right off the hmm oh he's coming for me what the heck yeah go again oh my god I kept pushing you in tonight oh my god oh wow wait oh my god oh my god yes yes no way oh my god what do I do now you don't have another set do you you don't even know how close I was to dying right there oh oh my god oh my god oh my oh my god and you're acting so long no I died please where I died come on come on no oh my god oh my god it's literally want to hit please please please no it flies it flew wait oh my god I landed in water if I kill it you don't wait no that's not true if I kill I win yes seriously though if I kill it I don't know no cuz you have to beat the game yeah no please come down please come down I can put me once today with my it's so [Music] yes oh my god I literally ran and jumped I was just praying that my hit landed oh that's that's he's so annoying I can't believe you actually won I pulled it off so it's a young one this was a very hard challenge because this is a hard challenge
Channel: Dream
Views: 14,695,864
Rating: 4.9576607 out of 5
Keywords: Dream Minecraft, dream Minecraft youtube, minecraft, dream, Speedrunner vs someone trying to stop them, Beating Minecraft but my friend tries to stop me, Minecraft but water rises every minute, minecraft but lava rises every minute, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft 1.14, beating minecraft
Id: eDZ-JOqewlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 55sec (1675 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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