Minecraft Skyblock EXCEPT THERE IS ONLY 1 BLOCK!

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oh please no hi guys what's going on everybody welcome to my channel it's a boy pull GG coming at you with some minecraft what it scratch you know what the most asked series I get in my comment section all the time minecraft MLG edition but now seriously a lot of people ever since scratching you became a big shot famous youtuber okay mmm-hmm ever since that happened now all people asked for is that sky vlog series that you and I started decades ago back when you were a nobody and everyone hated you so guess what guys we're doing another Skyblock but okay so scratch scratch if you read this this says break the block below you I don't know if I want it shows that this I'm kidding scratch I know what this is I know what video I'm filming scratch I'm not gonna fake this hold on maybe there's a business video respond I don't know it's hardcore whoa wait how did you get all that stuff well you got a ton of stuff on you whoa I got it all again wait hold on that I don't know what the like there's one piece of wood guys tell me no no we're gonna break the block scratch kill me we beat the game that's like exploit let's go I mean yeah I think we did actually just find out like a secret or something there we go dude there it is one thing about the sky block is that there's only one block we have to break this block and it'll turn into other blocks that's all I know literally all I know more earth martyr dark power no it's mine it's all mine dude chess can also appear that's what's that you know it's that thank God I got this for you thanks can I have it okay well okay we're gonna continue to break stuff more dirt great oh but we got the chest plate should I expand outward oh wait do you have a sapling by any chance hold on I take thousand I know that you don't have a sapling scratch no I don't but it's a flower garden and we're leaving it that way hold on hold on we got in my garden oh yeah yeah we do actually need to do that we need grass later on we're gonna expand it right here so when there's grass and my flowers coach dude I know I have a massive brain scratch it's gonna it's gonna break one of my flaws yeah I know and I can't wait for it I don't have another dirt block yeah now I do see you just have to break the middle block you you're dangerous there you go put my flower back or not we're not up here playing flower simulator 3000 okay oh we also need that grass block to come back cry wait that's no no that's that's what that's play heck yeah more wood can we make a like a wood fire smoker maybe it was I'll say it there are ten phases I don't know how two phases oh they're spread let's press all right and then has a theme different environments scratch just spit it out do you do it you guys trying to figure it out I am oh yeah yeah maybe yes yes yes yes maybe it is that yes I also noticed it's nighttime now it's actually pretty beautiful not here with all the stars oh I know it is yeah I almost wanted to punch you off I remember I just gave you stuff so wouldn't be the good so it's the stuff that you care about not me I want to say yes you look like you're pretty close to the edge scratch you gonna lose yourself or what your shirt look while we wait for the stupid grass to spread maybe we just continue we're gonna get grass later right now it's the time to wait and then it can spread further while we break the eat again you know it's a good time to wait I believe your flowers dude oh we lost one we lost one we look man down you could get your flowers later when you deserve them whoa it says seven blocks above you you see it look like nine blocks above you maybe that's cuz she uses actually take that serious no I can't see why Nate stop bullying me all right Wow good idea look at the grass and no now we have to wait all over again no I have an idea scratch eventually there's gonna be mob spawning wait what does that say and then to ear saying oh okay no I meant that you can go to the nether and the end - that's a must've been what it said but my assumption is that mobs are gonna eventually start spawning scratch we're gonna get a grass block what that good that's a melon oh that is a melon hey that's my melon I guess it is just wait we said grass what I was saying scratch is that mobs are gonna spawn we're gonna be able to get a Skelly bone mallet plant melon we're gonna get Skelly bones okay the Skelly bones are gonna make it so we can wheat or we could bone meal this in the grass I'll spread Oh I look like this look like missing a villager see this is the nose that's the head does the out of the eyes yeah just a scratch I got a flowerpot put it on top of the [ __ ] I put it on top of the crafting table I don't think I can you can hold shift there you go add your flour I just saw I back flour back put it back there all all put it back stop dude dude dude yeah whatever dude I'm gonna start punching this alright once my chest ones your chests are mine with the flowers in it oh my gosh okay so this is pretty neat what if we add diamond only where you would wanna wear it oh you got one too yeah you give us two oh nice you can't wear it unless you get a oh nice there's actually a few more melon give me a melon I got it wow that's a lot of dirt that's a lot of chickens are we gonna ever wait for this to spray no because okay scratch did you oh thank you my craft Lords like it don't let him fall off okay I'm here how about this how about this we make him a farm area it's gotta stop special scare you here we'll make him a farm area right here okay how about that I'm on and then woman awful fences up come here me I got scary stop quick face if intamin I'm trying but I wasn't already you actually jumped the gun here this is an issue or this is an issue freak he's gonna jump whatever you do just don't jump I don't know I don't have enough scratch stuff we need more wood we need more wood scratch he's gonna run dirt dude I don't want more dirt he's just holding him against the professional okay so he's spawned away I got more wood he spawned when we broke a block so that does actually make me think that mobs will spawn maybe I make a store maybe but I just used all my wood to get more fences for this guy oh no oh Paul are a pig you filthy animal where you belong okay white why is it giving us so many [ __ ] so much clay what can you do with clay huh what do you mean you can make some sick you know brick and then like make a really nice like outdoor grill Oh more chest texting scratch scratch stop oh I can make more pots hold on where's the clay give me the quiet no scratch here oh wait maybe that's what it's for let's scratch we're not gonna be we're not gonna just be all about the pot off here I want you to know that there has to be something else that we're gonna do with clay give me the clay gives me the clay I have so many flowers oh I know what we could do them right now nevermind you're not ready for it more melon baby that's mine dang it yeah the melons just like me to tell you all right look the grass spread dude we're not gonna do that right now we can do that later Frick I hate you so you know here I'm expanding yes I got clay okay I don't make it fun I'm not gonna waste any more wood how about this I change out the wood for dirt how do you make it how do you make [ __ ] oh you got some clay yeah how about you stack that chest on top of the other chest for a scratch you pushing me there yeah that's alive I am oh that's alive I don't think we need dirt right we need we need more wood than anything right now so I'd rather do this Oh sun's rising oh is it that's my thing under the horizon right yeah it's under the horizon and then a weird space is that what this is this is space right yeah yeah we're you and I were astronomers this is space and not letting it we're not gonna let it spread right now scratch we have other things to do so what we have to we really need to make sure we keep these plants alive we have an insane amount of watermelon I want you to know that Oh get in the cage in the cage in the cage it's the only way scratch I'm gonna get back to work I'll let me out of here I gotta feed the animals interesting get ready you're in here got you nerds psych we will eventually have to expand that for them I think you just right oh please dude why won't he give me the clay I want the clay scratch those there is a reason and I'm not gonna tell you that reason yet where's this admin power what is this it's cuz I already have a stack in my inventory so it's going to me the stack even walk don't give him more room they don't deserve it Lily I'm gonna spot that they could jump that ya know they might need that here I'm doing this then we can get in and out oh I was just oh yeah they were running towards it yeah I was just gonna place a piece of carpet when we can mm-hmm I'm just worried I'm just gonna keep it expanding out spread whose like what are we spreading I was watching the grass grow what's at this point I don't think it's gonna work and I'm blaming you for that Oh clay Oh give me Oh Burch Burch oh you got it that was an accident it's an accident actually is it move so you're telling me you didn't get any Oh get in the cage kit okay hello we get we get expanded - there's guys this guy's slippery Scott's going to wrangle hogs scratch wheat you scratch I expanded it for him Wade you have seeds no no seeds I know how to get seeds wait we need bone meal for a night like these oh yeah and then no nope nope nope nope wrong wrong wrong okay there you go now push there it is there it is yes go go go oh he's on the edge dude he's on the edge scratch I need you to not push him off though don't push me so heavy dude cuz you're so weak got you dweeb every single one of you got got more clay oh we're in a new biome now are we now no it's not spruce okay there's something that we're missing here there has to be something that we're missing right oh wow it's a sapling sapling even though it's right dude I'll trade you an apple for a flower put it back I don't have a flower you picked one up out of there no I didn't that's just the birch yeah yeah yeah I get goofed on gotcha it's a funny joke load you were power mining right now oh it needs two kills it bro we're mighty silly get away from we need this we need this Frick dude Frankie the boys are that we need you live for other people just think about what you're gonna think do to us think about us not yourself for once mr. sheep RKO okay we got him we got him regular man laylamon that's right boys you got ya room for another one yeah get in there is it too thick I'm breaking this one I'm breaking this one chicken might get out chicken might get out hurry hurry get in there get moving you can't move he's fighting he's fighting I'm missing I'm missing one of the things scratch I got I got I got places places please haha nerds get knowing these shears so we need iron we need wait Kabul first but alright quick oh oh we need Kabul alright there it is back in the groove do we get a lot of wood insta breaks dude oh my gosh dude we're gonna make something that we shouldn't watch is he a chest on it ahh Oh true oh oh oh alright I'll trade you oh I bet you will I bet you a little straighten for this I'm three okay on three one two three oh you all right boys if free where are you gonna put it scratch Pichardo you to steal the flowers well I'm about to do one more flower pot and I'm gonna live it up that's pretty violent honestly I think that looks pretty cool I need another 100 what what are you owing to cows we're about to make you brave hold on is there enough room yeah baby oh okay so now we need wheat though to get wheat we need bone meal - bone meal the grass same oh no they're not yeah they're growing this will be a farm eventually it grew what all right what did what oh the grit is here whoa nailed it baby no time remaining baby power mining we got all the grass in the world this cave was actually really fun to me it's like fun Skyblock yeah actually yet there's plenty of room there's plenty of room I should just make a gate honestly probably should get at this point he's looking at it I'm gonna place down a gate alright don't run scratch you stepped in front of me and I can't frikkin oh yeah beautiful that's beautiful alright let's graph will make its way to them eventually yeah ventually yeah apparently we could go to the end oh another way we could kill him right now Paul what you're saying is sick it's twisted this will be where we put the beds and stuff wait how do you get out scratch how did he get out this guy knows how to use the fence where hideously too thick I think he might be too thick he's phasing he's phasing through awesome hard everything oh you faced you face it's alright we should be good alright let's keep going I'll never do it yeah Oh Oh where's the or is it to get it no I got I got it I got it all right come on in cheese yeah I'm not getting hungry by the way yeah I'm well we haven't been sprinting true jumping or taking any damage in yeah just gotta keep going Oh Oh scotch we can eat him his brothers are waiting for him okay well here I'm gonna expand okay he's trying to get out scotch scotch scotch stop stop stop dude no no you poke bricks scratch I blame you entirely yeah I got him in I got that one in scratch scratch he's running away scratch he knows he knows where he's going here over here I can break get him over here well push him in wait no no no scratch you be a hurry Jeffster giddyup is really hard it's really difficult scratching on y'all come on over here oh let's scream like Wayman or anything get away from the edge you animal yes so much to live for think about all the pork chops are you gonna make spicy you are bad at pushing animals yeah come on a break this get in here problem you know a better idea it's got to hold the line do your best I'm holding the line I hope I got this doing it okay sorry let's run run around turn this left side I'm on the line now No all right you know we'll see what he decides to do here yeah I got it I got it all right these guys have way too much space all right I'm gonna close this up I'm closing this up that much look I'm not the place for like right I have an idea I know I know it I'm gonna jump in there oh no way you're lying no do this chicken just ran out the gate I'm pushing them over to the other side okay wait wait wait that cow is half off the edge this hole is literally on the edge oh he's back in he's back in Oh keep that gate open keeping it open right never mind it's you're so bad at this I give up dude oh my gosh this chickens taunting me right now oh my gosh another on the edge I hate everything about these freakin cows a guy shrunk it up honey i shrunk the fence there we go yeah I don't know where one of them went I think it fell and we have two pigs in two cows now how did he get out scratch can you tell me how that guy got out I can't hold back animals just might push him over here because you won't go in the other side it's closed the huh is your problem that's what you get troublemaker this is the best rap he's gotta build around them and then push them in yeah there you go and then look we'll get the cow to go in on that side break that okay and then now well there's separate there we go all right now separate separate these losers there we go beautiful oh it's a gate but ah don't go for it it's guys know the chicken okay now they're fine they're fine no they're not that's alright I'm putting the block I'm punching the whole block all look at it what you see this do I see what no I don't see the fence I put a fence down but it's we're so focused on this frickin far but it looks good now I really like this there we go mr. chicken has the one gate this is risky because the chickens slippery slippery slippery one dude we need cobble how long have you been punched mr. Waterman Oh what are those hearts what's like it well I can see man and what's happening with the chart I don't know but I'm scared to break the next empty map okay grab it's on the heart and Paul check this out you got a tree freak yeah and we're gonna put the noose over here I'm moving this one all right I don't know what's going on with the hearts but open Evelyn's gift it's close enough oh yeah yeah also I got water oh yeah water stops we can make a cobblestone generator - no we need lava no but we can feed our crop and they'll they'll grow faster I'll see you later bye Scott so long saved the world my final message I think the water oh alright let's let's continue breaking this let's see oh yes sorry guilt by benevolent gift upgrading wait Oh upgrading new season new new phase yup alright I got I have this oh my gosh wait does that mean that we're never gonna get any more dirt or wood oh that was gravel we need to put something underneath it yeah yes yes yes I now to do it I noted it no no no no no no no water scotch and then I can float it down can I put dirt underneath it alright okay wait but hold on while you keep mining that scratch I'm going to make a furnace finally coal oh my gosh wait does that mean that's all the yeah that's what I think I think this is all the the watermelon the animals really got one chicken though yeah but then one deep bit more oh yeah but we only got one sheep so we can not kill the Sheep we have to share him [ __ ] I cannot believe this you made a furnace wait we're gonna we're gonna have to replace all this wood then watch having a tree you get one coal in there how interesting is that it changes into other type of materials that's pretty cool oh my god I'm making a stone pick what are you cooking are you doing every nothing are you making more pots no it's got you pot head can't ball get in this iron I'll have a carrot oh you have a carrot that's for pigs is it not pigs we only have one I'm not gonna get it yes we need a plain it oh wait yeah you have the hose scratch playing it over here right there dude boom carrot boom that's that's food yeah I mean I guess it is that's exciting I'm excited you know I'm gonna keep getting art yeah cuz there's there's wood inside of a inside of caves yeah like logs are in there all the time yeah technically oh okay it's good we're doing no I see yeah we're set we're set for the rest of the game and we're here oh he gets his own fence he gets his own fence dude we're keeping you away from the normy yeah we can't we can't have him hanging out the normies are Pollock get him get him something give him some fencing for his backing yeah yeah I'll do that yeah put the edges out first and then all all that way I need make more hold on hold on pause yeah you doing you have some nice mushrooms there son oh I can make birch fences what am I putting you in a stove oh wait yeah can we share him and get mushrooms here uh-huh actually yeah wait I've iron cooking right we can make serious I would look that up first where you turn him into a regular cat we wouldn't want that no no I think we're fine when a player sheers a mooshroom they drop red mushrooms and will transform into a regular cow I told you if a mushroom if a mooshroom is killed it'll drop the same as regular cow but then but then I mean what else do we do with it we breed him we breed him to make more mushrooms they kill them they turn into a regular get the mush maybe maybe maybe he's just there easier for you know for the sake of tourism you know that's a tourist should I make shears and show the Sheep now or yeah or or should we save it cuz what if we get Diamond cuz I don't have enough iron for both save it I don't think we're gonna get Diamond yet all but if you make shears we can wear pumpkin yes what are you trying I was trying to place it but you're stupid possibly there you go you better put it back put it back what do you mean I only have the pot oh that one's called the leveling gift because I was like that was that chest that's on your side too did lucky what do you do with my red tulip you have it slam dunk see there you go all right guys let's get back to work oh okay now we keep now we can make shoes yeah I have a lot of birch planks I guess we might as well make our house out of birch right all right yeah do that but we don't I only have six Doritos yeah I only have six Doritos and I have four three here we use the birch to cook scratch because the perch is trash oh we a birch tree grew hey maybe no how do I do it hello yes tell me he has a helmet should we trap him Shree trough him scratch get him in the corner oh well because I don't know I have a sword I could drop that helmet drop Oh what a useless damn B he dropped nothing great also uh he wasn't burning in the sunlight so yeah because he had a helmet on so he doesn't burn in sunlight where that Oh dark oak dark oak they would never show themselves scratch that's what do you take them for that's a lot of Drita's okay we got to be like oh no it's that it's this thing whatever that is that we just got okay that doesn't cook either yeah blast furnace I guarantee you no I don't think so scratch I don't know okay it's direct Oh far as just wait wait he's safe he's safe he's friendly he's friendly scratch that is disgusting yeah all right I'll see you later no no don't punch them off though don't punch em up I don't like spice you idiot scratch he drops string and then we could and then we could add a fishing pond now it's we could fish this is why you're not survived oh and spruce this is a red music dish okay we got too much birch over you I hate birch and this stuff's growing like we our first diamond goes into a record player I disagree why I can't play sick jams from a shovel oh that was awkward it's got speed does not make crunchy bits in my videos don't call me crunchy in front of my friends that's gaucho I built a circle platform for our house wait that's not not symmetrical in it it's sort of a what the hell oh please no Paul look what he did to me yeah scratch you're an animal okay I'm so upset I couldn't move I couldn't move we've lost a lot of watermelon in that maybe we invest in moving the chest inside when we have it inside maybe we invest in making this like a safe area for explosions maybe we move the watermelon can you hoe this dirt right here hey look at that no yeah I mean it's a it's a danger over here you know oh oh oh oh don't worry daddy's here okay we got string yeah that's string that time ooh that looks pretty good from the outside scratch opinion I can't like that oh yeah I don't know I just every time I look at birch I want to vom yeah cuz it's got like that that medieval vibe you know with this yeah yeah it looks a G nothing says I'm a wussy boy like birch does notice windows windows and then this will be a staircase coming up okay because it'll be a multi floor you want me to slap it in over in here nice and then don't worry about this side I'll make a stand then we'll put like iron fences right here right yeah sure yeah I'll go back to punching the magical god block punch the block scratch scratchy punches the block because it's his job but if this doesn't it does spread underneath the fence okay I want the grass it's friendly lot faster if there were two of us yeah I mean it would I'm just not gonna switch tools to be honest I just fast enough this way oh oh oh oh he's back but he has it he has a helmet again hold on oh yeah I'm Paul nice nice we got one or singular rotten flesh all right Paul it's fast what Oh diary give me that give me that good good Oh dark wood okay that's gonna be the next floor ah all right well that should be the bottom to be honest it should be the first floor yeah yeah the floor yeah oh oh oh mushrooms I really don't care about any of that all right nice dude thanks thanks for being so supportive scratch and then go put that on top of the ad put it inside put it like right here like right what did you make shears yeah I did I can actually I didn't uh no I have not yet what are you gonna share the mushroom cows did you put your iron in the chest or in the yeah first I don't have any iron to cook subscribe yes we can make scratch yes I did scratched you and I we can make our own here hey I'm talking hold on or goes in here we're moving stuff inside now scratch okay okay okay you see what I'm doing okay or chest actually I think I think we should go on top of the or furnace to be fair all that's going inside eventually scratch because what if kablooey boom BAM everything gone alright either way either way can I see this year's roll yes you want to shear the mushroom so then we can be able to start a mushroom farm yes I agree plant one of those brown boys yep well you sure the mushroom we're going to freedom I don't think that'll work why don't we test it alright we're doing oh no scratch I'm tapped out where is he gosh okay no I want his gunpowder No
Channel: PaulGG
Views: 1,158,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paul, paulgg, paulgetgood, get goood gaming, get good, hi5 studios, hi5 paul, minecraft survival, minecraft mods, minecraft mod packs, minecraft modpack series, minecraft skyblock, minecraft skyblock 1 block, minecraft skyblock one block, minecraft nether, nether, comedy, funny moments, skyblock one block, minecraft, minigame, minecraft 1.15, minecraft data packs
Id: vPW9apuTVYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 47sec (1547 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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