I Collected The RAREST Mobs And Built A Zoo In Minecraft Hardcore!

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there are a lot of mobs in Minecraft so many in fact that I decided to Wrangle up a zoo full of mobs this zoo is missing some of the rarest mobs the most niched specific mobs in Minecraft some of these mobs are so rare that Minecrafters have never even seen them before and today we are going to be capturing all of them and if you guys want to enjoy this video make sure you guys smash that like button hit subscribe join the Paul Gigi Army and here's to episode 17 of Minecraft hardcore but if we're gonna be collecting all the rarest mobs in the game we're gonna need a location which like I said we got a zoo we have a big old beautiful zoo over here I figured we might as well just expand it right and then we just have a special section for all the rare mobs in a way I guess the sniffer is a little rare to be honest guys I'm gonna say it I like it anyways as I was saying I was figuring maybe we punch a hole in the wall over here and then this will open up into our new area of the zoo which will have all the rarest mobs in the game the only thing is I don't want there to be sand and I also need the land to be level so foreign there we go now this should hopefully be a big enough area I mean there are a decent bit of rare mobs but I don't know actually yeah this this might need to be a little bit bigger because my goal here is to basically create a bunch of squared off enclosures and so like luckily you know built this up so then it's already kind of hollowed out underneath instead of doing it like this where it was you know just a bunch of random enclosures all over the place which I you know I like this it looks nice it's very cool it's Unique but for this one I want it to look like very organized kind of like patterned and then they'll be down in their like little cubicle kind of thing just so it's a little bit of a you know a different look this is the higher class mobs after all oh no I didn't put that many torches under there that's a problem for future Paul because current Paul needs to heal up his tools now next up on the list though what I want to do is essentially create kind of like a grid outline for each of the the little kennel I don't know not entirely sure I'm trying to describe this let me just try to show you it's going to create kind of like a 10 by 10 squared area that'll be the animal pen and I essentially just need to hollow it out entirely in the middle and probably make it about like four or five blocks deep and then essentially just build up walls all the way around this thing just like so and so then basically every rare mob will have its own little like aquarium thing and then I'll just line up a bunch of these left right front and center which actually I'm I'm gonna need I'm gonna need more room um I also might make this thing like maybe maybe one block bigger I know it's I just placed all these blocks and I hate myself now I gotta break it all down and I hate myself someone there we go that looks a little bit better and now it's slightly larger it gives the animal a little bit more room to play but now also what I want to do is also have Pathways down the middle probably like a three block pathway so that then you can be able to actually walk through this thing much like our actual zoo I like the idea of being able to make things functional and feel more purposeful don't want to just like mindlessly build up like houses and I don't know stuff that I'll never walk into ever again and yes I'm using slabs I'm so super cheap okay I'm also a little bit of a Brokey and there we go so now basically right next to this one I'll be building up an entire nether uh animal pen thing and then many many more foreign [Music] there we go we have a bunch of magnificent oh I goofed hold on I missed a little spot Arena right there however otherwise now it is all set up all the little animal pens mob mob cages whatever you want to call them for all the rarest mobs in the game now I'm counting there to be approximately nine I could be completely wrong however I just Googled it so comment down below if I am missing uh one of the rarest moms I also hate the stupid rain well technically I do need I do need uh Thunder for two of the rarest mobs it doesn't look like that's happening anyways so yeah however speaking of rare mobs we do actually already have one of the rarest mobs in the entire game and it's one that I do need to name that mob being the Skelly bony horse thing skeleton horse uh but Chelsea you guys taught me that apparently you could write you can't write it see I knew it I knew I was right comment section was saying that you feel tried these things without a saddle and it ain't working now I need to go get a saddle just because the stupid idiots won't let me ride them I have a saddle oh it's in my inventory I'm stupid I thought it was never mind I'm on my way back boys hold on let me Saddle you up and you know what I'll also slap a lead on a couple more of them so that way we can maybe get a few of them in the animal pen and we just gotta make our way over and here we go now it's time to hop on into your new home I did lose one along the way however that's fine now it's time to head on into the underwater village where I could be able to get a bunch of name tags because last thing I want is for some of these rare mobs to despawn because that's gonna make me upsetty pascetti excuse me sir we should have oh no no electrons aren't maxed out we just got a bunch of Fletchers and stupid Stone Smiths that are all maxed out that's fine all I'll do is just buy up a bunch of bookshelves get all the books out of them then use these books to upgrade it oh wow mending's the cheapest book I got what did the other one have what do you have oh I can just literally buy it okay lanterns I'll take them I thought I was gonna need books to be able to then buy more upgraded enchanted books to then be able to upgrade them but hey no not anymore and there we go now I got two of these book boys selling me name tags all I need to do is go get the rest of my money and now that we got a handful of name tags we could finally name our Skelly horse which which in the video that I found the original Scalia horse I said comment down below the most liked comment will get to name the actual horse and that name is Davey bones which I actually think is a spectacular name it's like Baby Jones good old play on words he's a bony boy a lot of you guys were putting down some mildly inappropriate comments and honestly I uh I laughed yeah and thanks for giving me a couple left regardless now with the name tag out of the way what I want to do is kind of decorate this now I technically found them in a plains biome Skelly horses don't really have a biome I think I'm gonna make a biome because the sand is working for me with the skellies but it still needs a little bit more texture and by texture I mean I'm literally just gonna get some bones from the nether not really sure what else I would want to put inside of a Skelly horse uh biome so what I'm going to try to do is maybe build up some trees with these things and who knows maybe this will look stupid maybe it's Maybelline I just gotta make sure that I don't build out enough to where they can be able to escape maybe do those like Arch things that they do in the nether too oh my gosh dude it's raining again stupid rain why is it raining my world so freaking much why does this look not right hello is this not how it looks on the nether there we go that's good enough we'll put down like a little bushel one there you go don't you guys just love it actually something about this that kind of reminds me of like Waco Mundo from Bleach shout out to all the ooVoo weebs out there that get that reference regardless though this one it's a fairly simple little biome I mean it doesn't need to be too special honestly it's just a little Skelly Horse by him but progressively these are gonna get more and more extreme to be honest because the mobs that are going in this is going to be really hard to get and they deserve the best I'll be honest regardless though next mob on the list is going to be a pink sheep I figured we'd try to do it a little bit like easiest to hardest however I mean the pink sheep is complete RNG and I might not even get one I feel like I see them all the time whenever I don't want them um so I'm just gonna fly around in the planes biome and hopefully now that I do want one I will still spawn oh we got a crowd of sheeps uh we got gray white white brown baby gray baby white why is this so many sheep no pinky dough or sheep nothing nothing yeah this is this might be pain oh got me give me a little excited there pal you stupid Pig what's your stupid face you dumb ugly and so I painfully launched firework after firework flying around and finding schools of different sheeps but never the pink sheep but I did also find a giant crowd of chickens uh that's kind of interesting oh we're not looking for chickens we're looking for a pink sheep until finally this glorious moment whole Peak peek oh here we go finally oh my gosh I was looking at the raid Tower but then I saw sheep along with other sheep and literally that you know when you generate new land and then things are spawning like the ray Tower was there but there was no mobs and then the Sheep was there after crowds and crowds of sheep I finally have my prize you look so beautiful now the only downside of this is that I gotta run all the way back and yep that leads are useless can you make like Minecraft like a reinforced lead like I know I'm spitting ideas you know like the make a lava sponge like a little sponge lava reinforced lead I'll use as much iron I'll use diamonds I'm just tired of it breaking but I'm yanking things like there's literally any uh Minecraft Dev watch my videos please uh Implement any of my ideas all right pinky welcome to your brand new home I know you're gonna love it because you're all the way in the back over here with all the rarest mobs in the game you're special okay I need you to know that now before I drop you in here I'm gonna do it very carefully uh I'm gonna dig out kind of like a pond so you could drop down into some water come on down buddy let's go all we gotta do is pimp out your house though we got a nice little pond because I mean again this is you know it's a it's a sheep it needs like kind of planes buying Vibes so I figured over here we could build kind of like a uh a little custom tree the nice and simple one because usually planes always got like one tree out in the middle of nothing and make a little bit of bushels over here maybe some leaves over here gotta make sure that he can't escape though a little bone melon some grass there we go now it's looking like a nice little planes buy them for you and I hope you enjoy this jail cell for the rest of your life and of course we gotta give them my name since you know he's a part of this uh this year a special zoo and I'm gonna name him Le pink and now that we got Le pink in his new home it's time to get the next mob which is going to be one that is hard to get no actually I take that back it's gonna be easy to get but very very time consuming also to get and that next mob being a brown panda which luckily we actually just found this uh bamboo forest with a panda and this is like not even that far from my house and I've been going to a bamboo forest that's way farther away than this one but while looking for the sheepers I managed to find this so we guarantee I have one Panda but I'm gonna need two pandas to get a brown panda because one Panda plus one Panda equals brown panda apparently it's some sort of genetic uh mutation or something I don't know it's like it's like brown panda straight out of X-Men so I will need two pandas for this job because I need two tatango I'm in in disbelief if this is the only panda in this entire bamboo forest this thing is a big bamboo forest and one Panda will not be eating all of this I refuse to belit all right update this panda is alone and depressed and um I feel that also above a lush by him hello you're literally living your best life I take back what I said about you being depressed alone yes depressed no or with that being said I need to find joking on air I need to find another Panda oh this is sick I didn't just find a bamboo forest I found bamboo Island it's literally an island the entire thing is a bamboo forest with a little bit of jungle on it this is literally a panda's Paradise yo comment down below do we build a panda Paradise actually I'm gonna if there's pandas on this island it's gonna turn into a panda paradise I'll tell you that much another update no pandas on Panda Paradise Island however I did find another panda in another bamboo forest by itself again so I'm gonna take this one over to the other one and we're gonna Farm pandas and now for farming up a brown panda I'm gonna need a nice flat area so that then I could be able to build up a Contraption in which I could be able to weed out specific types of pandas so let's just build that up there we go so now we got the contraption all set up all we need to do is basically get our big pandas up here and when they're up here on top of this platform they're too big to fall through this hole however their babies won't be so that every time a panda has a baby the baby will fall through the hole then I will need to take very specific babies away from the pair first things first I need to get pandas up in there and I only know where one of my pandas is the other one went missing great well Mr and or Mrs Panda get up in the thing you need stairs do you really need there we go okay and down we go there we go okay so now just to make sure Panda's stuck Panda cannot get out any longer I just need my other one come on over pain drizzle you got 11 to be had oh my God you're so slow what's that Panda you want to plug some G feel baby yes right guys I'm partnering up with G fuel I got my own shaker cup you guys can get a use code follow GG at checkout get yourself a discount get some fun did you shaker cup use the link down in the description thank you Mr Panda for uh that segue I appreciate you and there we go now we got both of our pandas up here give them both oh whoa what the is that what they do I don't think I've ever bred a panda like that come on Magic you guys need more food okay now you're just actually eating all right awkward and while they hopefully do the deed I'm gonna further expand this thing a little bit oh I think they're shaking their heads saying no is that what it is when the pain is like I think they're saying nah brother it ain't happening why why is it not happening guys is the ground not stable enough for you okay so I just discovered that apparently for pandas to breed they need bamboo blocks near them or bamboo bamboos basically like at least five or something like that I guess what I'm gonna do pop a hole add some dirt and then just plant some bamboo on each one of them and now will you give me a baby panda yes indeedy will and that's perfect actually this is the type of panda that we need we need a weak Panda weak pandas have a a not a defense what's that what's the word okay well he's a little extra special he does the roles and he's got the sniffles there's a weak Panda that's playful there's like different traits and basically what you want to do is that uh I'll eventually replace these guys with weak pandas but I basically just got to keep breeding them up to the point that I'm able to get a lot of a lot of pandas a lot of weak ones and then uh yeah you guys don't want to know what's gonna happen to the non-week ones I got a assert dominance so now that our big sniffly Panda's grown up now we take him over here into the cage and then since he has a uh you know a special characteristic he's more likely to birth a brown panda opposed to a regular Panda and these guys aren't ready to do babies anymore so essentially it's just better to have a sniffly weak pandas I guess something like that I don't know the ins and outs of it I'm just gonna follow some tutorials pray that I you know breed enough pain is to the point that I'll end up with a brown panda there we go okay hold on sniffly Panda did simply panda make another sniffly Panda there we go and then now I'm gonna take him over here if you're a sniffly panda you get to hang out in the cool hole yep it's so cool in there come on champ no don't go back oh he sneezes it's the cutest thing I swear I'm getting the cool hole and then now I don't know if this is true or not but I think if you do this it makes them grow faster because I was spamming the other one with like three stacks of bamboo and it like grew way faster so I don't know and now it's been some time we have a bunch of weak pandas they all got the same miserable little face and this is pretty much the best case scenario for me I just gotta try to keep breeding that oh no they can't they're not gonna breathe because I moved the bamboo down here because the bamboo is getting in the way and now I gotta move it back up because they're unhappy hold on all right now this should be good to go so basically I'm just gonna breed up tons and tons of these weak pandas and then in hopes of getting a non-week panda I need to get one non-week Panda well technically two non-week pandas that'll have a different face and they won't be all sniffly and crying because if I get a non-week panda from these weak pandas then I'm wait what is that one not a weak Panda but you're a special one you're literally what I need I must have moved him up and I didn't even realize it oh my gosh this is literally what I need I need you because he doesn't have the weak face so he's most likely to birth a brown panda because he has that mutation so what I'm going to do is I'm going to separate him oh my gosh did they oh my God why do they jump and they sneeze so I'm gonna separate this one though and I'm gonna put him in his own little area down here and then when I get another one of those then I'll just keep reading them up okay these kids gotta go I'll be honest I'm sorry and now that I got that one separated now all we need is another one of those and then we swap all these guys out for these ones and then I will have the highest odds of getting a brown panda technically though these guys can breed a brown panda right now like all of these right now I have a chance it's very low but there's a chance that this munching is gonna make me go crazy holy crap oh my gosh finally we got ourselves a regular Panda well not it's not regular yeah it's like the the specific gene pool that'll be able to make the brown panda but we got another one that has a regular face now I don't know what his other traits are whatever but he's what we need and then these rest of these pandas um I'm sorry guys instead of this uh natural selection but now I need to take this guy over here with this one that's just like him and I need to get him to grow up a little faster because then now this will be the new uh gene pool that I'm gonna be breeding and it's very likely well more likely much more likely to get a brown panda out of these two except I'm literally gonna like I said turn all these guys into these ones down here oh there we go you already grew up so now you guys do the deed we get more oh that's why you guys need bamboo next to you okay so now we got another one and now that we got a handful of the mutated gene pool babies it's time to take them up to the farm so that then we begin the exact same process but with the new pandas and this will lead to a brown panda eventually if not I cry okay update guys the pain and misery is finally coming to an end we finally have our Brown Band I'm gonna make him grow up by force feeding him I want to see him fully grown I need more bamboo this actually made it significantly faster than I thought it would I'll be honest still honestly took forever and it was still painful I feel like this thing's gonna be like my pride and joy I already love the panda a lot like it's already like one of my favorite mobs the fact that now we got the brown panda oh he's already grown up there we go look at this guy he's magnificent and all I got to do is take him home but I gotta protect him from the outside world okay we are officially done here let's get going champ you'll leave your friend behind we don't need him we gotta figure out what the best method is to getting home it's kind of far and traveling with a uh a very expensive rare species like this is nerve-wracking there we go I'm gonna hit the dusty trail travel via the waterways and hope that it connects to the ocean because I know what I know home is that way look at us go Mr Brown Panda we're flying now we'll be home in no time and now that we've got the brown panda all the way home what I want to do is while I decorate his brand new home I want him to come hang out with our other Panda that's at the zoo because I believe there's a 50 50 chance now that we'll get another brown panda because he has the brown panda Gene get down here come on if that's the case I'm trying to ensure that we have brown pandas in this world now let's see uh let's test this Theory though from Panda question mark I'll come back I'll come back I'm going to decorate your new home but I plan on doing is essentially making it a little bit like a jungle buying but the jungle biome kind of has different biomes in it like it's got the the bamboo forest it's got kind of like the uh the the the mixed one or whatever let's just throw this together real quick there we go now we got our nice little panda sanctuary where it's going to be you know the bamboo forest over here the it's supposed to kind of symbolize the the the modified jungle you got a little and some tree you know now it's time to grab our brown panda unless you guys are ready to try for round two uh maybe we get another brown panda maybe okay maybe it's just not possible maybe it's not happening anyways all right Mr Panda it is time to enjoy your brand new home which I'm gonna put you in the boat just in case because I don't want you to take fall damage there you go enjoy your new home I'll come in and check on you every so often hands down my favorite mob right now though I will say that out of the entire game and all the mobs that we've ever collected definitely my favorite also because it was an insane headache to get which actually reminds me we gotta name him and I'm naming them headache because you you gave me a headache now for the next mob that we're gonna get it's gonna be much easier because that was painful trying to get the brown panda however to get the next mob first I must go to the end because in the end we got ourselves our Enderman Farm which the Enderman Farm obviously has a ton of Ender Pearls now we're gonna need for this so thank you no that's a that's a little too much though I don't want that many but we're gonna need a bunch of Ender Pearls because we gotta spawn and Ender might because Ender mites are technically really rare mobs they only Spawn from ender pearls and they have a low chance of spawning every time you lose every time you use an ender pearl doesn't realize I'm gonna need some End Stone for decorating his house and now I'm definitely going to be decorating the endermite chamber first before I spawn them because yeah that would really suck those things are just so aggro and they won't leave you alone the second you spawn them I also have to be very careful because if I spawn an endermite and there's an Enderman nearby he's just gonna clap up my undermine and I'm not going to be happy about it so I'm gonna have to try to figure out how to keep him safe while he's down here so what I figured is right here in the middle I would create kind of like a little mini chamber like this well probably a little bit more centered so that then we could be able to put him inside oh wait a second this isn't just any old rain it's a thunderstorm which is super important because some of the rare mobs you could only get during a thunderstorm much like the Skelly bone over there and it's also oh my gosh let's get the crap out of me one of them being a brown mushroom because much like the brown panda there is also a brown mushroom which you got to be able to use channeling hello what are you doing in here no my mushroom I need them at full health okay one of them should be fine but with channeling you can get a Mooshroom struck by lightning and when it gets struck by lightning it'll turn into a brown mushroom now I just hope it works no they're burning no no we're heading over to the mushroom biome ASAP well but I need I need to charge creeper there's got to be a creeper over here yes there is perfect um there's a creeper right here too that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna give him a name tag first then I'm a charging because if I give them a name tag first then he's less likely to blow up in my face kind of plain and simple come on I named him charge by the way I figured charge would be a good name for him okay now I just need him to get down in this hole which I will just help them a little bit no he's taking too much damage if I hit him with this it's gonna kill him I think I don't have that much time so I gotta do it anyways oh my gosh I'm doing it all over again okay screw it we're doing moves from we're doing mushrooms I did I'm panicking because at least this way if I just turn a bunch of mooshrooms into brown mushrooms then we'll be fine Club bada bing oh and then channel oh and I okay I thought I lost that there we go we got one brown mushroom right here and two Brown new shrimp never mind and there we go and dude they keep getting cooked why does this keep happening yeah we got a school of them right here oh there we go now we got like three or four of them we got a lot of them well that sound is crazy I never realized that yeah we got plenty of brown mushrooms all you gotta do is move them back to the creeper I wanted to be a creeper that we get at home because last thing I want to do is move a supercharged creeps now all I need to do is find another creeper nearby why couldn't there be a creeper in that hole actually is there any creepers in these holes nope okay okay here we go we got a creeper not too far away one over champ oh dang it I forgot about the name tag now this time I have a different method of how I'm gonna do this so we named him charge we're gonna drop a water bucket right there he's not gonna fall into that water bucket but I'm gonna push him into it and I'm going to hit him with the lightning and there we go the waters the water is not going out oh oh my gosh I poured water in there so that I could get rid of the fire which it worked but now also my um my trident's in there which is not good because our our charge is in there and he's hanging out with it however that it doesn't matter I don't need lightning anymore right I mean I could just get another one another day now we could go to sleep and get rid of the thunderstorm and yeah obviously I'd love to decorate the Creeper's uh new home but uh yeah we we all know that's not happening I ain't going down in there now the supercharged creeper while we're doing a no totem run in Minecraft or come on now but back to the Mooshroom all we gotta do is Wrangle these guys up try to take as many as possible so that uh there's left room for air or more room for air yeah more room I need more room and I'm just gonna tower all the way up and begin flying with our mushrooms I know I've only seen two lids Beyond and there they go I was gonna say I definitely lost some mushrooms that's fine that's fine let me just Wrangle one of them into a boat and then I and you grab the leads and then one of them's left way behind that much I know I don't know where he is but I'm sure he'll be fine all right mushrooms now I need you guys to kind of just hang out you know here I want to make sure you guys don't run away craft up a fence and I'm just gonna tie you guys up to it because I still got to decorate their their little pen thing but uh also I was working on the endermite oh back to the endermite what I want to do is create a couple little pillars there we go now it feels like a nice little miniature end in here now I've also got his name tag ready so now all we need to do is spawn in the Ender bite which I think there's like a like a five percent or is that 0.5 I don't know there's a five in the percentage of him spawning when using one of these the hardest part is definitely going to be getting him in this hole um not here maybe we make this two blocks tall actually that might be even better oh there we go and we got our little Ender might friend I'm gonna try to get to follow me and try to hit him into a hole come on yep there we go now I'm gonna name him P brain because he fell for this and he is a fee brain also look how small he is like come on he definitely has a p for a brain you enjoy your new home all right champ and with that Ender my out of the way now it's time to decorate the mushroom by him foreign there we go here's our incredibly simple mushroom biome I made it like a little island with water all the way around it because I feel like literally every time it's always an island now all we gotta do is just move them in and also give them their name tags which I'm gonna name this one moo and I'm going to name this one shroom yeah I had a good chance to put like And subscribe as their name but hey I just figured you already liked and subscribed I just didn't need to tell you right like come on now anyways next to mabarino which the next mob that we're after is going to be a goat but not any Old Goat it's gonna be a screaming goat because I guess there's like a really low percent chance of it spawning I feel like I've found screaming goats kind of often however the Google says that they're kind of rare so we will be after those and I mean I'm literally just gonna fly around until I find a goat much like this and I'm gonna listen to them or not listen to them and you didn't scream so I assume you're not gonna scream all right thank you actually while I'm here I'll collect some resources for building up the the pen on another crowd of goats so far no screamers at least these guys are fairly common it's just kind of hard to spot them on the white snow while flying around we actually found ourselves a snowy Tundra snowy tiger I mean this is the Tiger but like this is like planes right I know this is like a beach this is kind of important because there's one mob that is going on this list that you can only get in this biome and that's what makes it rare and that is the uh the winter Fox you can only get it out of a snowy biome which snowy biomes make up such a small amount of the entire Minecraft world and that would technically classify this as a rare mop except this is like snowy Beach though and not like snowy Plains obviously it's no screaming goat but if we come across a a little winter Fox obviously I'll take them oh and there we go actually literally flying hold on what's going on what's going on okay no it's just fighting chickens for a second I thought it was gonna be like a wolf or something come here come here come here come here where'd you go there we go got one and yeah I'm not worried about taking that baby hold on we'll take this guy back real quick never mind the lead broke and I'm depressed there we go we wrangled him up again I don't know where my other lead broke and now we only have one lead oh yeah because the stupid fox normally eats the leads I forgot about that okay wait I need to isn't there like berries or something over here Stone foxes just love berries so then they'll just follow me if I have berries in my hand there we go now it's smooth sailing gotta throw them in a boat and sail them all the way to his new home all right my little Frosty I'm gonna need you to wait right there for just a moment while I make you your brand new home there we go now that should work it's nice so snowy and icy just the way he's gonna like it I just gonna grab this lead and then grab him grab this lead and grab him grab it easy peasy I think he actually likes me now I'll be honest he's not really running away from me very much much it's not because I'm yanking them by a leash and down you go because you should not be up here come on get down here down here there we go you shouldn't be able to get out now back on the hunt for the screaming goat man why aren't these things just scream please I feel like I've seen a thousand different goats and I'm not getting a screaming one I wish there was a way to like visually be able to tell you know this one wait what he has one horn are you a screamer because that one has two horns this one has one is that like an age thing or something like that I never even knew that goats could have different uh types of horns and stuff I mean I know that you can find them in the rain Towers maybe if I hit them they'll just start screaming wait why what the heck let's go oh that's a scream we go okay yep no that's for sure a screaming goat for a second there because I made a noise I've made a weird different noise when I hit it and then now it's just screaming yeah I know this this is yeah I don't know why this mob had to take so much extra time but it did now I gotta fly it all the way home hey Mr goat you're coming with me yeah I know you don't wanna but it is what it is stupid noise went out to Tower up really high because we have to fly really far and there's no water in between us so please don't die on this adventure I'm Mr goat welcome oh no stupid lead yeah look how excited he is he's screaming already and now I need to build up his little chamber thing which I figured we'll put right here and it's pretty much just gonna be like the the winner Fox one just a bunch of snow and a little bit of ice and honestly that's it that's all he's getting because you ended up being a pain I completely forgot that they jump also but either way gonna give you a name your name's gonna be ah now I also need to put him in his pen and I guess I gotta put a roof on his because he's just gonna jump out right so it's gonna jump up to like seven blocks all right champ don't go anywhere yet I need to get some uh some glass no oh my gosh I'm putting windows on brother get back in there and there we go so now he's not going anywhere and you know what actually I want to add some like glass handrails all the way around each one of these I think it'll look pretty snazzy instead of doing like fences or walls so that way you can still see inside there we go I know that looks much much better however we see still have one empty spot and this spot is gonna be for a very special mob that mob being the blue Axolotl which is also one of those incredibly rare low percent chances just like the panda but there are farming methods like I actually developed my own farming method when the blue Axolotl first came out and I did a video ages ago on my OG first hardcore world all we need to do is scoop up some axolotls and take them out to a warm ocean where there will be plenty of tropical fish since that's what you need to be able to even breed them then essentially what I want to do is create kind of like a little box like this where I can then close it off and I can be able to put my axolotls in here and they're not going to be able to escape I essentially just repeat that exact same thing all the way around it because now what I could do is give these axolotls some fishies they'll have a baby and then I take them take the baby and put it in the next pod and basically just do that exact same thing over and over and it's an ever expanding farm with higher and higher odds every single time because I'm going to keep breeding more and more axolotls so this Farm is basically gonna never stop until I get a blue Axolotl day two so the farm is officially coming along we're breeding up tons of baby axolotls I'm literally just going down the row I breed them I pick them up I move them to the next Zone but we're already getting into a lot of axolotls this thing like accelerates really really fast wait a second this early whoa dude I'm like shaking right now that's so cool so it's like one and 1200 chance or something like that like last time I did this Farm I did like close to 800 or something like that it was a lot of axolotls this is like a hundred to get it this early is insane that's actually crazy I mean if there's literally any of the the rare mobs to get like ASAP unlike the brown panda and unlike the screaming goat I mean I'll take the blue Axolotl and getting that one quick well it looks like a job well done I could just uh leave these ones out in the ocean actually I lied I need to I need to pick some of these guys up because I want to be able to breed more blue axolotls because once you have one you have an infinite Supply much like the brown Banda I'd like to get another one just in case if anything happens regardless though and now it's time to head home and now that we're home it's time to begin renovating our blue axolotls brand new home obviously he needs to be in a warm ocean where he can be able to get scrumptious fish even though it's a man-made warm ocean so the floor is definitely going to be sand and then now I need to flood the chamber so I'm going to create a little bit of a floor real quick and cover it with water and then destroy the floor that way we have even water pretty much all the way around this thing and now we can get to decorating and now our baby blue Axolotl can enjoy his brand new fish tank along with some friends because like I said once he grows up we're gonna we're gonna definitely get more of him actually you know what I'm gonna pick them up for now I'm worried about him despawning without a name tag and I don't want to give him a name tag yet because I want you guys to comment down below some names some ideas most like common again just like the Bony boy will end up being the name for the blue Axolotl how about we do that also comment down below what's something that's that this thing is missing what is because like I feel like there's probably more rare mobs I have like really low odds of spawning or something like that but you know I'm just going based off like Google and you know my personal interest and everything regardless this stuff if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you guys smash that like button for me hit subscribe join the ball GG Army and I will see you guys in the next one
Channel: PaulGG
Views: 335,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paul, paulgg, notpaulgg, not paulgg, not paulgg minecraft, minecraft, minecraft hardcore, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore survival, minecraft series, minecraft zoo, minecraft mobs, minecraft rare, minecraft rarest mobs, minecraft blue axolotl, minecraft brown panda, minecraft 100 days, 100, minecraft pink sheep, losers, the losers
Id: MQrD74Q5FsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 25sec (2245 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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