Minecraft POKÉMON Lucky Block RACE!

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it's a Lucky Block race if you don't know what that is basically we all get a section and we have to open up a lot of Lucky Blocks but the twist is we get Pokemon in these Lucky Blocks so at the end we're going to fight with our Pokemon but also a 1 V one fist fight well One V One V one let's get into it we've got Pokemon and we've got lucky blocks all right should I go first guys I'll open the first one go first all You' got a new Poké again W okay wait I caught it guys I caught it wa I'm going to battle it jelly already went as well I was F whip what is he no jelly you're you're doing it wrong he's fighting jelly you're not supposed to fight it you're just supposed to catch it did you die I uh did Bulbasaur just die oh it's a level 100 dude catch it catch it what yeah now it's mine idiot no he killed Bulbasaur and then bro it was literally level 100 J could you maybe not that was such a good Pokemon you took from me dude how do I switch Pokémon oh okay I actually don't know how you do that GAR all right I'm up next JY if you could calm down a bit that would be great oh there we go so I I can summon this guy so I've only got a certain amount of slots so I think I will not bother with this one yeah and so at the end probably letting our battle right we're going to battle at the end guys watch this guys what are you doing you just sacrificed him what is jelly doing seriously J can you calm down you're not even telling us when you open no we have no idea what you're doing JY I didn't open one Josh you attacked me y oh that's such a sick one dude oh my God can you ride it I hope so no way yeah you go next and then we'll figure out if I can ride it later as they I got I'll take gck look at this no you cannot ride it no oh okay can you stop shooting arrows at things I can actually all right here's my squad is looking a bit weak everyone's favorite yeah no that's nobody's favorite that why are you catching that one I want it okay I want it I want a gold my turn guys here we go wa it's a Taurus okay I don't think I'm going to catch this one yeah I am actually this seems good it says my Pokemon is ready to evolve how do I do that I don't know jelly I guess you just kind of go with the flow I'm opening my next one we got so many to go guys I got training shoes what does that do speed hey jelly can you stop shooting that Arrow I will seriously shove it up your butt dude Pokémon drun oh my oh where's he going oh pick TR up why what was that about dude JY drop him off the edge no don't do that that would be mean I give to your Pokemon and everything so don't do that how do you drop him off I don't know Josh but he okay good oh I've got a water saw dude okay it's cool guys come on sounds like it would be quite inefficient all right I'm next huh Prime ape it's a prime ape it's like jelly I am yeah he keeps Shing that dumb bow dude oh guys oh guys I got the water sword why is jelly going second he's not even second I don't know okay I definitely don't want these scrambled eggs dude you guys can go away scrambled yeah I don't want those all right I feel like maybe the middle should start first by the waya J can you stop stop I mean I don't want this one anyway but seriously so wait am I going second now then do I want Prime ape or not uh I mean your friends were Jilly so I would say why not get a second one n get out of here okay uh me okay I'm going second uh ooh pigono pigeon pigeon get out of here oh it it can fly yeah I can't really knock that thing off the edge actually I don't know what you expected really no me neither wait maybe I can drone it it can fly jelly why would it jelly all right you're next all right watch this you miss one such an idiot you are literally where are you today are you good I think jelly is not good dude I got a hat boys a trainer got a special hat it gives me a lot of Health you got a D okay just open up that one too JY all right it's empty training shoes oh yeah I got those be careful not to run off wait so now I guess it's Josh oh I got a training hat and then it's me get out of here and I've got a lightning dagger a lightning dagger yeah that seems pretty good huh oh gr what oh JY keeps sending drones you stop J okay we go again a lot of fun guys all right I'm next fun U match up okay oh I love I've got Jelly's mom but you can upgrade it mansh that's Jelly's mom wait how do I Evol wait oh my God why is everything my mom how do I how do I what a landing dude TR you got me so good yeah that's what I wanted to do am I going to lose all my items yeah you you need to to get back sorry JY just good I didn't know you would lose your items like that next oh I'm taking taking you buddy he's taking all the bad ones I swear wa you can upgrade him man that sounds like an upgrade I guess whoa look at this it's a doo do Duo that just fell off I hope that's okay I don't really want this guy he all doesn't want any of them I'll do this one oh I got the no not that again if you throw it at me I swear I will land hey you're picking up my pokem man stop Josh I will land on you and knock you off my God aabra I'm going to knock you off like I did to you're going down buddy you're going kill him kill him okay okay lightning strike him I'm trying but he won't let me get to him jelly just do it yes oh man all right I'll I'll send you up to get back on the other side yeah set me up set me up if you go to the creater store right now creater store.com I've got something really good for you because I thought it would be amazing if every time you order from the crater store I've got a a little extra gift for you this camera can take a photo of me and it'll print it out immediately so what I thought I would do is give you guys a 25% discount code that if you use it you get 25% off your order but you also get a selfie and I'm going to sign it too for free in your order use code selfie 25 when you check out on the Creator store and you'll get a um random picture of me that's also signed cr.com and it goes on any order ooh on okay I'll do so how do I evolve a Pokemon cuz I want tool evolve this guy oo how do I evolve you okay wait uh wait I think I went too far okay you go then fine okay you go what's up sand screw Sans screw something like that see you later all right I got a Pokeball block yeah so you got more blocks to open Josh congratulations open all of them guys I think we should hurry up a little bit we have such a long way yeah jelly you and me keep opening uh no I don't want that one what' you get sword I've already got that one too oh all right there's not that many left so I feel like I need to get some good ones what okay can you stop saying that Budd oh he's got a big bird over there wait no I don't want to I don't want to fight dude that's an ugly bird that's what excuse me that's what Mom it's Mom I feel like I need to get some better Pokemon at this way oh yeah really you feel that way you're you're starting to get ahead a little bit oh W I've got 24 blocks oh wait they don't do anything they're like just blocks to use just yeah you know what I don't want it uh I I do still kind of want to figure out how to upgrade orol my Pokemon but I think I think you've got to level the you stop yapping jelly oh sorry Josh okay let's get this one I got the fire finally I get to do it to can you come here so I can can I yeah the Drone is good man what are you doing Josh hey can you see anything no it's kind of dark here stop Josh I mean this is not PR oh uh yeah I had to I had to revive Pikachu Pikachu can you just die Baby P thank you Pikachu no problem I guess uh Josh guys I got Pikachu okay congratulations JY next he's one of the best what the heck chill okay chill well the thing is I'm just getting a little bit I want to I want to go go you know well we don't need to go go okay go go I need a trainer's hat as well it just gives you so much light dagger o I got Bulbasaur level 100 oh that's a big old bulbas you got nothing no more now why would you do that to me at the last second how the game goes you evil evil man okay uh what is this I recognize him training I don't remember if he's good oh you got shoes yeah I've only got one block left guys I've got two blocks to go Josh got like every sword yeah Josh is probably got to win now cuz he knocked me off like an idiot okay well if I could get a drone that' be help wonder if I could make that that jump you could try Pokéball blocks [Laughter] great everything again he did yeah that really dumb I like how all his Pokémon just disappear listen I was going to risk it for the biscuit and I regret it now silly okay I'm here so do we just open I hate you I might want to not land here okay so this is the last one o Shadow I got another one of those all right I'm I'm I no no ow okay guys I'm going to the end battle platform dang it Josh we probably have to to then here we're going to have our Pokemons battle it out are you guys ready so we're not going to batt I'm going to add what are you Pikachu so we're going to battle each other and then we're going to battle each other if you get me DFT uh battle Pokemon and then battle human all right so I think yeah okay are you guys fighting now I I didn't wear my Revitalize either uh Revitalize okay it's time to battle Josh Bulbasaur should be charmand I think I am going to use Pikachu oh okay can you guys like fight or something I am going to use ryhorn well here it comes the lights what well you actually got to fight each other guys I don't really remember how to play this Pikachu's dead Pikachu died already jeez dude how what did I do did I kill him myself no I think I think it was Josh that killed him okay so now it's a pharaoh drill run uh oh it took 44% of HP I I mean I can't see the damage here but I believe you wow using the same effects against drill run well it was effective against me so surely it's so sick I love I you need to choose your thing wait Josh why did you pull him away I didn't crane is I'm pulling mine away oh rorn is fainting okay what would be good against um no that was that guy I'm I'm getting confused here guys this guy don't worry crer you you'll get a turn all right Shadow I'll return this dude run and come on get back are you guys doing good on who's winning over there who's winning uh time to do a little drill PE I feel like you're going to die here Josh and one hit why is his bird so good well it's good against that guy a bird oh wait you did a lot of damage to my bird all right I'll do that thing again drill run you're dead never mind why is your bird so overpower I don't know Pharaoh is just a good gra let's go okay I think maybe you're going to be better now Josh explosion yeah there you go okay all right all right well Pharaoh has fainted which means I now level 10 Charmander yeah level 10 Charmander he's versus at level 100 you'll be good you'll be fine buddy oh my god oh he dies dramatically too all right well um I guess I lost against jelly so heal up and then it's me a jelly that fight can I heal them here I don't know this is I don't think this is a Healer I challenge you Yi let's go there you go now oh my good brought the bird out again why is it always the go Bird versus your level 10 how do press Auto move around okay okay so I can either a I can fight a switch here I'm going to try to go for this guy maybe is got to be good against you oh oh okay so I'm not wrong I think maybe this could do a lot of damage to you oh you did a lot of damage to my see you just got to know Pokemon and then that's pretty easy jelly I don't really I don't really know bro you're at one HP but you're dead now I hope uh unless you miss it is now turn four why is it not doing anything I pressed stuff Taurus Taurus won against Josh set me off I couldn't see anything but I guess I guess I died I didn't realize I could do that you have more Pok butterfly go fine all right drill against the Butterfree oh that's it feels like an unfair fight okay so now your yours is dead jelly bring out Pikachu oh it's so cute Pik look at little Pikachu wild charge what did I just do oh yeah I switched it why did you switch I don't know I'm just kind of oh I think Bing this might might be good against you I think I you might actually end up killing Pikachu oh no Venom is dead okay okay I I'm in the lead but not by much yeah this is a this is a way closer fight than when you were fighting that Noob before all right all right all right horn rail okay used air Splash Against Me O that is very good against but I missed that is very good against you buddy no dang you're going to die Budd I can't move I can't move yeah he's dead wait so who's we're both equal now I think yeah we're both equal so how much help is butter face got he's got full health full health yeah full full oh no no no no no J's doing a little bit of damage now you're a dead man now you're a dead man are you I don't know yet oh no oh no oh no oh no no okay see now I've only got this dude left and I hope he's really good he's so good oh my okay that should be good I hope so oh it didn't do any damage dude okay oh wait I'm I'm getting beat up I'm getting beat up so oh yes who's going to win okay now J your last Pokemon so it's one V one versus G two fish against each other Mega horn Mega horn oh yes I keep missing I keep missing oh my God no no no no no no no no no no hor drill who's going to die yes but I still have one more Pokemon wait you do wait you did yeah but but but it's level 11 oh okay good I still got oh my God look at it looking up like wh then I'm going to win this one ladies and gentlemen wait I missed how did I miss how did I miss against to level 11 dude all I won okay well you won the Pokemon fight but now we have to have the uh the fist fight with well that's not fair cuz I've only got a bow all right you guys okay no no no okay okay you guys ready yeah yeah 3 2 1 fight let's [Applause] begin what where did you go who's attacking me I guess guess he's not the real winner well I didn't win that one get me now jelly is being chased by Josh got you got got no jell is being chased and who's going to win I don't have the hat I don't have the Hat oh gosh jelly you might be in trouble here then since you don't have the I on half health I think put you out with the water sword that would be funny oh gosh oh yeah I think he's in trouble he's trying to build he's trying to build and he's [Music] dead nothing good well Josh you won in the fist bite but so I win the whole thing your Pokemon suck yeah you sucked at Pokemon Josh this video is about Pokemon Josh
Channel: Crainer
Views: 113,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogo, jelly, crainer, minecraft, lucky block, race, pixelmon, pokémon
Id: _1jkp3tRY1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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