Minecraft Players Simulate THE LAST OF US Zombie Apocalypse!

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I gathered 100 players from my Discord and told them we were simulating a zombie apocalypse little did they know these were not regular zombies they were infected by the corps fungus which is not only contagious but each day it makes the zombies grow stronger and over the course of eight real life days players will fight to control the map finding items like camouflage grappling hooks and weapons and whoever is Left Alive at the end three win 2 1 all 100 players are spread Rand r l across the map with me spawning at the edge of a city I start grabbing any loot I can find and then getting some wood and making a basic wooden sword then I head over and loot this building and that is when a small group of other survivors approach me let's see if we can be friends it kind of just seems like I'm being robbed right now not going to lie all right then why don't you hand over some loot then if you think you're getting robbed trying to break the you didn't see a back off hey yo yo he hit me boys yo get it trouble bad news they don't want to be friends what luckily they're not doing all that much damage cuz they're trying to humiliate Me by killing me with wooden hose but no matter how bad I am at this game I will not let that happen back off H boys they were not leaving me alone then I see something on the ground I'm running that's what I'm doing again and I'll never get knocked around back off back off Dum Dums I'm not scared you yo yo yo yo I'm not scared of you instantly I become Rick Grimes cutting down bad guys with My Revolver I'm going to have to move around carefully and hopefully not run into that team again they were calling themselves the Salt Lake City Boys cuz that's right we are in Salt Lake City right now this is one of two major cities on the map and honestly I'm glad I spawned here cuz there are plenty of chests for me to loot I make my way to the top of a parking garage just barely avoiding zombies on my way up then I hear someone talking on another roof it's schlum rock again while I'm backing away a zombie smacks me on my square butt cheek and I get infected now I have coid 28 or whatever you want to call it and if I don't find a cure within 20 minutes I'm dead I'd heard that golden Foods might be a cure to the infection but uh I will not be crafting a golden apple anytime soon so let's pray golden carrots are also a cure so I begin searching floor by floor sometimes floor floor by not floor and soon my risk pays off I find a chest with three whole diamonds I use these bad boys to make a diamond axe the Salt Lake City Boys better watch out cuz now I'm packing except I have weakness cuz I'm still infected I can still hear the voice of schlum rock nearby okay so you think we should go down in the caves but I'm not leaving as it turns out I'm an extremely lucky guy cuz I find just enough golden nuggets to make a singular golden carrot so let's find out if this works or if I just waste did my gold and just like that I'm cared of everything up on the roof I take a moment to catch my breath and craft some more basic bullets for My Revolver eventually it becomes night and I enter a fire station where there's a quad bike inside but the key is missing so I have to use my 500 IQ brain to find it 3 ft away on the dash of a firr but vehicles are loud and I'm not ready to attract attention just yet so I follow the overpass road until I reach the Salt Lake City airport and there I spot two players but trust me I have learned my lesson about making friends especially when I'm outnumbered I let them pass and then try looting the airport but it was fully cleaned out except on the runway there was a plane no no no not not that plane This Plane one I could actually fly if it had an engine then on the tarmac a purple man starts running at me run why the the Salt Lake City boys are over there it seems he too was harassed by the Salt Lake City boys together we run up the ATC tower for safety and he tells me his name is Revan see Revan was robbed by schamrock and doesn't have gear anymore so I donate a few of my items and we decide to risk our lives together and go back into the city for more gear following the train tracks we find a neighborhood with untouched houses and while Revan is looting these houses I simulate being a homeless man by pulling out my meat in public and cooking it on the Fire come on I'm not some Florida hobo we're in Utah here we have decency while I'm cooking I see that I'm being spied on what are you looking at huh hey there sir hello what's going on you friendly you a friendly depends are you I see a strap my I meet this friendly player in the garage and continue our conversation but then we hear noises from another building maybe that slum Rock and this could be our chance to take him out Jesus up up okay hands up hands up sorry hands up hands are up torches you can have them back is it okay if I play you a song and I found a guitar sh Jesus do you need help so anyway now I have shotgun pellets in my face and my new friend has disappeared the player we just met named DJ offers me a rifle so I can kill schamrock and then I hear schamrock calling for backup so we jump out the window and I instruct DJ and Homer Simpson to get out of SL see before schlum can rob them DJ then gives me a Jerry can with some fuel in it as a paron gift I meet up with Revan again and we find a van inside of a post office but this time I cannot find the key so we take one last trip into the towers for more Loot and right as we're about to finish not paying any attention well hello there I remember you shoot me I didn't shoot you once oh wait I did shoot you once in the beginning yeah all right you tried to mug me Mis shot me the revolver you mugged me all right I'll let you up but we're talking this out Harry says he's no longer a member of the Salt Lake City Boys he disagreed with their foreign policy of shoot first ask questions later and he says the only reason he shot us is cuz he was scared and yeah man I can relate with that so we set our differences aside and we team up our new three-man alliance begins with a player walking straight into US you back up we back up back up 3 2 run just run if I had to guess that person was a member of the Salt Lake City Boys Under the command of schlum rock but we have no armor and it would be stupid to fight them right now so we need some it was time we left the big city to go mining we passed through residential pass the airport and make our way North to a nearby Forest straight down we go caving our way around and nearly dying from zombies for about an hour or two I come out with a great amount of coal iron and gold but I'm famously bad at finding diamonds so I can only afford a mediocre set of armor now we need a vehicle that seats at least three and you know as it turns out Harry has the key to the van at the post office so it's time we head back into SLC one more time before entering town we collect some pretty flowers as a gift to schamrock just kidding he doesn't deserve love we actually use these to dye our guns and backpack a so that we can identify each other later you know name tags are turned off and it would be bad if we shot each other foreshadowing moving through the streets like Seal Team 6 we grab the van after a quick stop at the gas station taking all the remaining fuel we can find we head north once we make it into the mountains of Wyoming I dye the van black to make it less obvious and trust me we will abduct just as many kids in a black van as we would in a white van so it's all good and then we hit Jack Wyoming in real life you might know this as a ski town but here in the apocalypse it's a walled off Safe Haven we try again for loot but the place is empty I convince my team that it's a great idea to drive straight up a mountain cuz there might be cool things up there so up we go PR loot ah where am I prot there's no time book from God oh it is with great pleasure I announce I am sponsored by spark to that's right sparked host the sponsor of this video offers Minecraft servers starting as low as $1 for a full month with free dos protection 247 uptime and technical support nine different locations across the US Europe Asia and Oceana a simple control panel three free SQL databases first gen servers automatic task scheduling and sparked also offers tons of other hosting options on their site and they offer pre-installs so you can install a version of Minecraft and start playing in less than a minute and I get it not all of us have a singular dollar but that's okay you can just have 60 use my code protagonist in the checkout and get 40% off your first month sparked offers free trials so you can decide whether you can buy food or host a Minecraft server thanks again sparked for sponsoring this video link is in the description the description you say yes I'm on my way bye wow what a cool Shack back down we go we leave the mountains behind and eventually find a small town and that is where I spot players the question is are they hostile so I sneak up trying to ease drop on what they're saying I'm a little too far away to hear but it looks like they're leaving town and specifically they're leaving behind a gas station and we need that gas for our candy van once the coast is clear we drive into town and the players are still there and I think maybe they just want to talk hello we have the university we have an enchanting T that we are willing to offer you because you seem an enchanting and we would love to you know share it with some food and gold because we have quite a bit of people we have eight people we learned that they're going to use this town to create a base so we trade our Gear with them and you go directly Northeast there's another gas station that's completely filled up like hasn't been used all right we'll do that thank you it's nice to find people who aren't instantly murderous so I thank these people for their courtesies and we begin our Drive cautiously over to the new gas station the sun is coming down and when When we arrive the gas is completely empty Harry wasn't able to log in today so it was just Revan and I we pack up the van and head south coming across a military base now if I were to guess this is where a hostile team would choose to live but let's go inside and see for ourselves before we head in I'm going to give you an investment lesson here in an apocalypse learn to bury your valuables in a hole just like this you guarantee that if you get Rob robed you still have gear once we do that Revan and I follow the walls to the front gate where I spot a few players moving around we stealth our way through thinking everything will be just fine it's slum Rock what the heck man the Salt Lake City boys are supposed to stay in Salt Lake City yeah but you didn't like that one huh okay it's time to run we don't have the numbers to fight against them outside the walls I sit and wait for Revan but he's nowhere to be found and then I see the message that he'd been knocked down but he wasn't permanently killed which means they've taken him prisoner I can't just bust in there and take him back so I start lurking around I find a satellite dish with a small base inside and I take this cool guitar for myself and then I find some shipping containers and one of them appears to have an opening inside are the bones of two dead soldiers and a book a very interesting book it talks about a nuclear missile and how these two soldiers buried the launch keys for that nuke before taking their own lives and just outside of these containers there's a bunker and the door is wide open some dick bag of an architect thought hey instead of an elevator let's do a giant staircase so I got to walk all the way down and there are torches in here which means someone's been down at the very end of the longest hallway ever created in Minecraft I find it the control room with a fully functioning nuclear missile there's a bunch of buttons that I kind of just want to flick but I hold myself back and then I find the launch manual which tells me exactly how to fight fire this thing I need two launch keys and a launch code normally I'd take this book and not let anybody else see it but that's against the rules so I head back to the surface taking down every single torch so that zombies can spawn and keep other players away my search for Revan continues and as I'm looking around I see a familiar red face that's dashing we had met just yesterday bro why are you shooting me we're friends a whole bunch of people think I'm there to kill them isn't that dashing up there dashing I don't know who you're talking about man don't play around finally they quit the baloney and dashing comes up to the wall I remind him of our friendship we had made yesterday and he denies it this is incredibly suspicious man so I ask if they've seen my friend Revan and then I hear something stop it bad bad prisoner these guys literally took Revan as a slave but this isn't the time to panic I make them an offer they cannot refuse 64 coal and I guess that's all he's worth cuz they set him free the bad news is that Hilltop team took everything Revan owned but that is exactly why we made a hidey-hole full of gear I quickly parked the van and log off for 5 minutes and when I come back Revan is gone I look around the area and yeah he either got kidnapped or he left me but in the odd chance that he was enslaved again I begin to look for him I drive around until I see players trapped on top of a tree none of them are Revan but I might as well help out the van works great to pull these zombies off their tree giving them a chance to run for safety but they decide to run into my van two of them hop in and I learn I had just saved them also you just saved me from getting robbed that guy still running around is evil so I become Mermaid Man or Batman or whatever and I turn the tables so you're robbing these people huh get stop hello instead of letting him permanently die I revive him and stuff him into a hole we clear out the zombies and then reverse Rob the evil guy making him put all his gear into a chest I take what I want and then donate the rest to the two victims I say goodbye to these players and continue onwards I still need to find Revan I literally have no clue where he would have gone but if anyone enslaved him maybe it was the hilltop team again so I drive on back to the gas station Park my van which is now out of fuel and I approach the base that's okay I'm only at stage one of infection inside I hear prisoners talking but none of them sound like Revan I guess I'll save these people what was that oh oh are we allowed out oh now get out run thank you what did you guys do what did you guys do what's going on what's going on bro that is not how to escape prison you don't ask permission to leave you just run the players inside the base start chasing me down the hill and I head through the military base to evade them I keep looking around for Revan coming back to the town from yesterday and that's where I see dashing again him and a few players have boarded up the university and are using it as a base but after ease dropping a little I don't hear any signs of Revan inside at this point I have almost no chance of finding my friend and I make the decision that I need to move on without him I enter a town called Cheyenne which seems to have been missed by many of the looters and I start finding a lot of cool things inside like an airdrop grenade and a submachine gun things are going great until an announcement appears about a helicopter crash nearby I bust through the walls to get over there running straight into another player that hel crash is mine I'm an idiot because my gunfire attracted all the nearby zombies so as I'm about to clear them out other players make it up top I water clutch down cuz man I don't want to die so I find a position on another rooftop and start shooting at them they have no idea where it's coming from you want to talk milit strategy this is it I down one of them and send their team into a panic trying to revive each other but then as things are going great I'm spotted being completely alone I am not ready to handle this fight so I crawl through the roof and out the back luckily I had found this airdrop grenade which brings down a supply package with random loot inside I get a few more guns including a shotgun this is exactly what I'll need for Close Quarters combat and it allows me to feel a bit safer on my next mission what is my next mission Denver Colorado I get to the outskirts finding a maintenance tunnel into the sewers and I know what you're thinking sewers zombies not the best combination and yeah I realized that partway through so out of fear I just take the first ladder out popping up next to a car dealership time to start rummaging through buildings I make it deeper into the downtown core and before I knew it I was inside the large towers which surprisingly still had loot in them a little ways into my looting I hear dashing team on the street which means they're either hunting me or I just got really unlucky and they came here too either way I'll keep going just a bit more stealthy now I see a Horseman coming into town and no I don't mean a halfman half horse I mean a guy riding a horse like that right there this man could somehow expose me so I absolutely snipe him and look I'm not a murderer I just want to make safe friends and the best way to guarantee safe friendship is by making sure they can't shoot me I drop to the ground and block his body off the player says he was traveling with dashing and schum rock my enemies and news flash they are still in town and now that they've seen the death message they're looking for me but I see this as an opportunity to make a friendship all right you'll tell them something okay you're going to tell them something I am friendly with them and me Reviving you is a token of my good faith okay but I'm not going to stick around to hear what their answer is I'm out of here I make a pass through the mall and I be begin to leave town except as I'm at the edge of the city I see players arriving and I recognize them it's my YouTube friends and they're barreling straight at me who are you who are you oh oh hey guys wow that's do you have a do you have a team pro tag I have been going solo for the last day and then I tell them about how I've been running away from schlum rock this whole time why would you shoot me oh and they cobweb me you're trapped if you try to move I will hunt you down and kill you don't test me he won't last against us now they want to rob me because apparently they're in an alliance with schlum Rock and the Salt Lake City Boys I mean who isn't at this point the fact the fact that you've killed anyone means that you're killing people with less skill than you somehow which means we need to put you in check and remind you who's boss on the server I try my best to stall for time and it works players on horses ride by and they make a deal with me I help them kill these players and I don't get robbed I accept the deal and we hunt the horsemen together wait come on come on let's go it's a fast and an easy fight and once the interrogations are over welman says that he still needs one item from me to give to schamrock so I give them my guitar which seems like an important item but I don't ultimately care about it and then everyone gets distracted which is my chance to run away see I'm sure it's obvious that I'm not great at the game but I'm happy with how I've done so far and for them to want to put me back in my place even as a solo player who's only ever helped people well my goals have changed I am going to play the long game and I am going to absolutely destroy welcoming I have a plan it's about as well thought out as my career choice but it's a plan nevertheless and it'll take a lot of time to accomplish so for now I need to stay alive I go mining because everything I have is slowly falling apart I start with regular Str Mining and then I realize I can go prone and be even more efficient after a while I get some much needed resources and I resurface feeling temporarily less doomed in between days the admins had refilled the loot in the big cities and since I'm close to Denver I should take advantage of that I make my rounds through the city again and hit up the same towers as yesterday eventually I come down to visit the mall on my way out and then I see a player inside and I recognize his skin it's spf8 the guy I saved from getting wrong oh there you are hi we have a chat and decide that we'll stick together now cuz there's a whole side to this map that we haven't visited yet and by the way if you think this map is cool we have turned it into a fullon story map so you can play a campaign with your friends or alone and then once you're done the story it's a survival map you can download it on my patreon Linked In the description eventually we cross through the mountains and reach the bad lands we find a dam and inside there's a little base which we borrow from but even better there's a Lamborghini I I mean a horse we Mount our horse and follow the trails deeper into the bad lands and it's pretty Barren out here so we head to the top of the mountains to get a better View and that's where I spot something very interesting a helicopter has crashed in this Lake there's some loot but there's also a book and this book is exactly what I need to destroy welcoming it's a message from a military General containing the launch code to the nuclear missile I now have one out of three things required to launch the nuke spf8 and I continue through the bad lands until an announcement is broadcasted a group of fedra soldiers is setting up camp and the coordinates are super close we could be the first people there but we got to hurry it's not long before we see them a group of five or six soldiers are standing around and these aren't regular players these are admins with one objective and it looks like that objective is guarding a building so I tell SB to hang back and on my queue he will open fire and I'll sneak in and get the goods I take our Lamborghini and approach from their blind spot managing to get all the way over beneath their Tower but I get a little carried away and throw a bomb strike into their camp and they all blow up and die is what I would have said if I hadn't completely missed the [Music] Target now I'm in a gunfight all alone my Lamborghini breaks down so I make a run for it escaping to meet SB again and now that we've alerted these fedra agents we need to find a new way in we make our way underground and try to mine Into the Bunker but that also doesn't work someone's digging yeah we we could hear you they hear me uh okay let's try another distraction I guess SB goes off to lure them out of camp but my mining isn't exactly subtle you guys back up pretend you never saw I just saw block break and they spot me again Who's down there and this time they follow me down the tunnels if you tunnel it down someone down there someone's down there yeah someone's definitely down there someone's diing under back up we're getting shot from the distance right here oh shoot person nothing person's breaking blocks again on me on me on me on me hard hole the whole fight is becoming a stalemate so I try to back out and find a new angle and when I do get out they've captured SB normally I'm all for self-preservation but technically I dragged him into this situation so I guess I'm obligated to to be Batman again while I'm hatching a new plan I spot a pair of walking bushes you know ghilly suits are only effective when they're the same color as the surroundings right I follow the walking Bushmen eventually meeting them at a small camp and there I ask for help saving SB they agree as long as we can share the fedra loot in the end and that's totally cool with me before moving in I upgrade my chest plate and my helmet and then we split up to surround the camp and then I see two fedra agents are alone and they're distract Ed talking to my ghilly friends west of here oh shoot oh watch out watch out look out look out look out oh ah go go you'll never take me dude literally unived himself but whatever I just got a free upgrade the Gillies and I move into the fedra camp and begin our assault bro wait what the but then my overconfidence gets the best of me and I get bonked on the head broh I'm revived by the agents and thrown straight into prison with all my gear and then I start to wonder where the heck is spfa shouldn't he be in prison too I don't know man he's just he's not here and now I'm stuck in prison alone I had hoped the ghilly would save me but one of them ends up dying and the other runs away but what happens when there's a massive amount of gunfire zombies lots and lots of zombies the camp goes into shambles sure would suck to be out there uh-oh and in the chaos the guards think I'm going to help them so they let me free why yeah right I'm going to help fedra I'm helping the zombies here stop it stop it welcom and's team shows up and I pretend I need their help oh protag get up here protag get up here they kill the fedra agents and then we clear out the zombies together oh boy so you've just been here uh they the fedra took me prisoner for a hot minute we collect the gear off the bodies and I enter the loot bunker to see it had already been taken and then the most convenient thing happens welcom and makes me an offer to join his team so I say yes and together we head back to their base welome and gives me eight diamonds to upgrade my backpack and eventually we make it back to their home in Salt Lake City the people I want dead taking me in sharing their stuff and showing me exactly where they live I could not ask for a better setup today began with a team meeting we were going to split into two smaller groups and apparently these guys knew about the nuke so they wanted half of us to C capture the military basee and I'm totally cool with this since I want the nuke for myself as the meeting comes to a close a player named Adam spots a team making their way through Salt Lake City We Begin our Ambush on the players why all right stay still stay perfectly still put your gun away we capture them and to gain popularity on my new team I pull out my inner villain this is Salt Lake City if you come here anymore you will die if you're going back to base you're going to make a farm and we will pay regular visits to your farm sounds good I warn the players that they are never to enter Salt Lake City again because this territory belongs to welcome in anything to smear His Image after they leave I run into spf8 where the heck did you go man apparently he just mined out of prison because fedra never took his tools away so he officially joins our team we all head across the map making a quick stop at someone's old base and that is where I get a ghilly suit of my own we arrive at the military base safely and welcoming half of the alliance goes back to Salt Lake City we enter into the military base to start securing it but there's a player inside and we can't just have strangers running around here by chance is someone in this building uh yeah that's hello oh hello what are you guys doing in there hi first gum Rock and now brag what are you guys doing here why don't you come on in so we rob him and then we give him a few options he can leave without any gear he can stay and our slave or he can die and wouldn't you know it he chose to be our slave we command deer his base and he gives us a tour of our new home but it's kind of messy in here so we begin to clear it out and start organizing it to fit our needs and while we work a second person comes by and he too used to live here we recruit him onto our completely volunteer slave labor force and he decides to donate all of his gear to us what a nice guy I continue building out the base creating this secret chest room room for myself and I fill it with all my extra valuables cuz bases are prime targets for thieves and then a third person shows up that used to live here Stand Down Stand Down what what are you what are you doing here rat I'm going to say I wouldn't recommend it man we're slaves man well what happened I I barely got back yeah we became they they showed up said it's theirs and it's theirs and funny enough he also voluntarily joins the slave labor union we are doing just so well for our our eles in this organization I'm truly blessed to continue to smear welman's image as much as possible later that night two players fly in on a helicopter I didn't see it but apparently one of them ran away but the other stayed with us as another slave he happily donates his helicopter to the organization but this is when trouble shows up I'm on the roof when our teammate Nikki says he's spotted dashing now I don't know where dashing and I stand anymore he technically wants to kill me but he he's also allied with schamrock who is apparently allied with welcoming and I'm allied with welcom and so I don't know man I don't know how this works I hide while my teammates go and greet them what about our friends over here you what happened to all their stuff you going to give that back they can leave whenever they want they took all of our stuff they didn't they they said that no we gave them the option to leave we we said they can leave whenever they want yeah they can leave whenever they want he said if we left we still weren't getting our stuff back dashing then starts blowing through our walls and I'm not ready for confrontation so Nick and I hop in our helicopter and fly away from our troubles completely abandoning our other teammates so what we going to do well good question we arrive back at the SLC Tower and update welcom and's group about the situation we haven't seen any death messages so maybe our teammates escaped since it's the next day there's a high likelihood that that military base is empty now and it might be our best chance to retrieve the gear I left behind espb and I take the helicopter and on our approach to the military base we see there's someone outside it's our slave or I guess our ex slave we confront him about the snitching that took place yesterday and apparently he fought for us I really don't understand why but whatever man he lets us inside our base again all our valuables had been taken from the chests including our enchanting table we left behind guess what wasn't found my secret stash I take back my Loot and SP and I fly back to SLC sorry the slavery and what I haven't shown you this whole time is that I'd been collecting more airdrop grenades because the loot gets better later in the event I wanted to save these for a day like today when I could get the best gear so I call them in while I'm all alone in the desert and great news a bloater spawns in this is a boss zombie on steroids but luckily he doesn't see me yet so I'm going to try and be stealthy ooh this airdrop Was Juicy I just got the highest damage rifle in the game and a minigun in the next chest was a heavy machine gun and an air strike grenade so I begin to customize my new heavy rifle when another player shows up who is that I'll help you and thank God it's just spf8 we use the power of friendship to try and kill the floater don't don't use your bullets it's resistant to projectiles don't die no not yet take care of this guy he's down he's down all right room eventually taking him down and burning his corpse in lava opening the final crate we find an aircraft engine and another minigun no no look at this what is that that's a three shot snip then we see an announcement saying that fedra agents are making a convoy through Salt Lake City it's time to redeem ourselves and actually take their loot this time we meet up with Rico and move to a taller rooftop after spotting the Convoy but as we're setting up our ambush another team engages the fedra agents first they're on the bridge there are how many of us is that our team that's names fedra spots us instead of them and weapon Knight gets absolutely one tapped by a fedra sniper we revive him in open fire on the fedra agents I just got sniped one shot I was full health yeah they absolutely have a heavy rifle then oh yeah that was seven hearts in one shot that's an uh that's easily a heavy rifle on Anyone Have Eyes on dashing team and look I'm struggling here this medium scope is not accurate even when I aim straight at someone it'll Miss Rico ends up knocking one of them down and then I spot the Supply Convoy making a getaway they're heading towards the airport and as we're about to head over we spot dashing team on another rooftop normally we're enemies but we do a little Crouch dance signifying our temporary friendship we meet Rico Squad down on the ground steal a quad bike and drive it to the airport but there aren't any fedra dudes here which means we're blind or stupid or both we drive back downtown and nobody's there either where the heck are we going apparently fedra moved to the top of the overpass road so we drive back to flank them and after all this effort we make it up to the overpass and they're gone they're at the airport now we move in hearing a big gunfight going down on the tarmac we have fedra pinned down I head into a plane and open fire but then an agent throws a bomb strike into my cabin oh orange orange run run missile missile missile run missile missile enough players have shown up that we start to overpower fedra and during this time Rico pulls me aside to tell me that he has organized a meeting with dashing so we can finally end our conflict against each other eventually fedra loses and someone claims their loot but I'm not sure who since there were so many players here we head back into the city grabbing the quad bikes we had left behind there is no time time to rest Rico and I head out to meet dashing for a very private conversation in complete secrecy we meet each other on top of the prison it's time to discuss the state of the server and what the heck is going on between the major teams from the conversation it seems like Rico and dashing have been wanting to Ally together for a while now but despite our history dashing and I make a good alliance we clarify what happened in our past and we forgive each other he gives me iron and diamonds for my troubles a initiating our friendship this is great news cuz when I eventually stand up against welcomin I'm going to need this Alliance to fall back on as our meeting comes to a close we see an announcement about a helicopter crash nearby we book it over as fast as humanly possible to find the wreckage completely surrounded by zombies and there are pilots trapped inside hop out get out right run run back here to the quad I pull One Pilot away and the other is absolutely swarmed pilot run out run out in there there's a guy in there mutant don't die pilot oh my God all the loot gone just run just run all right is that dead big team coming big team coming another team shows up and starts shooting at us something tells me this is schlum we've uate the pilots to a nearby Canyon to see what they might know our loyalties lie with fedra and fedra alone whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa at least let me finish my villain monologue come on man then do it finish you've got time yeah don't worry I can't hit then his friend starts claiming he's not with fedra but I don't got time for this we let him go cuz Rico and I have important matters to attend to we need to contact other teams to find out any information we can about schlum rock and what his plans are he's obviously not the Salt Lake City Boys anymore cuz we own Salt Lake City and apparently him and dashing are no longer allies so Rico and I drive to a base known as the BMB and we speak to their leader hul the fool but H knows nothing about schamrock further down the road we run head-to-head into a group of smaller teams who are allied with the BMB and they also don't know anything about schamrock so even further we come across a large base which I've never seen before I'd rather be cautious so do a bit of ease dropping first and once I recognize the players voices inside I invite myself onto their walls with my grappling hook I speak with their leader named Pidgey who tells me they also are allied with the B&B and know nothing about schlum it seems that my Nemesis schlum rock is growing weaker and he doesn't have many allies left or we're being lied to but one thing is certain that B&B is becoming very powerful and I need them as an ally Rico and I head back to SLC to finish off our day and naturally the admins are up to no good we find them driving around as a biker gang causing Shenanigans for the death gang baby today our team had One Singular Mission we were going to find the launch keys to the nuclear missile this morning the admins had placed them in the map for anyone to find So Adam welcoming Rico and myself head out on quad bikes to begin the surve I'd assumed they were buried somewhere near the military base but nobody other than the admins know of their actual location we tried digging around the first structures we find but come up empty-handed eventually we're at a graveyard but it's already been dug through by other people so we're either looking at the wrong places or we're too late and someone's found them and the problem is the longer we're out here the longer we risk running into schlum rock we head to the gas station from day two and the whole place has been dug up in the pit we see a plane that looks a lot like dashing plane which means he's probably looking for the keys too we stop in a field to talk strategy and then we get rolled up on oh I was there get on get on get on we're leaving certainly that's schamrock on our butt which means he still has a team helping him out I see this is our chance to take him out so I try to lure him into the military base they see us that's g rock that's them that's who was chasing us are we shooting are we shooting no they just shot at us first all right we push in move need going now we can't stay here okay I have I have no no no no no we lose no I've got a water bucket we can just get on the wall okay and then we run go go go go go go go go go dear bro this machine gun is so inaccurate death out of move move move move there's going to be a bomb there's going to I pull back and move around the other side to flank smoke watch out there's a missile coming let's go no go go go go go go go okay we'll get him back later we'll get him back well Rico is an absolute killing machine and I'm sitting there looking like an idiot how many deaths is that one I can't 2 three four dashing overhead dashing our Ally but he cannot have the keys for himself stop ooh hold stop stay still dashing I know we're in an alliance did you find that card no we are not gum Rock has the first card but how do we know he's not lying to us he could be conspiring with schlum Adam keep dashing here y drop it no we don't have time if you want your team get Gibson up if you want your team members to live put it in there no I'm getting Gibson up get C up get Cav up drop your stff the chest in the chest go drop it all in the chest gum rock you stay right here you stay right no you don't move you don't move on oh no no no no no I'm getting them up let him get them up this no as I'm shaking down Gibson dashing tries to run for it I got nothing against you guys man go stand with the prisoners oh wait is he running get get get I I'm not moving I'm not trust me I'm not I know you're not moving Lo we we need the grip we need the grip real quick and talk real quick yeah I say we let them die nothing yet we'll bring you up it's just too unsafe right now I I know we're still friends I just it's too it's too volatile this whole situation is massively stressful cuz we have two of the biggest leaders dead in front of us the future of the server depends on what we decide to do right now come here drop your stuff in the chest and your people will live welcome I'm rescuing him right now we will Sam is Sam is Sam control the situation go go rescue Cavo and the other I want I don't know whyo they're on this side of the building they're on the other side of the building they're dead not that hold top Yeah hold top hold top not that okay prot tag you better not res him I'd like to keep I'd like to keep my pickaxe no no you keep nothing SL s and if we see anything in your inventory come on man your life is more important than the items you have come on the issue here is that dashing is hiding things from us I don't want him dead but welcoming does and dashing is not helping himself you need me alive because I know where the one key card is come here come here just just come here SCH are wcom can you give me a golden Power I'm in level three infected do you want welcome and dead are you what now while I'm talking to schamrock alone his neighbor's house burns down in real life and so he actually had to leave so we'll put a pause on this conversation and you know we'll deal with dashing in the meantime welin determines that despite our alliance with dashing he's been way too suspicious in this interaction so welome in being a reasonable man he wants to publicly EX execute dashing super bad news for someone I need as an ally this player named Gibson convinces us that he's not actually allied with schamrock and that he was dragged into this whole situation so we let him free we have we have heard enough details you'll come with us we can talk on the way welcomin and Adam will take dashing back to our base in the quad bikes and Rico and I will fly his plane home to keep for our team protagonist on the way here me and wel in both actually witnessed dashing Li multiple times he said he he said we were his only allies then we asked him about yesterday he said he was Allied with them Adam can I ask uh during your team's Annihilation who was there you want to name every single person did that include dashing or s that include dashing interesting if this guy can't get his story straight he's probably lying and he genuinely might betray us like he told us yesterday he had no involvement in attacking Adam Spar he also lied three times by my account on the way here three times he couldn't get a single story straight Adam's team was Mass massed by him Adam is our teammate we owe Adam this kill so I make one final proposition I call a vote dashing will make his case to our entire team and hopefully they show Mercy if you vote one go to the chickens if you vote two come to the top of this with me but the outcome is clear he's being executed they walk dashing to the plank and with a quick shove welman makes a statement to the rest of the server betrayal is inevitable unfortunately dashing rescue party came a bit too late as I'm walking back into our walls I see people trying to sneak their way into our base hello hello you can back off the vines hey you tell your teammates to back off the roof they're they're in our base okay everybody get inside get inside get inside get inside Rico got knocked they are intending to kill us and after the execution my teammates are unforgiving who who are the two fighting right here I don't guys Retreat Retreat Retreat for Tag's up there for Tag's up there don't go up there don't go up there K kill Red's dead we need to revive dead yeah we need to go run run R dead we can live in harmony our full team's ding Rico are you below Crouch yeah he's safe things aren't looking so great for me I had planned to use dashing in his team as an ally to fall back on once I betray welman my team is becoming unstoppably blood hungry and I need to get out soon I needed to start reaching out to other teams and making sure they knew I do not stand for what's happening and as it turns out Rico's got the same idea he doesn't want to be part of this thing anymore either we start by having a conversation with Hol the fool at the BNB we tell him our intentions to leave our team and like a true friend he then tells us to be careful because two other teams are conspiring to create an alliance against welman and all of his allies and for now that still includes us we head over to pidgey's base being extremely stealthy getting inside this may be one team that's plotting against us and I need to make sure they don't have access to the nuke but a quick slash simp later and P pidge's inventory is clear and there's no launch key so does anybody actually have the key card or is it with some random player who's hiding away in a cave just to be sure we drive back to the BNB this time sneaking in to catch who the fool off guard we interrogate him just to be certain but he assures us that he's been completely honest he even gives us more information about a large group of players currently heading out to find a weapons cache I see this as an opportunity to test the social Dynamic on the server Rico and I arrive and find players are at the dam and as I'm spying welcome and shows up with the reinforcements Adam dread mask and weapon Knight are a few hundred blocks behind on foot I don't know why this is happening but all the teams begin to converge on our location it starts to get very hectic who are who are you guys so I ask everybody to start separating into their teams eventually they do and then we hear the university is here too too and oh boy that is bad news because dashing was their leader and they're not happy they even decide to point a rocket launcher at my face dashing was publicly executed for lying to our face and betraying our alliance what did he lie about need specific many things many many things associations goals travel he couldn't stick to a single story dashing does do that a lot but these players refus to move on from the topic insisting that dashing execution was just would you like to die right here and now or would you like to leave they start to leave but for some stupid reason somebody starts shooting you leave dude let's get out of here let's get out of here come on welcom and team being the aggressors they are start shooting at the University team we'll get the get the no no no no no no do not revive this guy what he gets up and he inst and instead of Reviving anybody they let them all die permanently which team are you on you good NA you good you all good good I'm good good all right oh he just died the the fight never like it never should have broke art Rico and I drive away in complete disgust of what we had just witnessed we start the day again with a team meeting and I present a fake plan I say that we should split up again into two halves so that we can control more territory on the map everybody agrees and the plan is a success but what I really wanted to to do here was pull away players who I think would sympathize with Rico and I taking down welcoming so we split the team and I send my half of the people over on a mission to find a new base for us in Denver Colorado but before I can go and meet them schlum Rock has finally logged back on and because he's a good sport he's decided to wait for us at the military base to continue our interrogation where we left off and that is what it means to be a respectful player so welman and I head over on quad bikes and res resume our conversation with my original enemy schlum admits that he has one of the nuclear launch keys he tells me exactly where he found it at the graveyard and that lines up with where we found the dig site so he's not lying we can't just kill him and take it because he hid the launch key and apparently he's the only one who knows where it is as we're still interrogating I hear gunshots in the distance yes it is hidden and that's not our team welcome and spots a big old group of players entering the military base there's like eight people out there talking to purple sheep what hey you boys might want to run what the he idiots I'm up here come on come down come down they're right here they're right here he's yeah keep going okay so we don't have schlum anymore but at least we got the info that he has a launch key which makes me think that the second one is still out there undiscovered and that is all I need to know to move forward with a strategy welcome and I split ways him going to SLC and I to Denver and I wanted to thank spark toast once again for sponsoring this video mcraft servers starting as low as $1 for a full month truly is an amazing deal with free dos protection 24/7 uptime and 24/7 technical support they offer an amazing service including first generation service automatic task scheduling and the most important thing is just a simple control panel so thank you again spark toast use my code protagonist in the checkout for 40% off your first month link is in the description my teammates have begun to set up our base inside the airport but I can't have a moment of Peace in my life Welcome in radio's in to tell me he's discovered an alliance forming against us this news is not surprising at all since whool the fool already told me but not to Garner any suspicion I tell him to prepare for war me meanwhile we had gained a new member in the form of schlum Rock's old teammate Gibson this is the guy we let walk free from the military base yesterday he givs us four backpacks full of stolen gear from other teams and a Jeep and this is amazing because I need a player just like him for part of my plan for now Gibson joins the effort to construct our base I head out alone to dig for the other nuclear launch key and I decide to go to one of the only places that hasn't been dug out this tiny house in the savannah I'm guessing the best way to find this key is just like you'd find Diamonds strip mining and after digging a lot of dirt I find it the second launch key I am one step away from launching that nuke onto welcom and's head and the final step is the other launch key which means schlum rock is the final piece to my puzzle and I think I know where he's at earlier at the military base when we were attacked wel thought it was a group of Bandits but I saw a shield pattern that I recognized those players were from the B&B schamrock might just be behind their walls I sneak up using my grappling hook and guess who I see inside schlum schamrock himself I used my ninja abilities to stalk him inside their walls and the security here was laughable I literally just walked into their home and stood there in the corner completely undisturbed until schlum Rock opens his mouth and points me out but putting a gun in people's faces really makes them cooperate so I lead schamrock away and up to this tower for a private conversation you want welcome in dead as much as I hate your guts I do want him dead well as much as I hate yours I agree you got the key card this is you got to understand how tough this is for me I need your I need your honest God word I need you to be slum with me I'm going be schlum with you I set that that nuke off it goes to Salt Lake City that's exactly what I want to hear my friend do I have a little secret for you and then he pulls out the other nuclear launch key making friends with my Nemesis is a huge step but I'll do it if it means taking down welman we shake hands and agree on a plan I make my way back to my team at the Denver Airport and then welcomin calls us on the radio saying that he's going to preemptively attack the alliance that's plotting against us and he wants my team there for help so again not to blow my cover we start driving over wman told us these players were at the University so we arrive outside and hold our position waiting for the signal once it's given we come in from the East and welman Moves In from the West except nobody's home and welman's not there either and then in chat we see death messages welman gave us the wrong location and now he's at pidgey's base killing everybody mercilessly again just yesterday Pidgey was our Ally and enough was enough it was time to put our plan into action and finally rid This Server of welcoming and his gang begin operation bust a nut everything about this plan has to work perfectly or it might not happen my first step is driving over to meet welcomin at the base he had just slaughtered and I deliver him our new teammate Gibson Gibson joins welcomin half of the alliance and will Now operate as our eyes and ears within their team next I meet with schlum rock in Jackson Wyoming he's brought along other team leaders who also want welcome and dead they are going to reach out to any friendly survivors they can and keep everybody clear of Salt Lake City which is the target for the nuclear missile schlum Rock and I begin driving to the military base meanwhile Rico is using his radio and putting the other half of the plan in motion Rico lies to welcoming saying he just saw a large group of players heading straight towards Salt Lake City the plan works and welman's Team Heads straight back to their base meanwhile our teammate Nikki is already inside of welcom and's Base he calls in an air strike to make it look like the tower's been attacked Nikki fleas the scene before welcoming arrives schlum and I meet our teammates Rico and Dread mask at the military base and move down into the bunker every step has gone exactly to plan I have number two put in number One never no one go ahead no going back Rico receives word from Gibson that welcom and's team has arrived in Salt Lake City which means it's time to execute the final step of my plan I hop on the radio and begin broadcasting schlum Rock from day one you have targeted me and declared me an enemy but schlum you've been a respectable player and I will not use this nuke on you welcome in you called me weak you put me back in my place even though I was outnumbered and although I may not have the same PVP skills as you I like to think long term so goodbye old friend sequence [Applause] activated 5 4 3 2 1 We join the server and wait to see the death messages rolling in but we don't we only see two and only one of those were from welcom and's Team something had happened happened welcom and's team had somehow survived this was really really bad news we immediately leave the bunker and drive back to Jackson Wyoming I instruct all the main leaders to gather anybody they can find anyone and bring them all together we need to unify as one Army to fight welcome in or else we'll all die the skill Gap is way too big for us to fight individually Rico dread mask and I split off from schlum Rock and begin driving around to look for friendlies the worst possible thing that could happen is running into welcoming so we have to be incredibly cautious the first place we visit is the BMB to see if anybody's still hanging around and I hear voices inside hey there's two there's two people outside Jesus Christ it's welcoming and he is very mad go I heard I think I heard welcome yeah that is wel okay they're going to they're going to follow us this direction ow oh my God but not 60 seconds later just as we had left oh probably trying to leave right now oh oh oh God this is not looking good already and there was nothing we could do welcom and's team executes them and they permanently die the man who had been my Nemesis who ultimately turned into my greatest Ally is dead we show up to gunrock Ridge and hide our vehicle in a barn this is the location that we had told other players to meet us but I don't know if that message got passed along either way this is where we make our final stand it's a tense wait I can only hope that welcom and takes as long as possible to find this place our first sign of Hope appears a friendly group friends no he's friendly friendly he's he's me no no no it's me it's me we brief them telling them how we're going to turn this whole town into a trap by luring welin into the middle so they take their position on one of the rooftops another group comes by and another five entire teams answer the call and for the first time today I'm starting to think we could actually win this thing all of these players are posted up on their rooftops instructed to stay as low profile as possible I don't want welcome in knowing it's a trap now all we have to do is wait people coming from West yep back there South they're here [Music] hello they ran already come on they saw people they they they saw they saw people they saw this and they they suspected Yep they're coming back they're at the South South East they don't have heavy bullets no they're knock want me to at their cover where's like they they back two shot I they do not have Heavies or we're was we're wasting Amo we're wasting Amo we need to draw man this long range battle is proving useless I go forward to try and lure welman further into town he doesn't know how many of us there actually are I'm up by the bar too much not coming we need a new strategy I head to the back and tell one of our teams to go around and ambush welcomin from his right flank they head off and I lead the main force in a slow push forward and as we're moving up I reunite with Harry for the first time since day one hello Pro tag Harry come here we're at War but this ain't a romance novel we can catch up later I see in chat that our Ambush team is getting killed we need to move faster push push full speed full speed over here I hear I hear I hear it on the mountain oh my gosh hold fire fire hold fire oh friendly friendly they friendly rest them rest them rest them I want they friendly though on your team yep we'll get you where are they mistake where' they go where did they go where did the enemies go top top top hey Pro tag oh oh [Applause] fall back fall back if you need to back get back Ma's gone ma Noone where is he where is he's down do oh proag it's over for you proag it probably is over for me damn [Music] it yes I you're next too you're next to you think you're going to live no you're wrong you Ned me you you n me you Ned me to die too many [Music] times
Channel: Protagnst
Views: 3,507,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: protagonist, protagnst, forgelabs, speedsilver, sword4000, minecraft hardcore, I made 100 players, 100 players simulate, minecraft civilization, Outbreak, apocalypse, simulation, 100 players survive zombie parasites, minecraft's best players, players survive deserted island, I spent 100 days in a zombie apocalypse, zombies, minecraft zombies, the last of us, tlou, undead, 100 players simulate the zombie apocalypse, 1000 players simulate minecraft zombies, minecraft infection, infection
Id: zQNxchkGhGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 11sec (3911 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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