Minecraft PE : DO NOT CHOOSE THE WRONG PRISON! (Jelly, PrestonPlayz, Baby Sonic & MORE)

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[Music] so guys the footage video starts I just want to mention but I'll drop some new merch and as you can see on the screen right there we've got some t-shirts different designs some hoodies that look really cool and all of that good stuff so the link is in the description down below check it out right now if you guys haven't already what's up guys welcome back to another video and today as you can see we are back with another do not choose if you guys enjoy these type of videos definitely go ahead smash that like button right now guess what if you like this video you're actually gonna get a Lamborghini at the front of your house just like they own like five seconds that's what you have to do and if you need to channel be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss a video sorry let's go ahead jump into today's subscriber wall before we actually go into V do not choose sorry last time we actually added two people to war which was Jack and Helene now we have someone else who is it going to be let's find out let's go to this awesome awesome assistant right here and free and A two and A one let's see ad black wolf underscore Alice now this comment says please add a black wolf underscore Alice to your subscribe or I love your videos keep up the good work thank you so much I'm glad you love to videos and uh yeah if you guys could do something like that you know how this person added like the little quotation marks of the name that you want on the subscriber wall because usually I just go based on your channel name so sometimes it's not exactly correct as you can see this person's channel name is Alice black wolf but this person wanted black wolf underscore Alice so if you guys could do that that will be pretty cool so black wolf underscore Alice think that's correct yeah done there you go alright so let's jump in today's do not choose or what is it going to be let's get this oh okay wait we have a lot of a lot of arrows and a bow okay little one concerning why we have a boy because sometimes we get it and sometimes we don't so I'm gonna take the bow and I'm just gonna take half of the arrows just in case I die ah and that's it I think all we're running low on the cookies last time I don't think I even ate one but you know what just in case I do get hungry all right here we go free two one let's see oh do not choose the wrong prison but this time we have all that's here Oh Brian oh okay we got baby sonic you're with us unspeakable gaming or we got jelly all right ah scary teacher we got Preston plays okay because I was about to say sonic but it's spongebob toy exe and wait hang on that's me what wait I'm so confused okay um that's that's a little bit weird so which one should we pick first hmm there's like a lot of options here we got basically eight so I actually might pick mine first just because so let's get the diamond pickaxe and we do have some ladders just in case we have to get up there alright here we go let's break through this I'm not sure what's gonna happen obviously it's gonna be me inside but is it gonna be good or bad oh okay yo you got a massive TV in here and literally a gaming setup yo you look exactly like me this is kind of scary see myself alright um wait hello fusion droid that's that's a little weird to say because you're pretty much me so like were you gonna record a video here or something that you can just literally sit here and record this is so weird okay ah let's see wait you look like me what I mean you look like me as well we're pretty much exactly the same you are fusion droid I'm fusion droid but I'm the real one this is completely a fake one let's see wait he said ah so I stole diamonds that's why I'm here what why would you still diamonds for um can you help me get out wait no you stole diamonds I'm not gonna help you get out even though you're me I'm not gonna help whoa okay wait what do you mean why okay what's up to attitude buddy ah where's the diamond stone is it isn't he or something hmm what about here actually he could be holding it maybe we're gonna have to fight okay you know what I'm gonna just quickly eat this didn't mean to click that's I'm not gonna help you get out buddy all right here we go we only have a golden sword so I'm not sure how long this is gonna take oh don't push me out of here I need these diamonds I feel like he's holding them but then again wouldn't they have like taken off the diamonds unless you like literally is kind of hiding it I don't know all right halfway not too bad no please don't tell me my swords gonna break uh like I'm almost about to win yeah we can't have this please nor it broke I can't wait I'm about to I'm about to die hang on hang on yo chill fusion um relax okay I've know how did I get beaten by a fake fusion all right we have to quickly go back dude what wait I could use my pickaxe wait doesn't that it does more attack damage so it might use the pickaxe to be honest all right here we go oh he does have the diamonds yo you took a lot of diamonds almost like free stacks that is insane oh wait actually there's more one two three four five stacks of diamonds you stole I can actually make a diamond sword now all right well I mean we'll get to that very soon um I don't know about this one actually just because of that spongebob eggsy and herobrine we might have to get yeah we might have to get a diamond sword so let's quickly wait my tree is gone now I have to use this one all right should I make Diamond armor as well yeah I should because I mean I need a little bit of upgrade and infusion droid the fake one gave me a ton of diamond said he stole wait doesn't that mean I stole it too kind of I don't know all right let's get the sticks and a via diamond sword a very guru all right let's make the chest plate very quickly the leggins what else do we need the boots and we also need the helmets there we go we have fully stacked now all right let's put that on replace bats let's actually just put everything in the chest because kind of don't want to die I mean even though we don't really lose our stuff I just want to kind of have it in here I think that's pretty much it I'm actually still gonna take the sword just in case okay so I think we're just gonna go in here and kind of just get this out of the way I think this is gonna be a bad one so I am prepared wait oh oh there he is but I'm in here because I got rid of Sponge Bob again that makes a lot of sense dude why do you keep hitting me like what you have like a little water thing here is this what you drink from that's a little bit weird okay I can't see his health for some reason but do you have this done in stored so we should be able to UM I was gonna say be able to take him out really easily but that kind of just happened very very quickly uh wait I think he's gonna respawn wait I dropped my sword oh there we go is he respawning he's like stuck inside of the war like what what what's going on Sponge Bob oh oh he is wait and Patrick wait what does he mean by that oh wait cuz you got rid of the SpongeBob and Patrick okay so we can't get rid of him he's sorry easy too okay you know what I'm getting out of this one too you can stay in there buddy all right Preston plays let's go ahead and enter this one all right please be good Preston please all right let's see oh okay wow you could wait you got a shower in here and a massive TV okay attack me I don't think so yo what's up Fusion um hey what's up much uh I have been better to be honest Oh I mean yeah I can kind of see that um when I get out of here I want to do a parkour race yo I'm actually down yeah okay if you win I'll give you a shout-out wait really I mean you don't really have to but if you're offering that sure if that's like the prize money if you win I will give you $1,000 all right just goes on yeah but the thing is I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna win so I'm gonna lose a thousand dollars to you ah okay so wait all right this one's super chilled I don't know if I want to fight Preston right now so let's just go to the next one because we still have a ton of characters to go through oh okay scary teacher hmm last time we couldn't get rid of her let's see oh ah jeez wait what I have to get back to school so I can teach my students well you shouldn't have been in here Yohe wait she has a fan she has a fan right there okay can you stop wait what if I just use the boat oh wow that was massive lag did you guys see that wait is it the boat that's causing lag I've actually never seen that before it looks like it because right now I'm not lagging that was so weird I'm sorry about that guys hey go easy and this time she doesn't like respawn but she dropped a lot of books so oh wait sharpness yo if I put that on my diamond sword I'm gonna be like very very strong but I don't have an anvil and anvil in here wait why is there a dead block what I didn't see your bed does she just sleep on a dirt block I'm so confused oh we got this all this again if you press G it makes that sound like come on man come on okay let's go oh okay so we finished the bottom row ah that's jelly we might go with jelly let's go up here alright jelly let's see a little bit of a visit here alright and oh yah wait he said get me out of here fusion yo he just knocked me off okay um wait what can I do this what no actually I can't do that I mean we did get the bow for reason but I feel like that's cheating okay you know what just please whatever you do don't knock me off what are you doing jelly come on buddy come on again what if I do this quickly run in there we go also here's a here's a big TV as well okay I want to fight with this I want to see if it's possible um just because I mean the diamond sword is IP okay you know what I'm gonna have to eat this yo chill sorry it seems like older youtubers seem to have like a massive TV and they're in there like rooms so it's a little strange because the others don't they get nothing really good no I'm actually gonna win wait what would jelly usually wins these one V ones but all right um wait don't you get out of fear buddy yo here's like the modern um toilet okay oh wait I'll get you next time no you're not but dude more diamonds wait one two three four five isn't that the same amount that the fake fusion Kroy dropped what okay okay ah jelly has oh yes a little basketball hoop we can't seem to pick up the ball very so that's a little bit of a downer but that wasn't too bad this one doesn't make those sound effects so yeah all right let's go to the next one which is I actually forgot oh it is unspeakable gaming okay hopefully I'm not gonna get pushed off straightaway please I'm coming in unspeakable a little bit of a visit from your friend fusion oh there is yeah I think he's excited to see me he said fusion all right what's up buddy not much I mean what about you like my TV it's pretty big eh yeah for some reason a lot of these big youtubers have it but for the others they really don't have anything in their room wait really whoa unlucky vent yep definitely lucky to have this this is like a luxury uh he has the modern toilets there's his bed a little bit of a mirror look at it actually show you some reflection look that is so cool all right and he just said fusion again all right so weapons if I hit just once on the Frog I can't you're on speaker I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry y'all relax relax doc no I didn't mean status now we're gonna have to fight because I can't get you back up there Nara unspeakable you weren't supposed to escape wait but wait what if I do this okay and I go back all right now we're super chilled for some reason when you use the teleport thing to like go back and then you come back here like they just don't attack you anymore it's like they completely forgot what happened well I'll let you stand here um I don't know if I'm gonna get in trouble for like letting you out like this but yeah I guess I'll like risk it all right next one Oh baby Sonic okay well we're kind of running out of letters here all right baby Sonic lost um actually let baby Sonic out so I don't know how he'd go back in here okay oh why are you facing the toilet and is that what he's sleeping in what baby Sonic are you okay he's like facing the toilet I'm hungry this milk is yuck it's past its expiry date you know what that's that's kind of gross I feel sick yeah don't well don't drink it I mean if it's the only thing you have I guess you have to like kind of drinker to survive but I feel like I should let him out um all right how would I do this just staring at me okay uh I'm gonna have to like can I like do this no I'm actually like yeah just kind of like hit him out all right baby sonic quick you can escape you need your milk and your food and or like on stuff and there we go goes down and you can kind of stand oh hey we've already been for you already okay just okay you know what that was kind of annoying we've already seen you alright quick let's go let's go you have to just stand next to unspeakable hopefully I don't accidentally get rid of them there we go we as you know pretty much helped two of them so unspeakable and baby sonic alright next one which is the last one we have herobrine now I don't know about this one I feel like it's gonna be pretty bad I need more ladders so let me just quickly just grab a few here wait what why is someone taking so long to break that was weird you guys saw that wait was it cuz I was Nick I don't know I really don't know all right last one let's see Oh what is this gonna be good or bad I have a feeling it's gonna be bad cuz I mean it is here Oh Brian alright dude he looks so happy in this picture but alright let me just quickly shift wait oh wait he he just said do I wait he would be hitting me right now if this wasn't in the way um wait what's what he just one shot me oh okay Wow um it does that mean he's like impossible - what are you serious wait do I have another enchanted apple like would that even like help me I don't think so this one seems pretty impossible so yeah okay alright so I ate the enchanted apple don't know if that's gonna help much but if he just gets one hit on me I'm dead actually way this is working like here oh wait he hit me once but it didn't kill me because of this enchanted apple okay now I'm just okay you know what I'm gonna have to use the berry maybe that's why we have a boy alright ah I have to like try and get him out of here um hmm how am I gonna do this here Brian is he stuck again on that yeah okay oh no I was trying to like yeah I was trying to get you out of there so then we can fight okay oh I can see sword all right come on here Brian you're almost there yes yes come on jump down Kenny not jump down what what are you doing wait hang on do I have to break something let me break this is he like hitting these head on this all right come on Oh three four and what you're so close okay you know what I'm just gonna have to like do a little build this there we go this is the only way cuz he like one-shots me always health is actually pretty low wait where'd you go don't go back in there I can't see you where'd you go oh there we go oh my goodness no dude this is the worst one here O'Brien's worse definitely confirmed ah all right here we go dude I just don't know why he's not jumping down it's weird because like the others would just jump down normally okay let's go back up where'd you go no he's so low sorry low all right a few more hits Shirley wait Nora rain of arrows oh man his health could be regenerating right now listen take a lot of arrows okay ah here O'Brien where'd you go I can't see you again why do you keep doing this oh no no no no no no Oh almost has died there that would have been bad okay and now he's gone again oh he self he selfie so like okay hit him with the normos can hit him - diamond sword dude have died so many times already please why does that rebound that was weird okay and let's go back up where'd you go Oh nord nori wait did we do it did I just do it oh no he's still alive wait how is he still alive all right last one nor it rebounded did I did I do it I didn't know his health is so low but like he keeps going back in here so I can't see anything oh no no no no okay please please please there we go finally oh that was so annoying that was definitely the worst one uh wait no he can respawn are you no are you serious not this is the worst one a hundred percent we are not entering that one ever ever again so at least we were able to help unspeakable and baby sonic escape I mean I think prescient should be able to escape as well come on Preston yeah let's get it get you out of here oh no I'm sorry I'm sorry Preston I get get me out get me out get me out get me out Oh a compressor Dalton's because he's hitting me there we go alright guys so that's gonna wrap up today's video if you guys enjoyed definitely go ahead sir mash the like button again if you want to get added to view subscriber war all you have to do is leave comment down below on this video make sure you are subscribed to the channel and that is pretty much it I'll see you guys in the next video peace [Music] you [Music]
Channel: FuzionDroid
Views: 2,590,395
Rating: 4.9122758 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft pocket edition, FuzionDroid, fuziondroid, Redstone in mcpe, ✔️, Pocket, Edition, PE, redstone creation, mcpe, minecrtaft pe, pocket edition, DO NOT CHOOSE THE WRONG SECRET BASE, fuziondroid don't choose the wrong, DO NOT CHOOSE, Minecraft, 3AM, wrong, do not, sonic, marshmello, scary teacher, scary teacher 3d, unspeakablegaming, Jelly, chase paw patrol, paw patrol, do not choose the wrong portal, Do not choose the wrong prison, Prestonplayz, Spongebob.exe, unspeakable, herobrine
Id: eVZtUkZ2Joc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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