Minecraft Mobs if they were Spooky

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the mobs of minecraft have become spooky they creepily haunt the world in search of poor souls to scare dread them run from them their spookiness arrives all the same that is one giant beehive and it looks like it's deteriorating too what could possible be inside it let's gear up first okay i'm ready for anything oh gosh maybe not this huge killer bee hello human hi why are your teeth red exactly i could really go for a light snack find me a dead cow and i'll make it worth your time we know when animals die in minecraft they just kind of turn into dust right why don't i do it myself i didn't ask that but it's good to know you're buzzy but okay dead cow well there's a live cow yay ow hello there betsy you mind um look at the other way really quick all right well we'll just deal with you the old-fashioned way whoa we got a dead cow well that makes sense now we can take it back to this killer bee all right i've got your cow corpse right here now you're gonna have to behave yourself get it thank you human this would be a great side dish to compliment your corpse i should have figured this much come on get vanquished on you're dead oh and it dropped it looks like a bee stinger blade or something what do we have here razor sharp stinger i just found out that this stinger can actually paralyze any nearby nasty mobs oh gosh like this one right here but look we've shocked him still oh there's a few of them get back okay we can attack from oh gosh no bad eye okay oh stop oh that was so close dude they took me down for so much help i am glad i have this thing and there's another one we're just going to ditch on this guy for the time being oh get away i'm glad that's over oh whoa speaking of spooky petrified piglen is that a stinger you have there why yes it is did you smell it perfect that will work nicely if you paralyze a hoglin and bring it back here i can make you a nice tool out of its tusks apparently this guy even wants a nice meal out of it everybody wins sure yeah uh killing innocent things definitely a win in my book well i mean i don't know they were trying to kill me but holy moly what is the ship we have here and there's a spawner there too oh gosh big okay paralyzed stay but that is not the right one we are looking for a hoglet not a zoglin but i cannot get through here whoa hey what is this ein bat oh gosh wait i've got some idea come on a little bit closer a little bit closer oh all we have to do is paralyze him on this come on hello wait get through aye go go go we made it through barely holy moly not a fan so now we can take care of the razor sharp stinger on this hogland and get ourselves a special little treat skewered hogland very nice although that zoglin has moved i did see this though hey there we go and it looks like the coast is mostly clear look he's just waiting for it here's your skewered hogland give me that and now i can make you this hopefully isn't too big for your head take you off with you on nice we can use it to break walls while sprinting but i noticed this little nether mound had another hallway area down here and look we've got some cracked walls what do you say we give this helmet a shot huh boom right on through oh nice oh a bunch of them this is awesome look at this oh god hey made it nothing bad happened don't have any questions whoa what are you oh there's a wolf at first it's an evil cat three blind mice three blind mice see how they run see how they run i've heard that before mice taste great blind ones are best if you want to live then go grab the rest what i'm on pest control duty now well i have a feeling if there were mice anywhere it'd be down in the basement we've got even more walls to clear through hello oh well we got the blind mice but i'm curious what is behind this what do we have oh gosh not again oh another one and some polished andesite as well and look another cracked oh boy oh that didn't work how i wanted it wow i can't believe i escaped that alive i just realized that these three blocks were used to help us get the last blind mice the last blind man doesn't matter here you go evil cat hopefully you can help me get to the next evil spooky mob perfect i have to wonder how you taste i've seen this all before come at me nave don't worry about it everybody at home cats have nine lives okay even the evil ones now what do we have here razor sharp cat claws cha-cha whoa check this out i can actually use the claws to climb dude that's incredible nice oh whoa i rate iron golem whoa he just killed that villager oh and the zombie angry must smash everything hey not me no i must fight it i can't i must yeah you must stay within a six feet distance of me homie you have way too many arms with way too many claws for me to get close please my brother don't you understand that that's just a metaphor i don't think chill pills are really real but we can try and look because i don't want to upset you okay so apparently we can climb up this thing if we use yes the power of the kitty cat nice look at that we're just climbing up a storm right now oh boy get on up there baby oh it looks like there's a bit of an obstacle course up here okay we literally have to go like sideways up the wall in order to make it oh that was close yay but we did it yes yes yes good good good and look another wall don't mind me just use that helmet to get on up i think if we just keep following along the side what the heck oh you've gotta be joking me i gotta time this too holy moly no bad oh gosh i full okay boom right there good good good good good now go quick i think i made it yes we got through holy moly oh and what are you about um i know bad what did he have scratch well as beautiful as the view is they didn't have really anything else left for us other than this scratch apparently so maybe the scratch is what this golem needs here you go sir hey very good thank you for your assistance well he wanted to chill pill we gave him scratch i'm not gonna ask you any questions i didn't want him to scratch me so we can use this thing to ground pound oh and look at this whoa whoa where am i headed hello hello spooky headless enderman oh ender horseman sorry oh it's you the hero of legends yes indeed it is i have no quarrel with you but maybe you can help me i don't know i might need some bolts to attach your head back to where it was but you know i'm in need of my cursed sword of the underworld so that i might leave this mortal world i see it's located in the cave of dire darkness unfortunately entering means my soul would be forever trapped wait so why do you want me to go i wish to stop haunting this world a legendary hero like you can surely overcome the odds yes oh well surely you won't be needing these things well i have to say the cave of dire darkness is uh surprisingly lit oh wait where'd they come from oh goodness gracious wait i can ground pound that'll show em yeah baby yeah but i am still almost dead retreat i think you got it going on huh homie home a beautiful sight what do we have over here oh hey that sounds like that thing that the uh guy over there wanted the cursed sword of the underworld yeah i thought so oh here you are good sir one sword coming right up it seems you live up to your legends take this possessed pumpkin i've been using as a head i don't need it where i'm going whoa ominous the possessed pumpkin oh what the heck oh this isn't as pleasant as i thought there's legit a lava pool maybe this teleportation because i think that's what we saw how does it work exactly ooh pumpkin attack huh very nice oh i see so we can use this thing and then when we boom oh nice well enjoy your lava bath i am on my way out of here and look a bridge no less we can use this thing again most useful item ever away with you oh i missed now why do i have a sneaking suspicion we are going to be heading to that woodland mansion all right what do we have here what is this oh boy oh oh oh sneaky spider you can see me well i couldn't originally you were on the other side i thought i was a sneaky spider well you know you are named that i can't help but your mother decided to call you you know what i'm saying hey could you find my sneakers they might help me be more silent sure i mean that's not too spooky but you know your face and all makes up for a lot of that yes i can help you find your sneakers i don't know uh that they made them in pairs of what eight but we should be able to use our possessed pumpkin to make our way across this travesty of a lava pit oh my goodness we got to be a little careful come on now safe to teleport and good to go hey the sneakers this one looks a little bit tighter though we're gonna have to plan out this teleportation perfectly oh well okay i just realized this thing is really hard to aim but we've got this iron gauntlet here and we can just walk across the top no problem at all and i see another chest and it's got exactly what we needed in fact i see another area over there too all right let's be careful ooh i know what to do with this yeah and two more and it looks like the final chest is right over there which this should be a simple enough grab safe to teleport look at that all eight sneaks baby here's your sneaks spider boy or whatever you are really kind of looks like a scorpion to be honest i hope you enjoy oh you found them whoa he's out of here quick you seem like a cool guy i'll be watching you what does that mean what do we have here whoa shows where mobs have walked in the past while holding look at this we've got a little breadcrumb trail to something a few different things in fact hey a door over here could this be oh whoa whoa what are you looks like a predator oh he is a predator pig where did that buga run off to you're not talking about me are you i'm just an innocent horned man oh sorry i was talking to myself oh good so the guy with two swords is just crazy that's good to know a fox stole my target scanner and now i don't know who i was sent here to kill well it wasn't me oh stay back if you could help me find it that would be appreciated uh sure yeah oh well this branches into two different areas we've got something right here i don't know i know they mean footsteps but i'm not exactly sure what these footsteps might be leading to hmm hey a lever right there and if we flip it hey something just happened let's see what we got over here oh hey it opened something there it is all right predator here's your target skin use it wisely this is it thanks human might as well scan you real quick i don't know if that's a good idea scanning scan complete target acquired hey let's talk about this okay oh goodness stop stop stop stop all right this is how it's gonna be then huh baby cat claws oh and we got the obliterator what is this a laser shooting weapon that can vaporize blocks oh it can oh and there's some nasties in there too oh but i can vaporize them yes oh gosh there's a lot of them in here hello hello you've all been vaporized yo these guys suck well you break the walls now what do we have in wheat seeds sure why not you never know in fact i do hear some chickens nearby so we might be able to use those seeds for just that clear out this area oh more baddies and how about this area over here hello i've arrived oh what are you oh oh what spooky sheep i have an insatiable appetite for fresh meat i mean i get it but this is oh [Applause] some creatures eat one egg some eat a dozen eggs i need to eat a dozen chickens i don't like this at all i mean i love chickens delicious in fact i'm so hungry find me 12 chickens or i might just eat you well i mean i do have an obliterator here um yeah i can help you with the chickens please stay back it's a good thing we found those wheat seeds we actually have a couple chickens all over the place in here in fact they're kind of all over the place i even hear some in here get vaporized whoa you are literally captured well we've got eight chickens now and it looks like there's one more door over here oh goodness hey there's 12. oh you're all so cute sorry about the uh anyways uh all right cheapy uh just what you ordered we've got 12 chickens over here for you oh gosh that was remarkably efficient the taste of chicken but that isn't enough haha i'm still hungry so you're next well wait a second you left the chick wait i'm next hey oh well that was anticlimactic he left behind his souls his souls anyways well i have a feeling i know we're going to be able to use these boots i saw over here one of the most ups oh gosh i'll put the boots on oh oh we made it i think there was a vindicator up there still well i'm glad we had those okay why don't we just calm down we're in like a new room and i'm spooked out right now there's a mob spawner oh gosh and it is ready and i see pressure plates and i think we might need to do something with them okay i got an idea we can sting a couple of these guys at the perfect moment and get them stuck on some of the pressure plates come on there we go oh it made it through yeah baby now where's my obliterator i'm playing all right yes this place is killing me no literally and look at this place it's just filled with all of these crackable oh oh goodness okay hey we've got a couple different things going on here maybe that's not what i wanted i've now checked all of them and there's only two more it could be i'm gonna take the gamble on this guy oh we made it and look we've got a whole nother area we can use our cat claws for to get on up baby oh we've got another little obstacle course here no less okay i can do this i can do this baby we make it away hey oh get up get up oh barely now we've got oh my goodness it's just unending we are gonna need to use our pumpkin staff and just barely sneak by on this guy maybe i can steer it a little bit could that help let me try now uh it's safe teleport we did it just barely there's nothing spookier than a spooky dungeon area like this i am a little bit intimidated i do not want to full we are gonna have to navigate this pumpkin head through these different beams and then tilt it so that it gets oh oh oh oh oh come on come on come on yes [Music] we're almost out we're almost there alrighty whoa hey that looks like it could be something real good not today boys we've got infinite ammo to obliterate boo i wonder what this thing is for
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 4,623,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mobs, mob, new mobs, villager, new weapons, new items, caves and cliffs update, caves and cliffs, minecraft update, mob update, hilarious, funny mobs, custom mobs, custom, meme, memes, minecraft memes, creeper, minecraft meme, enderman, squid, skeleton, zombie, wolf, new minecraft mobs, minecraft mods, minecraft survival, minecraft animation, custom mob, custom enderman, custom bee, custom golem, custom bees, custom golems, custom item, custom items, custom weapon
Id: oY-TlccDbrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Sun May 22 2022
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