Minecraft Mobs when the Chunks Unload

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using this chunk unloader I can trick the game into letting me explore chunks that aren't even loaded see I can't even mine anymore I'm actually on the hunt for an unload sword which is a special item that you can only get when the world is not fully loaded so keep your eyes peeled oh hey maybe this thing knows a little bit about what's going on whoa a player you shouldn't be here the chunks aren't loaded he's on to us I'm here for the sword well seeing that you are you could fetch me a few frogs to snack on hold on a second I mean I'm willing to make a trade here but where am I gonna find a frogs hey guys I got a friend I want to introduce you to don't ask too many questions though get over I can't get them to get to the Slime hey buddy how am I supposed to feed you I don't have any way of getting the frogs over oh hey okay maybe there's something in here that can help us with this slime ooh could be because the sooner we help them the sooner we can get back to unloading chunks and getting this unload sword so with any luck frog hey here we go come on down buddy come meet your uh cousin look the Slime is definitely a cousin we all come in different shapes and sizes all right there we go oh gosh I feel a little bit guilty to be honest have at it Mr slime here we go that's for delicious now could you give me some information about this unload sword since your belly's nice and full you know it exists but you don't know much more than oh boy I should have just unloaded you hopefully this item helps you on your adventure though what the heck big hops hey I noticed when you use it on slime you can bounce way high let's use this thing to find out where we should unload next hey look there's something over there holy moly glad we made it out of this forest and look there's another villager or an illager even he's doing something I've never seen before no need to be scared dude well I mean I pick ax in your hands what do you want me to be if anything but scared man hey I'm looking for a specific item it's known as the unload sword yeah he's on his own level right now when the chunks aren't loaded I'm actually a pacifist just wanting to be a lumberjack yeah all the mobs seem to be working differently when the world's not loading properly however my ax has gotten rather dull the grindstone for it is at the top of the nearby Outpost ooh it must be up there okay well maybe I can help you out if you've got some information for me the pillagers don't particularly like me so maybe you could sharpen it oh yeah this thing looks a little bit rough to be honest don't worry but you had to be thinking about that sword in the meantime we gotta figure out how to get up this thing see what though it's a nice thing we got this big hops item it should allow us to get up fairly simply very good very good what happened to all the Slime here though this looks wild oh what is the bridge it just fell apart barely made it yeah look there's The Outpost right there we're almost to the top and look the regular pillagers they're not attacking either when the world's not loading properly hey this should be a cakewalk all in the hopes of getting my hands on that amazing unload sword I'm looking for something I could grind this thing against but nothing's standing hey maybe just maybe look at that much better all right Mr Pillager we are on our way back all right new ax coming in hot thanks my man I can trap trees much better now now hey unload sword what do you know I'm trying to get my hands on this thing I haven't heard much about it but my La friend that lives in a mansion might know something okay why are you giving me Angry Eyes in the meantime this seems a little odd but it does sound exciting well thankfully there is a woodland Mansion right near that dark oak forest so let's see if that illager's friend Violet it is here hello there relay yes you've been indicator friend did send you he said you might know something about the unload sword can you speak to more detail well bring me six diamonds and I'll tell you what I know Lara needs something well there couldn't be anything more promising than a chest in the middle of this Mansion hey there's a diamond one out of six found we're well on our way but these villagers happen to be armed so why don't we use these angry eyes that we got before to slip right by him hopefully it works hey easy I'm uh I'm one of you how do you do fellow uh what are what even are you okay let's just not focus on it too much we can use our big hops to get on up higher yes good very good okay one more for clearance oh gosh oh I'm close there we go another Diamond another dollar I think that's the saying hey another chest and another one of these guys careful be careful let me in diamonds diamonds we got four of them found this is going way faster than I thought that sword is mine all in due time probably save ourselves by getting these blocks but my pickaxe doesn't work the world's not loaded maybe there's something up here come on now any anything there it is okay with any luck yes the final two we've got all six all right delay it wasn't easy but I've got your six diamonds right here wonderful I love the sound these make when I Chuck them into lava come again that's not what I wanted but what about the sword the sword what do you know about the sword oh right the unload sword can be found inside the Vault of secret items wait another thing I need to go locate you gotta be choking me I unfortunately have no clue where the Vault actually is well that hasn't helped me so much maybe this thing you just gave me will though what's it called alley oop hey he's coming along for the journey okay and our journey has taken us to another new area maybe this guy has some information well he certainly has something water bucket how'd you get that thing dude well you shouldn't be here well seeing that you are do you want to check out my fish collection first of all a fish collecting fish no I just want to find this sword and now a vault of secret items what do you know about it he's not even paying attention to me yes yes yes I'll look at your fish collection oh you want help with a puffer fish huh okay well I can make it happen but I am gonna have some questions for you after actually you might be able to get a few from those nearby pools over there three puffer fish like nope you're gonna be helping me regardless of what you're saying all right let's look for these puffer fish apparently there's somewhere nearby hey there's one of them okay should just be able to scoop it up with this book oh gosh well cause the chunks are unloaded I guess I have all my stuff back it's convenient but sums up with that water maybe we can use our alley-oop to bring this guy a little bit closer look at that yes and I think I could control him based on the way I use it hey it brought the yes come on closer buddy it's time to grab you one out of three collected okay that next one is real far out but we've got these conveniently located little Stone areas to jump to now if you could just get into my bucket please sir that would be ideal perfect cool I can see a blip of a puffer fish right along the ledge of that rock right there that's the last one we need holy moly you are big okay big boy I don't know if it's gonna fit inside this bucket but we can give it a shot get on over my friend I need you to oh gosh that's not what I had in mind get it away okay all right let's get back to this tadpole as soon as possible a lot of weird stuff happens when these chunks are unloaded I'm telling you all right tadpole my collection is now complete take this item as a token of my appreciation yeah that's nice but I'm just looking for the Vault of secret items you can have this worm back for all I care what about the Vault The Vault I've never heard of it oh we're back to square one well after a quick meal and some lounging on the beach I've decided to resume my hunt for this unload sword hey you yes you keep your voice down okay hey I need some help finding oh he doesn't even care I have a bunch of turtle eggs that once painted I can pretend to lay wait a second is that how eggs work before the chunks look properly unfortunately everyone completely out of dye I think there should be some around here though wait a second so these are just chick my whole life's been a lie oh sorry my life's gonna lie well hey I found a cave in here where the whole mess of dyed blocks that might be our best chances to find some dye for these eggs looks like there's some sort of bridge that's already here I'm not entirely sure what's going on but nothing in there let me see all right wait how did I die maybe it's these blocks what am I supposed to get over this thing goes deep I know there must be dye in here hey maybe this thing that the uh tadpole gave me Vault oh certainly that must be how we get across yup tadpole ball baby very good and it looks like oh this one poisons me so we need to avoid a whole mess of this die otherwise we might die all right stay focused on the goal unload sword get through this area that one catches me on fire oh this one makes me float dude what is going on in this place I don't know what that blue one does but I know that the orange doesn't kill me I see a ladder at the end over there that might be where we need to head final jump nailed it what do we have here hey guys perfect we got more than what we needed I suppose but I don't think we're gonna be able to get back the same way that was a huge Lich at the start there maybe we can climb out a different way all right let's see what we have here okay um let's go ahead and do it I don't know what's going on with these unloaded chunks but I know I don't like being exploded hey perfect oh it brings us right on back and I've got the die for you right here Mr Chicken so I'll look the other way while you thanks for your help could you imagine what would happen if people found out I can't lay eggs well you'd have some trouble I'd say up here take this sharp feather it might help fend off any dangerous foes you encounter well it's not a sword but it's a start do you happen to oh and he's gone uh yeah this chunk unloader is causing some interesting things to happen to this world whoa including this Mooshroom sums up with the mushrooms on it I'm oh I'm not myself yeah oh gosh oh don't look to be but I was gonna ask if it's mushrooms control my brain yeah uh that's probably not ideal that you're growing them on your back please remove them I'll do what I can uh just uh you know why you just stay put but hey maybe the Vault of secret items is also down here but it's all right I've got protection A huge feather I'm in a lot of trouble I have a feeling man this place goes deep whoa whoa hey hey look at these get back get back get back whoa what would I just do dude when I right click it doesn't power I'm using a feather as a weapon that just tickles me all right let's go ahead and keep moving on oh a couple more of these guys get back I wonder if those green mushrooms are what are making these mobs pop up too this one's huge I don't think so Mr take my wind swipes yes beautiful what would I even be looking out for though what is normally how you help mooshrooms I know you can use shears on them to turn them into regular cows but with any luck oh bad bad boys the feather though very overpowered oh wow well big but I think I see what we need what do we have here cheers strong shears ah perfect signs of life we must be near the surface beautiful tadpole our way up that's not how you say that word and look there he is let's make our way on down as soon as we can I've got what you need yes we helped him you're a lifesaver I can finally think straight again though it looks like it just handed me maybe those mushrooms that were on top of it what is this exactly removing these mushrooms seem to produce an item you can have it Spore radioactive hey how about a sword or a vault or those words ring a bell at all you got anything for me cow seriously I'm a little desperate here I don't know too much about it but I believe the cat mayor might know a thing or two the journey continues well this ended up being the kind where that mushroom was and I think I see a cat right over there perhaps this is the exact mayor that that mushroom was talking about whoa my Village was already out of control now players here can I uh be of assistance you know is pet a stray cat when you happen to cross perhaps well you see I dropped my megaphone down the well and the villagers won't listen to him anymore wait they listened to you before how do you get that to happen I would get it myself but there's water in the well I can answer whatever your question is after I get the village back in order alright once again we have a well and uh oh it looks a little bit different than the wells we're normally used to okay when does this adventure end I'm just looking for a sword megaphone megaphone megaphone uh that is not a megaphone uh sorry if you could just stay out of my way please I am looking for anything that looks like a megaphone you can go away as well this place is huge we're gonna find a megaphone here thankfully all the mobs we've helped have given us so many tools to be able to get around fairly easily this fence is blocking my progress and the feather doesn't do anything oh maybe this guy sporadicate fires a mushroom oh it does it destroys mushroom beautiful hey well we've got all our bases covered at this point don't mind if I do get rid of all the nasties I'll tell you that would be Mighty useful to just have a sword that could unload everything we're having problems with because these guys are starting to get on my nerves oh wait could that be it what do we have here back up I got an item underneath the grub all right let's see oh yeah there's the megaphone all right let's get get out of here oh sweet that door took us right back to the ladder we were at not that we needed exactly here's the megaphone perfect get back to work Farm those crops stop slacking off look they're immediately going for it beautiful now hey you got your megaphone what do you know about the sword or the Vault I know you know something the unload sword you say my friend the warden has a whole Library I'm sure he has a book on it okay sure let's make it happen oh and take this quill query I was given it by a bird and it might help you out let's see locates hidden chests I could always use that thank you kitty cat we'll be on our way well down to the deep dark we go okay starting to look good there's the warden and it looks like the ward may have the book we need a wooden oh yes welcome traveler Warden I'm here for the book of secret knowledge for the unload sword surely know of what I speak I'm seeking knowledge about the unload sword I'm sure I have a book on that somewhere yeah that's uh that's what I just said yeah okay well could you point me in the right direction sir maybe you've got some oh I keep my book stashed in various hidden chests throughout the city well hey we can use this thing to locate it in chests how convenient all right well maybe we could oh look question mark if you can find the right book I'm sure I can read it for you and get you the information you desire uh sure no problem why don't we go ahead and use our sporadic so that we can get inside this guy right here boom Where the wild glares are I hey no not today junior these question marks are all over the place the pleasure right here let me on in the true origins of Herobrine and twenty thousand neither of those are useful getaways all right there's only a few more of these things left maybe this is the one we need hey the book of forbidden items beautiful we got it now if you can back up a little bit we can take it back to the warden hey Warden I have the book right here ah yes this is exactly the book we needed let's see page 385 unload sword yes it's happening I've been waiting for this moment so according to this the Vault can be found by heading past the mountain through the woods over the river and across the desert they're desert time I'm getting a little hungry Brad's not cutting it the same way it used to oh actually it seems the book had a compass inside hey maybe we can use this to find where that sword is wait thanks for all the help my friend the compass is pointing this way away most beautiful unloaded chunks ever the compass continues to point to this interesting looking landscape and I have a feeling we're gonna need to navigate it very carefully oh like almost dying there's some weird looking Iron Golems over there we might need to stay on guard don't worry I've got a feather um yeah they don't even stand a chance look they're almost already dead get back he's closed good to go all right that's the last of them wow this place is huge we're gonna have a serious parkour climb to do I think oh look I think I see the sword it's stuck in that bench over there dude I can just smell it oh gosh I'm drowning no well I'm glad I've got infinite lives in this unloaded world oh gosh they've almost got me got me back just grab the sword and get out go go go go whoa the sword get away Golem snouts at the time I got it let's get out of here oh okay a lot of distance between me and those golebs at this point but hey we finally did it the unload sword let's use it on a nearby mob and see what happens to it oh oh it literally get unloaded instantly I wonder what else wait a second I've got an idea maybe we can use this sword to get some diamonds going mine a few of those click the diamonds run the unload sword and look at that we've got infinite diamonds nobody tell that a lay from earlier
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 852,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mobs, mob, new mobs, villager, new weapons, new items, caves and cliffs update, caves and cliffs, minecraft update, mob update, hilarious, funny mobs, custom mobs, custom, meme, memes, minecraft memes, creeper, minecraft meme, enderman, squid, skeleton, zombie, wolf, new minecraft mobs, crafty, craft, chunks, chunks unload, offline, mobs offline, video game, video games, minecraft mob, minecraft mobs, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, minecraft pack, minecraft datapack
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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