Dream Beats Minecraft, BUT he gets ELECTRIFIED when he Takes Damage

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] this stream we coded it so that i get shocked every time that i take damage in minecraft um someone actually sent the uh oh i should have somebody actually sent the components so every time that i get shocked in minecraft i get uh i get i mean every time that every time that i take damage in minecraft i get shocked in real life i'm gonna be attempting to beat minecraft um yeah it's gonna be very very very annoying and i am not looking forward to this but uh i'm gonna do it anyway you can feel my pain okay i did one test shock before we started streaming it was not fun it was not fun at all okay all right all right are you guys ready should i just go i just hop into it survival game mode survival time set night as well i'm going oh god i am not looking forward to this i am not looking forward to this i kind of don't even want to be here i just want to watch you on the stream because you're you're screaming your like shouts are going to be unsynced and i'm not going to be able to tell like it's not going to be you know insane i don't even want to take one block of 4 damage so i'm digging two blocks down you have to be so careful because you always take you take full damage i do i'm so i'm so reckless i am so reckless yes yes oh my god of course one bit of iron yes get this shield on let's go [Music] you're right water bucket i need water because i get caught on fire i am so dumb i remember you would like whenever you got caught on fire you like held it up above your above your arm because you didn't want to get shocked guys i'm gonna hit i'm gonna hit seven mil during the stream too so coral reef to the left and to the right that was a puffer fish oh my god imagine it puffs me from like below in the boat poison for a minute straight oh my god you can touch that magma block touch it touch it touch the butt [Music] that's all i wanted ah that is so annoying that is so annoying my arm's like tensing up in preparation how long is night time it's like 10 minutes oh no he went up oh okay okay okay i like your bubble is just red oh my god you got more iron all right skeletons let's go on the island you need to actually island you're on the island dude you need the arrows all right if i get it if i get a 200 donation right now i will go to the island and i will kill this and i will kill every mob on the other hand prove your skill you can use your shield i can i could just go on the island [Music] okay i like that i guess would make it easier for me to beat the game but oh no go to the island go to the island yes go go go go yes oh no the skeleton's gone oh oh my god wait oh this guy is that you have to kill the skeleton okay it's a killer skeleton oh god [Music] i'm so nervous to get anywhere near them what is he doing he's mocking me i just i can't fight normally i can't hit him get in there dream get in there come on yes thank you so much yes it does it's very good no do you get shocked like that i didn't even get shocked just it's just the thought it's just it's just the thought dude it's just the thought all right i've killed almost all of them there's only there's the skeleton over there i know i know i know i'm i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine oh god i don't like spiders i don't like spiders please no you take damage even with the shield you take you get shocked even with the shield you get shocked with the shield fix it fix it no no no no no no no no no [Laughter] you that fix it now and send me the plane i'm reloading i i have taken it off i have taken it up it damages you it no no it damages you even when you block the shield no no it does i'm telling you i'm telling you i promise it again don't test it again no i promise you fix it now six months later all right it's on i'm waiting for it to get back in sync so just i got to give it 30 seconds wait oh dream 7 no yes 7 million this is your reward i'm playing i'm playing this i have the shocker back on okay all right okay here we go gamer roll dude daylight cycles false oh true all right get back up there get on that island get on the island like your seven mil subs now and get on the island oh my god what there are so many mobs on the island why are there so many things you gotta kill them all i have the dolphin effect it's messing me up yes dolphin go okay oh my god it's becoming daytime did you get shocked yeah it didn't shock me yeah it's fine it's fine i'm gonna clear this island i'm gonna clear this island don't get shot by the skull oh god oh my god i got shot yeah let's go okay i'm gonna no no no no come on please what happens it's just one shock oh my god oh my god just please hit me what are you doing skeleton here's me what why do they have such trash i aim what what's happening is it because it's in water it's cause it's in water it didn't it didn't shock me it didn't shock me it didn't shock me all right now on wait i'm not gonna i'm not gonna do what you said i'm fine wait why is it not shocking here is that because i have my shield that's fine you just got hit you took hearts yeah you you got hit no i didn't i didn't i had i was down harder i did not i did not i'm telling you guys you guys are dumb i didn't ask the chat i did not if i take damage and it doesn't shock me i'll shock myself that's fine okay hey we'll remind you about that you guys are mean already agreed if i beat minecraft everybody has to donate that's the rule everyone wait hang on 73 000 people here if everyone donates one dollar ten dollars that's seven hundred and thirty thousand dollars hold on guys it's just ten dollars 69.69 thank you so much for the donation what he's saying is no it works it works it definitely works [Laughter] that was lag that was [ __ ] yes oh my god test the shield test the shield just a random thought who who's from england and who's really really hot right now me george is looking for someone that's really hot from england for [Laughter] um high temperature in england and i'm so overheated right now my water bottle is warm definitely it definitely works you haven't tested this yet though yeah well the shocking works that's all i know ah thank you my nervous guys thank you what what happened wait what is that hold on we're out of there was he holding we are out of there [Music] what maybe boats can spawn in there no no i you were at a village before i was what happened he found a boat why do you stop talking for a boat because yeah do you hear a zombie or something no i just i just heard i just saw it lucky with all this loot [Music] okay okay okay i didn't take damage oh i braced for that i literally braced so hard for that like i i took my arm off my keyboard and like braced for it [Music] impact [Laughter] it is a shocking experience wait mobs don't spawn in the mushroom biome pog [ __ ] i mean i mean i mean ow that hurt that hurt are you guys both laughing no reason all right another time let's go dream i'm going i was going so slow i just wanted to make sure like okay [Music] all right i'm preparing i'm preparing okay i'm just gonna block my shield write the chords down on the [ __ ] of the compass of the fossil just remember you're you're gonna take so much damage i just want to hide i just want to hide here i don't want to go this is the worst biome this is the worst biome i want to reset i want to go to a completely new just get out of the biome it's the only way i uh look hey berg no way what the fortress oh my god pug pog you have fun at those blazes buddy oh my god this is gonna be great this is gonna be so great [Music] run run dream what are you doing oh my god oh my god what is wrong with you why did he block himself in there with it i love how like in my video when i was trying to get rid of run away from the wither skeletons in this exact situation he was like oh my god you're so bad like just put the just put the things just put the things down and he just does that i'm nervous just stop oh my god what do i do oh my god why is it not shooting i don't know what do i do what do i do what do i do and if you get hit you get hit [Music] right [Laughter] that hurt how did you do that yeah [Laughter] all right you know what screw this i am not a [ __ ] i am going to win yes yes yes let's go go go go go let's go dream hey guys instantly weathered again or it's gonna happen it's gonna take it back real quick go dream go i just i don't know where to go just fight them oh just fight them the thing is i'm pretty sure it wasn't damaging me when i was using the shield so that was a good thing you need to stop running past the blazer oh god oh god okay please don't please me oh god it works it does it doesn't work it doesn't work it doesn't work it shocks me it shocks me anyway fix your [ __ ] code holy [ __ ] you are so annoying you suck at coding that is like the easiest fix ever that pisses me off fix it if i can't have my shield how am i how am i gonna fight the blaze george you suck all right just whilst i'm trying to fix it just go kill the blade no i am i'm sitting here until it's fixed because that is not cool like if i go if i get going get hit by blazes when i have my shield up like i'm they shoot three in a row i'm dead i'm gone someone donated 500 and you're lying you're lying i'm gonna go look you're lying for sure what bappity again 500 hit the pigmen you have no choice now didn't you say you'd do it for 500. [Music] [Music] [Music] dream oh my god i don't want to do this anymore i don't want to do this there's like a million with their skeletons i can't believe we're just letting the weather do that to you what am i supposed to do i don't know i had one arrow [Music] what what there's two pigmen in here [Music] there's a i can't place above either [Music] i will die [Music] put those in those 1 000 iq montage moments ah no no please please please stop ow please please please i can't i can't kill it i did i did i did oh my god i don't want to do this anymore that was that was not a fun experience george you never every time you got withered or blaze you held it off your skin okay i am not doing that that's not true that is 100 sure you did it the whole video i'm still getting called a [ __ ] i don't deserve it you're not a [ __ ] dude the pigment donation just went through oh my god [Music] oh my god [ __ ] [Music] please [Music] no dream i think is there anything i can do i could no there isn't actually nothing to do there actually is is [Music] [Music] oh my god [Music] [Music] yes that's not cheating it's not cheating oh my god there's just so many i think it's because of 1.16 like they might i think they changed it there's just so many everywhere you stupid i you um what what the [ __ ] what the f what the hell where did it even come from did you live oh my god anyway guys all right uh that's gonna be the end of the stream what you're joking [Music] did you think about what you just did [Music] oh my god they're everywhere do you have another iron i do i don't have what is priority [Music] oh oh my god oh my god [Music] they come in from everywhere [Music] oh how convenient that was crazy okay i can do this i can do this i don't have that much more to do can you shoot one of them oh my god no wonder i've been jumped so much my hostile creatures was on zero no wonder i jumped so much what why was my mob sounds off how do you not realize i don't know no wonder i've been jumped so much i've so much i've been like they just come out of nowhere i wonder why they come out of nowhere [Music] oh oh you go paws [Music] i don't have that much gold hopefully they give me pearls [Music] how'd they hit me did you get shocked yeah i did good and it scared me enough that it made me walk off oh that that was quite annoying i'm gonna go lay down what the hell can't leave [Music] um i am getting shocked i'm not worrying about the gold why did i hit them i didn't mean to [Music] do that please ow ow i didn't realize the magma cube you probably just taste like any other whoa i taste like she said you're the sweetest thing something like if we were to like cut off your arm and eat it perhaps it would probably not taste sweet [Music] hog champ like it's not that hot ah i'm a genius that would have been me that would have been me dream is so smart the fortress was the hardest part though like once i left the fortress and there was no weather skeletons oh it's just it's getting like beat up it was only the wither skeleton if there weren't as many wither skeletons as there were i would have been fine it's because of the biome it's because of the biome dream we should like i'll get listen to this listen to this i get dream and george tattoo on each of my cheeks you get sad nap and george tattoo to eat your cheeks and george gets a dream and sapnap tattooed on each of his cheeks i can uh click really loud you know like like that but i guess that's an interesting trick oh the stronghold is going to be so annoying isn't it yeah the skeleton what you're gonna do now i got my shield i wish you would still get shocked how long is that fire oh my god okay all right listen here okay i'm gonna take my time staff now i'm not gonna listen to you that was insane why are there so many mobs i'm a pro that was that was pretty pog i mean i i got out of that with taking no damage just keep that in mind just keep that in mind oh my god you found it and it was a two eye you're so lucky okay i don't know where the silly fish went i feel like there was one i'm gonna die i'm totally gonna die i can't look at any of the enderman um this is gonna take a while probably oh you died are you gonna go back you know what i i'm i want to beat it i want to beat it we're doing it keep looking low look low [Music] no no no no no i'm fine i'm fine aggro dragon real aggro right here boom [Music] boom at me isn't it i really wanted an arrow [Music] look i can't hit it from here ah okay we're good we're good we're good we're good good we're good go ahead don't hit me don't hit me don't hit me leave me alone ah i did you stupid [Music] ah okay look at my toes left one more time one more time that's it that's it one last time this is it yes yes my voice is gone i don't care yes let's go let's go that's how you do it let's freaking go that's pog what what happened what happened just not when i finished it [Music] look watch this watch this it's it's it's beautiful it's beautiful guys that is nxp 69 xp look at that i hit guys the accomplishment the accomplishments this stream is insane we got 69 xp we hit 7 million subscribers we hit 650 000 twitch followers and we beat the game while getting shocked all in the same stream that's that
Channel: Dream Team Streams
Views: 5,559,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dream, dream minecraft, dream hardcore, dream electrocuted, dream stream, dream livestream, dream minecraft challenge, dream twitch, dream scream, dream cursing, dream swear, dream speedrun, dream minecraft survival, sapnap, dream and george, dream take damage, georgenot found electric, dream electric, beating minecraft but, minecraft but, dream team, dream face reveal, dream minecraft livestream, dream compilation, dream funny moments, dream iq, minecraft, shock stream
Id: my_C-R1bfqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 2sec (2102 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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