Minecraft Manhunt, But Everything Is OP...

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this is Minecraft Manhunt but literally everything is op yes I mean everything in this video I made it so every item mob and block is overpowered in its own unique way for example crafting tools and armor automatically gives them the best enchantments to killing a creeper drops an OP rocket launcher to even random stuff like being able to tame an army of squids to come and fight for you this video is absolutely the craziest video we've ever recorded so make sure you guys stick around till the end so you don't miss any of the cool Opie things and just wait to see what the Ender Dragon looks like Dev where are you hello oh oh hey Dev what's up what is on your face what is on your face hello bonjour what why are you speaking French what is happening Dev why are you speaking French Dev yeah well not yeah oh please don't let this be a thing please don't let this be a thing now oh my God oh my God what okay wait why is there sand in that tree I mean I mean you see why is there sand here why are you going back that was the best distraction ever I did that before you log into the server okay that actually got me Hey look it's a turtle come here come here why are you going to the turtle wait why is there oh uh see ya see ya um see you later Dev oh a village I found a village already this is awesome what's up why why am I here why what what happened why am I here wait I don't understand what happened in the first I don't even know how quick that was in the first what two seconds you just fly on a turtle like what um I didn't do anything there's no twist okay really oh my God what the why does my stick why did I just get one stick and why did it enchant with knockback ten bro I don't wait is this wait where's this pig oh I just launched a pig oh my God wait what's happening my crafting table wait what is happening bro I don't know what's on your screen you sound crazy right now Dev are you sure you're not going crazy right now cut to my POV right now look at my pickaxe what I found a good chest though I don't know if I want to cut to your POV here what is this twist what twist I don't know what you're talking I have eight stacks of Cobble I have a full inventory of cobblestone I'm coming you're dead you're dead let's go are you actually coming come on Emmy s what the oh my God oh my God no no no you can't touch it what the hell was that look at that tree where's turd where's turt tert no no no yes yes turn save my life wait how did you spawn that did you place a sapling I still don't know what you're talking about there's no twist what okay I gotta get up there I gotta get up there quick all right I'm coming up screw this oh I got a knockback stick oh my God this ax this ax is crazy yeah it's ridiculous I don't know what this twist is bro uh there's none okay really it's the new update 1.19 did you not hear the new snapshot came out the warden and everything oh my God Dev why are you being quiet Dev bonjour Emmy where are you oh you don't even see you wow you're blind oh no where did turt go I need turt I need turt do it jump jump ah no there's water no yes wait I'm stuck up here now I don't have enough wood to get down no I mean there's literally water right there but uh yeah wait what am I saying am I stupid to each their own worst hurt how do I use turret where's turn I don't know where turret went dip no okay this is actually not good because I feel like you're gonna one hit me with this so I'm kind of scared oh my God I need food I need food oh wait wait there's a pig oh my God 64 cooked pork chops okay I'll take it what what okay really okay I'm gonna kill a pig let's see what happens when I kill a pig ah I have a stack of food what is this twist oh my God oh my God okay okay I didn't actually expect it to work but it worked and this is like oh my God look at it go oh my kid what is that a squid why is it killing a skeleton let's go let's build a skeleton oh my God and it just dropped his bow oh my God and the skeleton drops its bow okay that's op what is this twist yes oh my God I found another one oh my God hey man where are you no why do you have a boat bonjour please leave me alone why is that squid on land why is it following you how do I get a squid how do I get a squid there's squids right here how do I get these guys wait is that wheat is that what you use oh don't fight me now Deb come fight me now wait do they do damn I'm scared wait wait wait come fight me now Dev I'm scared why is there three squids right there no no no no no yeah exactly I do not want this do you wait let me let me let me just let me let me try to be friends with them first let me just try okay try to be friends stay back stay back stay back stay back you're gonna hit me I'm staying back okay uh hi my name is Pierre your name's two I see um yes no get me out of here that's it you're done I'm avenging the squid no you're not done oh no oh no oh no they can't follow me in water this is bad yes come here come here damn it I'm Adventure I'm avenging the squid I'm here did you kill all my squids oh no I still have one this is bad this is really bad bro I know that ax is gonna one hit me if you hit me first then you just gotta hit me first then I know but I want my squids I'm so nervous yes yes yes oh my God my screws actually helped oh my God I didn't I didn't even hit the squid why did he kill me oh my that's so dumb that's so dumb so here um do you want to explain to me what the F this twist is tell me what's gonna happen if I play some sapling tell me right now oh my God that's how you got the tree I knew it this thing's crazy um wait so I gotta get a turtle then so I can fly and then I can just come find you like that sweet you can come find me I don't understand though what the hell is this twist okay it's pretty honestly I'm gonna be honest with you right now it's pretty easy to figure out no it's like I don't I I don't know what's happening literally speechless you're like I'm lost I'm literally lost lost like the television series I'm sorry I had to do it I saw the opportunity and then I wanted to have to do anything actually anyways any guesses any guesses on with the twist is Minecraft Manhunt but I make it way too op for no reason no yes that's right that's literally right have you ever thought like why did we buy VR headsets what we're playing VR right now like this is in VR Minecraft like we don't need VR headsets are you talking speaking of VR guys how would you like it if we did a VR Manhunt comment yes or no right now if you guys want to see us do with VR Manhunt versus each other right now let's see anyway back to my discussion yeah Minecraft I think Minecraft is Just VR like this is just VR why did we waste our money bro do you ever stop talking no no because you can like turn around and like see everything like it's VR you know what I'm saying it's like you can see everything what I thought I was stupid what the hell oh wait actually I have an idea right now wait this could actually be really good okay let me try this actually I got one more trick up my sleeve oh okay you might freak out when you see me but okay yeah actually I think I think this is a good place to place it oh my God okay just gonna break that before bro my squid almost tried to Kamikaze me I don't even know what's happening there's iron oh it's another Village perfect here yo what's up bro explain to me right now why there is a desert temple in the snowball oh it's not even like a desert snow it's just a straight up what's happening okay wait so is this like Minecraft Manhunt with like the world is op or like everything is open I don't understand what this is is it like the world is op okay first everything's op first I need you to pause and think about what you just said okay oh here is this the village you were talking about are you here oh yes get me into this Village what why are you saying it like that oh my God are you okay in the head oh my hey man there you are there you are finally I get your stupid face oh yeah come here you're gonna get one hit right now man that's over this instant here come here hey Dev what is that yeah oh my God oh my God yes yes what the oh I did like eight hearts did it how come I asked what the hell what the heck just happened you know okay I'm actually starting to feel a little bit bad now so I'm just gonna tell you what the twist is it's literally Minecraft but every single thing in the game is op including items blocks and mobs in their own unique ways so yeah have fun discovering that so I called it yeah oh and also uh not everything is op in a good way so have fun in another the hell does that even mean what oh god All I'm gonna say is uh brutes don't have speed five why would they have speed five no reason okay I'm not playing I'm not playing I'm not playing did I see what I thought I saw here I did oh my God I almost missed these I actually need these really bad yes okay perfect this is actually perfect okay okay uh let's see I can do this and I can do this and then this and then this and then I can do this and then this and then this obviously right and then this and then this and then this and then this and then this and then this and then this oh my God what oh my God I can literally see every ore in the game yeah yeah you know this is better I can do it too okay how do I do it tell me are you gonna tell me you gotta figure it out is that what you're gonna say well yeah well yeah I think dev's losing it guys I think he's losing it Dev are you feeling okay ah diamonds Dev I just found diamonds Dev I found diamonds I was just strip mining and I found diamond Dev hello oh no Pierre I found diamonds oh my god oh man where did this French character come from like I'm trying to understand right now what your brain thought process is what the hell like who is Pierre like why like what was the like like what is that what is that like what are I I don't know oh like what what do you mean you don't know I think he's a replacement for Dev that's why because Dev didn't want to be part of your manhunts anymore you literally are Dev I am the narrator right now I'm a third person speaker okay you've officially lost it guys Dev is officially lost no like I'm okay he lost his mind yeah it's a way right now because he doesn't want to deal with you pierce here and this is the narrator talking you can't tell me you haven't lost your mind I haven't guys that went crazy it's 31 diamonds enough I'm trying to think okay really I'm just trying to think this is going very good so far I'm not gonna lie to you this might be the best Manhunt this might be the worst Manhunt it might be the best Manhunt for me honestly oh my God wait what my entire inventory automatically just melted what I like that another time for me wait did I just mind gravel and get 60 four Flint okay wait did I just mine gravel and get 64 Flint did I not create this plug-in did I don't know what happens bro what you think I wouldn't forget I made every single block and item in here op so like obviously I'm gonna forget some I want to know how you got that rocket launcher I want to get that thing now that's what I need in my life what do you think connects to the rocket launcher TNT okay you can't be helped what are you you're actually in the world you can't be helped I'm sorry oh my God take off my x-ray and we're good you're so annoying like there's a casual thing to say I mean in our manhunts I'm pretty sure it is a casual thing to say at this point oh time to escape what oh my God I just placed my lava bucket down and it spawned a portal oh my god wow I'm so like I didn't know that was gonna happen well I'm actually gonna this man I might lose my mind I actually might lose my mind I'm starting to feel a little bad oh no oh oh oh oh I forgot I forgot oh my God I forgot I made it so zombie piglets are automatically aggro and fb2 why that just scared the crap I'm not going in another okay I need to make armor for this I need to make armor for this oh my God what is with my chest plate oh yeah you're making armor right now too yes I love it this is crazy I don't want everyone to play Minecraft a different way again this is the only way to play Minecraft now okay I probably shouldn't have made these zombie piglets so annoying oh my God they all just killed themselves to chase me no way they like me that much I like you that much the hell what I'm never saying anything nice about you ever again no you lost privileges let's see if this works oh let's go oh my God I feel like this is gonna run out any second and I'm just gonna die oh wait I forgot prop 10. what was that lie oh it's a bridge mask oh there's so much gold I mean it's a pig face Bastion there's so much gold nice oh I forgot hoglands what wait what's wrong okay that guy is scary what just get away from me huggling okay oh wait they trade potions okay well I gotta go I'm trading when I go into that I think region okay I'm training instant Health invisible thanks for telling me thanks for just telling me that thank you oh wait they drop pearls how many pearls is this though 16. okay really so you have all the pearls okay okay trading is op I had to make trading op everything op apparently I did that's the point of the video I I'm not gonna lie to you I thought I thought you'd have fun with this I thought you would enjoy this it sounds like on on paper it sounds like someone would enjoy this and then you actually verse someone who knows everything and you know nothing about it and then you realize oh wow this is not fun sounds to me like you don't like libraries and it sounds to me like you don't like the cafeteria let's go I thought you interacting my shitty joke but you just made it worse you tried to make it shittier and I made it even shittier oh so here what happens if I kill this creeper over here what do they draw let me see mirror um oh my God that's how you got the rocket launcher no launcher oh yo Pierre looks insane holding this okay so what happens if I kill what happens if I kill a zombie oh my God wait what is this zombie staff oh no oh my God what the hell why are they attacking me guys oh there's a spider what does he draw what the web shooters oh no that's actually bad oh my God it shoots cobwebs wait this is insane that's actually bad for me I don't even have that oh yes oh my God all right okay really oh my God why do I keep forgetting I made wither skeletons have speed five why so here if the nether is op and the Overworld is op what the hell did you do to the end I'm scared now what's wrong like what's happening in the end is there anything you did in the end oh you'll see bro all right I'm standing my spawn here and then you're dead and then what the blindness why do I have blindness and nausea when I'm sleeping here wait you get up oh very tired what happened why did I blindness and nausea what happened oh my God what happened wait where are you what happened where the hell am I what happened I got a what oh my God I just got all the rods I'm in a world with like what is this wait no did you sleep in a bed yes no okay wait this is actually I don't even know how to react I need to get out of here I need to get out of here so happy where's my portal where's my portal come on bro where the heck did I leave my portal wait oh yeah yes I found my portal okay this is actually perfect where is it there it is there it is bro I'm gonna get I'm gonna get so stacked I have 20 diamond blocks no no never I'm in this whole tree bro never there's your blocks I'm gonna get so stacked bro oh my God you think so you think so is that you you don't know right yeah I'm lost I'm lost in the dream world yeah cause you know you know where I am because you're in here you want to please care this is the only good thing I found so far with this plug-in please I don't deserve this I don't deserve this it's my only moment of happiness you know what gear screw this fight me no not the webs not the webs Dev not the webs oh my what the hell was that I spot the zombie stuff would you let me run just let me run just let me run no oh my God what oh my God I think the armor just saved my life where are you what how are you on me we have another you need another I get another I get another right well I actually would love the netherite I'm just gonna have to kill you first wait why are you doing damage wait you have no idea this is what you're stuck in it oh no oh no oh no oh no are you kidding me zombies yes well you could kill by a zombie yes I stole a bed and ran away yes yes yes okay I can go back in there at some point now let's go damn it by the way the only reason I lost that fight is because my window's open hear me out hear me out okay I'm actually gonna be your friend no wait wait I'm gonna be your friend and tell you to stop talking before you just embed on yourself my answer is freezing and I've had my window open since the start of the Manhunt and I can't close it because then I'll lose to the window you know what what like if I have the window the window went and then I I lose so why would I let the window win I have to beat the window now so the reason I lost is because my hands are freezing right now so I can't play properly guys I I think I think I think we made Dev lose his mind with this plug-in I think we did I think we make sense wait the bed's still here you lied um yeah so you okay okay why can nothing go right did it just spawn a new bed for me thanks it must have thanks game all right another time I mean end time oh my God bro okay you know what this might be too op you're just realizing that now I mean like it was a given I've been thinking that ever since you started off as Manhunt flying away on a turtle all right oh oh my God I'm so glad I remember this wait okay before I go to the end I have to do one last thing guys okay guys guys watch this watch this ready oh okay okay okay okay okay okay wait Dev are you in this Village no I think I saw your name no no no no it's okay I I'm not concerned with you right now oh you're trading together okay so and you just okay I can trade I can trade thanks for telling me that okay totems actually okay well I can know that's coming from the trade oh wait villagers too I don't even have space for 10 totems oh my you don't even need ten totems you can't kill you anyway end time let's go oh my God oh I passed it wait it's behind me yes yes yes yes yes yes really okay thanks game thanks game oh oh wait what happens if I kill this thing oh my God I think this might be a little op I think it might be a little bro I got full diamond now I'm not in spectator mode by the way how you already had x-ray at the start so you know what I actually don't even know oh there's the room easy easy actually first I want to get one more thing before I go to the room guys one last thing before I go in the end and I'm finally prepared okay here we go see if I can do this there it is oh man I'm excited to use this so Dev what the hell did you just call me sorry Pierre okay really all right guys are you ready for the best thing you guys will ever see in your life all right here we go I'm so excited right now bro you don't understand bro I don't understand you're literally right look at it oh my God there's two oh my God oh my God I'm actually I'm actually freaking out right now I'm actually freaking out right now Mojang takes some notes what's happening Mojang takes some notes oh my this is the best moment of my life this is the best moment of my life I don't even want to kill the Ender Dragon now I don't want to kill it what's wrong with the Ender Dragon I don't want to kill it why though oh here I I'm about to see the end oh my God you're gonna love it you're gonna love it you're absolutely gonna love it will I yes well you gotta remember you're not talking to Dev you're talking to Pierre Pierre will love it everyone will love it I don't know why there's this second one here oh oh yes oh no oh yeah where are you where are you you gotta chill time for you to die it's literally time for you to die you attack oh wait that's a whale yeah oh oh my God it looks so sick I know Fireballs oh oh my God I'm shifting yeah how did I fall there I didn't even unshift that made no sense it for me I mean I have a grappling hook but oh there's a grab okay why do you always have a freaking grappling hook wait I can just win because you can't kill me I'm just gonna I'm just gonna kill you wait but you can't even hurt me so oh wait no not the knockback I'm not gonna kill you not the knockback not the knockback not the knockback can this whale come down please no that's actually crazy you can't say can this dragon come down can the whale come down Mojang please take notes please yes yes oh my God I have sharpness 10 too can this knockback do something oh my God knock back hello I can knock down are you I can hit it I can't hit the wheel I can't hit the will what's wrong with this oh there we go there we go there we go no I'm sorry will I have to do this you're killing the whale this is against my beliefs by the way throw this knockback this is what it knocked this off this is what I do for Content it's against my beliefs so how are you you're so lucky how close wait no way did you survive I I can see you're still alive there's no shot oh my gosh oh my God there's no shot oh my God I could have knocked you off there bro oh freaking my God you don't understand what I just did you don't understand what I did oh my God you brought a tree no no let's go what is that gonna do now wait did that just break it here I'm not I'm not trying to like be that mean I'll I'll help you a little bit why don't you uh take a look at your armor bro you think I'm afraid of you never said that but I'm just saying take a look at your armor bro I locked it's gone oh no why is the knockback not doing anything yes it's another armor bro I see it please work yes yes it came down it came down it came down what here you might only have a chest plate left oh this is so bad come on well just die honestly you might only have a chest plate left come on yes I'm in the world in him no come back oh the dragon just tried to kill me I mean the whale yes you have no armor here yes yes there goes your totem I have more I have more oh my God please please please please please please please please please please please please please no nope oh no nope I just you just you just got rid of two of my totems nope wait the knock knock will work it out I hate you I hate you yes because I don't have another right [Music] you have way too many pearls oh my God I'm running out I'm running out of totems I will yes yeah no death please here I don't need to die I'm sorry you're dying I don't need this I don't need this I don't need this I don't need this come here come here you're dead you're dead you have no armor you have nothing what are you gonna do what are you gonna do oh Dragon I gotta defend the dragon I don't know I don't know he's coming down yes yes yes yes no no no no no yes yes no death yes are you kidding me oh my God yes wait I still have my stuff the hell what okay well you lost you lost right plugin was so glitchy you lost right you lost I did lose I did lose oh gg gg yes Pierre
Channel: KIER and DEV
Views: 2,809,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft speedrunner vs assassin, minecraft manhunt but i secretly used, minecraft manhunt but, minecraft manhunt with a twist, extreme minecraft manhunt, dream manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs mage, minecraft speedrunner vs 5 hunter, minecraft speedrunner vs 4 hunters, dream 4 hunters finale, dream 5 hunters, minecraft challenge, speedrunner vs hunter, 4 hunters, tapl uhc, minecraft but lava rises every minute, redstone
Id: IuNfdX4L5NY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 19 2022
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