Minecraft Manhunt, But XP = Health

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hey guys and welcome to minecraft manhunt but xp gives me health in today's video me and my hunters start off on half a heart and every time we gain a level we gain one heart so that means if i manage to get to level 30 i'll have 30 hearts which is kind of insane can my hunters kieran jack kill me before i beat the ender dragon stay tuned to find out and uh if you haven't already be sure to go down there and give that subscribe button a week it's valentine's day soon after all oh yeah i hope you guys enjoyed the video where are you why am i oh dude what's up oh i'm sideways i'm trying to turn my head i don't see it would you like an egg in this trying time um hey wow that's what you get for destroying the egg one shot nobody took you two shots to kill me i have i have to establish something okay um all right establish your rules like a skill i'll boost you i was boosting him okay okay okay sorry i forgot to establish the rules um please are you going no okay rules rule rules uh because this is so freaking uh you know delicate like yeah yeah i'm giving myself free lives um i can set a bed and i can respawn two times yeah exactly so that's what i'm saying it's a bit fair for me this time yellow yes i have half heart too oh i thought you had full hearts i was like how is that fair actually why does that even matter what am i doing i was just building it because because yeah go go make a weapon go make your weapon go they'll come at me with your fist please okay all right axe time here we go you guys haven't even added yourselves as hunters that's sad oh i don't need to be a hunter to kill you i know where you are i know where you are at all times they call me santa claus you know the song [Music] god's sake okay jack jack we need to be really careful in the desert we do not want to die to a cactus because that's the ultimate elf haven't you already died that's never happened before there's no proof sorry that was actually uh i swear photoshop dead photoshop no this is not good it's it's night time it doesn't work okay i'm sleeping i'm sleeping well i can't sleep i can't sleep i can't sleep i don't have a bed why not oh why don't you tell me to sleep i should look at look at this this sounds so disappointing look at this you ready let's go i'm gonna show you that this doesn't work anymore please doku sapoku hunt yellow wall oh i thought you didn't need to do that i don't but you know i don't know about you guys but my health is looking quite nice jack no i'm sorry yellow continue after but jack is chasing me with the cactus come on you'll be fine it's walking okay okay okay it's one for the damage all right yellow what were you doing i don't have an accent yes you're doing this australian or something australian dude i just gained another half a heart let's go ow okay please tell me that before jack cactus okay okay okay crouch are you killing mobs crutch gain hearts okay no that's a lie that's a lie that's a lie thanks for giving me some space maybe eating hearts all right let's kill this pig don't kill the pig don't kill the pig trust me wait raw pork chop oh wait why did i think that was like a custom the pigs dropped real pork chop now that's crazy i thought it was a custom either you're too you're too used to like custom i know jack [Laughter] why are you so useless i don't even have my bed set now i cannot work with jack i can't i can't it can't be done what happened an impossible task how did that happen it was only one point jack just punched me out of the blue out of nowhere he wasn't even trying to get anything behind me he just punched me there's an impression he turned around you turned around and he freaked me out come on free wood nice that is yours you better give me that back yeah because i didn't think i would have been slaughtered on the spot given that back jack you better give him that back check yeah that was that was seriously unnecessary what's that i'm coming back i'm taking the bed i'm taking the bed sorry yo you just gave me some levels dude oh my goodness is it level are you happy now jack levels his levels levels give you health levels okay literally hit hard screwed up he screwed up bunny time to die bunny okay what i got half a level from the bunny you have an english accent are you good okay mr american accent i'm not american right it's not nice isn't it what america is say you're sorry sorry yo come on i just ran all the way there night time so you know that kind of thing happens dude yo guess who already has full health it was a misclick and you get three lives oh bro okay well maybe i don't need three likes no oh it's a temple oh here where is it where is it here all right i will give you the coordinates it's right beside a village uh okay so it is out in pasta negative 2 000 okay negative okay okay okay jack all right here where's this uh oh my goodness jack i thought you were a zombie villager please what's up you're an f why am i running come here did you just go [Applause] jack come here oh go eat your stuff go get your stuff it's going to be spawned it's so unfortunate dude how did one time kill you how did one tap kill you what you can't really see right now because the arm that my face is on is being blocked by my shield so i can't really see what i'm telling you the factual truths jack's not having a jack jack i had a horrible time on booster video and now i'm going to have an even more miserable time oh you can you can get more health you just need to be smart about it yeah jack imagine not having i've told you it's not it is okay if it's xp why have you not tried getting xp yet huh i have and that's why i'm healing up health exactly so what you're saying is you've figured it out and you're not telling your your co-hunter no i figured i told him i told him he just didn't he no jack still thinks he's xp but he's wrong i don't need to gain more hearts because i can 20 heart you anyways i got cactus in the wall oh it is xp jack you're right i know i know because i just did it so like you know what are you telling here what the twist is then dude all right jack when are we killing this guy we gotta team up together okay come to this village jack okay i'm gonna message you the course village tell me the chords oh yeah no one's telling you the words yeah i'm sorry you're not invited to the party sorry yellow's gonna check console right now and check the message oh my goodness that's your mistake that's your mistake you can't check console that's cheating that is so low so the coordinates that is low wait a minute i can go over the health limit oh boys guess who's on 11 hearts how do you have 11 levels look i'm going to kill this villager here and he's going to get me villagers don't drop xp what that's stupid big boy you are beautiful big boy you are beautiful beautiful hello you have a really good singing voice you don't need to be so mean i just said you have a really nice singing voice oh you're not being sarcastic no so usually when i sing uh devs like uh who sings that yeah keep it that way holy frick dude there's like a breeding ground of pigs what the french where are you at yellow where is he at i'm at a zoo apparently let me add him let me meet him he's at our zoo he's at our zoo let's go you know look check your compass mate can you please say compass prop related warning he's right there he's right there okay oh my god okay and when he said give me a shield and you never did jack we need to we need to keep the illusion that we're confident okay can i bed on them yeah sure jack go ahead jack he's right there he's right there jack he's right there hide in the grass right in the grass you're bright red no i'm not oh yeah you won't hit me please don't boost them you're stealing my levels jack i have nothing to lose now i have nothing to lose never been more sure in my life i've got nothing but oh good one jack good one i did that wow you hit me but it didn't do any damage okay yes okay okay okay okay okay let's talk about this let's talk about this guys let's talk about this let's talk about this we're actually going to get him i'm actually going to get him for this let's talk about this let's talk about this you're actually going to get him talk about this yep dangerous dangerous dangerous oh freak your trash you didn't know anything about water no no okay don't let him hit me i'm one hit oh oh oh i think we're both on it but what do you got yellow oh no no i know this is the eight this is not good this is not good this is not yeah it's fine to die yellow i'm gonna die join me damn it okay i feel like he wasn't able to reach him [Music] no he's gotta be he's gotta be so low he's got to be so low like there's no way where did he go where did he go where did he go where did he go where did he go where did he go where'd he go okay doing stuff you were so low don't even try how did you run then exactly you know everybody what's the point what's the purpose okay what's the purpose please please please please i beg my bag that's awful [Music] jack maybe did we both do it yeah you're actually so rude could you not jack you have to eliminate it for the ecosystem it feels bad for the massacre of 2022 and is it and thousands of years in the future they will remember it as the massacre of the 2000s all right jack time to massacre some pigs do not refresh your compass bro i am so tempted just to to do a level 30 enchantment just just because like if i'm going to get health like if i get to level 30 anyway i may as well do a level therapy enchantment and do with that jack's trying to kill me over here no i four hearts okay yellow is right or was well because then jack hunted me so now i'm hunting myself oh i found the hole i found the hole oh my goodness i just lagged what are you you guys are literally all about killing baby animals [Music] i knew it i knew it i knew it i don't kill babies and there's not a good reason i'm sorry but i just gained my hearing back in my left ear i'm sorry i'm sorry and i just i just gained it back this second i like it there's an invisible ghast shooting at me thanks jack why does wool burn that's the stupidest thing ever jack is the most useless player i have ever experienced what happened in my life so i just mind iron right into lava without jack any help jack are you calling jackie's list yeah this is dangerous as [ __ ] now you have a now you have a real threat okay we're gonna get never quartz all right we're gonna go i'm healthy big and healthy i thought we went over this yellow i can kill you when you can't even hit me like i can kill you i don't know i don't have a pickaxe i don't have a freaking pickaxe i literally don't have a pickaxe i'm not talking i don't have a pickaxe it didn't kill me his arrow is useless oh dear okay jack i kind of fled it's here a bastion oh okay that's kind of crazy wait how did you need a diamond pickaxe though no bro look in chat oh wait what oh wait what that's kind of crazy that's kind of crazy here i'm like why wait where's the fourth what the fortress is in the freaking it's in the freaking jack yo guess who's going piggling friend how did you get down here did you make a boat i did it i did in fact do that i thought you were behind me to be honest i don't have a pickaxe where are you i'll help you right i'll give you a pickaxe if if you help me i'm right here i'm right here i'll give you a pic let's bargain let's pull again okay what is it i can help you in what way fbi chill put that lava bucket away if i gave you a pickaxe i want something in return you look kind of hook here i want food stone and iron um bro if i had any of those things um i would i would make my own pickaxe you know well then i'm not gonna give you a pickaxe sorry oh oh he gave me food give me the pickaxe okay let's go was that the first manhunt bargain to ever happen no my guy doesn't play with science you have golden carrots what yeah that's what yellow gave me for a picture it's nice you know i just realized jack don't go over there okay i could have made a pickaxe at any time you idiot jack is dead jack is dead you guys are all with the smack boys today there is a mod out there that makes never quite explode oh oh i'm so sorry for your loss guys i'm so sorry for your loss what happened one thing i definitely didn't just fight the most horrible thing in the chest oh oh my god i'm gonna have to spend levels that would be it's fire oh my goodness i just realized i got fortune 2 on a shovel and i've got enough feathers to make arrows oh guys this is going to be torch sure i'm sorry all right i think we're going yellow now i nearly got kicked into lava i had the clutch oh you should be able to splash a fire resistance potion yeah on items and then they can't burn you oh this is straight from reddit minecraft bro oh that's not okay i thought that was i thought it was you guys i'm kind of frightened no i don't want to be mean here you're naked you said you were stag were you lying oh yeah sacked with health though holy crap that does a lot of damage oh my god what is on that yellow it's nothing it's it's a blade and bow bro oh he's gone no he wants to go play with his vr he's doing a bit surely oh yeah i heard it i heard him brought from a toilet no no no no no no no no would i miss him he went to the bathroom yeah okay sure he did oh well yeah i can go so i just left jack jack jack i just found oh my god i just looted the chest that yellow missed in the bastion well i thought all of them i found an iron block i found an iron block with three dryers and 19 arrows okay okay i killed six places in a row and get six rods that's that i can't make that up i can't make that up even i mean i'm in the video and i think it's made up okay is this matt is this axe magical okay there we go they finally didn't get minecraft but the that song which just reminds me of like disney yeah make one make one i see i see yellowstone those furnaces are over here no please don't active please don't don't don't touch them this guy had stacks of food how did you get stacks of food oh can i yoink it hey sorry you're here you're here take that take that jack oh my god oh my god you should you've killed me yellow please we don't need this kind of hatred you trapped yourself about this unless you trapped yourself hey what's this a quartz block i'm feeling nice yeah i've got loads of them what is this dude what is this i don't what is this what's going on is that a neo i can hit that dude here thank you let me wait let me let me get the neo wait let me hit the neo do it i'll do it i'll do it i'll do it i'll do it yes i'll let you keep the food because of that yeah you should do this no freak you hey you didn't just yell dude you take all the food what okay thanks oh this is so nice white block he's shooting he's shooting he's shooting he's shooting and shooting i hope you have fun with that i don't know how it happens i keep fighting fires big swords dude all right i think we're ready to fight yellow now or at least i am you are i thought you were already fighting wait you're you're i'm gonna show you i did i left you alone you're not gonna leave me i have 14 yeah you're not even coming towards me okay that's fine it's this way by the way you have a golden pickaxe we can use no i have a diamond oh why would why would you mine into the wall like it didn't mean now what should do such a thing just look up dog oh i got scared okay he went back into the overworld why did he do that i don't know i think he wait i think he got everything actually you guys aren't too smart hello there oh my god i didn't think you would appear right there that's not one he tried to check us out he tried to trick us oh i need a bow jack zombies are walking in sync let's go i already said i don't have a bow trust me i i have 28 arrows it's way more you know he's just going to jump off incident when we do this he's trying he's trying to flame arrows get make the bone shoot him it'll flame arrow him yo you guys having fun down there there's lots of zombs here got the air so i've got the arrows what the hell is the fire he's got respect he's got fire respect hey hey i'm just chilling i'm coming i got slowness that is a witch what the hell i got poison [Applause] this is awful there's no way that just happened that witch is the worst thing ever the fire aspect is bad oh my god we should have got some fire rest luckily it's a sword yeah oh yeah yes yes and the building how many individuals do you have buddy you just bought me yo it takes so long to reject this health dude damn it he took the dolphins how did i take the dolphins i'm in a boat i don't know ah that's what it was oh my god i'm getting the dolphin i'm getting the dolphin hey we've got boats now oh bros oh i just realized i left all my food in the freaking nether dude freak yeah can you stop shooting yeah stop i don't have a pickup i have a pickaxe so i'm gonna use that yellow oh that is so annoying my axe broke so i'm just gonna have to use my pickaxe oh wait that sounds good uh what do you need jack what do you need oh if we stay on top of this hill you can't yeah yeah if one of us goes down crushes him where'd he go he said hello buddy wait there's a wandering crater oh do you have emeralds we can buy a bubble coral blocks why is there a wandering traitor we need to get some emeralds right now yeah yeah yeah yeah this is abandoned every other mission this is important yeah bye yellow why would you jump in here jack ah get out get out i thought i thought he was going to do the uh bedwars trap and i was like what bedroom shop you mean let's get the block yeah let's get the block i got i got it i got it look jack oh my goodness look oh my god that's so oh my god i'm gonna kill him with like what are you missing right now i'm on your hitboxes so you can actually hit the book man you're so smart i was gonna die i was actually gonna die here oh my goodness stop here come on i'm trying to lead them oh i hit myself yes he fell he fell he fell he fell full clutch time you did it wow impressed he come back up his llamas yes he's there okay uh should i get it right now i thought you meant one thing what a bucket right oh no it was three emeralds for the coral i'm on like double below i'm on like one are you killing our friends no okay that's it that's it you've made this personal yellow oh [Music] here i freaking swear that bull stop dark soul are you gonna suffocate down there what's that is that your plan you can tell because if you had your hip boxes on you see his blue tag i'm in with him oh my god don't boost each other in a boat oh my goodness freak off dude wait people are in his yeah wait what is this place cobblestone wait what it's lava didn't it stop expecting the environment to get him it's fascinating yeah he went down down but i think yeah oh you didn't you guys picked pictures just freak no no still underground okay whatever i'm gonna go i'm just gonna wait up here there it is what's your favorite one have you ever had a worm before have you eaten oh my god okay i'm just waiting here then afk i don't care no there's literally a cave down here and it's got like this one that's an l to the end you literally just said no one cares about you that was a joke though yeah i'm sure it was i have no food okay and skeletons jack yeah stop it i called you don't break that chest oh my god what's going on over there guys that could turn into another being i hate peanuts what is this character i've never seen this before yo guess who's level 31 that's why you're wasting all this time okay oh oh there goes all my levels oh six levels oh no i don't need that anymore i don't need that anymore just this one [Music] there goes ten in my hearts bro or kanpai for plural oh no oh that's not good going five to toe okay can i just type where did i hear that i'm just just delusional god what the hell yeah yeah i don't know but block up the water okay unfortunately we were not able to create a infinite lava source that's not how that works jackie wait oh yeah what is this what are you guys doing okay um is this the room no um if you think you know where the room is you're wrong because the room is where you don't think it is and only where you think it is is where the room isn't yo that's like dr zeus um yeah maybe if you don't leave this entire wall open then where no look he won't know it's because we're sneaky snoop balls yeah but you can see with his eyes scottish people don't have eyes that's right that's right i've heard that rumor okay oh crap his bow does some some damage effects ah fire aspect is so bad man fell in lava jack fell in love with jack fell in love no jack you did not i do not sorry jack we don't have any respawn no way yo you know what i don't know what i found you wanna know what i found out we need to crunch it up and sniff it what okay let's put in the furnace then yeah brown have you heard of breaking bad here yeah i wasn't even processing what you were doing but i'm on board sorry yellow i set my apologies with this christmas tree ah he just burned it you just burned it he burned my perspective oh you said that's his tree that's it wait another one replicate the formula jesse yo how are you not in the end yet oh you so annoying okay i need a water bucket i'm gonna go find water i can't deal with this fire ass back this is mine all the webs what's going on here oh some of them yeah you want to be my weber yo can i trap this can i try this no a guy named webb i don't [Music] [Applause] you update enderman arrow he still doesn't see me yet jack he still doesn't see me oh no the enemy's arrow ran out oh no the enderman has to go in with his axe you cannot spin you update yellow okay do we only have four piece zipper why do you have a diamond axe enchanted diamond axe you got stone axe yeah we're kind of screwed you know come on here come on here kind of food oh yeah i don't have any food either this is awesome awesome possum bro awesome i'm gonna die right now to fire i lied i just realized haven't died since the beginning you think you think this is a handout how about that kid well he's like killing the dragon so is there still a crystal there is yes okay let's go protect it jack good job you're doing good thanks man i was quite worried it would be bad but there's another one i don't have any blocks here so oh do we have a problem wait yellow is already here wait i just realized jack once we died come on you're gonna lose all of our hearts oh no yeah i know it's it's it's really cool [Music] oh i'm going to pick up your levels oh oh oh i'm going to pick up your level oh you gained i gained nothing you gained depression [Music] yeah i've got nothing to lose now so i'm just going to go pull on yes yellow yes take the bubble coral i placed the bubble coral let's go we won i placed it now it will live there forever no it dried out okay you didn't water it i don't have water oh yes i flung yellow up in the air how long has the dragon been down right now you would have killed him wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait where did you come from yes yes i should burn stuff i should sky is full the sky is the sky is fun little chicken and the dragon's coming down i mean i'm gonna hit him why'd you say his full name enderdragon as opposed to yeah his what i don't know what it is bro why is the dragon so tall who's placing friends i was about to say your channel's riding on inertia that's cool okay here here wait jack aren't you on like one heart jack yeah one heart no no not me you must me you must be mistaken with a different person you're so bad yup okay oh i picked up your levels jack i'm sorry jack's on half a heart jackson half a heart i'll go do something nice you're like uh i actually could have got it myself how did you surf jack i'm so used to talking jack what's your levels how are you surviving an arrow hit this the bow shot damn yellow that's actually so obnoxious you know what [ __ ] here you look here was this no the beforehand oh that was my reaction come on yellow i'm just a passing hitting thanks for i'm going to steal your lava bucket yeah go on then lava him please yeah he obsidianized it after one hit bro what don't bet it yellow is betting me that means you can better back leave me alone yellow okay here what's your health what's your health did shut up just what [ __ ] what's your what's your levels just tell me nothing 19 but it takes like four years for it wait you're on nineteen two i don't know i was literally pointing my shield at you jack's on half a heart bro jackson who am i wait what what do you mean you don't have a heart i said shot there bud dragon choose i'm dead i'm dead jack i'm dead i'm dead oh my god no i'm not oh he's gonna kill he's gonna kill he's gonna kill it okay go away i can't hit it take a look at me yes oh my god i was one hit that whole time it launched into the air you shielded but it didn't work yeah i know i saw yeah did you pick up my stuff i'm out of food now i'm out of food awesome melon time yes i don't have any arrows should be on the floor somewhere oh dude you think right that's kind of rude you know rude [Laughter] [Music] he's dead well i was attacking you and then i ran out of food and then i don't know if he does kill the dragon i want the xp from the dragon because i want that big 69. okay pull out full out come on yo i know you're saying what's happening what's hitting me what are you doing are you shooting it yeah i'm at two and a half hearts and i know food so that's awesome i'm on half a heart and i have no food so i actually wait hold on yo i'm i'm feeling so nice today yeah because you're literally being a baby are you late what jack it doesn't matter because we're on one half out but still evan oh you take it in i don't give it to me okay okay yeah that was very kind of you mm-hmm happy he's gonna shoot it we're gonna get up there wait wait [Music] i physically can't hit it yes it wouldn't let me hit it and there's an enemy on me okay yeah oh it's over it's over you're on half a heart jack [Music] jack you're on half a heart stop how are you still alive and i'm still winning joe i'm out there i'll boost you no okay you move on i had him i had him in there's an hour over here i'll get it for you how are you doing i swear i hit every shot i swear you need to get up there you need to get up like get brock's get up there come hit me here hit me yellow i'm right down here hit me yeah look at me alright hit me right down here and hit me no no no no no no no he's got no more hour right he's got no more arrows right he's only got one i shot two out of [Music] yellow is really going to take that oh it flew away oh okay this will be the downfall of you it will be and we're getting i'll stop wait wait look at my sword look at my star look at my sword oh that's so annoying sharpness three that's why i was doing this look at my axe look at max
Channel: YelloWool
Views: 297,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: YelloWool, Yello Wool, Minecraft, Yellow Wool, YellowWool, Minecraft Manhunt, Manhunt, Boosfer, Bubbo, Kier and Dev
Id: Gsr-x2hgeH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 21sec (2181 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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