Minecraft Manhunt, But Your Skin = Your Power...

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welcome to Minecraft Manhunt but your skin equals your power I'm gonna hand this straight over to past yellow world to explain how this works flashback dad come back what the freak man I know I need to be it over here yeah yeah okay okay this video is gonna be whatever your skin is you have the power of it so go pick a skin oh it's like a skin whatever you want it could be a superhero it can be an anime character a monster whatever you freaking want as long as there's information about what kind of powers it has that's actually a secret you're gonna get that power can I be can I be Playboy cardi I'm expecting good things um but again it's Kieran Dev so like what the hell is that supposed I got a good one let's go okay okay okay this is solid Choice that's a very good choice if you guys picked the same one I'm gonna go crazy somehow I already know what your skin is because I can read his mind that twin thing a twin thing it's one thing see I knew it I'm god you're kidding okay right that's a solid that is a song that is pretty good now that I see cures I don't know if mine's gonna be any good what is this wait it's a Baldwin man Andreas wait you guys should not know who this is Caillou no who is that it's Caillou oh my God I'm one punch man oh you can only punch once that's an L right well I'll see you at some point next week for this video let's go so Kier chose the creator of Minecraft the actual Spider-Man and I chose well unparalleled strength it has unparalleled speed and reflexology facial interactions consecutive serious serious table seriously strong intimidation I think I'm gonna do all right to six weeks later yo what's up guys it's been a long time since I've seen you two where you been yes Minecraft I was forced here against my will without a choice you guys are really lucky right you're gonna get to know the twist today aren't you so lucky that get back here aren't you so happy you get to know the twist wait that's actually very unusual for yellow man hunt it's not OP Lou no way no way you remember a few months ago um I I got us all together and we we all picked the skin and then we were gonna make a video remember that yeah I remember well what the ew why you Caillou why when you're entrees are Audrey oh you're Andres oh okay so bald I got it yeah yeah yeah yeah go put your skins on go put your skins on right now oh wait which one was I again I don't want to be skinned do it go do it there we go okay yo yo what's up here oh my God wait I can see everything what the hell are you I just didn't load bro I forgot why would you pick Spider-Man Spiderman are you guys ready or not how to type a command I don't know how to do it how do I wait how do I be God though like I don't know how to be God oh okay I'll see you guys we'll see you guys later boy stuff I can teleport to you I can't use it anymore no you don't no no it's not even how it works bro you don't get to figure it out what the hell whoa hey why did I finish it we can fly wait yo I don't know how to use this stuff that's fine how do I fly you don't need to I need to figure out oh there he goes oh there he where by the way um yep oh whoa nice nice one um yellow does a lot of damage yeah do you know what my name is do you forget my name Andres that's why I get stuck by me you missed okay you really think you're gonna win yes I think I'm gonna win oh my God you think you're gonna win I said I'm God and I'm saying on God you think you're gonna win yellow oh I've died whoa Dev I can just insta break anything with my fist well that's crazy it's almost as if you chose Notch yellow so I don't know what he's it won't stop tracking me mine's on yellow so I don't know what's happening bro it's okay I'll just TP to you Dev let's go do that behind you whoa that does a lot of damage does it actually I'm at two hearts oh wait why I don't know what the damage oh I love being the strongest man alive what I use the strongest man alive cover me with diamonds yep okay this is literally just okay of course yeah I don't be loot into it where is he I think you freaking Unstoppable I think you forgot the concept of this video here I just didn't know Caillou was that ruthless who's Kai oh the guy was okay where are you going where's yellow I think he's off bruh bro he's like juking me I don't know what's happening I have to follow you so you better oh he's right here yeah yeah okay this is scary this is scary this is hey don't do that I'll be there in two seconds Let Me Wait how did I strike lightning on you Dev do I have to hit the ball I don't know but it it did so much damage what the frick excuse me that was me you froze me too whoa I froze everything oh that's not good that's actually really bad I forgot that that was one of your abilities oh this is gonna be a freaking quick video holy freak where are you why'd you pick Spider-Man bro why can't you pick this teleport man like calculate the brain waves of the like the automatic systems what is this ah bro can you not freaking freeze me wait that lighting did nothing no it did damage [Music] wait my food arrived two day two days ago hold on I gotta go two minutes ago guys that shows you how long yellow keeps us from manhunts it's been two days and we haven't been here all right where did yellow wool go [Music] there guys please please come on wait how are you fast no this is the op bro I feel like that wasn't a thing this guy's got like extra of course he's faster than me faster than Spider-Man that makes sense bro I need to re-watch some Caillou episodes to catch up oh frick actually that does damage oh wait wait a minute yeah that's what I thought was that how do you know one-hitting Dev oh this insta breaks so good [Applause] yeah are you using a freaking ax of course you got strength too I got strength one you have strength too and you're not killing him I have strength one and he's running because he's faster than me somehow oh is Spider-Man a good swimmer no I don't think so get in there get in there Dev I did I credit my credit I died I come from my place how did you even how did you even get back here what I love about this is that I can literally fill my freaking internet whatever I want yeah so how are your choices done you regretting them yet yeah you are yeah he's literally I only have the worst one but it's not bad I have the three of us you have the literal worst one right here wait I'm not fighting I'm I come in peace you better be nice here I'm gonna respect you yeah okay oh literally oh no this lightning is so bad it's like it shoots out a lightning bolt [Music] oh oh yeah no wait yeah I'll see you later I keep forgetting I've got like bro yeah super speed here I don't think you want to do this bro go away I do fight me what is this there's no way this guy just picked the most how is there something more Opie than God cure TP to me we can like sit in this cave together I love it every time I say it it works let's go oh I just found like 50 diamonds in a chest it's crazy on the item yeah oh my goodness you are bam that would have been helpful to know where'd you go now oh my God I need a I need a butt I need to craft a butt I think he's in his cave I think he's in this cave God he's over here he's got full diamond he's got full diamond oh this is crazy okay um did we go in do we go in or do we make it oh we're going in ah crap bro I don't even have a weapon I don't know what this character is okay really let's go oh you're water walking so much better than mine actually jump because I'm water walking you're just flying back whoa lag oh this is like we're literally how are we gonna kill him [Music] number four arrows like whoa the skeleton [Music] why did he go in the webs oh come on [Music] oh I hit him oh that's twice he's still on full health here oh I froze him nope nope I'm not going down there by the way hello is he hello is he a golden apple yellow is that what this is um yes that's how you make that's how you make new items I underestimated the spider Dev thank you good choice that's what they all do all right you have it you can just why am I mining bro bro keep going keep going I was going on an equal speed bus item oh let's go Dev I'll follow you God isn't the nether like supposed to be hell oh I must cleanse this place oh my goodness where are you yellow oh the boy there's a four which is right beside the bat oh yeah what's up what is your luck bro wait I'm not cool like why are you guys over there that's not even the entrance did your oh cause I broke my portal that's why you're such a try hard you can literally one hit us and you're breaking up the bottom I think he's at these all the way at the bottom hey where is Yellow Wolf I think he's still under underground or maybe he went to the Fortress now I don't know yeah it's almost as if I say it yeah he went to the Fortress he went to the Fortress oh dude where are the freaking blazys oh hi Dev oh here we go here we go he's right here he's right here you sure this is like blur bro you don't even know what is this like [Music] [Laughter] you're so scary I'm not gonna lie okay Dev I Frozen my Frozen yes no I missed huh oh my goodness nah he's low he's low he's low oh let me let me pull you yellow where are you you almost killed me ah stop hmm stop it where are the freaking Place spawners I'm gonna screw up though please water put cobbles everywhere sorry I'm on the way back here I can't believe Spider-Man does more damage than you yeah I need to make this damn plugin yeah this is so stupid that's crazy like I hate this that's all I actually love this plugin excuse me Dev I've literally killed like 10 of these things and got one um whose fault is that is that my hello yellow yeah buy it bike here I'm gonna do this okay [Music] no don't block them what did you guys say on fire by oh oh Frank oh yellow hey stop it I'm gonna okay no what no is that like no code okay no he's low oh lag [Music] oh oh what was that that was crazy no damn this is stop I'm just joking for Grace I didn't try to TP to you good job Dev missions what's up so you still think Spider-Man's useless and I'm still useless still think that still think that yellow stop okay no one cares here now too okay great oh hello he's right here I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying he's too quick oh crap wait do I need an ax in order to oh no actually I need to make an ax there's no way there's only making one hit us yep oh wait we got him I'm gonna just run from us here dude I didn't I didn't anticipate you actually being able to do anything to me so you still think I'm useless right foreign bro let me lighting him oh no no no he's so fat this is so I know it's actually crazy I didn't know one punch man it also had speed like that I don't think he does all right let's go get him again I actually think he needs a break I'm not even trying to like be rude but I think he's that bad okay what do we do then we can talk okay how was your day it was pretty good you it was pretty good yeah it was I'd rate it I'd rate it why are you holding a gun to my face I'd recommend it to a friend watch this dead ready foreign wait were you just hitting a piglet forgive me Lord okay good thank you you're forgiven yes I get to go to heaven hey you better be careful I don't judge you right now all right let me let me look at your life history to see it oh do not do that oh oh especially don't don't look up July 2016. that was a bad month for Dev oh July 2016. so Deb it says here on July 16 2016. here we go screw me over just say it so it appears that Dev was going through a drive-through I don't know if I can say this on camera that this is pretty insane you're so annoying this is pretty insane so annoying hey this is a sick house I may forgive you for this see yeah exactly yeah I'm trying to go crazy right now oh with ladders ladders ladder ladder ladder keep going oh now we have a now we have a mine in our house now we're actually like Master Builders [Laughter] you're the problem you're the problem oh I'm getting so many new material stuff for our base stop stop making a bait actually no you know you don't get away here should I I'm gonna expand that actually while you're gone keep making a base uh what do I care what do I actually care for we're still gonna die it's not like not like we're letting you in here you're still gonna end up yeah okay sure it's crazy how we're gonna have all this time here to make a base and still kill them oh yes let's go of course she did I don't know bro it seems like you're kind of just like throwing the win here okay now now we now he's going Dev now he's going oh yeah he's you're right right okay I think we have to we have to abandon the house oh actually oh I just found myself a spider no a goat but that too that's my brother though I saw him kill a spider earlier and that didn't happen track him uh-oh I mean track him God oh oh okay you're just dead you're just die God you're just dead no wait no you trapped me with gravel bro skate never mind get out of there please bald guy could fly too no you actually freak me man you actually go away I am so so skillful okay buddy really oh you weren't supposed to see me wait can I break an end frame oh dude freaking no I wasn't gonna do it I don't no no I can't do it I can't risk the fact that you might I can't do it I can't risk the fact that you might be able to do it yeah yeah to be suicidal did you hey Dev let's go get the wall why can't I track him please don't tell me you've broken it dude that was actually so scary I thought you freaking broke it I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry oh you can break I just dude I just broke them oh my goodness no way you just broke wait oh you can't oh I could have broke it bro but I tried but it didn't work I guess like you're such an owl you're such an owl you're such a now such an hour you're such an owl bro I may not have a water bucket but at least I have these guys he's at he's at my base space main base Mainframe where I don't see him he's at Mainframe base oh I see him no I'm dead I'm gonna be a real piece of garbage right now yeah wait why you filled it all in for this this is so cool how much damage does this do look how much damage I can do to the Dragon oh my chest plate broke good I'm not buying it anymore by the curse wait is that why you're wearing gold chests play that whole time yeah Matt can you just like knock okay dude I literally just made the staircase up to one of the tallest freaking Towers I know you're telling me I'm all the way back down okay Dev oh can't you fly I'm so glad I can Purl still no I can't fly I'm not Superman I want to fly I'm not freaking Superman Who's Gonna Stop Me you're not even in middle so I can't say me okay that is so mean that is so mean that's such a bad cool down why does it lag every time oh yes oh you're here you're fighting oh that was a straw wait never told me when you're fighting oh I'm focused wait what if I froze you in midair while you're doing that oh what oh my goodness he's dead he's dead he's gotta be dead oh I'm so glad I've got pearls oh bro I'm actually kind of scared now that's getting way too close for comfort how many crystals are left bro I can't even see them where's Steph well why am I wrong like I'm supposed to be God foreign [Music] stop please Dev okay guys let's let's calm down a little bit here yeah dude dude the dragon literally was just landing and it left immediately I froze him [Music] stop Dev please I beg of you we can talk about this running bro he's just too fast like it's not even fair and yeah if we win this we need a prize no dude dragons down yellow it's been down for a while bro that thing is so inaccurate this guy's resistance come on William am I missing and he's got speed oh I hate that [Music] but why isn't the sticky web combo working anymore [Music] make sure you made an ax he made an ax I guess two hit wasn't satisfying enough no we got him Dave you're kidding me we did it guys you're kidding me that was I no the the I can't believe Shield mine was the worst it was the worst oh who killed you who killed you who killed you
Channel: YelloWool
Views: 555,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: YelloWool, Yello Wool, Minecraft, Yellow Wool, YellowWool, Minecraft Manhunt, Manhunt, Boosfer, Bubbo, Kier and Dev
Id: WJV4dY6sln0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2022
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