Minecraft Manhunt, But there's God Food.. w/ AntVenom

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Entertaining vid but that final fight in the end was definitely set up lol

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/tfWindman 📅︎︎ Nov 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
i gather together my friends bubbo and ant venom yes the ant venom to hunt me down in a minecraft manhunt but what they didn't know was we could craft god food this meant there was five custom god foods to craft that all did different things ranging from super haste to super speed and tons more this was absolute chaos and tons of fun so if you end up enjoying the video turn that sub button from red to gray and maybe even leave a like so the algorithm recognizes my content oh and i've recently become super active on twitter so if you want to talk to me or anything that's the best place to do it i'll be following back the first five people to tweet me with hashtag ant hunt see you there okay hello welcome okay this is this is kind of crazy all right what's up and then i'm like okay yo hey my name i hank venom stahl oh my god oh my god oh my god oh no that is not great oh my god awful for you oh is there even already any tools oh my god i just guarded right away okay try to stay on him a little bit okay bubba please get away from me oh my god i'm gonna have to follow your lead on uh where to go because the only item in my inventory right now is a block of wood oh how's that lava feel [Laughter] oh no oh my god i feel like i could just stare at you right here and when you eventually find like the end i'll just be right behind you and you just won't even do it i guess not oh wait what oh look at look at this iron that uh that you did what oh goodness let's wait hang on we got to raid this village a little bit harder hang on look at all this food that you're not getting on there is literally one that's so sad oh look at this ruined portal oh yeah i got bad i got that wait there was another blacksmith i already got one but there was two uh uh-huh this is minecraft this is busted oh my god i'm dead i might die from this actually i feel like i actually just need to take care of some business here real quick okay listen uh-oh you guys you guys are kind of scary okay i i'm gone i'm i'm not even i'm not even here anymore i just left i feel like uh i feel like i still know what i'm doing playing minecraft this is great i'm so happy about this the one thing i was scared of is you'd become aware oh no oh oh there's oh there's iron over here hmm maybe maybe i should go and kill the ender dragon first it's happened to me before they've been waiting for me in the end i need i need something here come on please oh yeah what's the twist listen uh you you know there's still a twist that we don't know about don't don't worry it's it's nothing brutal okay i'm not i'm not that brutal of a person oh it's completely brutal then we're gonna need to actually watch out there's no way you don't say it's not brutal and not have it actually because shields asap thank you thank you for reminding me thank you for reminding me i didn't even think of it let's go a shield's not gonna help you i mean it will like a little bit okay all right i just wanted that one of that and boom there we go there's like a bunch of caves right by this village that are just not getting explored right now like we gotta we gotta be all over this i mean what it's gonna take at least a good hour to find the uh you never know you know i don't know about an hour we usually finish these recordings in an hour and a half really yeah all right see the right way to play minecraft is that you're up there and i'm down here that means i'm the one gathering supplies and you are just waiting on me to kill you i suppose it's the most the most like reverse man an ant venom is just hunting bubbo and i'm just she's hunting everybody it's just run from ant venom no no anthony are you near me i'm scared not not not no he's near me no no no wait why are you killing why are you here for me why are you killing me we're on the same team i just felt like messing with you oh there's also a chance that his twist takes a little bit of uh grinding to get no finish it doesn't matter he could take him a minute i might already i might have my twist already bobo how do you know uh oh there's no way oh yeah then how did i get on your number how did you get iron iron armor to be fair you have um i did just i don't know how you get that actually i honestly what what is that like i've never heard of that before it's some new strategy this new strat what is it like what is this iron armor pro strats that you're referring to i've killed you before also bubba when i killed you before uh again i actually thought that you were the one i was tracking for i'm good it's all good iron sword iron iron pickaxe iron shovel iron axe you know how it is oh this is nice i'm like make sure you don't neglect a bucket actually i'm loving this oh look at that oh diamonds let's go not scared you got to be able to hit things except for air in order for that to be effective this is great oh more diamonds i love this this is amazing this is like one of the cool this is this is amazing oh it's off damn it it wore out i think he's cheating yeah i'd actually be interested in finding one of those too all right i'm gonna cross one of those oh oh look at look at this he thinks he can intimidate us with this achievement you know it's nothing you guys want to die you can downplay it all you want but when you see me you're going to be terrified okay you can downplay it all you want well we're not downplaying it if it's not a threat okay jay schlatt played the same dangerous game with me you you bait bully venom and you get bully venom let's see if i can find diamonds i'm op all right are you really um maybe not necessarily here i'll give you guys i'll give you guys a crafting recipe okay you want to craft something i'll give you a little hint for the twist if you take a cake take a stone pickaxe and a cooked pork chop okay and put them in the crafting table together just a stone pickaxe in a cooked pork chop yep am i being baited i feel like that's just gonna like blow up the crafting square or something oh no no i'm not even baiting you this if this kills me i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm going it will not kill you i am going to hunt you down as hard as i can hunt you down no limitations if this kills me minecraft main hunt but you can craft mob tools or something maybe we maybe we can craft the diamonds with common items maybe maybe what it's called the mind pork chop interesting no other details what it appears enchanted but does not visually show an enchantment i don't what are we being tr i i don't try to do something with it i'm gonna eat it is what i'm gonna do i'm actually glad i'm recording my perspective because i'm getting kind of ripped off this is actually insane not even coal maybe oh you know what i bet it does i haven't eaten it yet i'm already gonna gamble on this one i'd be willing to bet it gives me mining haze or something i just found a mine shaft let's go nice maybe you can find a golden apple in a chest that's kind of dude if i actually do like no troll i'm gonna laugh all right look let's eat this mine pork chop and it gave me mining haste i guessed it there it is wait what kind of mining haste wait a minute oh god dude you need to craft this right away it is instant on everything okay so you need what i assume then i assume that if you can craft that there's other recipes that we can craft too maybe we can break wait i don't know if you got if you thought of this but you can break stone dude he's gonna be in like the end like right away you can break stone with your bare hands with this now i see why you got diamonds so quickly i'm i have i have more cook weight where my other cooked pork chops are you guys full diamond now no you're gonna just get full diamond oh my god this is a bad idea okay okay this just got bad this just got real bad all right let's see oh come on diamonds i just saw you bubba oh oh yeah i did i saw you running in that forest oh you definitely did because you're behind me now oh no it seems like y'all are about to prove who's better i'll be my tony hart no armor you really you have no armor wait a minute who am i fighting with 75 blocks in the air do the same amount of damage actually i needed that so badly actually thank god it's a hard knock life for us without these super potions yeah i don't even know how to i have no clue how he would make that tell you right now that i'm pretty sure that mining haste controls the it seems like it might control the combat cooldown in this instance as well i'm not sure but you're screwed if uh that's the case listen um i hadn't thought of that i can't lie [Laughter] and you can have this and you can have they're what's in that ruined portal have you checked that out yet there's a ruined portal out there in that ocean and i know what kinds of items are in there i am i'm gonna go investigate we've had it happening and he's not near it oh oh you don't like what i just found though this is bad for you fire protection three golden legs dude so if you have fire anything you're just it's not gonna work on me no the clock is counting down to your death pablo is it it is the sun is the sun there is a dolphin that is straight up washed up on land i'm not even joking right now this dolphin is just vibing you you're nearby if you want me to give you the coordinates to this but i don't you know you got to see this this is like more important right now let's see how this works drops it's lunch oh no oh there's i'm gonna get this bread you love to see it you love to see that and that's great i like that uh you don't love to see that land dolphin died because that means that now my goal is uh you kind of go all right wait this is important i need to not today thank you oh that means you're fighting stuff look at that you're in trouble that's a bubble i don't even get look what i just got though oh that means i'm in the right biome hey what all right anthony i'm coming for you you pull up on me invisible then that's the only way you're getting me because uh otherwise you better oh hey i don't i wouldn't put it back hey oh he's about to oh no he's got a pop of mine pork chop he has the survival game strats oh my god wait he actually can yeah i know it oh my god he actually came in stage oh my god you better run punk gotta run oh yep yup the axe i thought of it oh my god evident ah oh god oh there's mobs having him oh my god it's okay this terrain don't matter to me buddy if i pop my own mind pork chop huh then what and do it let's fight you're scaring me he's cutting me off come here and fight no come here no crap oh god you want to run no no no okay you run so much slower that way oh really oh god ah yes oh my god i will tell you i will tell you guys something okay if you if you can get lapis and put it with steak you get something really really nice lapis steak with steak oh no this baby zombie is gonna own me dude no i need a straight path i need to punch it while while walking backwards i have to do it it's the only way i can live that's a term i have not even thought about it's so long oh my god i found my stuff oh yeah oh my god what's going on i knew that i knew how to play this game you're so lucky ah diamond sword let's go um you you want to use it first dude do you want me to um you go first okay let's let's go to your lead let's go to yell 11. 11. okay all right well the overall's been nice you might want to do a little bit of a tracking on me oh i'm i ain't worried about that once he once he exits the nether that's what i'm going to start worrying that's when we got to follow oh my god i got the location or do we follow him to the nether actually wait a minute will the compass work oh wait yeah yeah yup that makes sense this is uh i didn't this is the first time i've used this actually isn't it awesome what there's ancient debris in the wall what like in the fortress yeah in the forefront i only won i can't do anything with it this is one oh wait no no no there are mine that was a nine vein you guys got a nine reign of diamonds we need to use this strategically and properly um i guess i all right i want to find out what this lapis stick does i guess it's not the most poor thing in the world commonly be checking your compass in case he doesn't tell us when he exits the nether it's gonna be an effect and uh it's not visibly an effect i don't i don't you're enchanted all your stuff enchanted oh my every single inventory item pulled an enchantment if it didn't have no uh my oh no your hotbar stuff does your everything in your hotbar does and everything that you're holding uh not your shield itself though but i assume that's only for like 60 seconds right no sharpness one and breaking one protection one it gave me so it will also enchant things that are already enchanted so actually it might be a good idea we don't have a book though wait a minute will it add enchantments further and further no no no it won't no no no no no no no come on no don't try it don't try that's it it won't work it won't work it won't work oh my that's it do we we need to like farm right now we need more laughs all we need is okay we need more wait so that doesn't go away after 60 seconds no no they're just enchanted and they stack and they just keep stacking i know minecraft mechanics here so look at your compass look at the way that get no get the needle pointed perfectly straight and not just west what is the um in your f3 menu what is the the direction direction like negative what whoa just what i need to prepare for your death no i'm preparing for this w that i'm about to get no w nah w means win which is what you're not doing okay you know what is slander did this guy trade faster oh my god please grade faster oh he's trading with piglets but he's about to come out he already knows if he's trading he already has rods how do you know i have a sharpness five on breaking five diamond sword protection five everything you know how it is oh my god do you understand how this game worked how'd you pick crying obsidian up off the floor i don't know it was just sitting here he left some stuff here i think oh at the portal oh okay yeah yeah i'm on my way i have a feeling there's a secret speed food that you haven't told us about uh there might be there might be i knew it oh wait is that what this thing was the sugar bottle wait that was do it if you found something that he hasn't told us about it is yours tell me what is this you're referring to wait where did you get it i found it on the floor outside the park oh my god you dropped a secret item i'm gonna drink it didn't it oh my god okay wait does that give me just uh okay check recipe oh yes are you are you at the uh the portal not anymore so uh hey don't don't drink the sugar bottle okay don't drink the sugar i will not drink the sugar bottle pablo yeah when you exit this portal i am going to give you precisely a 10 second head start the moment from the moment you start moving i will give you a 10 second head start to run whatever you gotta do to prepare for that moment is on you because oh i also i see your stuff okay i'm coming i thought in a while in a while oh i should probably chest your stuff actually um let me hang on just in case the timer actually does not work in your favor no you're good i'm actually gonna chest up your stuff for you i'm just free i'm freeing up on inventory space obviously for things that um i have as well they'll stack into my inventory but um i don't think i've done an hour-long recording in like five years really yeah it yeah and the recording just crossed over an hour oh my god right here at the portal okay i see this village that's right there okay well now the thing is i have protection on what i don't want to i don't want to switch to diamonds we'll have a proc do you guys have a level proc i'm about to go up to level six if i can what okay i didn't know what i did i didn't know it went past what's possible level six let's go it's unlimited right we have stepped away from your portal huh momentarily that would matter if i was in the nether right now i think wait oh he's not in the nose i snuck right past you you didn't see me if you want to be right behind me i mean it doesn't matter okay so he ain't here he's gonna he's he he's straight up gonna get the end achievement like while we're still looking probably yeah that could not have been more perfect there it is okay skeleton oh that's gonna be nice it's mistaken oh that compass direction change was a little bit sharp actually this is uh this is happening all right you would make very interesting manhunt videos time for a mine pork chop no yeah right might want to track me boys there is no no it's okay no that's okay i right clicked like the moment he moment before he went in oh crap wait wait wait oh there he is oh my god whoa oh just got launched will it work i don't think you will probably not dude oh my god all right buddy oh my god where are you i'm coming for you i'm coming for you i have speed i don't even know how much damage i'm doing if it's even a lot i don't know how this fight's gonna go i've never had a problem i've never had a pro 7 battle my health is restored mining speed wait what hang on oh that that thank you for the pearl come here what come here buddy if you had a boat you could vote clutch this guy has insane haste yeah i have haste and you're gonna have to deal with it for the next couple of seconds at least oh bubba you don't like fire do you no come on let's go oh my god what kill him kill him i i don't have it anymore okay all right i'm out of here peace okay how much do you have big guy oh it's just as much as that man i'm like yes you got prop seven doesn't he why i broke his pants oh my god my pants i have more i have more what does he have more pants dude he has like so many golden apples i don't actually i don't have that many oh god how much durability do you do it's probably a lot oh my shield your shield is moving kill him kill him kill him this is it this is the time i have fire is this buddy which i clearly not wait oh wait no i don't come on come on oh my god this is such a chaotic battle where's my pearl where's my come on [Music] i'm burning all your stuff he's low he's low he's low he's low he's low keeper no your stuff is burned he burnt off i don't have a shield yeah a bubble remember your last video bubba when you did the same that's fine it's fine i just beat him with my fist it's all good you can eat another lapis stick because i have to you can have another limit now seven can you do it in time though now the limit is eight he's unhinged oh he flew up he flew up he's what's what oh let's go uh my armor may be a little low on durability hey i hear you coming up to me no hey bubba [Laughter] you build up what where did you just go i'm in the city in tower oh wait you did he built he went underground i think can i play that game right now i can't you probably use the haste uh thing just dug in like an instant obsidian i have a lot of obsidian now you you still have to kill the dragon that's true maybe i should do that oh oh god come on ah come on come on it's over it's not it is not over didn't you i'm gonna do it right now you're gonna what hang on oh my god a lot of damage come on no i got him i could imagine his armor down i will say no matter what happened oh my god back down here come back here dragon perching and you can't do anything about it you know that was such a short person oh my god anything about it stop talking to me to be so powerless right now oh come here i'm killing you right now this is it oh your helmet broke at him i don't care oh we're here there we are come on oh no hang on i'm probably dead and that's okay if i am oh my gosh oh my god i'm dead what hey i won't burn your stuff i won't bring your stuff out of good sportsmanship yes yes no my god please yes use it i didn't even consider that but put it on i didn't think of it either you're such a dude 800 iq oh your brain cells activated at once please no there is a wood action oh you're using the wood axe oh you're really bashing it with a wood axe and it's what it worked oh my god do it dude come on dragon please no oh no please no no oh the dragon is on one foot come on dragon it's okay you bubble it's okay your boobs are gone bubba kill him don't don't let him yes bubbo if you can try and steal the achievement no what the i'll get rid of my chest plate bubba whoa whoa okay that's kind of bold a little bit that's kind of bold oh my god you're launched yes come here yes yes gg
Channel: Baablu
Views: 266,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft manhunt, minecraft manhunt but, manhunt minecraft, extreme minecraft manhunt, minecraft manhunt with a twist, minecraft manhunt but i secretly used, minecraft challenge, minecraft but, dream minecraft youtube, minecraft manhunt but custom, minecraft 1.17, kier and dev minecraft manhunt, boosfer manhunt, kier and dev redstone master rematch, redstone master, bubbo, antvenom manhunt, yellowool, minecraft manhunt but punching gives knockback, antvenom, baablu
Id: -VNnC8WgK7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 14sec (1574 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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