Minecraft Manhunt, But Mining Spawns Structures

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hey guys and welcome to minecraft manhattan but mining sponge structures in this video i made custom pickaxes that spawn structures depending on which pickaxe you use so for example making a sand pickaxe and mining with it will spawn a desert temple and who boy will that come back and bite me in the bot there were eight custom pickaxes i could make can i craft them all keep watching to find out and hey guys it looks like youtube finally decided that i'm real not fake so i just want to say a big thank you again to everybody who has allowed me to come this far the only thing left is the plaque but anyway guys sit back grab your popcorn and enjoy the show did you guys like like plan it yeah who sucked the color out of you i don't know but you look kind of dirty you look kind of dirty bro there's a there's a village over there do you see that i see the blacksmith that's right there too oh he's going damn he couldn't even punch me into the lava damn i tried i'm going to turn around the ping pong ping-pong him ping-pong i think him into me where's this so-called blacksmith i don't know oh i see it i see it that's right i know you're going through that i actually didn't see oh thanks bubba i actually didn't see a blacksmith i just kind of noticed this just now too thanks bubble i don't know what he got from that but he's running [Music] i'm getting food bro what did you get from that portal huh nothing what did you get from the report all this stuff oh oh yes oh yeah don't come here no balls no balls don't come here yellow i have a question no don't you dare i know what it's gonna be don't do it don't do it i have a question don't do it what's the twist okay okay okay right well i'll tell you this you can do it i'm nice and high long trip is it opie loot no shut up i'm not i'm original i'm so sorry oh my god i don't even know if it's pointing to the right person now i still haven't did i did i did i did i did i did i did it i thought [Music] sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry i have some empathy here that was uncalled for that was uncalled for sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry [Laughter] what the freak boost fur oh yeah oh yeah what just happened what did you do you know what he just did he just wasted all of that tnt yellow don't waste okay boost for i stripped it and it didn't do anything bro did you ask his permission first i did i did i did i did unstripping it like putting clothes on it oh hold on that didn't work either that didn't work either i think yellow is tripping no i'm i'm have forgotten the twist guys hold on okay please where i have 51 bread for you oh my god please come towards me i need that bread right now then i won't give you 51 bread uh i take that back i need the uh everything okay i need everything because [Music] why is yellow so quiet yeah i don't know this guy he's just letting us do the whole video for him genius yeah well in that case uh y'all was hacking he's using x-ray every single video he is what else can we say oh damn he's getting a lot of wood dude he said it has something to do with wood he's only taking oak logs though nothing else so this oak vlog maybe we put he just spawned in the village oh maybe we ride it do you think we ride in a village bubble or he could wait he did what no i don't know a whole village yeah there's a whole village here park village like uh part village half village whole village i do the same thing i told you that i am never would i told you i change i can't i don't know anymore yikes he doesn't even know did it work yes let's go okay you said oak wood okay i'm getting something he just spawned in i didn't see what block it was but he just spawned in a desert temple and he's one critter away from dying i'm gonna kill him yes one second he doesn't have a boat what was that oh i see the village that's first going into the i'm gonna go get the uh thing bubba this fur okay okay yeah indeed i wanna get it go away it's custom crafting recipes probably what no we'll see that's what i'm thinking no it's not but i gotta figure out how what see the only thing is is it like planks or is it like how do they say i think i told you that i never won told you i changed you and i knew i never could that's kind of can you off key but okay i know just auto tune it it's fine because it's just structures like what can he get from the structures like what is it only spawning in villages or is it oh he's on the spot i think he can either copy the structures he comes across or spawns in the structures because well you see what is he is he's placing something down he's only spawned in a desert temple and uh a village is he like what is he like how is he doing it what do you see there's no if the entity doesn't spawn here yellow shut up you didn't know that i didn't know that i knew that no you didn't know that we didn't neither of us knew this not the desert temple above the ocean in a snow biome this is like you see there is a structural there's what is this there's a there's a block here yeah that's the block that like copies structures or something like that i'm not sure it's a structure yeah do you know what do you know what it's called gonna copy the ocean monument oh my god i'm so hungry i might i might go get food uh for four corners yeah yeah oh look he spawned in another village what a surprise two villages um what a surprise can you get away from my house please does this not come with food does this actually not come with food are you kidding me no oh my goodness wait yeah he's spawning in the same village so he just copied the first village we were at yeah he's just copying structures but maybe it's uh stripping logs from one corner to another and then placing something down i don't know but he's definitely just spawning in villages over and over again and none of these villages like that village that part of the village that he copied doesn't have uh any food whatsoever but he's probably uh yeah he has there are a lot of oh he's killing an iron golem christopher give me that iron no thank you give me that you should you steal it give me your let's go my science did not work bam yellow damn [Music] i don't know i guess i'm just [Music] stupid okay okay oh eight iron whisperer i love you so how do you copy structures yellow uh you don't that's not the plugin sure it isn't okay that's not the plugin are you sure yeah who's from making you a present mm-hmm yeah i mean i'm gonna make this for you just for you oh this guy fed let's go go nevermind you have your own stuff you can make your own present yeah there you go oh yeah do you have any food i do oh my god i do just for you 49 bread 49 wait i want to try something i tried like copy and paste by like stripping wood on two sides this whole thing to see if it would copy it did not work yeah well how do we paste that's the question he like places a block down oh i know what we must do we have to get up we have to get a oak log get an anvil name tag the the oak logs to lucas no what's wrong lucas booster how do you say it uh lukaku a man of culture oh oh look he spawned in a shipwreck two shipwrecks actually is that a good shipbreaker is that a bad shipwreck i don't know you must look at it sideways you must know what kind of oh no yeah i know but i don't want to tell you where's the second that's right that's right bubble bubble come on him i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming you're coming oh my god i am oh my god i am he built himself in let's go we got weed blocks in the uh acacia village weed blocks blocks bubble you sounded a bit uh bit too happy there but how is he getting no there this this has four or two no three these are these are multiple structures see how is he getting those actually there's only well let me ch uh oh free helmet oh that's in the corner so if you press f3 you see the uh uh why are you thinking so analytically about this it's not that hard it's xyz axis right if you look at the block from where i'm standing the x y axis so it goes toward the structure goes south southeast so we need to put the block in the southeast corner of the crafting yeah yeah yeah we need to have a bottom block in the south east and then the uh yeah i think we've done it where did you go uh in his mom's hey hey no no no no no please i didn't say it you were you wanted to you wanted to oh yeah i didn't oh okay yeah he told you he's done it before he probably just doesn't want us to know the twist i have never ever lied to you because he knows if we figure it out then we'll win i have to craft something it's not pressing buttons i tried okay you want you just want to stay over there you suck ass so bad you're garbage stop so me holy freak man stop it [Applause] oh look at that oh my god what earth is this that looks so unnatural what i think he's using crafting tables to do something by the way because there are crafting tables everywhere that's just because i keep forgetting to mine them why do i have a lot of them i literally keep forgetting to mine them okay try place it wait wait try placing the right crafting table and by clicking on the crafting table with the wood right do you guys the one i can i can give you a wooden axle i can give you one of them if you want but that wouldn't give [Music] yeah there's some trees what kind of trees um acacia and oak okay yes what that's cat what do you mean out of logs any sticks with logs on top bro yes oh yeah and i get a knowledge book vil pickaxe oh and then every time i mine with the pickaxe it gives me a ville bisphere where are you at stop i'm trapped where are you at best first stop i have a crap i've got him i've got him i've got him all right i got him yes yes yes yes i'm on my way oh my god look so close ah did you like that did you like the cobwebs no no i'm not a fan of that yeah actually i'm not a fan of that yo bubble don't worry don't die i'm coming he's gonna lose he's gonna die i'm gonna kill him i can hear all of that mining no he plays he left the crafting table again by accident i'm not meaning to leave the crafting table oh sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry yes ah okay that's fine oh bolt he's here somewhere oh i guess he's up with that oh you gave him a gun you gave him your boat not so i think it's going to be all pickaxes so i think we can make pickaxes out of like uh maybe smooth stone too and maybe that's the the wait wait i can i can make it make it out i can make bricks i'll just make bricks let's just make oh what does this mean are you ready i'm ready bubble what's happening it should be uh okay yeah it just glitched yeah i'll try again i'll try again oh there there there there a sand and stick sand oh sand oh my god just tried dirt no uh i thought maybe stone bricks would make the the fortress or the the stronghold yeah i tried to think as well think harder bubble you think it would be that easy to make the show holy freak i am so lucky uh bricks stairs uh stone brick stairs no no not even that bro harder i bet i bet we need end stone we need ender pearls ender pearls and their pearls you're on the right track but under eyes let's go okay that sucks actually i bet i would bet money there's like a yellow wool dimension kill a little dimension yeah that would have been smart that would be smart free golden apple where is it it didn't spawn where is it oh my god there's a saddle okay yeah there is a saddle and there's uh iron uh horse armor i might not even need to go to the nether bro am i freaking am i am i remembering this right now i am remembering this right i completely forgot you can do this what bro am i right here i am i forgot that that was a thing [Laughter] [Music] oh okay okay this is my lag of a box okay he lied about bricks by the way no i didn't there will be 50 villages in the end why are we even negotiating like we're in the we're the ones that can do this no no what he's gonna do he's gonna ban us wait bubba are you the one watering off the side no mate that's not me i don't even know where you are to be fair oh are they even gonna spawn they're spawning in darkness it has to be night time yo what's up okay where'd that spawn oh i see it i see it i see it what is that i'm going for it i'm going for it okay screw you screw you screw on your spawner that doesn't exist oh you mind it nice spotter that's that's uh whisper that's nice and all but um yeah are you gonna spawn in a new one i don't know why don't you tell me well he's already then shut up shut up go away you made me do it wait what happens if i did this no no please don't please don't oh nice oh my god holy fr please please please please please please don't yes i survived and there are no piglets because everybody should all of them just turn into a zombified pigmen so uh bubble what do you think how do you think we spawn in bastions i am just gonna quickly test out gold blocks yes okay that's not how is it is it blackstone oh wait does this actually only work in nighttime yeah brad no no no i got it i got it that's how minecraft wait i can't trade i can't trade with pikmin what nether brick nether bricks spawning at bastion what no dog no don't don't know stop mining stop my name please stop mining please stop riding you're causing lag you're actually causing lag like five stop why is the thing why did you do this why not another because something else spawns another fortress yo dude bubble this is actually a good strat he doesn't want us to fill in the the end like the middle but we'll just go away from the middle like on the side and then we'll just lag out the server and win stop spotting there's literally already like five you can go to stop spotting them oh my god bubble you're a savior that bill and now we can set our responses as well let's go let's go definitely don't have this right now okay okay oh my goodness what wait these pickaxes don't go out of oh boost fur yeah you know what i see here what potential for cobble monster stop oh stop my you're right you're so right beautiful please stop spotting them maybe we should spawn in it closer to the ground maybe you should stop spawning things because it's now lagging out the server if the server freaking crashes yeah on you because it's just gonna be impossible uh yellow remember when you uh made a huge hole yeah but that's not stopping the engine so if you think that i'm gonna have any mercy you're you're wrong you're so wrong he's on me he's on me he's on me um did i ask okay sorry sorry that was that was that's not nice i'm dead he has fire he has fire on his sword fire aspect oh i'm gonna get it as well don't worry no ah stop spotting them also you burnt my stuff it's not there no you're just bad you know you know what probably happened to bubble buster placing all the freaking bastions he probably burnt in in the process probably probably yeah with my bare hands you know so oh my god he does oh my god i do oh i killed him as he gave me pearls wow wow okay so that's how you reward lawyers literally he dropped pearls as soon as he but that's how you reward loyalty huh yo what don't spawn any bastions i go in the nether and i see like five yeah because i need to trade bubble why do you need five batteries for that i accidentally broke more than one block because freaking gold pickaxe is instrument oh it's true and there's just a fortress here okay that's actually oh my god bubbles crash the server just insta mine with the golem no stop the audience don't help them am i lagging yeah i'm lying yeah i i yeah that was some lag right there hello i may have i may have spawned five bastions [Music] don't worry about it why shouldn't i why are these zombie pigment angers we can bring a torch into the end and instead of breaking regular blocks we just like we just break torches instantly like place break place break boys oh true true church when we lag out the server and then we win yes i love that yo yellow's out does that work yells out oh he's on me oh oh you got this i have a plane i have a plane i have a plane i have a plane i have a plane i have a plane i have a plane i have a plane here oh then [Music] was fur oh did you just see the chats no when did you get that did you see the chat no i didn't stop logging me yeah oh where did you go you just disappear oh you ender pearl okay bubba what are you doing over here [Music] over where over where [Music] if that's it that's stupid birch yeah i don't know man absolutely tripping broth finally holy freak it's about time i agree i hate doing this i actually hate doing this [Music] let us get the dub please [Music] why are these guys okay this is so dumb because [Music] why do you why do you need to know oh huh god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh there's kind of i'm getting roasted by these silver fish right now oh okay are they they are he still has to never mind he's breaking all of the crystals right now they're not gone yet though he's getting the one in the k he's gonna get the one in the cage here probably oh yellow i have a question how many uh golden apples do you have you just one-shot me with that how many do you have i asked you first i'll well bubba we're gonna die so that's gonna be fun yeah knockback one does nothing with phil netherright are you kidding me well it's good a good thing i went in first blah blah because it was just yeah it is it is i would be dead let's rock and roll oh he hasn't he hasn't even broke all the crystals oh he hasn't oh he sucks hey that dragon's about to eat us by the way you might want to move yeah he's here bubble wait bubba are you don't you dare get that print chain on me i hate that i hate that i hate that [Music] don't you dare don't you dare this is going to turn a golden apple run i'm dead oh you want my armor bubble i have the the extra stuff i have the extra stuff whoops [Music] oh my god why am i already out of saturation [Music] he's running he's scared oh my god yeah his sword has like sharpness three or sharpness four or something yeah i don't have a water bucket this time oh yeah he has way better stuff than us see [Music] we probably did lose this i would uh concur wait i could bring the back up please please no oh wait i forgot that we have that should i bring the back up please bring the black out i will bring the bag i'm begging you i'm begging you to not do whisper christopher stop and boom [Music] bro it's not gonna save you from dying but yellow i'm sorry but like i have the backup oh he's just going to go for killing me okay okay okay okay guys guys no in the middle in the middle not in the middle no in the middle not in the middle not in the middle not in the middle not in the middle at least not in the middle have you we said no middle bubble i did i'm just having it as well i'm spamming [Music] i don't know i'm just doing it oh we got this we do have this stop you're gonna suffocate me oh my god yes yes yes yes [Music] you just got rid of the bedrock where did the creeper come from oh i spun mobs as well oh wait why am i not just doing this it's not oh my god it's not enough it's the dragon healing am i seeing things is the dragon healing i don't know i think you're seeing things the dragon's just destroying all of it okay booster i don't really know what to do i don't have any blocks down here there's not a whole lot i can do it's fine holy freak the mobs the zombie piglets are still going for the the dragon bro oh oh my god he's getting attacked by the dragonfish oh no no i'm not no yeah yes come on i can't get to the middle there is no middle anymore i just can't even get off i don't have blocks there is no middle bubble there is no there is no up there is only there is only pyramid mister stop spawning them either there's like it's everywhere that the eye can see it's a pyramid wait where how did it i don't understand i don't understand what's happening i can't hit it [Music] oh my god yellow yellow yellow you think just stacking up with better stuff than us is going to prevent us from doing this wrong oh come on how's the dragon bear what wait is it not landing in the middle anymore i don't know where it is i'm not i don't know where i am come to the very top of the world [Music] mr spawning more [Music] how do you have an instant oh you have efficiency iii actually i can get a torch i can get it wait wait wait no stop stop you feel good do it i'm doing it i can break string i'm breaking string let's go oh my god yes come on dragon where are you gonna do it we can still do it i don't even know where he's at bro i see the dragon oh my god oh my god bubble yes come back season come back season i will crash it crash it right now right now bubba oh there's no string the string is gone no torches make torches i don't have any i don't know you have you have a you should have a cool ore mine it was uh the regular pickaxe and then you should have sticks pickaxe no you should have the other biggest enchanted one why is that i only have no there come on yes i didn't have anything oh my goodness most of it burns i see you guys
Channel: YelloWool
Views: 92,772
Rating: 4.9648557 out of 5
Keywords: YelloWool, Yello Wool, Minecraft War, Minecraft, Minecraft Factions, Yellow Wool, YellowWool
Id: eFdeJaNE2O8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 19sec (1939 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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