Minecraft Manhunt, But I Can Milk My Hunters...

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minecraft manhunt but i can milk my hunters in this video i made it possible for me to milk my hunters every time i drank their milk something bad would happen to them i can show you the world shining glimpse something really bad what happened to them more okay goodbye this and a couple other plugins were actually made by correct so make sure to check out his patreon down in the description below to get these plugins for yourself and as always make sure to subscribe to be a part of the before 300k gang and leave a like to help me out with the youtube algorithm enjoy the video oh what is your skin tell me he doesn't look like he's from uh italian mafia a guy named i need you to uh and somebody you feel yes oh what is this you have every single face on it oh actually it's a pretty cool skin this is actually a pretty cool stuff oh what the [ __ ] hey this is actually actually why is the yellow part so ugly um guys what i'm guys oh yellow's running i mean this one's running right click the egg i bet yes nice nice idea didn't do anything my face is not visible with a helmet on yes yes oh he's dead oh my god oh my god let's go let's go oh he's dead he's dead don't let him out let's let him out oh he's eating the gap already i got a food oh wait here's the name he's like god yo guys uh who knows i think it might have been a cop blacksmith go back to it there's a place to see that what would you tell them six blocks away there's literally no blocks there is no blacksmith wait what yes you can no but he didn't go near account guys it just said in chat you have been milked yellow yellow you can milk us you can milk us he can milk yellow try mining blocks yellow nice y'all try guys [Laughter] for five minutes and they fell out of the world that's all i know what happened stop don't drink me i just spun the hole beneath you he saw that i saw that i saw that it's okay guys for four and a half more minutes oh i'm missing everything why can he milk us why is that a thing yeah oh okay what is that you just cleared all my items [Laughter] who's first oh what is it what's up what's up where are you i want you to knuckle up on my mommy milkers yo curious still in the air i got four more minutes it was four minutes this is so stupid i can't do anything personally that could have swayed them [Laughter] here why am i the perfect person for that oh my god yeah you are you are oh ow i'm gonna save you i'm gonna save you give me your chords wow and then a y186 oh no uav inbound how many how many seconds five minutes oh my gosh oh yes yellow now guys we're gonna have to get milk buckets unrendered yeah yeah because this yeah yes bubble keep that up keep that up uh yeah you can wear flight time as well i'm going to i'm going to boost her it is pure black i can't follow the compass follow the compass follow the fight i don't know who this bobo person is you speak up guys i'm i'm right above you i'm nothing but i'm right above you don't worry i'm keeping oh yeah he's got my milk i don't know how to prepare for this 27 seconds wait nothing happened it says you've been milked do you have my fatigue all right my fatigue so much hey bubble babina i mean babina yeah well i gave it to you and you threw it back at me so that seems like your problem oh my god do you deserve to turn around boost your turn around what's your turn around pretty much can you not milk me anymore please i do not consent to this milking whisper you can't just look at you you can't just touch me oh my god you guys are so much what is this minecraft manhunt but i can milk my friends i can't i'm just going to put the cow today's on dev and just to milk them my blindness runs out 20 seconds before my levitation does so i've got a chance to survive i can no longer dude i'm literally why 300 are you kidding me i did i can show you the world shining glimmering darkness bro you only listen to disney i can't see the ground because i'm too high so that's not even helpful but my blindness is gone wait how low is your render this is that doesn't matter yeah i don't know because i could see the ground the whole time i'm falling i'm not gonna make it i'm not gonna make it i didn't make it that was five minutes that was nice there goes my items more oh uh i'm coming i'm good more okay goodbye goodbye that can i milk you please i'm suffering guys i'm really suffering right now in mining for vegan blindness oh my god are you at least under a bowl yeah there we go goodbye i goodbye don't know where i am i love how you guys willingly just let me milk you guys i know you would kill me i didn't have a choice is there any way i could just slash kill myself so i don't have to deal with this yo yellow hello i can't run just have mercy dude you know i want some milk don't let me go stop i don't want to land wait what you know what spina well i didn't know that was fine i'll return i didn't know that was the thing i guess i stacked ten buckets in one spot and when i milked only one bucket uh replaced all the ten buckets what do you mean this is i have been blind in mining fatigue and levitating for five minutes wait wait wait i gotta get is it your milk is it your titties i literally have nothing after you milked me and took all my stuff so i'm just with him by the way guys i'm gonna change your snapchat name to me you could just use me as your test subject i guess a lava pool unlockable okay okay yeah don't fight i can be there i'm putting i'm fighting i'm fighting i'm fighting if you run if you run if you see my name you see my name i'm trying to run to you oh no i guess i hear you hey i think he milked me what did i get i could blind his five oh no i'm here oh no it's okay i have a milk bucket i came prepared i'm such a good friend i've been milked how did i get milk oh my god why are you guys complaining i'm about to get milked right now oh here um it's fine it's fine it's fine i have a bunch of cow milk buckets so i can get rid of his milk wait what do you mean a bunch is he is he saving them up he can farm him i didn't know that was a thing yeah so he farmed them you can do that now i have levitation again for five years where did you go you're such a worm i hate this oh wait i guess i can go my phone for five minutes i can't do anything i had him wait who's there stopped placing blocks on my head wait what what oh a huge like hole just opened in the ground i almost just like i fell into the void yeah that happened to me too what are you doing up there he's coming um you know what no no oh you still have levitation of course i still have levitation i was just on my phone oh and i'm just gonna go back on my phone now bye you're killing me i'm gonna be floating for another three minutes yay [Music] [Music] guys i figured out how to stop the levitation if you disconnect and join you'll start going down first oh okay i can get all the way oh you're gonna spam my chat with that one suck it boost how does that work i'm at the bottom again yes hello i have a master plan but he's i don't think he's going to come back over here now but i'm coming over where are you i don't see you see it [Laughter] let's defend the portal is that the new game not manhunt oh yeah he's going oh he's going he went back there to get him wait the portal is spawn because bubble built one so he's back there now oh just kill me yeah just kill me yes i broke the portal let's go oh my god well he can just light it again but i'm not going to does it i got poisoned i am poisoned wait is that parliamentary poison grades no no no no it's a witch witch [Music] that ruined portal was perfect by the way it came with two pieces of obsidian in the chest and you needed it but what's in there i finished it let's that was the weirdest one ever you tried to eat it i like i like glitched when i spawn in i felt it looked like i was falling i don't have an octopus it's a 1.17 thing oh it's so annoying let's go off the edge booster stop you're lucky you're lucky guys what are the course of the portal i didn't set my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] i should use these yeah there is there's a chance that there's you guys yellow are you super saiyan stuff wait really yeah okay over here for sure for sure over here i believe you boost for you didn't have to be [Applause] that was my milk what is this i'm in the overworld i'm not even there and now i have levitation for five minutes okay i'm gonna break the gold with my fist so he can't get it oh you had a pickaxe this whole time i've made one now oh i literally just made it out that's what i was just ah watch out let's just cover this part up okay okay okay okay i'm gonna tell you this is full wait i'll use a sword better yeah i gotta use i gotta use sound i hear him he's playing blocks right there i hit him with sweeping head wait wait wait wait a little bit of food yeah yeah yeah think about all your stuff don't worry guys i'll be there in five minutes when my levitation is done as i listen to all your stuff i literally got all your stuff he's still gonna be well guys you missed a gold block i'm gonna break it with my first name i'll break you with my face please do wait all right dude all right let's go i got one raw chicken did you find me though i placed i hid i hid what the freak man [ __ ] x-ray underneath nether attack why didn't you just stop waiting when you got to the furnace thank you for answering the question thank you for all this stuff if why would you do that nah no i'm gonna i'm gonna run out of hunger faster oh my god okay we gotta use that we can wait do you have one of these here we gotta get one of these too you gotta pick up one of these guys we just need to find the fortress and break the spider that's true i allow it because he did it to me i helped you get to these stronghold i filled up the portal for you tap what do you mean you're still in here you're still in here yeah yeah yeah yeah you're right how can he hit me through the wall oh bro okay his milk is giving him diamonds colors our milk hey i found a third ville so they were called sorry no i don't want burger king i don't know i'll try asking at burger king if they have mcdonald's why would they sell did they have some big bongos no there was nothing sorry that was one that one might have one day in there it'll be the best day on minecraft you just give me blindness yeah always does that stop stop you're welcome but just sneak up on me like that wait is boop is boobs fur still in the uh yes boob head stronghold he can't milk you when you're not there no but i just don't want to do it anymore suck it wait yeah yeah this is always just actually into amethyst freak you guys my whole life's work is not worth it oh yeah i won't agree don't freaking agree oh there's another big fighter johnny sends [Laughter] okay why do you know that why don't you know that i wish i could be him i don't i don't know i don't watch i don't i don't i look at what are you talking about i just watched his world renowned famous surgeries he's so many jobs you understand he's one of the guys that does all the job things in the the videos right okay he's actually does it he's crazy to make me look stupid he's the best plumber in the game that's true he really is he really is i can agree with that he will lay some nice pipe yeah his pipe is quality high quality diamonds yellow are you strip mining yellow stripping yes guys anything you do right now just don't look and chance oh it's fine yo it's been a hot minute since blisters got in subspace bubble what would you say yeah i should get us like in any videos why would you say that thank you oh the force is like right beside the bastion no way you didn't find this for this long oh my goodness i just found a mine shaft nice i've never found one before you know either one you know who did find the shaft though johnny oh stop it stop it i already said what i was gonna say no you got me oh no that's just drink it just drink it just drink it i'll save it till the end i'll save it until the end i want to accept my speed yeah it's definitely the move that's [ __ ] yeah it's also a weird way to say that but you know what do you know who leonardo dicaprio is uh he's the guy who made all the flying machines right the flying machine you saw what christopher got it forgot it wait wait wait wait wait wait forgot it forgot it come on please chris what did you get please cut that out of the video i just saw that i was in f5 i swear i'm not that bad [Music] yeah maybe maybe maybe leave that one up what the [ __ ] yo relax my keys [Music] guys guys the crystals might be all gone okay we got here hurry up so then we can all go together oh my god why the dragon might be half health down oh my god i don't have that wait wait bubble come here come here come here hey where's there's there's blocks i don't need blocks don't be blocked don't be blocked throw me blocks throw me blocks well now i i'm no fight so there goes all my stuff wait bubba rubble stay right there okay you can say that no come get me no thank you yo i see the icebergs by him i see the two drip stone underwater my mom where is it from the drip from the uh iceberg should i all right i've got enough iron to give two people full iron but should i also make some buckets for milk or water stay with me and then distract him go in and punch him first so he can't [ __ ] me did i make an infinite war source guys oh my god of course he's got a fire sword are you kidding me and i don't have water the one time i don't bring water oh my god should i make an infinite war source oh i see the wood under water guys [Music] oh you can't fight without getting your shield broken what is yes here do you want to bring armor in for you wow it flung me i'm dead okay it's fine more source oh my god yes yellow it's in the end yes hello bridging oh look at him oh it's fine he can't get in to hit it he can't hit it we're jumping tnt on the dragon wait that's a bit that was a bit far buddy wait there's no way this is gonna work you might i never even thought of killing the dragon like that oh my god oh it actually does something that's actually smart why did it wait okay so we gotta get up there then [Music] oh dragon [Music] thank you dragon [Music] [Music] i placed water dude i already fell oh dragon bushes trying to get blocks i have extra food though who needs it you drop a tnt again [Music] [Music] he's making a bed [Music] here we go oh wait what oh he's dead he's dead [Music] don't get me don't get me [Music] he's so low guys he's so low he's got to be oh yellow's right there oh he's dead he has to be dead [Music] [Applause] yes we're all come burling oh my god so many pearls i'm right behind them oh
Channel: Boosfer
Views: 1,213,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Manhunt but, Minecraft Manhunt but I secretly used, Minecraft Manhunt but OP Loot, Minecraft Manhunt but OP Enchants, Minecraft Manhunt but I can go into creative, Minecraft manhunt but drops are random, Minecraft Manhunt Dream, Dream Manhunt, Dream Manhunt 1v5, Poland Manhunt 1v5, Poland Manhunt, Wisp Manhunt, Dream Latest Manhunt, Minecraft but lava rises, Minecraft Manhunt but custom, Manhunt 6 hunters, Boosfer Manhunt 1v6
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 6sec (1566 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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