Minecraft Manhunt But Fishing Drops OP Loot

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oh no dude hear the hunters come come on give me something good a hoe what the oh my gosh Come here buddy holy this is Minecraft Manhunt but fishing is overpowered in this video 10 hundreds will try to stop me from beating the game but I have an advantage I start out with a fishing rod that gives me op items also every time I kill a hunter I receive a head these heads can then be used to craft better fishing rods that give better loot so by the end of this Manhunt the item drops get pretty crazy and before this video begins YouTube says that only a few of you are subscribed so turn that view into mini and hit that button enjoy the video three two one go okay so we start off with the fishing rod guys I'm not sure if we should go for wood first or start fishing first because we only have 20 seconds until 10 Hunters are let out I think what we're gonna do right now is take a ballsy move and start fishing first this could be really bad or really good come on okay we got a flint and steel you know that'll be good for getting food and stuff but you know it's not the best item to start out with we just got chest plate that is actually so good that is such a good starter item boom Oh my God we got an iron ax so let's just go ahead and do this oh my God okay an iron helmet that's actually really good okay we just gotta pickaxe that's literally exactly what we wanted oh my God three iron the fishing goes so into Pearl that's actually so good okay and boom all right so now that we have a shield we should be good guys oh my gosh okay there's a person right here come here does he even see me I don't even think he sees me oh my God we just gotta kill that easily how did he not see me Diamonds oh my gosh it's only one but that's still a good start okay another end of pearl but it's not food I literally just want food guys okay there's another Hunter running after us right now wait wait we could enter Pearl on them and get that tier two fishing rod oh my God come here oh no no why did I just use that inner Pearl like that oh I don't want to hop down there because then we could get stuck and the hunters could come after us oh meat's right there though tell me right now me always gonna fight oh no no no no okay you know what we need to back up for a second I don't think Meep knows how low I am but I'm actually getting pretty low right in a second we need to be really careful here guys I think we should run for a little bit we literally could not get any bread from the tier one loot okay we're doing fine right now let's just get in this planes biome that'll be good for us okay if we just oh wait we already have a boat okay so if we make that boom this guy doesn't seem to have any wood or anything oh he's digging down why is he digging down we can kill him right now all right if we can just kill him that'd be so good come on come on we're gonna kill him right now come on die oh no oh and there's Hunters here too there's hundreds here all right we're gonna have to make an escape from here we should have not done this dude we should have really not done this okay we can still make it out of this we can still make it out of this okay we gotta go we gotta go right now oh my gosh this guy's not even looking we're just gonna get in a boat and get out of here we could not get the tier two fishing rod but at least we're still alive the only thing that we're lacking right now is food all right we're out of the boat oh my gosh I don't know why it isn't giving me food okay finally dude finally it took forever but we finally got food okay so now we should be able to reach in up to full health and I think what we're gonna do is get back in this boat and try and take out one Hunter because if we can do that we can go ahead and get tier two items okay there's a nice little structure over there wait is this a village okay there's a village over here probably quite a few of them are over there oh there is there's a guy right here come here okay we got the first hit on him so he has to be kind of low oh my gosh okay we got the heel we gotta get the head real quick okay so once we get above this hill I think it'll be safe for us to craft the tier two fishing rod guys and start getting some really op Loot and let's just take this through this and this and tier two okay let's just burn some of this armor real quick okay we don't want to let him get any of that he's gonna try and pick it up isn't he nope he isn't okay we're just gonna keep running a little bit because usually when there's one there's two of them okay okay let's just start fishing come on what are we gonna get okay a diamond pickaxe really nice really nice oh my God he's coming he's coming he's coming A Diamond ax okay we're gonna switch out to that real quick oh my gosh this is actually so good for us oh my gosh this guy keeps following us it's so annoying okay he's smelting right now so I don't think he's gonna mess with us oh my gosh Protection One iron this is actually so good a diamond chest plate no way dude okay I'm just gonna let you stay over there and use that furnace buddy because we're just gonna keep getting op items oh no there's two people um could they both take us out I don't know there's only two of them right here uh I think I'm gonna try and take him wait where did he go did he just log off I don't know what just happened to him come here buddy I don't know I don't want to keep following this dude because if we keep following him then it's just gonna be bad for us the guy is back here we can take him real quick we just take him out come on oh okay we killed him okay we need to get his head really quickly though and head okay we got the head let's go oh no no no now all the people are coming oh and there's a spider on us as well we need to get out of here quick there's so many Hunters coming after us right now why are there so many spiders on us this is so bad okay there's only one Hunter following us right now we can just get two more kills guys we can get that tier three fishing rod so yeah I'm gonna go ahead and try and boat out of here before they see me okay so this boat was literally so clutch I'm so glad I made it uh I don't think there's anybody behind us right now there were literally four Hunters right back there there's no way we could have took all four of them even with this loot they have iron axes and they could have easily got so many crits on it so I think right now what we need to do is go ahead and use this tier 2 fishing rod as much as we can until it's about a break and then we go for the tier three fishing rod it'll fix the braking on it and we will get so many good items that's when we're gonna start getting insane items come on give me something good oh a golden apple that's actually so good okay we will take that we will take that definitely oh my God how is this guy how do you have iron armor okay this is very bad for us I don't think we can kill all these people though I don't know okay we're just gonna keep fishing if they're not gonna fight it oh no this guy's gonna try and get some of my stuff oh okay that's exactly what we needed we needed those leggings so bad okay we can get these two kills we will have a tier three fishing rod come on me yes okay we got that killed easy all right let's just get his head real quick come on okay we just need one more ahead and we'll be able to make that tier three fishing rod okay there's another guy right here oh my God this is actually so good I'm not gonna let these guys get this iron from the ship right oh wudo's right here oh is he like poison was there like this I don't know why he's poisoned but if we can kill him real quick that'll be so good okay we just killed him come on drop the head yes okay we'll let the others take this loot we're just gonna get out of here and now guys we can get that tier three fishing rod this is literally gonna be so good we are all ready three-fourths iron and one fourth diamond and we have Protection One this is actually so good um let's just throw out a little bit more and boom okay let's just go ahead and make this tier three fishing rod okay so it should be like this and boom guys tier three already this is looking really good for us okay come on come on come on oh my God another right act come here buddy come here you want to fight you want to fight with me oh he does not want to fight with me today yeah that's right man get out of here this tier three fishing rod is literally gonna lead us to Victory come on give us something good give us something good oh my God protection two Diamond are you kidding me they should have never let me get those kills give me something good okay enchantment levels sheep spawn eggs why why would I need sheep's phone eggs I guess that's a little troll item right there I have no clue what that is for I don't know what he's doing but it's not gonna work oh my God okay we gotta get out of here they already have stuff what there are three guys right now owe me oh my gosh how did they get stuff so quick okay this could be good or bad because I could technically get a tier four fishing rod from these guys oh my gosh okay the other guy is still chasing us this is not good at all you know what I think we might be able to take out these two guys okay we just took one out we cannot leave this behind come on give me the head okay we got the head guys okay so let's just do this come on give me something good something that I haven't seen before something good no not another one of these I have so many chest plates oh my God how many is this what Eyes of Ender six Eyes of Ender no way tier three gives me that maybe like tier four but tier three okay so we could just go ahead and start heading to the stronghold if we really wanted to we could there's a guy over there with two sticks in his hand I don't know what he's doing but we're just gonna keep getting some Opie items oh my gosh okay we're trying to hide I hope they don't see us here because we could easily just kill one of them come on please tell me they don't see me I don't think they do they didn't see me they didn't see me come on give me this kill real quick give me this kill come here miles oh this dude literally has nothing he's a one hit give me this kill please come on oh no we got stuck in the branches okay we're just gonna kill this guy instead oh my gosh we're gonna kill him yes get stuck yes okay finally we killed this guy it took so long but we finally got the kill okay so right now let's just get this head real quick and yeah let's just start running after him right now oh my God he got stuck in the Vine I got stuck in the vine too though this is no good oh he's gonna try and go for that boat we're gonna stop him though come on yes okay this guy is literally so low come on we got him right here oh my gosh okay we are doing so good we only need one more head guys oh meeps here okay if we can get this kill dude is he gonna fight it he's gonna fight us I don't even think he knew we were here come here you're literally doing no damage oh my gosh okay dude this is so good now okay so tier three fishing rod was insane but what I wonder what will the tier 4 Fishing Rod give us please be something good oh my God it's 14 ice offender okay the stronghold is this way this is actually so good so if we just head in this direction and we fish at the same time we will end up at the stronghold oh my God sharpness one nether right ax these items are getting so op enchanted golden apple oh my gosh there's no way the hunters are gonna be able to stop us there's just no way wait a second what is this dude no way it's a One-Shot hoe guys this is gonna be so good what is this not back tin okay these items are just literally breaking the game right now what is this more Eyes of Ender you know what we're heading there right now guys bro with this one hit hoe I wonder if it'll be enough to one hit the Ender Dragon if it perches once it's dead Okay so we're just gonna head there right now okay just keep running come on all right let's just make sure we're going in the right direction real quick all right okay 29 Eyes of Ender I think we're good on eyes of vendor you know what I kind of want some other items okay another one hit hope I don't know why we got enchantment levels if there's no enchantment book but if there is that'd be so good okay another right helmet we're gonna take that and put that on right now okay come on give me something good what is this power three and arrows okay I will literally take that protection two oh my God okay there's more Hunters here oh my God we just got another enchanted golden apple we're literally so sad We're Not Gonna risk it come here wudo come here right now come here buddy oh my God we literally just two hit a man okay which way is it it's this way they probably know I'm going to the stronghold now so they are gonna meet us in the stronghold that's the only bad thing keep going oh oh my God we almost just fell into that Ravine that would have been really bad okay please tell me oh my God okay it turned a little bit is this gonna be an exposed stronghold I think it might be wait did it go down where did it go I think it just went down oh my God I think it's literally right here guys literally we're so stacked but we only have a stone pickaxe this is kind of sad guys but I think it's literally right down here okay so the stronghold must be above us or something I don't know where it is but leave mine straight down and we didn't find it oh my God all the hunters are over us right now all of them are over us please tell me the stronghold is right over in here oh no they're coming down they're coming down right now I don't think they understand that I haven't even found it I haven't even found the stronghold oh there it is there's the stronghold okay we found it we literally found it this is so good it's bad timing but good timing hopefully we find the Portal room Kuwait because there's so many Hunters here I don't know if we could take all of them I don't know we don't have enough golden apples for that oh my God okay the portal room is right here we're going in right now come on come on come on we gotta go quick oh okay yes this is perfect this is literally perfect there were three of them chasing us okay so let's just get out this op ho We're not gonna eat a golden apple yet but we should eat one soon please tell me this thing is gonna Purge quick we're gonna eat a golden apple because there's people here and now there's Enderman chasing us come on come here there's no way they beat us there's no way we're just destroying them all the dragon's Pershing we get them right now we get them right now the one hit hope they don't know I have it they don't know I have it come here come here come here no it didn't even kill him okay so the one hit hole didn't even kill him dude I can't believe that one hit didn't kill him I thought a sharpness a thousand hoe would definitely kill him oh come on get out of here okay no way no way come on bro oh my God I don't know how we just survived that but we did if we can just keep these Hunters off of us we're a little more no I think we're gonna actually lose this one guys there's too many Hunters on us come on come on we can still we can still survive we can still survive this if we just build up maybe [Music] no oh no way they beat us there dude
Channel: McBirken
Views: 1,245,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft manhunt, minecraft but, minecraft challenges, minecraft but if i die my friends lose, dream minecraft manhunt, Minecraft Manhunt But I Enchant Every Time I Craft, McBirken
Id: q8QfkeRG3V0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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