Minecraft's Lost Version | The Only Version You CAN'T Play

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ever since Minecraft's release in 2009 there have been more versions discontinued than versions still available I've talked a little before about how Mojang drops versions of Minecraft like Google drop software and while it's funny to bully Mojang for managing their software like morons it's equally sad that they care so little about you the consumer and how you like to play their game now I'm not here to whine and complain about Bedrock or anything like that while I hate Bedrock for a multitude of reasons that's not what I want to tell you about today today I want to tell you about the only version of Minecraft that is 100% completely lost with barely any trace of it online aside from old articles talking about its announcement so what is this version well it all starts back on August 16th of 2011 when Minecraft pocket edition first launched on the Google Play Store exclusively for the Sony Xperia Play Android phone it was obviously really basic at the start but this unknowingly started what every version of Minecraft would eventually evolve into Minecraft Bedrock Edition 2 months later on October 7th compatibility was extended to all Android devices then after another month Minecraft PE was released for iOS so for about a year the majority of the smartphone and tablet Market had access to the game but then on September 13th of 2012 Minecraft PE was made available on the Amazon app store adding Amazon's firest to the list of compatible operating systems at this point all bases are covered Minecraft was now available on what was quickly becoming the entire mobile phone industry but why stop there on April 12th of 2014 Amazon released the first generation of Fire TV devices so naturally yeah fire OS was already just a modified version of Android so making the game Run on it required almost no effort the fire TVs operating system was and still is just a modified version of fir OS so in the same vein it was a no-brainer fir OS and the modified version of it that runs on Fire TV are so similar to Android in fact that they both use APK files to install applications just like Android while the Fire TV proudly ran Pocket Edition a few months later on December 10th Pocket Edition made its way onto the Microsoft store and became available for Windows mobile yes thank God now the Windows mobile users could play Minecraft both of them Windows mobile which was Windows mobile 8.1 at the time obviously was built off of Windows 88 given that you might expect the app file type to be similar to Windows like how fir Osos and Android both use apks maybe Windows mobile uses exe files or MSI well no it uses the xap file type yeah go figure that one out the Fire TV continued to be a breeding ground for shitty mobile games on TVs that was until December 19th of 2016 when Minecraft PE support was cut from The Fire TV and in its place was Minecraft Fire TV Edition what was it well it was just Minecraft Pocket Edition but called Minecraft Fire TV Edition almost nothing else changed besides that the price increased from $66.99 and it was a separate app for Minecraft Pocket Edition nice it stood as a great example of Mojang giving a big you to the community but at the same time gave TV boxes a bigger sense of importance differentiating them from mobile operating systems previous owners of Pocket Edition for Fire TV could update to this new version for free but still made no sense whatsoever given the fact that the only change was this little number here but on that on that same day that Minecraft Fire TV Edition came out another TV box saw its own version and for the first time ever a TV box that came out over 7 years before the Fire TV and has been under constant development since its release a TV box developed by the most valuable company in the world on December 19th 2016 alongside Fire TV Edition Mojang announced and released Minecraft Apple TV Edition Minecraft Apple TV Edition was essentially the same thing as Minecraft Fire TV Edition a repain of the mobile equivalent but was Minecraft Apple TV Edition a port of Pocket Edition for iOS like Fire TV was a port of pocket edition for Android well pretty much yeah before I go into the technicals of it it's worth mentioning that Minecraft Apple TV Edition was actually first mentioned by Tim Cook at the October 2016 MacBook event it's going to be really fun he barely gave a and to most of the people in the audience it probably just seemed like a nice reason to buy more Apple stock but it wasn't actually acknowledged by Mojang until its release on December 19th when one of Minecraft's official blog writers Owen Jones reported that we're on Apple's magical black box how great keeping it tasteful anyway Apple TVs run TV the first generation of Apple TV back in 2007 ran the first release of tvos which was built off of Mac OS this thing is a fat it wasn't until the second generation in 2010 that Apple rewrote TV and based it off of iOS and it's been that way ever since so similarly to how Fire TV received its Port from Android so did Apple TV receive its Port from IOS and just like how Fire TV uses the same app file type as Android so does Apple TV use the same app file type as iOS and while on the topic of operating systems it's worth noting that while both the Fire TV and Apple tv run on operating systems based off of mobile operating systems both of those mobile operating systems were based on computer operating systems and if you want to go even a step further both of those operating systems were based on Unix so it's like a up cat dog daisy chain of copying homework anyway plenty of outlets covered the news and reported it but that was it nobody actually played it in all my research I can only find two users who have ever uploaded gameplay of this version nobody gave a about it and although nobody gave a about it it is the only documented instance of an Apple TV application receiving a physical release yes that's right a physical release the Nimbus Minecraft Apple TV controller bundle this package is almost completely undocumented online as of the making of this video in my research there is one unboxing video of it and only a few news outlets that covered it Nimbus official website being one of them the bundle was only released for a limited time and was exclusive to Apple Store it cost $39.95 and included the officially licensed Nimbus controller and a download code for Minecraft Apple TV Edition the game on its own cost $1 199.99 just like the Fire TV Edition so for an extra 20 bucks you get a controller which you needed to play it anyways you weren't going to play with the Apple TV remote since this was a limited release these bundles are extremely rare and typically only one or two show up on eBay every couple of years I happen to have this one here but I also have a new unopened one as it came in the Apple Stores you have to wonder if this was an attempt by all three comp compies to actually get someone to buy this version since this bundle came out the next year in 2017 I mean no one played this thing it was almost pathetic and given that the fact that it received a physical release like this is the most baffling thing on the planet I mean it's like a horse with a broken leg but instead of just shooting it you keep feeding it yeah well it didn't take too much longer before Mojang emptied a magazine into this horse's head on September 24th of 2018 Mojang finally pulled the plug on what is probably the biggest and most unsuccessful failure in Minecraft history and you know what nobody cared no one noticed because nobody played it and I mean that it wasn't until weeks later that Outlets began to report its demise because literally no one cared or noticed it was like one day someone turned it on just for the hell of it and saw the end of support message and was like oh well that sucks and that's why we know about it it died just before the Better Together update and was the last version of Bedrock to have the addition name in its title it lasted a lovely 92 weeks making it the third shortest live version of Minecraft it was always somewhat of a brother sister app to the Fire TV Edition but of course that too went the way of the dying in June of 2021 Rest in Piss if you're familiar with Apple's ecosystem you'll know that it's extremely enclosed and always checks to make sure you're not doing anything Apple doesn't want you to do Android is the opposite any APK you can find online it's all yours to install and use viruses and all of course it all comes down to preference but Apple's focus on making a secure operating system inadvertently over the preservation of digital media especially Niche digital media like Apple TV applications in a day and age where what you buy isn't actually yours media preservation is more important than ever apple is well known for the secure operating systems most of the time and jailbreaking becomes harder and harder with every generation especially when the latest generation of Apple TVs doesn't even have any USB ports on it you're not going to have an easy time ripping app packages from an HDMI port for every person that tries to jailbreak an Apple device there are 30 Apple employees working tirelessly to kill them extracting APK files from a fire TV on the other hand is stupidly easy literally as easy as installing free file explorers from the App Store and copying the APK to an SD card and honestly forget the SD card you can just upload it to a cloud service or transfer to your phone over Wi-Fi IPA extraction on tvos on the other hand is a series of jumping through hoops and crossing fingers and running xcode it's so undocumented you might as well guess and when a company barely likes you changing the RAM on your computer you can imagine how little they give about you browsing files on their TV box not that I like the Fire TV by the way I hate Amazon and their fire products that sentence sounds like an oxymoron the only cool Amazon product was the fire foam with its Dynamic perspective that created a 3D illusion with its interface but it wasn't that cool though Minecraft was also available for this thing by the way I just want to be very clear that this is not an evaluation of which TV box is better but rather an opportunity to bully these Tech Giants in the dumb they do and going back to the current Apple TV's lack of USB it really says something when the best tutorial right now on jailbreaking this thing is an iffy Reddit tutorial with mixed results and requires you to have some kind of recent Mac device and if you don't have one the very bottom of the barrel is going to set you back at least 500 bucks and that's only if you lie and buy from their education store where everything is 100 bucks cheaper and they don't actually check if you go to school by the way you can just buy from it whenever to get 100 bucks off you got to love it because of the lack of interest in Apple TV games and the lack of people who care to deal with all this hoop jumping Minecraft Apple TV Edition Is Lost media and is the only version of Minecraft that is 100% unplayable and unpreserved today even Fire TV Edition which still very few people cared about is preserved and it was actually preserved by Yours Truly it was extremely easy to extract from My Fire TV and even easier to install but sadly it's unplayable unless you bought it when it was available I'm no expert when it comes to Fire TV side loading but I'm willing to bet that this isn't the hardest thing to bypass there's got to be some Egghead out there willing to figure this out and maybe that Egghead is watching right now Minecraft Nintendo switch Edition this version was released for the switch on May 17th of 2017 it was never released physically and was wiped from the shop on June 21st of 2018 and replaced with bedrock Edition which has had a physical release even this version which is the shortest liveed version of Minecraft ever is preserved in its original NSP file type and if you mod your switch or boot up Yuzu you can play it today other odd versions like PE light and PE demo are both preserved Windows mobile 8.1 and Windows mobile 10 both preserved Wii U edition 3DS edition and all the respective DLCs completely preserved Pi Edition 4K even gear VR Edition has almost every single release preserved all the other weird versions of Minecraft are safe and sound on the internet archive but as far as Apple TV Edition goes even if it is found I'm sure getting it to run on a device without a license for it would be like programming a space launch with your dick while highing upside down it's probably very difficult but regardless it's important to have these versions preserved so maybe one day by the grace of God some nerd can figure out how to launch it without the ghost of Steve Jobs killing his family so with that I'd like to say if you own an Apple TV with Minecraft Apple TV Edition on it please contact me help Preserve ve the only missing piece of Minecraft's history don't let this version be lost in obscurity if you know how to sideload Fire TV apps and bypass this warning also contact me but most importantly help preserve Apple TV Edition anything you can do to make this sixe long search come to an end please help me help me end this until then one of the Apple TV's rarest apps will remain lost media guarded by the spirit of Steve Jobs I'm Baran and I've been wasting your time thanks for watching wait a minute e there it is holy by some one in a billion coincidence during the making of this video someone is claiming to have uploaded the IPA file but is it real there has never before been any IPA file online claiming to be Minecraft Apple TV Edition the only reason I found this is because of Yandex if you're unfamiliar with Yandex it's a Russian internet browser and one of the only browsers to not be filtered by the effects of copyright in layman's terms it's the best browser for finding copyrighted material since none of them get taken down on a website called iOS Gods a thread was started on March 24th titled Minecraft Apple TV Edition started by user DX cool 223 it's a bit confusing the user never mentions the Apple TV in the description and keeps referring to the file as a mod there's instructions on how to install but the supposed link to download the IPA file is locked behind making an account he credits this user here as being the one who originally supplied the IPA file it's unclear whether this is their website handle or something else but a quick Google search leads you to a Twitter user of the same name visiting his Page Reveals a pin tweet linking a Google drive file which once downloaded reveals that no this is not an IPA file but instead a tipa file the iOS Gods thread had a back and forth with a commenter which suggested that the poster was able to install and run it but I need to actually know for myself so here we are I'm now in possession of what is apparently a Minecraft Apple TV Edition IPA but that's only half the battle the next step is installing and running this thing good God so before I continue I'd just like to say this I have very little faith that I can get this thing to run from what I know so far Apple TV jailbreaking is a nightmare it's very unclear as to what can and cannot be done so let me see what's going on in the Apple TV scene so here's the deal installing IPA files onto an Apple TV is not terribly difficult at all if you have a Mac it really just comes down to xcode and side Lo with these two things you're looking good if you're unfamiliar with xcode think of it as Ma is equivalent to visual studio xcode originally launched in 2003 and has changed drastically as Apple's product range has expanded the thing about xcode is it's meant for you to develop for Apple so if you want to develop an app for iPhone iPad Apple watch Mac Vision Pro Etc and yes of course Apple TV this is what you need so by linking your Apple TV to your Mac via xcode you remotely install and test programs you write for your Apple TV and of course all those programs are compiled into the IPA format when installed onto an Apple TV the app will only last for 7 days though and then it needs to be reinstalled it just wouldn't be apple without some stupid like that now let's talk about the file I now have a tipa file what the is that well the tipa format is just an IPA that can be aird dropped from what I could find there is no difference between the IPA and tipa format but every time someone says that another person disagrees so apparently it's just a simple as changing the file extension to IPA well no it's not in my experience that doesn't work and an IPA file and tipa file are somehow different so how do you install a tipa file well this is where gets stupid the tipa format was made specifically for an app called troll store essentially it's a modified IPA that can only be installed through their program the only difference is that when you install an app through troll Store the app lasts forever on the Apple TV and doesn't disable after 7 days like an xcode okay well just get a troll store IPA and install it to your Apple TV through xcode right now troll store can only be downloaded on Apple TV's running tvos 14 through 16.6 point1 or version 16.7 RC or 17.0 what the okay well the latest version of tvos is 17.4 so all you got to do now is get an older version of tvos which comes in the ipsw file format for some all Reason by the way and manually do custom install by holding the left option key down and then clicking restore Apple TV in the finder then you can choose the tvos version you want and then bam you can install troll store all as well right no no it's not you can't downgrade your OS this is such a nightmare there are only three versions of tvos that are known to be installable successfully 13.4.1 10.2.2 and whatever the most recent version is and of course just as Tim Cook has orchestrated none of these versions fall within the supported troll store lines so let me just put into perspective how much of a nightmare this is to install an IPA file on an Apple TV you have to connect your Apple TV to a Mac boot up xcode sign in and follow a bunch of steps to make the app openable once you have it installed it only works for 7 days and then needs to be reinstalled if you have a tipa file you can't just change it to an IPA file and install it so you have to install troll store to install troll store you have to have an Apple TV with a specific operating system to install an older operating system you just can't and the ones you can aren't compatible with troll store so at this point would it be reasonable to give up absolutely not I'm no but how do you get an Apple TV with the right operating system well there's two ways you can do this you can either a have one or B find one I don't have one boohoo what's next well as far as finding one goes most people don't list their OS version on eBay and even if they might have a usable OS version most sellers update them and wipe them before they ship I've heard that the next best thing to do is to walk into a Best Buy and buy one hoping that when you get it home and set it up it won't have the latest firmware installed but that's just another crapshoot you can't just go around buying Apple TVs and returning them when they don't have the right OS so what is there to do well I think it's time to seize the source from what I can tell snipping around Twitter this user here is responsible for uploading this file apparently having snagged it back in 2018 just before it was yanked from the App Store he also goes by Jeff I've asked him if he has the Original IPA file and he told me he'll try to see if he can get it somehow but as of right now this line right now several days after this Twitter exchange Jeff has not managed to get the IPA file so what should I do I need some way to confirm that this is in fact Minecraft Apple TV Edition so after days of researched and botched installation attempts I think I might have finally found my one and only hope to get this file to install [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so after all this time all this turmoil and all all this stupid here it is installed via troll store on an Apple TV running tvos 16.5 and will it open yes yes it will it'll open this is Minecraft Apple TV Edition the only version of Minecraft that has been completely lost since it was delisted up until now developed by Mojang licensed by Apple and killed by Microsoft here is Minecraft Apple TV Edition in all its shittiness ipas as a file type have to be one of the biggest anomalies in computer formatting a file developed by a company worth over $3 trillion the standard app format for the biggest technology ecosystem in the world is also one of the rarest file extensions to ever be seen by commercial users I've learned a lot about ipas and the way Apple installs them throughout this Venture and on the way I realized just how much Apple manages to suppress preservation despite being as big as they are but Against All Odds here we are sleep deprived but we're definitely here it's not every day that I get to complete the archive of every version of Minecraft ever but the credit is due to all the amazing people out there who go out of their way to grab files and preserve them Jeff helped me complete the hellish nightmare of a puzzle that I've been constantly trying to complete for the past 6 years and I think it's incredible how much you learn about when you try to get something to work I don't think there was a very big percentage of the population who were sitting on the edge of their seat themselves while I uploaded my APK of Minecraft for Fire TV and I'm sure the same goes for Apple TV Edition but I sincerely hope that this video gets more people interested in the importance of not just preserving media but also obscure things like this and the histories behind them because when you just sit and read about stuff like Minecraft Apple TV Edition and build an interest in it it makes you want to fuss around with your own Apple TV and learn about jailbreaking and how to install apps and what file types can be installed it all around just leads to a very interesting and enriching rabbit hole that gives you a grander perspective on not only the development of technology and software but also how the companies that make them severely ate and it all up which is kind of funny sometimes that's why I do stuff like the lost in obscurity series it's interesting to me to gather information that SC across the internet and put it all together in one video creating somewhat of a detailed timeline that hasn't really been made yet I love this and stay tuned for a video delvi into the gameplay of this version that's on the way I'm sure you'll never be able to guess what the gameplay is like it's going to blow your mind all in all if you have an Apple TV I hope you check this out and more importantly send a thanks Jeff's way I hope to some extent we can all appreciate that Minecraft has finally been completely preserved putting to rest this hunt for a single file that barely existed and in the famous words of Steve Jobs can anyone tell me what mobile me is supposed to do Minecraft Apple TV Edition has been long lost but now it's found and I'm glad I could be part of putting the search to complete Minecraft's preservation to rest next time you're playing something obscure look into preserving it it might just disappear one day and you might be the only person willing to document it always appreciate the Obscure things in life until Tim Cook sends me a death threat I'll continue to talk about Minecraft Apple TV Edition I'm Baran and I've been wasting your time well no actually I've been wasting my own time you and thank you for watching but what about the sex sitting down one in thick 1 inch thick 5.3 lbs
Channel: Bearman3600
Views: 452,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, fire, tv, apple, ipad, iphone, 3ds, wii u, edition, epic cool shit, lost, missing, ipa, apk, windows, mac, linux
Id: EgVfUjLgYbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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