The Wild Story of Minecraft's Fastest Speedrun Ever

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what is the fastest Minecraft speedrun of all time it seems like a fairly simple question to answer just look at the top of the leaderboard for whichever categories you're interested in and see what the best time is but for the better part of the past year the real answer to this question has been unclear on May 21st 2023 Minecraft Bedrock Runner LOL 869 completed a speedrun that claimed to absolutely destroy every existing Minecraft record by completing a random seed glitch speedrun in 6 minutes and 46 seconds Not only would this run beat Danny 15's Bedrock world record by over 2 minutes it would surpass the Minecraft Java record which has only been slower than Bedrock once before in the game's history by an entire minute the last time the Minecraft RSG record was beaten by that much was over 2 years earlier when brentilda got the first sub 10 in the game's history with his legendary 936 and in the year since the Run no one else has managed to beat the game in under 7 Minutes needless to say this 646 was a massive groundbreaking achievement arguably the biggest in the history of Minecraft speedrunning it also technically wasn't the world record in this video I'm going to explain exactly what went down with this run and tell the story of the wild series of events that have unfolded in the last few weeks that have turned everything we took for granted in the year since this run on it head this is the story of the fastest speedrun in Minecraft history the world records that happened in its aftermath and a runner who was finally able to claim his spot at the top of the Minecraft speedrunning world enjoy the [Music] video but before we get into it I want to tell you about the sponsor of today's video a little game called raid Shadow Legends and tell you how you can win real life prizes just by playing raid is one of the most popular games in the world with over 4 million users 250 million downloads and crossplatform play and constant monthly updates to support the ever 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find me in the game and join my clan yes you I'm really lonely and because they know you love free stuff raid is also doing another giveaway right now that will earn you a free Legendary chronicler adelyn all you have to do to get her is log into the game for 7 days before July 8th so if you haven't yet what are you waiting for go to my link in the description to download the game today by using our link you'll immediately get a huge starter pack with the Epic Champion Terrell as well as another starter pack after you reach level 25 with an epic Rector drath hopefully I'll see you on the battlefield but now I'll see you on the peaceful grasslands of the Minecraft Plains let's get back into the video the best place to start here is at the beginning with LOL 869 646 back in May of last year I'm not going to go in depth breaking down this run since we already have a video covering it but I will give a quick overv view of how it happened good Bedrock runs start with the runner spawning near a village which if they're lucky will have a stronghold underneath it in this run LOL spawns right on top of a blacksmith with an iron pickaxe already giving him a fantastic start to the Run he quickly gathers his materials and digs down to the stronghold and by the time he gets there he's already an entire minute ahead of Danny 15's Pace in his 854 world record which is an insane split this early in the Run LOL finds the end portal room where he'll build his nether portal almost immediately and by the time he enters the nether at1 he's gained another 30 seconds over Danny 15 in the nether he spawns right next to a Bastion allowing him to immediately start Gathering ender pearls Danny 15's Bastion was much less accessible and when LOL leaves the Bastion he's a whopping 2 and 1/2 minutes ahead of Danny's run which only takes 9 Minutes in total of course there's another Fortress just of pearls throw away from the Bastion and while lol's Fortress split is more good than great he gains even more time on Dany leaving the second structure 2 minutes and 51 seconds earlier than Dany did it does take him longer to get back to his nether portal than it took Dany but he's back into the Overworld and then into the end at 556 2 minutes and 15 seconds ahead of the world record while his end split is slightly slower it barely matters at this point as he beats the game game in 6 minutes and 46 seconds absolutely obliterating every established record and best known split breaking the Bedrock RSG world record by 2 minutes and the overall Minecraft RSG world record by 1 minute this was a run with nearly perfect luck and if you ask lol 869 about it today he'll tell you that he didn't feel that great when it happened he feels like it was kind of handed to him and that his performance in it was mediocre far from his proudest achievement in speedr running of which he has many regardless of how he felt though the fact remained that it was an unprecedented new world record that nothing before could compare to until it wasn't 6 days later the leaderboard mods announced that they had decided not to verify LOL 869 world record and while no one's first instinct was that this run was faked that was suddenly much less clear so what is it that made things unclear well during dur his 646 LOL 869 was using a resource pack called fastest resets it's common for Minecraft speedrunners to use resources like this to increase their efficiency in between runs when they have to reset hundreds or even thousands of bad Minecraft seats for everyone that they eventually play out these resources in theory don't affect the runs themselves at all but they save Runners tons of time in between runs but after several days of deliberation the Bedrock speedrunning mod team announced that they had come across an exploit that would allow someone using fastest resets to inject a set seed in what looks like a random seed speedrun without being detected while they didn't make any claims that they believed LOL 869 had cheated the 646 they rejected it from the leaderboard and banned all resource packs for random seeg speed runs going forward if it seems surprising that the Run was rejected with a rule that was put in place in response to the Run well a lack of clarity on the rules for the leaderboard is an ongoing theme throughout this process and so the community was forced to act as if the 646 had never happened and for the past year that's exactly what happened plenty of people especially Runners within the community didn't think LOL was a cheater he was a wellestablished runner who held the set seed glitchless world record for bedrock and second place on the random seed leaderboard with an 859 that was perfectly legal and perfectly verified there was also a fair share of people who did think the six 46 was fake moderators rejected it from the leaderboard after all as for LOL he couldn't care less what people thought about the Run either way the 646 was stuck in limbo a run that a lot of people thought was probably not fake but in the eyes of the leaderboard moderators couldn't be conclusively proven to be real fast forward to 2024 Danny's 854 has stood strong at the top of the Bedrock leaderboard for almost a year further emphasizing the insanity of lol's 646 if it's real but everything that had gone down to this point was just the beginning because the next two months saw a series of events unfold that no one could predict after almost a year of no one else touching Danny's 854 on March 11th 2024 the floodgates swung open a veteran Bedrock speedrunner called craze who had been an integral part of the community for years without ever setting a world record in Bedrock RSG finally broke through for the first time with an 819 the story of craze's run is incredible but we've also already covered that in a video so that'll also be linked in the description if you're interested craze's record was huge for the community both because of how exciting it was to see craze's work finally pay off and because there was finally movement on the leaderboard after almost a year of stagnation here's a question for you do you believe in curses if you don't you're wrong because Minecraft speedrunning has been victim to a curse for years at this point called The twt Curse whenever we make a video covering a Minecraft world record New or Old we run the risk of it getting beaten immediately afterwards this has happened at least half a dozen times and as of this past month shows no sign of slowing down I mean if you think about it it's really more of a blessing than a curse but the twt curse sounds cooler craze pulled off his 819 on March 11th on April 1st we published a video about it and on April 8th a new world record was set a 756 that was if it were to be verified the first verified sub eight in Bedrock RSG history you might ask who was behind this run was it Danny 15 come back to reclaim his spot after his record was finally beaten was it craze who intended to continue grinding for a faster time even after he set the record was it a newcomer who no one was expecting or was was it a more familiar name someone whose accomplishments had been lurking over the leaderboard for the past year stepping in to finally assert themselves once and for all as the fastest runner in Minecraft Bedrock you probably see where I'm going with this on April 8th LOL 869 once again beat the Bedrock RSG world record let's take a quick look at how it happened LOL spawns in a village and immediately gets to work looting it Gathering beds for the Dragon fight wood and iron for tools and a bit of food he digs straight down hoping for a stronghold which has a 15% chance of being below a village at these cordinates and he breaks in at a minute and 30 seconds while nothing in this run is going to quite compare to his 646 LOL is already on a great Pace 45 seconds ahead of craze's 8/19 his stronghold navigation which is mostly luck if you do it right is much slower this time around and it takes him an entire minute to reach the portal room after an efficient nether portal build he's into The Nether at 255 now just 16 seconds ahead of craze a nether fortress stands right nearby and LOL parkours his way over to it getting bodied by a Magma Cube but recovering well and making his way to a blaze spawner he gets poor luck with only one Blaze spawning in each of the first two spawn Cycles although they both drop rods luckily stray blazes start to appear on mass and after killing six more he gets the remaining four rods he needs and sets off in search of a bastard 30 seconds later one comes into view and while it's not easy to get to LOL has a handy dandy ender pearl in his inventory that he found in a stronghold chest like in his 646 the Bastion is a bridge variant so LOL goes to grab the attention of some piglins then mines And Trades the gold on the Chalice he doesn't get the luckiest trade rates but after not too long the piglins give him the ender pearls he needs and at 6 and 1/2 minutes he's on his way back to his nether portal now he's about 30 seconds ahead crazes Pace in his 8/19 for comparison he was already in the process of killing the ender dragon at this point in his 646 it's a truly incomparable run LOL is far away from his nether portal but with a few well-placed ender pearl throws he makes it back quickly and gets into the end at 712 where he's now just 22 seconds ahead of craze it's neck and neck but LOL has a clear shot at beating the official world record here and of course he's no stranger to clutching up on a fast pace he deals some melee damage to the dragon builds a lava pillar in front of it to stop it from flying away then finishes it off with three well-timed beds managing to Eclipse The 8-minute Mark with a new world record depending on how you look at it so after almost a year of no movement a veteran Runner finally set his first world record and then lol 869 got both his second sub eight in Bedrock RSG and the second sub eight ever in Bedrock RSG but the biggest development to happen in recent weeks was Yet to Come 2 weeks passed after LOL 756 when all of a sudden on April 22nd an announcement was released from the Minecraft Bedrock speedrun mod team along with the resource pack ban about a year earlier had come a rule that required players to show their resource packs page in game after the completion of a run in order for it to be verified this new announcement revoked that rule although resource packs were still banned Runners now had the option to prove they weren't using resource packs through their game files instead this was for the benefit of runs that took place before these rules were implemented when the runners had no reason to show their resource packs page any runs like this that were rejected would now have the chance to resubmit for verification all right that's cool but why are we talking about this well there was a second point in the mod team's announcement they had decided to unrejected [Music] 6 simple as that no explanation no followup the 646 was the new world record and in fact it had been for almost a year is it hypocritical that this run was verified despite the fact that it clearly violates the new rules by using a resource pack yes but is it also true that at this point almost no one in the community thinks the Run was fake nor do we have any real reason to yes and so after lots of time time and confusion you can finally go to the Minecraft Bedrock RSG leaderboard and see lol 869 name where it belongs at the top what do you think about this decision would it be better if they stuck to the book and left the run unverified or would that be a misrepresentation of what we are 99.99% sure but technically not 100% is the truth would it be best if they didn't ban resource packs at all or would that be too much of a risk to verifying faked runs let me know your thoughts down in the comments regardless the reality is that the Run was verified and we can finally say once and for all congratulations LOL 869 you accomplished something no other speedrunner ever has and your run stands Above All the Rest in the history of the game thank you so much for making it to the end of the video and if you enjoyed please drop a like and a comment so it can reach more people or even send it to someone you think might enjoy it let us know in the comments what videos you want to see from us next and again thanks for watching and supporting the channel as always I'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: The Weekly Thing
Views: 3,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft speedrun, minecraft speedrun world record, speedrun world record, minecraft world record, minecraft 1.16, 1.16 world record, speedrunning, speedrun, world record, analysis, reaction, commentary, the weekly thing, twt, the weekly thing minecraft, the weekly thing speedrun
Id: TMkkfuvd3No
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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