Minecraft if SINGLEPLAYER was gone

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well honestly I'm kind of down to try a single player world I haven't played single player wait where is the single player why is there two multiplayers what is going on where did all my worlds go what is this the world wait what why is there no option to create a new world all right well I guess I'm stuck with this one then I do not remember making this world what is going on what is this where are all the blocks everything's bedrock and what am I standing on what is this a starter Island all right someone's got to be pulling some elaborate prank on me right now welcome to the world what this is the one and only Minecraft world years ago Minecraft realized that no one played single player anymore so instead there is only one world for everyone now so this is the only way to play Minecraft now well what happened to all the blocks how am I supposed to get anything since every Minecraft player in the world is now in the same world every block eventually was mined but don't worry that is why you start with your very own starter chest and some starting blocks just be careful because after 10 seconds other players can steal your starter chest other players can steal my starter chest wait what sorry bro you should have grabbed your stuff a bit faster hey wait come back are you serious bro why would Minecraft add this update this is terrible every single block is mined wait it's like impossible to play this game now wait is that a tree oh let's go alright I could actually start getting wood and play the game now let's go I can't believe no one found this wait why can't I get through what is blocking me is there a barrier here bro are you serious the one tree I find I can't get through what is this what do I do now bro you're not getting my tree your tree what are you talking about bro come on I paid a ton of money to buy these barriers do you know how rare it is to find a tree in this world I mean I'm practically a millionaire what do you mean you bought these barrier blocks how do you buy stuff in Minecraft you can't just buy blocks bro you know you can buy any block you want right just look at the Minecraft block shop you should probably buy wood since you definitely aren't finding any what is this guy talking about the Minecraft block shop wait barrier blocks a hundred dollars wait that's real money are you serious is this real or am I actually the first one to stumble upon this full Village wait this is perfect I could just collect all the wood from the buildings and I can actually start playing the game let's go alright wood does exist in this world let's go stop that right now what you seriously don't know the one rule about Villages what are you talking about Villages are completely off limits wait wait so you you're saying I can't even have anything from the village not even a piece of wood ever since the update came out where players are now all in one world everyone agreed that Villages should be a hundred percent protected it is now illegal to steal from or break any part of the village ah this is so annoying how do I even play Minecraft anymore why would they make an update where everyone shares the same world oh man for a second I thought he was actually gonna break our village that would have been bad bro I think I'm done with this game I mean there's literally no blocks left I mean there's nothing else to wait what is this is this what I think it is no way a fish is still alive all right well I mean at least I have a little food to survive until I actually find some wood or something please please I just need food what the bro are you okay oh my God I'm gonna starve I haven't found food on the world in years jeez that's terrible bro look I don't even need the fish you could take it it's all yours bro just don't even worry about it that fish is mine and if you have anything to say about it you might just end up like that guy no no no no chill chill it's all yours bro I don't even want it all right well I think I am officially done with playing Minecraft there's actually nothing left to do well you could just wait for the world reset the world reset yeah this world completely restarts every year the world resets in 12 hours let's go alright well I guess I'm Vlogging up tomorrow all right finally a brand new world where I can actually play normally bro are you serious it's already gone I feel like I haven't beaten Minecraft by myself in years I should be chilling though I never forget how to play this game oh yo no way a desert temple spawn let's go all right he's walking in now get the Villager ready bro look at all this loot no way a power five book yo this is crazy all right come on this is my time to shine my first performance in a major film let's go all right let's probably get out of here wait what what was that hey what's up bro what are you doing here bro what just happened where's that villager kid even come from dude oh yo no way a village spawn let's go all right maybe if I snatch up some beds I can turn this into a speed run hey you there oh hey please our village is under attack and we need your help if you help us get rid of the pillagers we will make you the hero of the village bro I legit just started I don't have anything to take out pillagers right now don't even worry about that I got you covered take this sword and save the village no way all right sweet let's do this then Dude where's this raid he's talking about wait is this it just one Pillager bro I can take out one Pillager easy all right so is that it all right bro I took out the Pillager can I get hero of the village now uh bro the scene is over you can stop acting now we already filmed everything the scene is over what are you talking about dude you can quit the acting also give me back the sword the director hey eats it when we take the props dang bro I can't even keep the sword all right I guess you can have it back bro what is going on the director props what is this oh look what we got here a ruined portal let's go come on good loot good loot let's go all right flint and steel one obsidian and 12 gold wait no wait one obsidian and a flint and steel wait I have everything I need to make a portal right now dude I get told of a speed run this if I pull this off I could beat the game in under 20 minutes okay I can do this all I have to do is just say my lines right drop the Eyes of Ender and then I'm done come on I can get the ender pearls right now and then I'll get the blaze rods later thanks this is perfect here take these 12 Eyes of Ender what wait Eyes of Ender 12 of them oh wait wait since when do piglens trade Eyes of Ender oh my God all right cut seriously make sure he throws the gold next time don't just give him free stuff oh my God I messed up okay I'm sorry I know I just gave you those but I'm gonna need those back you need these back why did you gift them to me in the first place all right I guess you can take them back hey do you want to trade I'm looking for gold I need a ton oh gold sure I got 12 ingots right here thanks this is perfect here take these 12 Eyes of Ender dude I am so confused right now all right whatever I got a world record to beat so I'll see you later come on how did I lose my portal I was just there this is so bad I'm losing so much time wait is this a nether portal wait when did they spawn like this oh my God I dropped my flint and steel I can't light it all right bring in the gas this guy better not miss I'm gonna be real mad all right bad let's go bro let's go this is my lucky day all right it's world record time all right I gotta find a stronghold fast no way did it just spawn me in a stronghold this is just crazy I could get an under 10 minute speed run all right I can't waste any more time I gotta go bro where is the Ender Dragon all right It's gotta be here somewhere yo and I'm so lucky to have this path spawn here wait I just realized I have no way to take out the Ender Dragon bro how am I gonna do this wait what is this chest right here do chests normally spawn in the end what is this I've never seen this before a bow Tower five Infinity oh and an arrow this walk is insane come on if I could just take out the dragon right now this could be a world record wait what was that an armor stand what just happened how did it die in one hit where is the XP where's the dragon egg and where is the end portal bro what is happening cut hold on we need to refilm that last shot let's try that again who said that what do you mean refilmed that last shot who are you what are you doing here hey don't worry bro we got another Dragon ready to go right here bro what is going on can I just beat the game already bro I'm directing a film for evbo this has to be perfect so let's just do it again a film for FBO but that's me wait what all right I really want to play a new survival world I feel like I haven't played good old-fashioned survival in Forever alright let's get it started wait hold up why am I in creative mode I swear I just made a survival world what all right I guess I gotta make a new world wait creative plus no I want Survival Creative plus plus what even is that all right I guess I want to play Creative Mode then you know honestly creative mode kinda sounds fun and wait why am I in survival now what is going on all right I feel like I should make a house first just to get settled oh let's go a forest all right I think I want to make my house out of Oakwood this time all right let's get some wood wait hold up where did this lava pool come from I swear I did not see this before Oh man and it's burning down the forest now all right well at least there's gonna be enough trees for me to build my house oh wait how did this even happen What there was only one tree on Fire come on this has got to be the last of it oh I think I finally put it all out wait how are there only birch trees left wait all the oak trees are gone all right you know what I don't even want to build a house anymore oh FBO there you are perfect wait who are you look I just have some papers I need you to sign then I'll be on my way papers I have to sign what are you talking about what am I signing well it's for your house of course so here you go this is so weird I literally just said I didn't want a house all right there you go I signed it so what happens now all right all signed and well there you go there's no way you just built a house wait what that's my house that's the worst looking thing I've ever seen in my life what is that dude I don't make the houses I just sell a man not my problem dude are you serious and of course this is the worst looking design of a house I've ever seen all right what's in here oh hey all right well at least I got some stone tools it's not all that bad all right well I already have a house so I guess I want to go mining now yo what is that building over there wait what does this sign say community mine shaft ahead yo no way that's exactly what I'm looking for all right let's go get some diamonds whoa there buddy stop right there my draft is closed right now come back later wait are you serious I thought this was the community mine shaft usually it is but right now we're testing a special kind of TNT and if it works it should triple the amount of ores there are underground it's gonna be great all right John are we ready to start the experiment uh yeah the TNT is primed and ready to go setting it off in three two one all right John what happened did it work are there more oars now uh sir I think we might have ran into a problem I think instead of tripling the amount of oars it actually got rid of all of them ah shoot well that sucks uh is everything okay down there can I go mining now sorry kid looks like all the oars are gone what okay well where do I go to find oars uh there's actually no more oars left in the entire world what how is that even possible okay I just won at least 10 of the people who watch my videos to be subscribed wait what six percent well at least it's not zero percent that would be terrible wait wait wait dude what is up with my Minecraft world right now I swear everything I want I can never get why is this happening hey bro we haven't had any Traders all week would you want to trade for some good items no no no I am not falling for this one this time look I know how this is gonna go you're gonna say you have something I'm gonna say I want it and you're gonna give me something completely different so good day uh what are you talking about look man I just want to trade I have so many things to offer all right you know what I want I want 64 diamonds I'll give you a stone shovel if you give me a full stack of diamonds how does that sound wait a stone shovel that actually sounds amazing here I got all the diamonds wait what you actually have the diamonds and you're willing to trade for a stone shovel alright let's do it then I'm all for it oh sweet thanks here I'll even throw in an extra 10 diamonds just because what the where did that just come from ah dude I've had enough of Minecraft I think I honestly want to quit I just can't keep wait what is that in the sky wait hold up Notch what are you doing here hey FBO just wanted to let you know that we got your job application job application what are you talking about well we accept congratulations on being a full-time Minecraft employee wait wait what is going on no I want to quit I said I wanna [Music]
Channel: Vicious Daredevil
Views: 243,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, evbo, evbo minecraft, compilation, story, minecraft if, minecraft but, minecraft legends, minecraft game, mojang minecraft, evbo minecraft series, evbo minecraft story, minecraft java edition, minecraft video, minecraft technoblade, minecraft mod, minecraft tales, evbo noob, evbo pro, noob to pro, the story of minecraft's first
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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