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reporting from Channel 6 News everyone evacuate the neighborhood immediately before an other wave heads I repeat everyone leave town [Music] shoo uh what time is it it's that way here's some weird water dripping noises and meows yeah how can you sleep through this it took me about a window any minutes just a boat to your house I'm not funny you gotta hurry we gotta leave right now I don't know well do you want to come inside first I need to grab all my stuff yeah sure I'll be right up just let me get up there come on Gould's how is everyone else around the neighborhood like lunar is she there or where's she well I sub Remo and Drago but I didn't see lunar yet do we have a saver uh I think well you're her neighbor didn't you see her usually she would be here talking about I was sleeping this whole time you know what I'll bring my piggy bank actually my piggy bank has nothing how much stuff are we allowed to bring I don't know I just filled a couple of things I also bought my piggy bank but that's because I have actual money in there I actually have money in it too it's gummy bears so you're very rude come on we gotta hurry we don't have a lot of time wait Orla let me grab stuff in the clip my closet okay do I need to bring a Rubik's Cube or my teddy bear no no I could bring my scuba gear I really need that you don't really need this armor it's just gonna wear us down in the flood and I don't want to drown yeah going out grab my cellphone go would you like a flashlight or Lantern sure I forgot to bring back I couldn't bring some food though nice did you bring any protein bars I got water cheeses and lollipop she's on fire how a cheese dough supposed to make us last in this flood it was only the fastest thing I could find in the house okay we'll still have something left no my washroom is pretty clean and tidy nothing in here no not no medicines come on let's keep going I am I don't even know what my downstairs looks like I need to put on some scuba gear first just so I don't able to find anything in the year no gold and you're still in here and my parents are on vacation you know so they don't know the house is flooded oh come on we gotta find a quick way no we gotta escape out of this town okay under oh hey Andy you know outside is drowning right now so I know you hate water and everything but you're gonna have to swim for me buddy okay what you won't leave this place without cooked chicken first are you crazy ender colt Andrews crazy well we gotta find him cooked chicken you got a trick him out somehow obviously he's gonna be terrified it's flooded there's water everywhere you know he's always watching this cooking show fine ender you want one chicken and you'll follow me outside of the house right yes okay cool and you can find some chicken for ender let's put on these flippers and head to the fridge hey my house isn't flooded that bad I think it's delivered all right no it's not and if we take forever soon it's gonna flood so high we won't be able to leave your house I can still scavenge the fridge there's a tomato that's good for nutrients you can have a tomato I share everything for ender oh yes cooked chicken and I think maybe I'll just pack some bread I don't need anything else though okay we got a scavenge the place now that I have my cooked chicken for ender here you go ender one cook chicken there now you will follow me outside right okay boy good boy yes gold he's following let's go yeah good job hurry do you have a boat or are we just gonna swim out of here I do want your boat yeah lucky thank you go thank you so much did everyone already evacuate the neighborhood except me I think a lot of the people already dead funny you I have no idea why you know we're still asleep look how much it flooded I don't know why I was still sleeping it's just because you know I'm a heavy sleeper where are you staying up super late playing video games again last night no I wasn't so where to first should we go to Lunars house I don't think I think she's already evacuated maybe let's go see come on let's go over here she probably built this look at her she's all prepared oh wait there's choco Gold's hot girls over here come on and rock oh we're turning the boat and we're gonna go talk to Drago Drago what are you doing there you know are you just watching the whole neighborhood flood why didn't you evacuate yet yeah you're just sitting here and chilling you should be packing up and leaving I'm done packing up I think I'm just going to chill here for a while though you should go check up on the others did you hear that goats we gotta go this way actually Jericho do you mind watching and ER for me I don't want Endor swimming all around the water and everything yeah he might get hurt yeah you know what ender be a good boy and stay with Drac oh and you get unlimited chicken when this flood runs out okay drat okay enter that's a good boy come here alright you're gonna stay with Drago in the meanwhile me and gold's will go check up on the neighborhood come on gold we need to head on to the next house let's go check up on rainbow rainbow oh she looks like she saved a bunch of people a and Lunas right there what is Luna doing hey rainbow just to me gold you know traveling and stuff yeah honey slept she's lazy whatever I know you guys slept in I was screaming funnies name and yours and I'm saying you guys you need to get up and leave there's a flood and nobody even woke up okay well you know how lazy we are and stuff well not lazy which we just we just stay up too late and we can't you know wake up to you screaming anyways can leave join you on your boat yeah you guys look really prepared you look is there enough room for us though it looks like it's gonna sink well I mean if we start thinking you two are going off first because you got here laughs oh I'd rather sit on my tiny boat than go on there yeah you know what we're just gonna go to Gold's house and check up on his stuff first and we will see you outside of the neighborhood boys but you guys got a hurry I heard the floods going to double okay okay we gotta move golds what is left in your house that we still need to pick up uh I don't know not much but I pretty much scavenged whatever was in my room are you sure you know what we're gonna have to dive down there and go take a look fine let's see if we can find any let's park our boats here and you have your flashlight or Lantern let's go down yep and no one is left in your house right my mom what what do you mean you think your mom you left your mom in here well she told me to just run and go find her best girlfriend and she said don't worry about me so I kind of left Miss Claire my dear Miss Claire are you in here doo dee doo la dee dee are you serious your mom is cooking what there's a flood miss Claire are you hi I miss Claire we have to evacuate oh hey girls hi miss Claire what are you baking one cookies your mom is crazy you've gotta convince her mom we have to leave right now the flood is gonna it's gonna ruin this whole house we gotta leave right now mom um they're kind of chewy but Oh miss Claire we do not have time for cookies we actually need to evacuate gold convince your mom she's crazy well let's let's go oh we can take your cookies and we should we'll take your cookies and we'll just carry them out and we'll eat them on the way out of this video yeah that's what we'll do we'll grab the pie your cookies why did she pick some what are we spoiling us with so many trees do you have anything left in your room gold yeah we better go check miss Claire wait I still have a turkey in the oven are you serious okay there is a boat outside and there's a pink haired girl being captain on it named rainbow so make sure to swim there okay okay I got you later mom okay bye Gold it is our duty to help this neighborhood exactly we are gonna be the neighbour flood rescues or the patrol around yeah come on stand up why are you on the floor I'll take off these slippers they make me walk too slow are you gonna bring these books boo who likes books I don't Wow gold okay fine your clothes I know your big fan of clothes yep like what some soap maybe we can take why do you know so much so we're perfectly fine I mean everywhere is water so technically we we're taking a bath 24/7 wait do we need a radio so we can hear what's happening okay grab a radio take the radio we need a tissue box luckily this tissue box isn't wet yet well throw your tissue box and what else should we grab oh cool it's what you didn't clean up the backyard from last time slumber party yeah my mom kept nagging me to clean up the backyard but I was too lazy and plus you guys were eventually gonna come back again for a backyard sleepover is there anything to salvage down there maybe you want to dive in yeah let's dive in we underwater pool gold underwater pool Oh underwater candy let's try it it's all wet yes very not tasty nothing looks salvageable under here how would you Storch is still on fire who cares we're not gonna ask there's dragons computers still here from last time luckily didn't get wet should we take it it's got a heavy blow you know what if I was a bird it would be awesome cuz we could just fly out of this blood I know right maybe we can take the flamingos nope what no okay let's just head back to the boats and check up on since we are the neighborhood Patrol right you planned it we have to check up on Hector come on go well it's our duty to keep everyone safe right come on Gold what are you doing stop stop oh yeah he's super smart so I'm pretty sure by this time he's far out of town like way out and he's gone how much cookies do you bet 10 cookies okay I'll bet 30 cookies that he's not even out of town yet oh my mom laughs that's good she she probably went to bring a turkey to rainbow while rainbow has a delicious meal ready for her come on let's go on the boats and check up on Hector I still see Hector over there let's check up on him wait where's your mom my mom's not with rainbow uh you don't Shane till in the house turn around turn around go on then see miss miss glare I are used to living oh how do we miss this we push them off give her some pie give her some pie ma'am you gotta wake up wha we gotta leave I told you to go really not turkey makes me kind of sleepy what are you girls doing here did she forget what happened it's a flood miss glad you got a leave we have boats up there um come on let's go we gotta get you on the ship back - OH - rainbow oh okay no more turkey for you okay just stick with the good stuff like key lime pie let's get out of here come on get back on the boat though okay the boat's kind of felt far from each other but head on to captain rainbows ship and she will keep you all safe and me and gold as the patrol we will go to Hector [Music]
Channel: GoldenGlare
Views: 3,736,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Roleplay, Minecraft Mods, Minecraft Anime, Minecraft Adventure Map, Minecraft Let's Play, Minecraft Interactive RoleplayMinecraft Funny Roleplay, Minecraft Roleplaying Adventure, Roleplay, Funny, Mods, Role-playing, Game, (Game, Genre), Open World (Video Game), ItsFunneh, Minecraft Adventures, Neighborhood flood, I lost my home, home flood, GoldenGlare, lost home, home destroyed, flood, Funny Roleplay, Escaping
Id: HK5Wgji1554
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2017
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