Hermitcraft 10: Episode 4 - THE STARTER HOUSE!

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Welcome back to the next episode of Fishcraft. I mean Hermitcraft. I'm- I'm starting to reel in my fishing habits a little bit due to the fact that I've now caught 5000 fish and have no mending. So basically what I'm gonna do is catch one or two books per episode. Well, over there you'll see last episode I made some progress on the base but between episodes I've made slightly more progress on the base. So this was just walls, I've added this section here and these gutterings and a bit of the roof and it's made such a huge difference to the way that it looks and presents. And that's what I meant about trust the process. It's not done, we're gonna work a little bit on that today. Hopefully. No promises on these episodes anymore. Absolutely no promises. Oh there's a pot. Oh someone's given me a mending book. Well I'm gonna keep the pot but if I wanted a mending book, I would've gone and traded with a villager. I'm grateful but this isn't about just being given a mending book, This is about earning a mending book! From the sea! Myself. I have to fish the mending book out. Although I did just throw it there. It's now taunting me rather badly. Wait. Maybe if I give that mending book to the sea, the sea will give me a mending book back. I really wish I didn't throw it right there. Right there! Let's see if we can get another book. <font color="#00FF00">[ISKALL] There's a book in the water, Grian.</font> [GRIAN] Yes, someone left me a mending book. If I wanted a mending book- <font color="#00FF00">[ISKALL] Grian!</font> [GRIAN] If I wanted a mending book, I would go up to a villager and buy a mending book. <font color="#00FF00">[ISKALL] I got the angler and everything.</font> [GRIAN] It's you! You left the mending book! <font color="#00FF00">[ISKALL] I've come to ask you a favour.</font> <font color="#00FF00">I would like to ask you</font> <font color="#00FF00">a number between 24 and 32.</font> [GRIAN] 32. <font color="#00FF00">[ISKALL] And then I would like you to come with me.</font> <font color="#00FF00">Well I have a bit of a project</font> <font color="#00FF00">and since you haven't seen this before-</font> [GRIAN] Bleurgh! <font color="#00FF00">[ISKALL] Yeah, before you fully see it-</font> [GRIAN] Bleurgh! <font color="#00FF00">[ISKALL] Three Hermits in,</font> <font color="#00FF00">this was actually looking good,</font> <font color="#00FF00">looking okay.</font> <font color="#00FF00">It's not great.</font> [GRIAN] What is this? Everyone's just put on a block? <font color="#00FF00">[ISKALL] So I've asked everyone</font> <font color="#00FF00">to pick a number between 24 and 32,</font> <font color="#00FF00">they pick some blocks and then they come over here</font> <font color="#00FF00">and then they place the blocks.</font> <font color="#00FF00">See, I can't do that with you</font> <font color="#00FF00">just in case you would've known</font> <font color="#00FF00">because then you would've picked TNT.</font> <font color="#00FF00">You might have picked TNT without knowing.</font> [GRIAN] So do I get to pick my block now? <font color="#00FF00">[ISKALL] No. I have another task for you.</font> <font color="#00FF00">You are allowed to remove</font> <font color="#00FF00">32 blocks.</font> Everyone else has added. [GRIAN] Do I get to keep the blocks? <font color="#00FF00">[ISKALL] Yes, they are yours.</font> [GRIAN] Alright copper. What else is good here? <font color="#00FF00">[ISKALL] Amethyst is good, amethyst is great.</font> [GRIAN] I'll take the iron. <font color="#00FF00">[ISKALL] Amethyst is good.</font> [GRIAN] How many is that? That's 15 blocks. What else is good? Oh I need some moss. Oh lapis. Oh diamonds! I'm taking the diamonds. 21... 22... Looks like there's nothing else I want here. Oh diamonds! 30... So I got two more blocks right? <font color="#00FF00">[ISKALL] Yeah there are two lapis blocks that I see here</font> <font color="#00FF00">if you're really wanting lapis</font> <font color="#00FF00">I mean, it does add a nice blue accent.</font> [GRIAN] No there we go. 31. 32! There we go. I've improved your house for you. <font color="#00FF00">[ISKALL] Actually you have.</font> <font color="#00FF00">You've actually saved me.</font> <font color="#00FF00">I think that was every single lapis block.</font> [GRIAN] Not a problem. Thank you for your patronage. This is good, I got some good stuff here. Alright, good luck with whatever this is. Bleurgh! <font color="#00FF00">[ISKALL] [laughs] Stop making that sound Grian!</font> [GRIAN] Bleurgh! Alright, I'll level with you guys. I did know exactly what he wanted and I chose a big number because I knew what he wanted but I thought I was gonna be able to choose the block and I was gonna choose magenta glazed terracotta and put the pinkest, arrowist roof on there as possible but no! This works out well because I get a bunch of stuff that I probably will be able to use. Let's head back and just make that little bit more progress and get our house sealed up. So, let's take a look at this. As you can see, I've made some detailing progress. I've put this little porchy area here and I've added a door and I've added some little bits of depth detail. So overall, it's looking- It's looking better. It's looking better, remember this is the probably one of the smaller parts of the overall build. It's gonna extend all across- Like the main bit might be here and then another bit over here. All at different heights. This is just the start and it's gonna help me kind of see what the style of this is going to end up at. Right so, we're going to continue putting together the roof. Now before I get too deep into this build, I know that I don't want it to just be a roof, I kind of want to put another layer of build here. So it's again, a little bit taller. So the roof is gonna go around here but there's gonna be a little something there that pops out so if you're looking from this direction and this direction, you're gonna see something. I've also made a bit of an amateur mistake this is a two block centre which are notoriously annoying to build with. I've run out of logs so I'm just gonna fill this in with other blue blocks but I'll probably swap them out a bit later on. I just want to get something filled in. Okay, let's take a little look. That's not looking too bad at the moment. It's not but I actually think the overhang is a little close- It's a little bit of a close shave so I'm gonna move that forward a little bit but we are starting to really get somewhere. I think that feels a lot better. Let's take a little zoom out. That is looking pretty cool. Now if we're gonna put a chimney on this thing there is one person's base that I would love to visit because they have a smashing chimney. So let's head over there. Come on Pluto. Let's go. We're heading over to Bdubs's base because his chimney is pretty good. Good old Mumbo's base. Looks like he's come up with a way of getting in there. This is the place. I don't know why there's a giant dead tree here. But if we take a look. This is Bdubs's meticulous, meticulous starter house. Every single block considered and placed with intent. Even like the trapdoors. These ones are open on the side, these ones are just kind of swinging. But this, this is why we're here- I'm with the sheep. Don't mind if I do. Right, this is why we are here to take a look at how he's done this chimney. So if we take a look. See look at this! This is what I want to point out with Bdubs's build. This is jungle fence and it is put over the top of the packed mud which it fits in more nicely with. Perfect blending. He's good, isn't he? He's good. Look at this! Look at this! We're definitely gonna take this style of chimney and see if we can implant it on our base. It's so cool. It's a very cool chimney for a very small house for a very small man. I'm just kidding Bdubs, you're tall and beautiful. Bdubs isn't too far away from us we're just over that hill there. You can see the top of the cherry trees. Okay so, where is this going to go? That's a really good question because I don't have the answer right now. But I know that the additional bit of building is going to go right here. And where would a chimney work? Probably on this- I think on this left hand side but we are going to nab his very beautiful colour palette. We already use terracotta in this build anyway and the orange and the blue tones are- are well, I'm trying to bring them together. Right, so I've made a little bit of an error. So I don't want the chimney to be flush with the wall. So I'm gonna have to move the whole thing over to the left. It's really important that they are a little bit staggered. There we go. That is our Bdubs inspired chimney. And you know what? I think- I think that's fine as it is. You know what? That looks so good. I know it's not done but that looks really cool. I wasn't able to stop. I'm really quite- Oh. Hello. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] What is going on with your skin?</font> [GRIAN] My skin? Oh. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Oh is it from the fishing?</font> [GRIAN] I've just been fishing a lot. I've just- I've just fished so much, Joel. I don't know how much more I can do. It won't let me sleep. It won't let me sleep! <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Well, at least you've got food for life now.</font> [GRIAN] Yeah, I think I'm set for the rest of the season. Do you like my little house? <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Yeah it's very cute.</font> <font color="#FFA500">Oo I like the new copper windows.</font> [GRIAN] Yeah right? <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Yeah they look good.</font> [GRIAN] That was a today discovery. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Do you wanna help me kill someone, Grian?</font> [GRIAN] Say no more. Who is it? <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] xB.</font> <font color="#FFA500">For some reason I got it out for him</font> <font color="#FFA500">mainly because</font> <font color="#FFA500">I don't wanna mess with Bdubs.</font> <font color="#FFA500">I'm already killing all the horses on the server</font> <font color="#FFA500">so I don't really wanna aggravate him anymore.</font> [GRIAN] Well. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] He doesn't know that by the way.</font> [GRIAN] Well no one wants our little sweetheart Bdubs to die so yeah let's go. I could use a break from this anyway. Alright, what are you thinking for xB? <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Big hole. [GRIAN] Big hole.</font> <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Big hole. [GRIAN] Dripstone.</font> <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] I mean yeah, have you got any dripstone?</font> <font color="#FFA500">We can stop-</font> [GRIAN] Well we can dig down and get some right now. We're gonna have to test if- Because if- I assume xB has feather falling IV. If he has it, we might need to test if it actually does do the kill. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Even with like the best armour</font> <font color="#FFA500">surely.</font> [GRIAN] All the way to bedrock with dripstone should be death. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Bedrock! I mean, bedrock.</font> <font color="#FFA500">I think down to deepslate.</font> [GRIAN] No bedrock. He will survive. I'm telling you, you got to overkill it. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Here, you can see my previous hole.</font> <font color="#FFA500">But his base is there.</font> [GRIAN] Oh well it looks like-<font color="#FFA500"> [JOEL] Oh Wels!</font> [GRIAN] Not the only one that's up to no good. <font color="#D2D0FF">[WELS] I was- I was actually up to no good myself.</font> <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Can you tell us what it is so we can avoid it</font> <font color="#FFA500">and hope xB sets it off.</font> <font color="#D2D0FF">[WELS] Er... Mining shaft.</font> [GRIAN] Okay alright. Different idea. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Our plan is a little bit simpler</font> <font color="#FFA500">it's dig a big hole, push him into it.</font> <font color="#D2D0FF">[WELS laughs]</font> <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Okay, let's get to digging this hole.</font> [GRIAN] So I think here perhaps like he won't expect it because it's like on a slope here. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Okay, yeah.</font> [GRIAN] So don't touch any of the grass. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Alright we need to go underneath though.</font> [GRIAN] First of all, we need to make our way back up which is gonna be right here. It's pretty slow on the way up. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Yeah.</font> <font color="#FFA500">I'm slowly building you a staircase</font> <font color="#FFA500">because it just doesn't reach the top as well.</font> <font color="#FFA500">Wait wait wait, nearly there.</font> [GRIAN] We could water the end, the rest of it. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Yeah or you can just do this.</font> [GRIAN] Let's see how long this takes us. I reckon we probably can quite easily do an expansion later on. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Yeah? Okay.</font> [GRIAN] What do you need? <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] I was just saying it would look better with smooth stone maybe.</font> [GRIAN] Why are you concerned- <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Not at how it looks</font> <font color="#FFA500">but in case he finds it on the outside.</font> <font color="#FFA500">I don't think he would</font> <font color="#FFA500">but like, you know.</font> [GRIAN] I thought you were worried about how it looked. Are you gonna like put a giant spiral so it makes him dizzy on the way down. And then all we got to do- Oh hey Wels. <font color="#D2D0FF">[WELS] Hello again.</font> [GRIAN] I'm sure one of us will get him. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Yeah someone's got to get him.</font> <font color="#D2D0FF">[WELS] Someone's bound to.</font> [GRIAN] Do you wanna make this bigger Joel? Or do you want to leave it like this? <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Ehm.</font> <font color="#FFA500">I think maybe if we do it bigger,</font> <font color="#FFA500">we do it 5x5 and that's it.</font> <font color="#FFA500">Well, if he doesn't die,</font> <font color="#FFA500">fair play to him.</font> [GRIAN] Yeah if he survives- I mean, there are ways to fool proof this more but it means a whole lot more digging and I've had enough. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] I've had enough of digging-</font> [GRIAN] If we wanted to completely fool proof this, we'd have to remove the walls and replace them with crafting benches which would be... <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] No, not doing that.</font> [GRIAN] Good. We're done. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Let's go.</font> [GRIAN] While we're here and looking a bit ragged. Let's take a look around. This is the other side of the server. I've no idea. Netherrack house and poppies everywhere. Let's see what's been going on on this side. Minister of transport, minister of- Minister of hell? Minister of hot trash? Why is everyone a minister? I don't know if it's an official glitch but there's a block up there. It's kind of annoying. Looks like things are coming together over here quite nicely. Oh I like this like- Is it a trailer? Looks like a trailer or maybe a a train cart of some kind. Sounds like there's a bunch of villagers in here. Yeah. We're not using them this season if we can help it, we will of course, we'll have to get some mending books once we fished out our own, we'll have to get some mending books but looks like this side of the server is developing really nicely. Then on the way in between that's Pearl's house. Very distinct style, I can tell that's a Pearl house. This house is Tango's which looks incredible. He built this day one as well which is madness. I still don't have a roof on mine and we're in episode four. It might have something to do with the fact that I've spent over 20 hours of this season fishing. This looks like- I mean, S for Skizz right? That's got to be Skizz. And then Impulse I think and obviously we saw Joel's earlier on. It's all coming together quite nicely. Gem's ligh- I just haven't moved because I've been just fishing the whole time. So it's nice to see everyone else's base. I think we got a good- We got a good look at a few houses popping up. And the server seems to be connected by people all the way round. Oh look at that! Look at the side of that! It looks so cool! I'm really loving building this house. In fact, I think I'm gonna go up there and just put the finishing touches on the roof. And hopefully xB will get on really soon. Ow. And we can let Joel know so we can get him. Okay, it should be fairly straight forward. I think this chimney is gonna have to get taller. A lot taller. Let's take a quick step back. Check it out! Oh! It's gorgeous! Look at that! Okay, a little block here or there perhaps that needs to be added. Oh it's so good! I'm loving this build. This might be- This might be one of my favourite starter houses of all time. The colours, the yellow, the blue and the orange all work together of course mixed with that the neutrals of the grey and the browns, but this is wicked. This is wicked. I could do a lot more to this but that is where I want to leave the build for now. And I've freestyled this whole thing. Just goes to show that I don't- I don't really need to go into like creative mode and meticulously plan every single block because I can do it here. It just takes a little a little longer and maybe a couple of do-overs. Okay, so this is what the interior currently looks like in here. Obviously not ideal. xB has just got online. Perhaps Joel and I can see this through. He hasn't been on in like a few days so this is our chance, this is our opportunity. I know how we can do this. I know how to make this even easier. There's- [laughs] [laughs] I was gonna try and help him! I messaged him I was like Can we meet up? and then he impaled himself. [laughs] Joel just- I don't know what to do with you buddy. What more can I- This is why I have to be there! Why did you rush ahead? He's so impatient! He's so impatient! Great. Now I've lost my horse. I've just spent five minutes looking for this horse. Okay guys, I don't normally do this but I'm in replay mod. Thankfully I was recording. I've lost my horse so badly that I've had to go and track it down using a replay. And I'm glad I did do this because I cannot find it. Now look at this! Right, so here's Pluto. Running away from me because he doesn't love me. But look at this, he's not just hiding around the corner, this horse decided it hated me so much that it went up a mountain to get away from me. Look! I'm not even- Look at this! It's- No wonder I couldn't find it. This is in the space of four minutes. It went up on top of the mountain and it's hanging around up there. This stupid horse. Where are you then? How did you do that? You kind of deserve this, this is- Get off! This is the dumbest horse I've ever had. Eh! Eh! Eh! Eh! Eat this, I love you. Stupid horse. Clearly if we're gonna get xB demise, Joel needs help because I don't think a single of his traps has ever worked. This is why he needs me. I can't believe he- I feel so betrayed. He just went ahead without me. Of course it didn't work. Okay I've got everything except brown mushroom but apparently Joel has some and now I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind. Joel are you here? <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Hello Grian, I am here.</font> [GRIAN] What have you- Why did you go without me? You know traps fail if you don't- <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] I know! I'm terrible at traps! I know!</font> [GRIAN] You know what happens if you don't have help! <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Let's go! He's still online Grian,</font> <font color="#FFA500">we can still get him.</font> [GRIAN] Yeah I know, I know. We're gonna make an invis potion, I'm gonna go up to him and ask him what happened. Hopefully he's gonna look in. Yeah? We can salvage this. It's not over. Oh I don't have blaze rods! Please tell me you've got blaze rods. Is there any world where he actually looks at the hole? Has he fixed it? What's the deal? <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] I'm not sure.</font> <font color="#FFA500">I fell in the hole.</font> [GRIAN] I know you fell in the hole! <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] It's definitely possible to fall in the hole.</font> <font color="#FFA500">I figured that much out.</font> [GRIAN laughs]<font color="#FFA500"> [JOEL] It's possible.</font> <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] I know that for a fact.</font> [GRIAN] Did it need to be wider by any chance? <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] I- He was stood like</font> <font color="#FFA500">here and I broke it out in front of him</font> <font color="#FFA500">and he started like sprinting away</font> <font color="#FFA500">and like he went</font> <font color="#FFA500">just to the side of the hole.</font> <font color="#FFA500">It was so annoying.</font> [GRIAN] Make sure you've got space to get rid of your armour These are the things you've got to prepare. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Yeah I've got space. I'm just gonna take it off now so I don't forget.</font> [GRIAN] You're gonna die on the way. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] I won't die on the way, what's gonna kill me?</font> <font color="#FFA500">Gravity? Ha!</font> <font color="#FFA500">He's on his way back. Okay great.</font> [GRIAN] Okay good good good. Up here? Oh here. Oh okay, is he up here? <font color="#87FFF5">[XB] Yeah he's up here in the cave.</font> [GRIAN] I've not got any emeralds but let's see what he's got. Bee nest. Ohh is there a bee next nearby? I might get that one. <font color="#87FFF5">[XB] Ehm... I think there's one...</font> <font color="#87FFF5">Wait actually I don't know.</font> <font color="#87FFF5">I think Keralis had some but that's-</font> <font color="#87FFF5">Oh wait, no I see one right across the way over there.</font> <font color="#87FFF5">Oh wait, no never mind.</font> [GRIAN] Did Joel die getting you? <font color="#87FFF5">[XB] Yeah.</font> [GRIAN] What did he do? <font color="#87FFF5">[XB] He tried to dig out from under me right here.</font> [GRIAN] Uh-huh. <font color="#87FFF5">[XB] And then he fell down.</font> [GRIAN laughs] How deep is this? Ohhh! <font color="#87FFF5">[XB laughs]</font> [GRIAN] Oohhh! <font color="#87FFF5">[XB] Yeah.</font> [GRIAN] That is quite the hole. And he missed and fell down himself? <font color="#87FFF5">[XB] He did.</font> [GRIAN] That's impressive. <font color="#87FFF5">[XB] I see you. I see you- Hey!</font> <font color="#87FFF5">Hey! Get back!</font> [GRIAN] Who are you talking to?<font color="#87FFF5"> [XB] I see you. [laughs]</font> [GRIAN] What are you doing? What are you doing?! <font color="#87FFF5">[XB laughs]</font> <font color="#87FFF5">I see you.</font> [GRIAN] See who? <font color="#87FFF5">[XB laughs]</font> [GRIAN] What are you looking at? Are you going crazy? <font color="#87FFF5">[XB] The fart bubbles.</font> <font color="#87FFF5">I see the potion bubbles.</font> [GRIAN] Oh.<font color="#FFA500"> [JOEL] Ah!</font> [laughing] <font color="#87FFF5">[XB] Great guy, man.</font> [GRIAN laughs] <font color="#87FFF5">[XB] Twice in one day!</font> [GRIAN] He doesn't give up. Do you wanna keep his head as a trophy here? <font color="#87FFF5">[XB] I would like to yeah.</font> [GRIAN] See, here's what you got to learn is that, he's only gonna get more desperate. <font color="#87FFF5">[XB laughs]</font> [GRIAN] It only gets worse from here. Well, you can't blame us for trying. Wooo! I've never met anyone apart from me whose traps fail quite as much as Joel's. It's okay buddy. It was a good try. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Did you see the pillager shoot me?</font> <font color="#FFA500">Did you see that?</font> [GRIAN] No, I saw him shoot you. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] The pillager shot-</font> <font color="#FFA500">No but the pillager shot me as well</font> <font color="#FFA500">as I was right behind him.</font> <font color="#FFA500">So I had a big arrow sticking out my head</font> <font color="#FFA500">which is visible.</font> <font color="#FFA500">So I was like- Everything just went wrong.</font> <font color="#FFA500">This is what it's like trying to trap people as me, Grian.</font> <font color="#FFA500">It's just disaster.</font> <font color="#FFA500">Okay xB, that's it. I give up.</font> <font color="#FFA500">I give up officially.</font> <font color="#87FFF5">[XB] [laughs] Welcome back.</font> <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] I give up for good.</font> <font color="#FFA500">I'm so sad.</font> [GRIAN] The set up for this isn't that complicated. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] No it's not complicated</font> <font color="#FFA500">but we just got to wait for a while now.</font> <font color="#FFA500">There we go, how many was that?</font> <font color="#FFA500">That was like nine or something.</font> [GRIAN] That's seven.<font color="#FFA500"> [JOEL] Seven.</font> [GRIAN] So now, I'll tell you what I could do. I could stay in a group. I'll go far away and I can tell you when he's gonna get there. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Okay.</font> [GRIAN] Yeah I can see them. They're currently talking. It looks like Hypno, Joe and xB are all talking. I don't wanna get seen. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] He's close. [GRIAN] Yeah he's close.</font> [GRIAN] Hold on.<font color="#FFA500"> [JOEL] Tell me when.</font> [GRIAN] I will. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] He's run over it.</font> [GRIAN] Now now now now now now! Oohhh no! Okay now is the time to spleef him. It wasn't enough minecarts! Oh he was so close. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Are you immortal</font> <font color="#FFA500">because you might-</font> <font color="#FFA500">Did that do any damage to you?</font> <font color="#87FFF5">[XB] I don't think so, no.</font> [GRIAN] That's weird, that's weird. That's a big hole. That's a- That's a big hole. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Where did that come from Grian?</font> <font color="#87FFF5">[XB] It's so strange, isn't it?</font> [GRIAN] That is really strange. Alright, next time we use 30 TNT minecarts. Joel, we're not giving up. We're not giving up. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] One big attempt, Grian.</font> <font color="#FFA500">One final big attempt.</font> <font color="#FFA500">He's gonna die!</font> <font color="#FFA500">He needs to die!</font> [GRIAN] I messaged Joel, right? And I was like I want to do exodia, I want to make the biggest explosion that will absolutely decimate him. Right? So that's what we're gonna do. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] It's gonna be destructive.</font> [GRIAN] It's gonna obliterate everything including us and possibly a lot more. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] At least somebody is gonna die.</font> <font color="#FFA500">It may well be us</font> <font color="#FFA500">but somebody's gonna die.</font> [GRIAN] Even if he has blast protection IV on everything, this should break through and it's gonna be instant but the issue is right now is he's streaming and he's mining some stuff and the only way we're gonna get him in the right spot is if we manage to be undetected mining underneath him to set this up. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] It's gonna be possible</font> <font color="#FFA500">but also terrifying. I'm scared.</font> [GRIAN] Yeah we'll just have to time it right. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] We should drink it now, I'll tell ya.</font> [GRIAN] Right, here we go. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Make sure you always have a clear hand so you're invisible.</font> [GRIAN] Got it. We wanna make sure we get the right height. So I think maybe we wanna start- Start here? <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Wait. We're close, we're close. Really close.</font> [GRIAN] Oooh there he is. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] He's just there, he's just there.</font> [GRIAN] Okay, are we too high?<font color="#FFA500"> [JOEL] He's so close.</font> <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Oh wait. Who's that flying in?</font> [GRIAN] That's Hypno. Okay is that- Oh man, we're really close. Do we need to go down one? <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Maybe, I don't know, it's hard to tell.</font> <font color="#FFA500">Is he digging out?</font> <font color="#FFA500">So like hopefully he doesn't dig down into us.</font> [GRIAN] That would be embarrassing. We kinda need to wait for him to skedaddle because we know this is the area. I'm gonna risk it. I'm gonna see where we are. Okay this is it, this is perfect. Oh my heart's going. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Mine's going as well, this is absolutely terrifying.</font> [GRIAN] This is gonna be barbaric overkill as well. I've placed obsidian to help protect his base. That should be it, they all go into the thing. One press of that button and kablooey. So yeah, just time to load it up with more minecarts. It's kind of annoying that this is right next to his base but we've done our best to mitigate. This is so overkill. This is like- This is exodia in incarnate. Like this is- If he survives this, I don't know what to do anymore. Like this is just an obscene amount of TNT. <font color="#FFA59C">[KERALIS] It is gonna be modern!</font> <font color="#FFA59C">and aqua.</font> <font color="#CBC3FF">[PEARL] Did you get the anvil from me Keralis?</font> <font color="#FFA59C">[KERALIS] Yeah, got everything.</font> <font color="#FFA59C">For this chest.</font> <font color="#FFA59C">Oh oh oh.</font> [GRIAN] Obliterate! Yeah! Woooo! Ha haaa! [laughs] Oh we got so- We got so much repairing to do. We got so much to do. We got to go and fix this mess. Quick! Uh-oh. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] I feel a little bit bad.</font> [GRIAN] Uh-oh. Uh-oh! <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Grian, look at the size of the hole.</font> [GRIAN] Oh no! That's about four times the size as it should be. <font color="#B0FFAD">[HYPNO] Guys, how much TNT was that?</font> [GRIAN] Ehm! It was 74. <font color="#87FFF5">[XB] Oh I see this.</font> <font color="#CBC3FF">[PEARL] 74?!</font> [GRIAN] Listen, listen! <font color="#CBC3FF">[PEARL] 70-what?!</font> [GRIAN] If he had died the first time, we wouldn't be in this situation. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Exactly, exactly.</font> <font color="#87FFF5">[XB] If y'all would've got good the first time.</font> <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Oh!</font> <font color="#CBC3FF">[PEARL] But 74? Come on.</font> [GRIAN] We've been waiting there for 40 minutes. 40 whole minutes we've been down there. <font color="#CBC3FF">[PEARL] Yay it worked!</font> [GRIAN] Yay! Teamwork! Wooo! Oh xB, right. You can see our attempt there with the obsidian to protect your base and it worked to a certain extend. <font color="#87FFF5">[XB] Kinda, a little bit.</font> [GRIAN] We've got some repairing to do for you, don't worry. We're gonna fix this right up, don't you worry. <font color="#87FFF5">[XB laughs]</font> [GRIAN] You wanted this excavated though right? <font color="#87FFF5">[XB] No.</font> [laughing] [GRIAN] Don't worry, me and Joel are gonna fix it now that we've succeeded. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] We'll get some materials.</font> <font color="#FFA500">I just wanted to come up and see the mess.</font> [GRIAN] This is way bigger than I thought it was gonna be. <font color="#CBC3FF">[PEARL] Blew a little too hard.</font> <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Ah. Guys, my name,</font> <font color="#FFA500">it's grey.</font> <font color="#FFA500">I'm dead, I'm finally dead.</font> <font color="#FFA500">I'm finally dead!</font> <font color="#FFA500">Oh xB, it's been a good battle.</font> <font color="#FFA500">Feel free to get some revenge in the future.</font> <font color="#87FFF5">[XB] Oh yeah, definitely.</font> <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] You're a very hard man to kill.</font> <font color="#FFA500">It takes a lot,</font> <font color="#FFA500">a big man to be blown up by 74 TNT.</font> [GRIAN] [laughs] That's so true! [laughing] [GRIAN] I want to vocalise that we didn't realise it wold go this sideways. We thought the explosions would just go up. When we tested this, it mainly went up. Someone in his chat just said Grian shouted "obliterate" like it was a Harry Potter spell. [laughing] <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Oh gosh.</font> [GRIAN] I literally did as well. Alright Joel, clean up time. Timelapse style. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] Let's do it. Oh man.</font> [GRIAN] It looks terrible but this won't be too difficult to tidy up. And I'll get the replay up and we can fix his base. He's gonna have to give us a bit more time for his armour but he'll be okay. <font color="#FFA500">[JOEL] It looks like he's already enchanting stuff.</font> <font color="#FFA500">I'll work on the down here</font> <font color="#FFA500">and fixing the base.</font> [GRIAN] Yeah okay, you do the base, I'll do the terrain. Job's done. That's the end of the video.
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,172,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hermitcraft season 10, grian, episode 4
Id: wW2z8oj9Jnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 43sec (1783 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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