Minecraft: I CHEATED!!! - The Drop - Custom Map

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey what's Corrado's it's pan welcome back to another minecraft video oh yeah so today we are playing something called the Dumbo dropper where are you I'm so known so apparently Jen spawn in in like the starting room but I spawn next to what is called the almighty kill swing how do I get there I want to go no I will hit this will find how happy I'm hoping I'm gonna hang out with you do it alright so he kills me killed you too okay oh I'm here now so now we already have one death each cheating game alright let's check it out dude so this must be the traitor look at his head I can't grab it from game-mode - so it says his personal best for the dropper was 12 deaths we're gonna try to beat that okay okay we're not counting this first one yeah I don't wanna count that so it's actually called the drop okay so it's created by dumb octo and it says rules over here and give us a little book and it says stay in Adventure mode stay within the borders of the map only use legally allowed server mods please don't cheat teleport is allowed okay good you feel better about that now much better try to give me feedback on the map as it is my first one so guys feel free to leave a comment down below give me some feedback to this map creator so please follow the rules smiley face alright cool so over here it says I have not tested this map in multiplayer but it should work f1 mode is recommended we're dropping I never do that I'm not used to it it will screw me up bad oh yes definitely mess me up actually never mind it's just this but self I was like f5 cuz like I could not tell what I'm doing but even f1 I'm just so used to like having it the air you know I don't know if I could do it so it says have fun begin the game Oh hold on gameplay oh you laugh okay I'm gonna read this you will have to drop through ten different and increasingly difficult levels in each level there is one way down or one way that is easier than the rest you will have to find that way down okay in each level there's a hidden chest which contains money which you can use to buy armor and weapons for the boss battle at the end of the map all right that sounds pretty cool you may also like to fight your friends if you are playing multiplayer Thank You fight oh Anders once again thank you for the amazing support on the channel it has been awesome and if you happen to be new to the channel definitely hit the subscribe button join our giant happy family we have some of the best comment sections on all of YouTube that would be amazing in if you do leave a comment let me know you subscribe and I'll try to comment to as many of you as I possibly can so let us do this knowing look how the air is changing each time actually nothing's happening on my screen it's just really black oh I see you coming with me alright one zero good luck oh this is set up just like the 15 droppers okay so we're gonna start with this one then we have this rainbow level red soon looks like a dungeon wooden multiple blocks maybe like the sky oh baby and this one looks cool Treasury oh that one looks amazing I'm sorry let's go what's the sorting room looks amazing very easy oh I like the sounds of that so it's gonna be a challenge to see who could beat at first but I'll bet you go first yeah okay so if you can't beat this right now okay I won't punch you in because I want you to try to beat the record okay calm down I made it alright you've got to beat this that was like epic yes good job okay so it says there's gonna be a chest right yeah in the tree we have to climb a tree again hold on let me look in here really quick just to make sure it's not like no it's gonna be in the tree we gotta check the trees I am climbing up this giant tree at least we should be able to see where it is once we climb a tree right alright see I kept here okay so I don't see anything from over here and I don't see another up I don't see anything either what about that little tree like right there it's in that tree I can see it which one look you can see it through the leaves over here okay over there all right I'm trying to do that at least you didn't die when did you got a death when you weren't even doing The Dropper I'm just making sure I know the best way off before I do this oh you made it good job yeah but how do I like make it all the way I please don't die I have one heart right now okay that doesn't count does it do died from doing bad climbing to G not to where it is I spotted exactly what we need to do if we climb up right over here then there is a chest and I got the money honey perfect okay so Jen died once from the map and then wants to climbing a tree so far yes it's just very easy again okay it's rainbow though this is beautiful okay so it looks like there's a hole in the middle it doesn't look that bad okay just commit to it and you can do this knowing got this give me a hand [Music] this screams deserve a neck right we're gonna go right in between here and then yes to be honest I'm not sure you can make this wall I believe in you always see a ladder all the way up while you try that I'll get the chest with the money in it okay okay you keep trying this is where Jen hits 12 deaths problem one more try you swatch right I'm watching from here okay I'll catch you okay yeah I saw you for a half a second then you die this will give us three money we have five money now so let's see piggy from here you got this Nalla many of you fell and died right there I'll be awesome okay so we made it past cool got the money level three unlocked let's go alright remember they get harder every level now it's easy instead of very easy we'll have clouds on this is probably very bad Ronnie teleports a baby oh my god you fell in the water was so close alright I'm gonna have you go one more time okay okay so the water is like it's right in front of me go where I am if you drop right from there it's easy straight down basically okay you've got just like right right right here oh you've got this okay alright this much right I was in the perfect spot but you made it so just right here and then straight down you make it look so easy because it's easy know when you like are fidgeting and freak it out but you're not supposed to jump like guess people don't jump like this oh I'm sorry you scared me alright you being this one you have to be this one okay okay I'm gonna look for the light chest it's got to be around here somewhere all right I'm coming my name is gonna be parkour I got the money for us so now I'm just waiting for you all right oh it's like these are massive Pistons did you notice that no that jump was really bad it wasn't anyone in here I was looking straight up okay I'm gonna jump right here okay yes straight down straight up don't you notice now right nine high five you didn't have to move oh you're at exactly 12 cuz remember the first one doesn't count okay you're at exactly 12 number four has been unlocked here we are okay so we get o in here this one's normal oh it's gonna get a little bit harder oh oh is this one gonna curve this looks really bad by the way let me see oh this looks horrible okay I think right from where I'm standing is gonna be the best spot Chad alright alright so just watch me up here you do this guys I want you to know that Jets not faking this she really is that skills I would take no you morning wash this well you make it I'll try to help right through here and then oh I got my first death it's gonna get harder and harder to isn't it yes okay I have to get this perfect Hey right here and then dive forward there's no point to do that that holy sword come over here I'm just gonna bow down to you about I'm very very proud of you thank you what's working Maile okay help me oh why don't you find the chest okay first one to find it wins let's go do you think they hid it in something else I mean what if you could hide it in an anvil that'd be kind of cool you don't have money that has to mean something I should get an extra couple point well you can keep that money I'm fine can I deduct some deaths no how much money no keep the money it's all yours okay enjoy that all right awesome I got seven dollars and got three dollar never complete level 5 has been online okay so this wouldn't want us gonna be normal do you think harder than that hormone I'm thinking still okay we run normal where's the water I can't even see it why don't you talk down go and look for us yeah let me know where the water is okay Bono oh I don't know I don't see anything you know it's gonna be really hard to beat the map Curtis as he knows where everything is and where you have to jump down here we can do this I don't oh man this is hard oh there's the water okay I found the water I see in the middle it's gonna be quite difficult okay so I need to stay closer to the middle this time okay this looks really really hard this is only normal oh man I just felt accidentally I just pulled a shad alright this is the one where I am gonna get like tons and tons of these you caused all the colors together right right here I really I'm never gonna get this one this one looks so difficult first try of the day I can't even say that because it says how many times I died this hole right here gives it away this hole yes yes yeah here it's gonna happen right now honestly me either this is normal I'm a little worried for what's to come you're gonna have like a thousand yes supposed to be daddy no it's like really hard all right so let's see we got to find the chest yet if you could find it forever you get some money okay I also get some death deducted okay yeah you get some mm got $2 all right good job to Donna okay this one's completed I am so nervous for the next one now me too number six has been unlocked you think it's still normal or do you think it's getting old it's gonna be like somewhat hard or something hard okay so how do we know which one to jump into is there like a hint or something because they're all look like lava to me see how this is like the Creator is able to beat in 12 she knows what's fun to jump in there let's jump down in this way okay let me know how that goes that was okay so I'm gonna try this one now sorry I'm gonna try this one that's not the right one either either was the one I jumped into let's meet up right this has to be it there's gonna be like 50 more after this yes okay then don't do that ow at least we know which one to jump in I'm just gonna go completely randomly okay watch this and then okay oh it's gonna have it out so which one is it it's this one right you know and yeah okay this one right here and then it's not that one how do you go in another one it's so impossible even possible okay I've got this watch this I think I have a strategy now I have watch it okay so what I need to do is be like way over here and then start running this way after I dropped like right now okay how works really good wait no I got it look we have the same test right now I'm not talking to you think that was gonna have I don't believe it's possible all right dudes this is completely impossible I try this 40 times and not once could I get to the next one near it and you're really good at dropper maps too like I'm not even that bad seriously check this out I'm gonna do this perfectly and see if we could land in one of the other ones do it okay so right in the corner right and then still not enough time it needs to be a little bit lower like they made it so incredibly I'm guessing it probably is possible if you're a ninja or Chuck Norris maybe it's what if oh my god what if it was behind this oh that would be so evil that would be so insane what do we do though I'm trying to find my secret way come on in the temperatures just rough okay so here's what we decided to do is we actually decide to start from part of the way down because it would be impossible I'm not wasting the rest of my life doing this it's much more fun if we start from down here so we're gonna try to beat it not the right one we have fire resistant so we can enjoy the lava as you do oh I missed it by a half an inch I hear ya we just gotta get in this hole okay it's actually not that easy even from the bottom on its toe can you imagine going through everything and then getting to the bottom and then dying because you couldn't make it into the water I know it would be horrible that's too big oh that was close I got it oh yes yes we totally earned it there's nothing in this house is there another one is your possibly another chance there has to be right to be or do you think it's hole level was it roll like this is impossible to beat so they can never get that chest okay so I just really no money down here I don't think it's an empty chest I like licked under everything just evil unless we can get underneath the lava I really see nothing I think they're really for oh there's a chest underneath the chest yeah yeah yeah we've got the money let's get out of here hey if that's hard what is it I don't even want to know like I want to beat the map for you guys but I also don't want to you know hurt myself mentally okay okay this is gonna be yeah it looks like clouds it doesn't look that bad I mean the other one was just ridiculous all right just go down from the side so you can see jokes down from the side so you can see exactly yeah I'm gonna do it okay oh so we have to go through a hole there's an octopus oh this is like after the map creator that's kind of cool yeah I'm gonna go right here and then there's four holes Jen do we have to get through so okay so not near the middle and we hope that we can make it through this one without pulling our hair out all right you're starting to okay yes Oh where's the water okay the water's in the middle after you get through all of it I believe in you yes then George yes oh it's really good and then right there followed by oh oh please please please please please please please rise 95 I got this all right dudes we figured out we're showing you to jump through it's right below this cloud right here all right here we go come on right there right Oh count that as you got in the water all right let's just help order ABS fault that's completely the maps Paul please man nothing wrong I did that perfect that was the best thing I've ever seen in my life right there right there right there high-five puffy I love you all oh my god okay so they said critique the map it's too hard a lot like the one that was considered bike you know pretty hard should have been the hardest one up so what I was considered very easy I think you should make it even easier no that's fine Alberta spine we need to figure out where the chest is now okay so where is it how do we even know maybe one of these little fishies are hiding it in the butt you think probably it's always always in the butts oh let me check down here there's nothing oh man how long do you think that took um I'm saying about 20 minutes to be this level it was so hard guys ridiculously hard wearing a crown this is the king the king of thieves she's probably in the king oh my god it's it's fine wait really it actually is in the Kings bunch we on it awesome the map is really good it's just like where - oh there's not many people they could beat these levels okay so we onto nine and then ten okay eleven oh no it's like maybe the lemon will just be like a fun one where you just go down very hard very very high heat levels like this we have to switch between alright I'm gonna beat it though right now try you got this okay how does he do it I just have to do it right this is like a train full I train I'm a training all dancers no day okay all you got to do is just go like this and then lay battle-ax man yes yes there we go dudes let's do this let me stroke around oh I need to stay closer that's how you sweep sweeping oh we got to tell her swiftness yeah Taylor Swift in this one your body actually hit me my apologies sir okay just this I know what we need to do I've heard that way too many times no get over here this is a different strategy I want you to UM punch you no no okay I was gonna say you need a Kim Kardashian me off the sign oh I could do that all day who do you smack me you don't have to ask me twice alright try to booty me off this arty booty yes I'm booty too hard the booty was just too much wasn't it do it then are you creative yo oh my god this is happening right now guys I just saw you walk down I just saw you I'm in the water I just saw you walk now see a miracle I mean I don't know how I did it but I did it I saw you walk you saw nothing let me try this give me three more tries melteth you so we cannot be this we cannot be there's no fun if you can't be the level tell I'm telling you guys it just it ruins their self here we you switch it's so hard to make that final switch I just can't do it I can't do it any longer guys I tried so hard I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I can't do it oh my god a hundred times lose my last try it my last try before I go delirious I'm doing this a super delirious good right in there and then I can't do it I can't do it I'm sorry everybody I love you all I just can't do it I can't do it I'm sorry I probably eat any more babbles oh actually you know what no I'm not I'm not doing that yeah I'm gonna go from partially way down okay all right so all right this is the idiom will be closed today I'm doing it from here right there do it from here because it's too much I cannot go I cannot cheat completely I just have to go partially okay so right from here I still won't make this you see this is oh I don't want you to stress out you're gonna be fine okay you're gonna be just fine I don't think I'm ever gonna be okay ever again just so creative oh okay all right yeah get back into survival yep you have to beat the 'final level now all right let's check this out I bet you there's a ladder on the opposite side I can feel it okay I don't see any but there's got to be something here has to be still ding we need to find that chest oh it's inside Oh this is their case oh okay all right so take the staircase to Z top and I'm assuming this is where we're gonna find what we need yes 200 money I really think so okay somebody jump down here okay all right let's do it oh so it was 11 in total I mean 10 I said the wrong number before I don't know why I said that oh great boy died six seven eight okay here we go leveled on let's go he's insane maybe it won't be that bad usually these aren't that bad for me the ones where we just kind of have to avoid the little things we're doing so good let me do the same thing is he okay you're scared it's just so hard to see you know oh and then you go through over there yeah it's probably impossible if it's called insane we're never making this you know that right if it's insane we will never beat this really wanna make it yes yes that means like you beat this I can actually beat this actually do it oh my god I'm I mean I'm probably gonna miss like a thousand times in a row now but this means this is beatable frog it's much more fun to watch than to try yeah I'm sure it is I cannot believe we did it I cannot believe it guys good job so we need to do some parkour to actually get up here can you teleport to me because I am NOT failing this abuse yeah okay I'm sorry I can't help my booty is so juicy I was gonna say so juicy okay I'm gonna teleport you and I'm gonna make this jump so that we can get to that chest oh yes doing good yes yes and then okay let's jump off the whole thing and no don't tell me that I need to jump for it cuz now just be really mean you can't reach it I got it yes let me out of here let's go okay we have one final we'll have a laugh like a boss or something we have to fight well maybe this is maybe this is the boss level right here where do we buy where do we spend our money okay never mind it must be after this level it's insane again oh do you see this do you see this it's just a beautiful level too isn't it yes it's so evil so beautiful just like you I look just like this ever beautiful just because I look like this yeah evil alright here we go we got to do this wait that was really good it was not good no you were going at it for Lego a good five second who I was it I did better on my first ride in that try huh this is so hard this is so curtain credibly hard no easy it's super easy oh maybe he's so easy do this anymore this is my last try if I make it out yay if I don't make it ten hey I told me alright okay okay I'm gonna go let's do this go to creative with me we're gonna see how many times we bang our body on the way down okay so let's see you do this I'm seriously okay one tear start ever okay here we go I really want to do my best how far down is three times four times okay five times six seven times well that was a cemetery oh okay I'm making my choice from here okay I paid myself seven types of the way down they made it way too hard oh that tickles hehe what sauce even I say that tickles hehe I mean I'm so sorry guys I'm so sorry that we had to cheat but I want the video to be good for you guys and I will go crazy as well cool the levels were all of them it was just an intuitive yeah a little bit like what I said a little bit I mean like way way too hard it was really amazing at the beginning but then it just got painful by this point but what we need to do is we need to find we need to find this chest yeah no sorry I'm getting distracted you're just tickling everybody aren't you I wonder if it's in one of the holes or something maybe oh it is got the money let's get outta here let's fight this boss okay let's go okay so what happens just gonna bring someone to level completes dark very dark what's happening right-click for celebrations authority to be able to buy stuff continue to the arena okay how do we do this oh the sign popped up right here okay so to the arena we have money so right click for villager okay okay hello Frank okay so we need to buy some goods up how much money do you know that's yours because we're we fighting each other oh yeah alright so that's just about whatever you like okay I should probably get out of creative yeah please get out of creative you cheater I wanna buy the expensive stuff ooh weapon first probably okay so the good weapon is three it's got sharp nice five on it like a beast okay I'm gonna buy the weapon first let me Frank doesn't want to talk to me oh is it cuz you're talking to it yeah I'm busy right now me and Frank are having a conversation okay everything it is three I will buy and then it'll be your turn to buy whatever you want Porsche ed since I don't you know this you can have five extra actually want me to just buy you a couple things with that yes please alright so I am gonna buy you the weapon so you can have that okay and I'll just give you the other two because most of these costs three for the good one okay so take that and also take this amazing weapon you do not need a weapon thank you okay so I've got everything I need I have seven dollars dispensed okay so it says boss fight it right-click do you think it's gonna be like impossible yes I have a feeling it's gonna be like impossible to kill this dude so get everything good but you can yes spend three when you can't cuz if three ones are much better this one and you have a wife it already so don't accidentally buy two weapons okay should I start the boss fight right now so fine no don't do it you used to be like Bob I said that feelings cause I want nice I want an ice chest play a nice like so I'm just gonna go no boots alright no boots do this alright going in okay here we go alright so are you ready for this oh it's Dumbo remember Jen that we are in 1.10 he's dead I killed him sorta tax I was gonna say I always forget to do that I know you smadi's never gonna do it because that's what I do in every every game that I ever play I like to spare me this what is my thing especially the wow it's like I know it like when you're jumping you even spam broom it is what I do alright you want to battle me now okay three do you want go I don't like fighting slow I'm sorry this is the new thing oh and you are down it is over guys so click me to go back and bring us back to oh we're back in the map area now yeah alright dude I hope you enjoyed this one more than I did I gotta tell you I loved the first half of the map but once we hit that lava part I'm just 100% honesty I was in pain I was in pain I wanted to finish it running down nothing we tried our best for you dudes on this one I hope you enjoyed it my own suggestion to the map traders to make it a little bit easier next time but the map itself looked really good very well made but yeah it is there will be a link down below you try this out tell me if you could be every level if you can't you are a complete boss just bow down right now bow down to you we will bow down to every one of you it can be this map but I'm the ideas hope you enjoyed the video if you did subscribe to our YouTube channel so leave a comment down below saying you subscribe and I'll comment to as many of you as I possibly can it wasn't sorry we had to cheat a little bit in this one but we tried our best and we'll see talking about oh never never never happens you never happy never never alright bye everybody you guys [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 11,175,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, mini-games, mini games, mods, mod, trolling, parody, videos, animation, popularmmos, building, funny, moments, gamingwithjen, lets play, new, roleplay, survival, tutorial, xbox, xbox 360, showcase, custom, map, adventure, games, game, villager, house, traps, modded, biome, i cheated, dropper, the dropper, 1.10, 1.11, cheating, rainbow, hard, impossible, crazy, insane, epic, modded mini-game, minecraft mods, custom map, minecraft challenge, minecraft the dropper, bad, crying, mining, ore, daimonds, emeralds
Id: rQKmH5tH3Gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 9sec (1869 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2017
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