Minecraft Hermitcraft Season 6 Ep. 92- Hermitcraft at War!

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This is beautiful. CubFan has followed in the footsteps of many great war profiteers before him, and in the true spirit of the Milo Minderbinders of the world, realized that the only way to truly win a war is to be on the team that sells the weapons to everyone else.

What's good for ConCorp is good for everyone!

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/MC-noob 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

It had to be done! This was the first war video I watched, and I loved seeing Cub's POV!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/MathgirlJK 📅︎︎ Jan 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
ladies and gentlemen welcome back to Herman Kraft last time we built up the satellite here with the new beam coming from the drones I hadn't right into the satellite courtesy of the immortal ender crystal sitting inside that satellite that's the key to this whole operation and we also have ourselves a satellite dish some radio towers and we also did some construction down underneath the Conn Corp Corp Industrial Plaza here and we have some real-time monitoring via our drones right now but it turns out as we saw at the end of last episode not much is going on at the battlefield right now guys there is definitely sort of a cold war going on and yeah we want to try and change that because right now for those of you guys keeping score right now in terms of you know kills in the war the score currently stands G team zero star team zero con Corp - because you know we killed green with the TNT trip and then false actually died in the war store recently when she was purchasing some some items so somehow con Corp is actually winning a war which we are not involved in I guess part of that is that con Corp is not involved in the ceasefire so the rules of the ceasefire don't really apply to us that's why we were not at the ceasefire Konica the policy of con Corp is not to engage in a ceasefire it's to end them and that is what we are going to try and do today guys we're gonna try and end a ceasefire we got to play some mind games with the other Hermits we got to set some traps up at the other Hermits bases you know we got we gotta get this war going we have got to get this war gone because this build-up to the war this has been this is going on a month now this is insane there's there's a war with no fighting how is that even possible how is that even possible so we're gonna try and fix that today guys we're gonna try and fix that today also I realize now I've been spending some time in this area you know getting the crystal in place getting the the satellites dish in place the radio tower in place I'm guessing that this thing over here has prop yeah yep yeah we got we got an issue here we got to clear this out so what I'm going to do here I'm just gonna craft up some dried kill blocks here we'll put some of these in the super smelter and some into the furnace array we have right above us here and so yeah once what I'm done with this we're gonna head on over to the battlefield and we're gonna try and instigate this cold war into one that is red-hot step one in our quest to igniting the Civil War psychological warfare so check it out check it out this is what we're gonna do here guys so we got an armor stand right or a couple armor stands and this is cool you know we could we could maybe do some stuff with this but we have a data pack on hermit crafts that allows us to manipulate armor stand in certain ways so like for instance if I go in here and I say make the stand invisible the stand is now invisible if I wanted to make it visible again boom there we go so we can manipulate armor stands and one of the things we can do we just grab a nametag let's say let's say we were in the star base and we wanted to fake star team out to think make them think that Green was in their base all we got to do name this name tag Green put it on the armor stand we then say display name yes and there we go and we'll also turn this invisible there we go and suddenly green is inside the star team base so we can do this for a bunch of different players and make the other team think that's some of the members of the team are actually working in their base so I think this is a good psychological warfare trick you know they get there and they're just so terrible disappointed there's nothing nothing there except maybe maybe a couple TNT or something we could maybe maybe do that I put some TNT right next to it Green is now to toll block of TNT that's awesome so yeah I think we're going to do that for the G team and the star team you know shake them up a little bit get them a little bit rattled and that should hopefully yea increase the likelihood of war alright guys we are currently invisible we're gonna try and go to the star team first so we're going to go past the superweapon here I think the first one we're going to put inside of impulses gas cannon now I think this is pretty safe here and I think I can actually dig into the floor at this point Yeah right here so what we're gonna do we're gonna dig down three blocks or so and we're going to see if I can put down a torch in here there we go I'm gonna put down an armor stand right here we'll call this one call this one Joe Hill says they're weak oh no but can't reach it we can't reach it got to go down a little further Joe Hill says there we go let's go down just a little bit further here and we got to get out our statues vie to stand VIP stand visible no and displayname yes there we go Joe Hill says is now in there let's also put down you know just just a couple TMT they can find there we go Joe Hill says is now underneath of the gas cannon there we go that should definitely definitely freak him out a little bit definitely freaked them out a little bit okay let's do some more I'm gonna do some more here and then we'll head over to the G team base all right guys making our way over to the G team base Khan Corp drones are looking out for us high above here now we have to be a little bit careful because iskele is actually on and he is planned and he's probably somewhere in this G team base for real I don't see his name tag at the moment though but he's got to be in the vicinity so we're gonna keep our invisibility and our night-vision on and we're gonna see if we can put down some of these armor stands and name him while he's in the base I'm thinking probably down below is gonna be the way to go look at that he's that guy that got traps in here in some spots there's a button here I don't know if I want to press this though or not ah let's see let's let's put one let's put one maybe over here just looking around I don't see anybody I'm going for it yeah right here should be perfect spot yeah right here and maybe downwards a little bit yeah right here so that down gonna name this will name this Asuma because he's actually Ellen there we go and then stand visible no display name yes there we go okay I'll put some TNT there cover it up there we go Asuma is now in G team base haha that's gonna freak him out that's gonna freak him out I guarantee it so guys the psychological trap has been the sets we got all team members from both sides now hanging out at the opposite team's base so you can see a couple there's one right there there's one right there so you can see a couple names through the floor here which is fantastic so yeah hopefully that will intimidate them psychologically a little bit and lead to a hot war very soon all right ladies and gentlemen so we're now back at this so-called battlefield so-called because there hasn't been a battle here yet and we're trying to change that and so I think we're now going to move from psychological warfare to actual warfare so thinking about you know where traps are locating things we want to keep people in this area right here because this is where a lot of the the traps and a lot of the weapons and things are sort of aimed in this general vicinity now we got the cache cannon we got ducks arrow barrage right there we got some laser beam things here we got some fire charge arrays here we got some special weapons still hidden we got a lava field we want to keep people in this area so to that end you might be able to see it right over there I've actually put in living turrets I've put in skeletons with pretty extreme armor actually quite extreme armor and yeah let me just get out real quickly here a couple of things that I've been preparing I'm gonna get out of posting some potions of instant damage here and so if we make our way over here you'll see in these pill boxes here in these pill boxes we have skeletons and these skeletons will yeah shoot players from a protected position and we want to throw in that potion of instant damage here to heal this guy there we go perfect and yeah he doesn't do too much damage I wanted to actually give them the power 5 boson hear these things power 5 in flambo's but they already had enchanted weapons so we'll save those for other other areas and other other mobs in the near future but yeah I just want to show you guys these so we got some bunkers some pillbox bunkers with some skeletons in there and this guy is actually if we get up close here may be able to see this yeah Khan Corp crew number 2 and then of course we have the concorde crew number one over here i think this guy is a pretty big range too but the reason we have this guy here in the first place is essentially because we want to you know funnel people in here we don't want people back here like hiding behind the tree during battle it's like if you're hiding here you know we want it to be you want you want there to be a threat to move people out of this area so they can't hide that way people are out here they're actively dying on the battlefield which means ultimately ultimately more sales for us at the war store that's why we're doing this and let me just show you the other one here I can traverse this minefield that Joe Hills has set up so make a way down here this dude does essentially the same thing so if somebody is somewhat nearby see this guy his name Khan Corp crew number one and yeah he does the same thing he pushes people away here and if they're in the I think he can also shoot people like in the maybe not maybe you can't shoot people over here I don't know but we have them in there just in case you know if somebody drops down here they're gonna have a bad time in this in this very short area I guess but yeah we added those and yeah now we want to add a few more small things so for instance if we make our way over here we're gonna make a little bit of a trap here this is gonna be like the world's smallest trap basically but it should be a good one all right guys so here's how you make an incredibly effective trap so first of all we're gonna go ahead and dig down one block here we've already dug a hole out here and we're gonna place down some TNT somewhere below here like right here on this level let's say so there we go there's our TNT down now we're gonna place some sand right above this then we're gonna place some redstone right here all along there and then we're just going to place some sand right on top of this and now the the trap is basically done all we need now are some pressure plates right here so then all you got to do is put your pressure plate on this bit right here so I'm just going to fill in this and we're gonna put our pressure plate right there and that trap is now set so now if anything touches that trap that's gonna cause the sand to fall the TNT too full and the player will be stuck in there presumably and end up yeah die in to the TNT after they fall down so that is a really effective trap you can also make that into like a 1x1 or what have you here so I'm gonna put maybe another one or two over here maybe a few up a few more around here as well but yeah that should be a pretty fun trip to see people activate so yeah that'll be pretty cool I think right here is another good spot for one so yeah I'm gonna go and make another one probably here and then probably a few others around the area so I'm gonna do that and I'll be back so there we go guys couple more traps man place down throughout the battlefield and of course we have the mobs and the psychological warfare that has already been waged just whoops gotta watch out for that drone I'm now we're gonna do we're gonna go into the store the war store and see if we made any profits which hopefully we have so if we go ahead and head on in okay we are worthy we are worthy okay fantastic I was a little bit worried a little bit worried all right let's see if we any sales in here we'd have yes okay fantastic fire charge sales some TNT sales that's what we like to see no course fruits some cobweb sales very good very good I have to restock go soon no end of crystals some tipped arrows very nice so quite a few sales there some people have taken some heads ah very good I wonder whose head that that was who was missing here who is missing here is it Asuma asuma's heads have been taken and one of Cleo's head and one of my head apparently nice good very good very good very good let's see anything else sell here any potions yeah okay sold some potions very good very good and let's see anything else no looks like we got 17 more diamonds for cotton Corp that is absolutely fantastic let's go ahead and head on out here and we are gonna fly on back hopefully maybe nope not gonna fly on back to Concord right now a little bit too laggy so yeah I'll make my way back to cotton Corp let's put these diamonds away alright so heading back on in to Concord pier and let's just come in for landing here we'll give half of these two scarred here we go Skaar has even more diamonds now and Khan Corp is making tons and tons and tons of profit off this war guys guys guys guys guys I've heard that there supposed to be a meeting between the two teams very shortly over at the battlefield look at all the people on right now I think this is it guys I think this is it I think our plan to instigate war has indeed worked the psychological warfare has indeed perhaps may be worked out I'm just gonna take off some stuff here we're gonna pop a potion of invisibility and slow falling so there we go we can just like slowly approach the battlefield here I think okay I don't see anybody quite yet over here let's just quickly let's go up really high so they can't see us right and then let's just float on down just take this off oh there's TNT on the flag Oh snap okay let's see I might want to put my wings back on temporarily there we go okay and then let's see can we like land here maybe yeah let's land on this land on the drone and there we go yeah sweet okay so we're invisible yeah somebody has put TNT on the ceasefire flag this is perfect this is perfect guys all right let's put let's put away our stuff so nobody can see us up here in case they're looking out the windows I don't see anybody right now at either base they may this may be the calm before the storm guys this may be the calm before the storm well let's wait around here for a little bit and see if anybody shows up oh my god oh my god oh my god they are by the flag I could blow it up right now guys we could blow it up right now and start this war oh I so want to still invisible right now I want to wait for the other team know if they're coming because we want to have both teams so they'll blame each other for the war starting because neither side I think wants to start this war yeah they're sending out some delegates they are sending out some delegates for sure Oh Mike this is exciting this is I was just gonna this gonna be a little skirmish here oh that yep there's somebody aiming a bow oh baby this is it this is more important question is what are you guys wearing power power rangers marching band I don't want a team thoughts about this you know because growing up this base is like a whole season's worth of work put in in here so you know come on the color in your base guys yes flexing in the mirror on a Friday night [Laughter] yeah they're gonna blame each other [Laughter] perfect we did it guys we did it ladies and gentlemen the ceasefire flag is now down the war is about to begin we're still invisible we've still got slow falling on both teams retreated to their respective bases also that drone up there took one for the team so one of our drones is down drone number drone number three right over to ceasefire flag is now down but that's a small price to pay I think that yeah I think that we do have we did have some collateral damage here but members of both teams died so I think that yeah I think that each team will probably blame each other for hiring con Corp to perform a drone assassination I think that's what I think that is a that's a good cover that's a good cover don't tell anybody we were actually instigating the war guys don't tell anybody it was totally we were totally hi ever by the other side that is what happened period end of story all right guys the tension is high here I got to stay I got to stay hidden got some more invisibility potions on me right here yeah okay good we're good all right so let's try and stay as hidden as possible while trying to see what happens here in this war oh I see gas fireballs being shot gas fireballs are being shot over 2g team base yep look at that look at that beautiful beautiful that is exactly what we wanted to see let's check our okay let's check our invisibility we're good I'm gonna go down here I think we can get a closer look here look at the oh look at the damage yes this is exactly what we wanted guys this is exactly what we wanted oh look at that look at that right at the G oh my god this is this is glorious this is glorious doesn't look like they're doing too much damage but I'm sure there's a lot of damage up there I can't I can't really see I don't really have Optifine so I can't really take a look Oh low line or look out oh man right to the foliage look out look out oh somebody got hit somebody got hit was that that was Zombie Cleo oh snap I can hear that one gotta be a little careful here oh man Oh deflection deflection that was impressive that was impressive is that a skull in there I think that's this call oh wow another one all right back at him look at return to sender oh man that was nice oh I just saw wow that was a deflected fireball man that must have done some damage over here that had to do damage what's going on over here okay there's Mambo Mambo is doing something oh snap oh my god what is going on oh my god oh my God look at all these zombies what are all these zombies doing here they're all chasing false oh my god there's literally a zombie invasion going on here what is happening oh my goodness they all have green heads and zombie clio heads there's fireballs still going out oh man this is this is nuts this is exactly what we wanted guys we did it we did it look at that stress monsters one of them Koreans one of them oh man fireballs and flame going everywhere absolutely perfect I'm glad I have this invisibility otherwise I would probably be getting destroyed right now yeah look at this store team is in total disarray mumbos even helping out I guess that's mumble one star team confirmed perhaps maybe I don't know I don't know oh man looks like two team is on the offensive right now doc sort of surveying the area he's he's contemplating if he's gonna fire the super weapon he's contemplative big is gonna fire a super weapon oh man oh man all right looks like we got Wells impulse is still trying to hit people on horses out there that's craziness I've got some arrows coming in we got to be a little careful here we don't to get get hit it's like collateral damage here how's our invisibility doing okay we got five minutes and visibility left man that gas can in this pretty intense man Wow Oh duck oh it's not going down Doc's going down he's gonna fire it he's gonna fire the super weapon guys he is going to fire it let's let's stand back this is a pretty significant thing so let's stand back here a little bit and we got out we got to eat as well let's just eat on the sidelines total mayhem is broken out here on hermit craft this is fantastic guys this is what we wanted to see oh I hear lasers I do hear lasers snap son definitely lasers there's Jevon Jevon trying to shoot some arrows across there hope he's gonna be hit with the fireball look out oh and pulse with the closed Miss I think that's impulse up there might be tango might be tango I'm getting ready for the super weapon to fire guys the super weapons gonna be intense oh man so intense oh there it went there it went super weapon has fired haha dang oh man I don't know if this is we'll see if it landed we'll see if it landed there I wonder if anybody's had any traps over here a lot of fire a lot a lot of destruction as well got to be careful of our oh there's been some damage here to our our skeleton trap a little bit oh man look at all the TMT look at all the TNT being put down as a defensive barrier against the gas fireball somebody's on fire going into the river nice nice ma it looks like the panelists kind of shifted a little bit let's make our way down this way you don't want to be caught out here with that invisibility we got three minutes left oh snap oh my god oh look out I'm backing up I'm backing up I am backing up nice somebody I think somebody wants to hit all that TNT with the yeah well with the gas cannon very nice very nice looks like the shop has made it the shop is still up all that if City and paid off I believe that's fantastic that's looking good a couple the item frames went down that's fine we can replace those we can replace those oh man still more fireballs coming in yes haha hermit craft at war ladies and gentlemen hermit craft at war oh it's coal trying to stand alone against the gas cannon reflects one backup whoa look out okay I'm a little close here I'm a little close I gotta be a little careful oh it's good oh no it was Jevon it was Jevon look at Jevon down here what a warrior going for the the sneak attack here going for the sneak attack there's arrows flying gas balls coming in look out oh man I thought I thought he got hit right there I thought he got hit that was close that was close got to back up a little bit further back up a little bit further minute 57 left on the invisibility man this is getting intense Oh somebody hit whoever was in the tower oh man that is intense look at oh man look at all these look at all these fire charges coming in from the right side look out anti gas defenses coming in tango Tech in the control room up there geez what a what a guy look at that anti gas defenses man that is impressive that is impressive minute 28 left on this okay we got a got to be very careful here Javon is getting kind of close he's gonna be targeted got some guys with arrows shooting up there oh look out here comes the fireball Oh Jevon almost got hit there very close very close okay it might be time for us to make our escape guys Oh deflected fireball look out another deflected fireball oh man Jenna's doing a great job here man people are getting blasted with lasers on this over there it's getting dark there's cats running around crazy oh my goodness what is even happening right now Wow holy smokes this is a lot of okay we got a there's a sumo you doesn't see us oh I picked up an air on my bed my bed let's just uh back off there's the first kill zombie Cleo chef I assume ax very nice we got 45 seconds of dirt of invisibility left oh my goodness this is nuts total insanity total total chaos here on the hammer craft server look at all this fire so much fire so much fire holy smokes yeah there's people way over there there's TNT going off look at that oh man look out fire and return fire oh my goodness laser beam defensive this seems to be pretty effective I have to say twenty four seconds okay time for us to bail guys we did it we did it herma craft that wore perma craft that ward ladies and gentlemen there we go I would take a screenshot of this and we got it we got it we got a bale guys we got a bale our invisibility is gonna wear off so let's grab this boat here which I placed for just such an occasion and we will leave this chaotic battlefield this chaotic scene here on hermit craft and live to fight another day we did it guys the war has started farewell Hermits good luck ladies and gentlemen as I looked down upon Khan Corp on this glorious day here on hermitcraft I must say I feel grateful grateful to the community for allowing this to occur for not spilling the secrets of Khan Corp and the plan behind our madness and also grateful to Captain Jack who came up with the idea in the first place to instigate a civil war Thank You Captain Jack thank you so much also I'm filled with hope the hope that one day the vaults of Khan Corp will be filled to the brim with diamonds so many diamonds that the world will never be the same we're willing our way right now we've made over a thousand diamonds and profit but still I feel with this battle with this war with this chaos and anarchy and mayhem this server we can do better and we will do better because we're con Corp and I must say that battle although fun is not something one considers when balancing a server it did put a smile on my face it did indeed as I said in the beginning of this episode it is not the policy of con Corp to engage in a ceasefire it is the policy of con Corp to end a ceasefire and that is exactly what we have done today ladies and gentlemen from where the Sun now stands Khan Corp will fight no more and instead have the other Hermits do that for us but they will pay us for that privilege as for the future of Khan Corp it self I feel the future of Khan Corp is one of unlimited possibilities incredible profits and for the first time ever the workers and employees here at Khan Corp can look upon the sunrise and know that it is a Sun which is rising over a server and total chaos thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed this video please leave a like if you dislike this video also please leave a like anyway thank you so much for watching once again this has been come goodbye [Music]
Channel: cubfan135
Views: 139,813
Rating: 4.9294753 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Hermitcraft, cubfan135, cubfan, Hermitcraft Civil War, Civil War, Minecraft let's play, survival minecraft, minecraft traps, G-Team, STAR Team, Con Corp, ConVex, Diamonds, War Store, episode 92, vanilla minecraft, ghast cannon, tnt, explosions, drone, drone minecraft, Hermitcraft 6, Hermitcraft season 6, war, battle minecraft, vex, Hermitcraft server, fire charges, potions, zombie invasion, invisibility, slow falling, tridents, minecraft 1.13, update aquatic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 48sec (1908 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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