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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey what's going on dudes it's pat and welcome back to minecraft for tonight guys so today we are on one of the most famous Maps of all time this is the kitchen level from the original dropper that was made six years ago wait oh my god laughs so today news we are playing for tonight on this map we're gonna be dropping down from the battle boss and really fighting in the kitchen this is a bathroom pretty sure itself it's a bathroom okay so yeah we're gonna be jumping down we're playing this lake for at night we will go down there is goings everywhere all kinds of cool items that are normally in for tonight are in this map we will fight to the death me against Jett and of course in this chest we have a parachute so you go down from the battle bus and we could break any blocks we want so of course we can build forts to try to protect ourselves I know Jenni's been on a streak lately dudes but I'm taking her out today if you're new to the channel be sure to smash that subscribe button you will not see fort and I like this on any other channel and also leave a comment down below right down here I'll be reply to a bunch you guys we appreciate the amazing support on the channel yes we love you so much and one second news before we start I did want to mention jen has shirts out from her collection so if you like really cute girly things there will be a link down below to ginger storm alright so here we go so it is me again said you have your stuff right yes so are you ready to battle it out ready alright three two one every single episode alright shift we get here I want to go inside the plunger oh yeah do that that's gonna be really helpful for you I think alright let's see oh I think I hit the parachute to do oh did you I love when you do that down in like 20 minutes wait so you're not actually down yet oh man this is so cool the way this is set up weirdest kitchen I've ever seen okay I jumped off I almost died wait so did you just get to the bottom right now oh guys one thing I did want to mention is remember that this game is five rounds so the first person to get three victories is the winner for the day yes all right I'm doing really bad job I can't get anything oh you have really cool happens I can hear in the sound of your booty no I'm doing really terrible what am I gonna do with a guided missile launcher like that's what what would I do with such a thing where is Jen anyway do you see me or something no I wish I did but I don't see you at all but I need to eat food I'm actually hungry some chicken breast to eat oh yeah I've got five breast or a in my hands right now what kind of breast chickens only kind of the map chat sounds really gross or so crazy disgusting so where are you I would like to battle it out pretty soon oh no I found a chest yes if you die in four that you die in four at night before you fall off the ladder I bought water all over the place you can jump down from any of the hind spots without that yeah how dare she wasn't trying to jump off I slipped off when I was climbing copy okay slip off there's a slipping way you don't get on all right we'll just play this round we're gonna play the red out for fun we're gonna start in ten seconds from right now okay all right so countdown okay ten nine eight [Music] change your vibe what's here I hear the thing the missile going off oh I was trying to like guide it towards you I thought that would have been fun that's what happened so don't you worry round one goes to me this thing is so overpowered of beastly but yeah I didn't use the guy who won cuz I couldn't guide on to you because you were hiding so I just used my other one I had a rocket launcher as well that would injure me pretty badly hit me at the blaster rifle - oh I also got off the nuclear death threat I had like the most powerful weapons ever so that's one round don't worry dude it is three wins for the winner so we will be back in a minute alright as we are back for round two and Jed to not fall off the ladders all right I'm a hundred percent right one go here we go let's get this timing perfectly alright so chest this is working out really well will soared up and I'm sound like a good thing wait okay wait things I'm ahead oh yes okay okay yeah put our fix all right put that on how are you doing Jen I mean I just landed right the second oh I already have a multitude of different wonderful things what all right I have one weapon okay wait how do I go down here without dying can I just I'm just gonna jump off oh I think I actually see Jen which is why are you talking we possibly hit you from here that would be like such an amazing shot hey Geoffrey I think I'm wasting my rockets okay yeah you keep trying to do that one of those land near Chad she's like right back there go it's not happening I gotta go alright alright I'm sorry I didn't mean to shoot at you it was an accident but how do I get down from here their part died there should be water I set up water from all the high up spots so you can jump down into the water peacefully okay thank you alright so let's see what else we get yes diamond helmet and slurp juice wait why does that go down here there's nothing in this thing are you in the garbage can I went in to sink oh you were thinkin there's nothing can you possibly know there's nearly no way out remember you can break blocks alright alright gem sounds discouraged at this point I've got some building blocks and she told me exactly where her location is which is nice oh okay alright I've got some building blocks to build a bridge now Oh a bridge what is going on all right so where are you jad melted me I got the laser rifle oh man alright what was your health and I want to see how low you were when I hit you weapon is so weak that I got I got I tried using this sword because it's like a sniper rifle in the weirdest spot right now oh yeah you like broke through the wall yeah I don't know what happened I got some good shots off and this can shoot people from far away super accurately but the problem is it thank you very much damage so real tied one to one and going on to the next round okay guys it is all tied up and I decided that we should each have shears because I realized that none of the blocks are like anything became breaking this map it's all wall I know I was using my shovel and I could I probably would have killed you if he had she is but it's okay all right so it's one-to-one are you ready for this ready all right three yeah one go straight down mmm let's go wait you are are you in the air still right why should you already shooting at me Oh for some reason it's like not showing you up properly until you get down to heat when it's ours this unnie get more stuff oh this is better wait are you um are you around Oh Jan is so trap oh no wait she's got something oh my god halfway down with that one shot of the chainsaw you almost killed me with it imagine if I die from the chainsaw perfect oh oh you're like I get one thing all right so it's two to one but don't worry guys we have two more rounds to win yeah you have to win the next two rounds to win let's do this I gotta tell you guys I love this game so much - more than actual fortnight I got bored a fortnight so quick but I just so much more fun we have the coolest guns it'll like evaporate people when you shoot with them and fortnight alright so right now I'm up to one though right yes so if I win this round it is over okay are you alright I think I know where I want to oh my god you died from your thing did you remember to use it I remember you can still use it if you do that because we've done that before that was really strange now I can't go there you're over there alright well at least you won't die right at the beginning so that's probably what would have happened blaghhh oh it is okay so I was afraid I was gonna die again in where you never you look really high up gotta see if it I can't shoot you cuz up your somebody's you can't shoot someone it's on it wait here we go be slow can you go faster that's cuz you put it at such a weird spot oh alright Jen's doing really well from the looks of it no I want to get a really nice fork going because we haven't had a nice fort going yet we're doing some nice armor I wanna get all the good stuff yeah okay she sounds really sure of herself right now we got here boom let's grab that at 16 blocks at her shoes I have to win this there's just no other way alright okay I see you Rach can go I need to win alright I see you I'm actually gonna show you right now so go up that ladder wait a long ladder I don't know if I have anything they can actually reach anyways wait I'm gonna see if I do we can't Oh none of these can reach you had no idea if they could you were just hoping that none of them could I don't have any long-range rocket Oh slurp juice yes alright grab that let's get rid of that put that right there diamond I'm four years by hole and my whole body has armor on it right now Chad how much already you have there is no emerald so I know you're lying Oh diamonds I meant to say you can't I have the diamond helmet there's only one sack okay alright where are you because I don't know why do you want to know so badly are you on a towel no why would you think can I reach it's so inaccurate from this far away I can't reach you all right I have a lot of ammo luckily for this so I guess I'll continue I'm shooting for the rest of my life you just jump off the whole thing complete boss I know it was beautiful here we go here alright so I want to do this like ninja knows I've been watching these streams and I just want I want to be like oh yeah building the fort it's gonna win me this match today jad I might even for rush you Oh what does that mean it's what you like bill the fort as you're running at the first Minecraft it's probably impossible to do that where is this woman okay right now let me get some chicken breasts in my head oh yeah I'm eating them try to get my hunger back off all right let me just grab some of these I just realized you can't grab any of the blocks for the map but I don't know why okay the blocks are on set not to draw alright where are you gonna fight me soon I'm trying to gather materials before I come fight you ready actually I need a win all right dear do so beautifully - oh no yes wait do these reach these would go very far I'm realizing right now hello hello what are you doing what are you doing how am I miss it where's that thing going really far behind me by the way who's gonna point that out or just getting closer this is my chance how is this miss every sickle should I keep this weapon so much I'm shot like a hundred times a bit oh here we go be good all right we both have our forts on I don't know what's happening wait those are perfect Danny how come he's hit reach you all right I just have to go for it oh my god wait what's gonna happen oh my god oh that was such a tense mass oh you can feel it when we started getting into like our forts we both couldn't even speak like okay now see I always wonder when I watch like one of those four night people Street may never talk the whole time it's because the focus they're like they want the people's like five million people watching it may seem weird that I actually watch all right that is right we've got one more round to go that was extremely close insane match and let's do this alright dudes we're on to the final round of me against Jen and I switch the game rule so now when we use our shears on the ground we can gather tons and tons of wool to build a fort west okay ready all right you know ready to drop yes all right fine go right now here we go dudes all right I know it give you a big disadvantage when you go down so slow yeah I know I'm really bad at like timing it right Jen just cheated I saw she looked at my screen oh you looked at my screen to see where I was okay yeah I am dad are you down yet yes I am okay crab fish crab yeah I'm getting some really amazing items just so you know all right I've got a Thompson submachine gun just so you know what nothing special at all you sound like so upset by it too how could you have a Thompson submachine gun that is like the best thing in the bar all right what is this or this is the thing that failed me last I'm the stupid infiltrator weapon didn't work at all when I tried fishing where she where is she where she I don't know yes I'm nervous wait are you high up no oh is that what's going on you're high up and that's why I'm so nervous I feel like I'm gonna puke I'm literally in a really bad spot right now wait where's Jeff's name tags am i dude what happened to me my mouse actually hit my screen shoot with my mouse air boy I tried to sneak out the back and then once I snuck out the back ready to shoot you then you shot me it scared me my mouse went flying literally through the air but you know what Jen you got lucky because I would have taken you out like oh well you know what today it was a win for me which I'm pretty new at least can you give me some credit please oh my god upon today I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did definitely subscribe to our YouTube channel that would be awesome we hope you guys have an epic day and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 6,000,683
Rating: 4.843317 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, mini-games, mini games, mods, mod, trolling, parody, videos, animation, popularmmos, building, funny, moments, gamingwithjen, lets play, new, roleplay, survival, tutorial, xbox, xbox 360, showcase, custom, map, adventure, games, game, villager, house, traps, modded, biome, fortnite, battle, royale, fortnite battle royale, minecraft fortnite, minecraft fortnite battle royale, guns, fort, weapon, armor, items, giant, bathroom, custom map, vs, bus, shower, sink, trash can, structures, rocket
Id: Co_GXvmRius
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 10 2018
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